Adventures in Furapolis Chapter 1

Story by Yorgy on SoFurry

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#1 of Adventures in Furapolis

Adventures in Furopolis

Part 1: Moving in

This is an adult story; don't read if yiffy things upset you!

"Life is not a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in a pretty and well preserved body, but rather to skid in broadside, thoroughly used up, totally worn out, and loudly proclaiming -- WOW -- What a Ride!"

Lights whizzed by a fast moving car, traveling at least 70 mph Yorgy a Russian/Irish Black Dragon, being 6" 2' anthro dragon I rarely ever got avoided much to my dismay, zipped by in his POS jeep. I was moving into Furopolis on of the largest fur cities here. He only had what he could fit in the jeep, which has his cameras, his clothes and a few personal items. He had about 475 dollars in his pocket and another 300 in his suitcase and some in the bank. Just a little over 2000 dollars, that should let me get an apartment and hopefully I'll get a job, he thought. More or less I was moving here for a mate, being alone most of my life I need someone to hold, someone that really cares. I slowed as the city sign came up.

"Welcome to Furopolis! The happiest city in the world!" I read.

Starring at the Metropolis I sighed and looked at the large skyscrapers and saw opportunity, happiness, looking behind him he saw his past creeping up on him. Clutching my chest I pulled my special built 9mm biretta and pointed it at the distant road. I fired to shot down the road; the explosion of fire shook birds from their roosts. Smiling at myself I got in and drove into the city, unknowing to myself my past was following me.

I speed up slowly, the sun bearing down on my black scales, I drove until I saw a large white building, The Lobby. Pulling into an open lot and looking at the large construction I walked in side. It's high ceiling made me feel small and weak. Feeling out of place wearing my Russian Conscript gear and my hat. My boots clomped as I walked into the main hall the white

"Well Here I go" I tried to reassure my self

Walking inside the room, which was populated by several furs sitting on beans bags and couches. I walked up slowly to the counter, wearing my heavy Russian soldier trench coat, the person at the desk looked at me bewildered.

"Yes? Newcomer?" She smiled

"I wish to register into the city and have a apartment." I looked at her, eyeing her up but deciding against trying anything with her... after all I was new here.

"Yes... you'll have to fill this out" she handed him a large data pad. I had wondered what they were it seem like everybody had them now I was a proud owner, but they were nothing special all they did was hold Typical info name, job what not. I filled it out and handed it back to the receptionist.

"That'll by 50 dollars and it's 200 a month for the apartment" she smiled

"Okay that'll be good" I gave here the 50 dollars and she handed me a pad with all my info on it.

"This is a info pad, it has all your personal info and a map of the city, it has the ?Whisper Function'" she smiled

"Whisper?" I asked

"Yes, it allows you to ?whisper' to other citizens for your private conversations" She smiled as I took the bad

It had a keyboard and was about the size of a CD case, I held the small pen like object and dialed in ?Lobby'. The device blinked and a list of names came along the side and a small window came up showing all the people in the room, this odd looking ?>>' symbols had appeared along each name I looked around and found a ??' by the names, reading down the list he came across his friend, Trailstoride, or Trails on the small computer. He typed the message ?Hey! Trails I'm at the desk' and pushed the enter button. He heard a beeping sound not to far away as an Anthro Stallion, came around corner smiling. His tan body had a lot of muscles, unlike me; he looked at me through big horse like eyes. He was a just a hair shorter than I with more muscles then I could ever have.

"Sup! Man!" He shook my hand vigorously

"Not much" I looked at him

"How's Russia treating ya?" he smiled

"Like always" I smiled

He laughed and led me to a couch were we sat down and joked for a bit.

"So how's your hunting?" He smiled

"Not so good... no one looking for a draggie like me anymore" I sighed

"Well I'm sure you'll find someone around here, this does happen to be the Yiff capitol of the world" He smiled

"Yeah..." I sighed and looked at the sky

"Hey, talk to Fayde!" he smiled

"Who?" I asked

"Wait" He typed in the device "I'm accessing the PUB" He looked

"The PUB?" I looked

"Yeah... I'll just leave her a message, I told her all about you /though/ she's not looking for a mate and she never will, and she doesn't take yiff dates" He smiled

"Cool I'm just looking for friends" I smiled

"Cool... she'll be glad to be your friend" Trails smirked

"Great" I stretched flexing my wings trying to attract a female, failed, damn.

"Come on I'll show you to the apartment" Trails stood up and walked out

"Okay..." I walked out

The sun beat down on me. My black scales easily absorb the sunlight as I walked out of the Lobby making my way to my dented up jeep. I walked up to the door and opened it, my belonging sitting in the chair.

I silently got into my car and drove to the apartments and I walked to the door. In the center and against the far wall, a large, lush bed resides there, obviously made for many partners, though two could still make good use of it. The bed was covered in white sheets, with red heart shaped pillows against the high wooden headstand. Walked in and sat on the large bed, sighing and trying to keep my cool.

"I'm going out on the town" I looked at the blustering city bellow

Taking my best street close out I walked out the door of my apartment and down the hall, other Fur's were making their way down, it was Friday night at the Yiff capitol of the world. Walking down the hall smiling as a few couples walked bye making me feel even worse, looking down I walked out of the hotel. I walked down the cold streets the cold wind pushing me back. I walked slowly to a near by club using the map on my info pack. It was called the ?Play Room', I walk into the club the music was surprisingly low. The atmosphere was quite the opposite of the rowdy grind happy mad house most clubs are... the place didn't reek of famine hormones or sweet it was more of a relaxed dance if you want if not make some friends kinda club. Between the door and me I spotted only seven chairs they must not need many because of bar serving ice cold drink at you command. Over in the darker sides furs were talking having a grand time while I brushed right into the room. I waltzed into the bar area and say a lonely Draco female at the bar, perfect a thought came into my mind. Forcing it out I walked up to her. She was slender like most Draco's and she had gray scales and black stripes all along her body. Looking lower I saw to medium breasts and her tight cloths didn't help hide her cleavage, smiling at me she offered a seat.

"Hello" She smiled

"Um... Um... H... Hi" I blushed

"Never talked to a Female before?" She smiled

"Y... Ye... Uh huh" I blushed more

"Well I'm Eva" Holding out her hand

"Y... Yorgy..." I shook her hand

"You silly boy, I know about you, your that conscript soldier during invasion that single handily took out that Allied outpost" She smiled "You a war hero on both sides" She leaned over to his ear.

I felt her long slender reptilian tongue trace along my ear shivers erupted all across my body I grew warm as she continued to lick along my ears. I felt her hand move across my back electing more shivers from me. She smiled and rubbed more and put one of her soft-scaled hands on my chest rubbing it slowly in downward circles, closer and closer to my crotch. I felt my pants tenting and I looked to see the large bulge forming.

"Excited?" She said teasingly

"Ye... Yeah..." I tried to smile

She drifted even slower to my crotch my breaths coming in gasps. The smell over her eager sex reached my nostrils driving my member to stand painfully erect, my bulging pants begged to be noticed. She smiled and blushed slightly making sure no one saw her tempting me in a place were it is more or less, illegal. She smiled and took hold of my arms pulling me into the back hall. It wasn't much, just a black hall with lots of doors on each side. I sniffed and suddenly realized what this place was; the smell was of sex the place almost seemed serenaded in it. Looking around I heard the sounds of people yiffing; I even heard a few rooms with large groups in them. Cursing they're good luck I followed the Draco into a room, where a Fox was sitting on the bed. She Blushed heavily and smiled at me.

"Heya Sonic" she smiled

"Hey Eva, I knew you'd come back here" His voice was calming

"Yeah... this is kinda my normal room to be in when I" she smiled

"Seeing that you've never yiffed" he smiled

Eva blushed heavy and pulled me in.

"This is Sonicboom" She smiled

"Hello Yorgy" He smiled

"I'm Yorgy" I greeted

"I know all about you Yorgy" He smiled

"Oh..." I was kinda in shock about my info being passed around like a cold

"Don't worry I and Eva only know" He smiled

"Good" I smiled weakly

He smiled and patted the bed slowly for me to sit down; complying slowly I sat on the soft bed as Eva sat next to me smiling.

"I met Sonic a long time ago... we close friends" She smiled

"Not that close though" he smiled as she smiled

"Yeah, were not very close" She smiled

"Oh... okay" I smiled

He was a folf or fox wolf mix that has silver blueish fur; his body was covered in muscles that didn't show under his lush fur coat. Sitting next to him I smiled and as Eva leaned against me, nuzzling my neck. I felt her fingers gently entwine mine, as she lay against my side murring happily. I felt one of her hands begin to explore my back, she purred as he hand rubbed along my spinal chord. I gasped slowly as I let her deft hands explore my body, one made it perilously close to my crotch before she pulled out. I panted quietly as she straddled my hips and rubbed my chest. Then slowly little by little her hands found they're to my buldge and slowly unzipped my pants and took my dragon hood into her soft warm hands. Her gentle strokes along it as my scale turned from black to a deep red as Sonic Smiled.

"You like" He smiled

"Uh... hu... huh..." I purred to her stroking

"She is good but she has no love" he mused as Eva stroked more

I purred as he hands glided over my smooth cock flesh, her extra hand slowly tickled my balls and he hand slipped she felt a new warmth.

"So the rumors are true" She smiles "You're a Hermaphrodite" She mused

"Ye... Yes" I smiled and blushed

She simply smiled and rubbed the folds of my sex murring about how warm it was. I shivered at her expert touch her fingers gently slid across the folds of my sex her finger every now and again ?slipped' and entered me her long finger piercing my insides. I shivered and leaned back at her exploring as sonic climbed over me. He smiled as Eva explored deep inside me her long fingers fucking my hot cunt.

"Now Yorgy, me and Eva are going to show you the ropes on yiffing, and your going to take it like a good boy alright?" He smiled

I just nodded my head not really knowing what I was getting into. He put his hips over my face and rubbed it gently and pulled back his skin. Unlike me with a sheath he has a fold of skin that covers him, his hard cock slipped out and rubbed it along his face. I looked lovingly at the folf. His cock now throbbing takes my attention. My hand slides down to it affectionately caressing its smooth and perfect form I wrap my claws firmly around it as I feel the folfs wolf hood in my hand...he lets out a moan as I squeeze it tight trying to make him happy I release and trace his cock down to the base letting every inch of skin feel my smooth claws. I let my tongue slip out and touch his erect cock savoring the sweet taste of it and murring contently as I took it into my mouth as Eva probed her fingers in me deeper. I moaned under his cock and sucked along it and murred lustfully as I felt Eva's long reptilian tongue enter me, sucking more on his cock I murred and sucked harder bobbing on his stiff cock.

"Hmmm... You've done this before' Sonic murmured

I blushed and smiled, knowing full well this isn't the first time I've had a males cock in my mouth and was actually trained on how to pleasure males orally by my old friend. Bobbing harder on him I moaned as Eva pulled out from me and I was rolled over gently.

"Now... Little Dragon, have you ever had a male in you?" Sonic smirked

"To tell the truth I'm a virgin" I blushed

"No way" He looked

" I am serious, both my sexes" I blushed more

Sonic grinned almost evilly as he climbed on top of me his cock rested on my butt cheeks.

"This may hurt just a warning" He looked at me

I looked at him and smiles weakly still not really knowing what I'm doing. I nodded slowly and murred and Eva pulled my head close and looked at me. He slid his cock in me, as my body roared in pain.

"Shhh... It'll go away" Eva held me to her breasts

I cried as she comforted me, over the next few moments the pain slowly beginning to become pleasure.

"Hehe... I should find more dragons like you" he moved his hand back brushing against my cheek... my face already red got even ass ached from his rather large member sliding in. It started to cool and feel good finally, oh man this was good, I thought. Leaning against her breasts I moaned lustfully as the Folf Took my virginity from me. I couldn't complain I was loving it.

"Good... Draggie... Oh... man" Sonic purred and hilted me gently

I purred and moaned as his cock slipped in and out of me, Eva holding my head close as Sonic sped up in his fucking, he purred lustfully and pushed his knot into my ass. I felt the intruder push into me deeper as I moaned and licked along Eva's chest. He deep purrs made me licked faster.

"Gods... to good..." He moaned and pulled out only to hilt me again

His long hard cock entered me again and again as his knot slowly began to buldge.

"Close... CLOSE!!!" He growled

He pushed his knot in me and moaned lustfully as his hot cum entered my bowels, he laid on top of me as his cum stole my virginity. I murred happily as he licked my neck, as my body couldn't take anymore as I passed out.

I awoke in my room of my hotel, lying on my bed I murred and looked around.

"What... Happened?" I murred

Remembering the folf's hot cock in me I murred and curse my weak self for passing out. I slid of my bed to find Eva curled up in my arms.

"Heya hun" She smiled

"Um? Hello?" I blushed

"Oh, Sonic wanted me to make sure you were okay, he passed out right after you did" She smiled

"He... he did?" I blushed

"Yep... I drove you two home and slept here over night... you see I have no real place to stay..." She sighed

"Stay with me then" I smiled

"What!? Really!?' She blushed

"Yeah but you gotta help pay the rent" I smiled

"Deal!" She pounced me

I smiled and held her in my arms and looked as a message had appeared on my Info pad. I read it slowly.

"Heya sexy! This is Sonic! Just telling you that last night was WONDERFUL!!! And that my mate Maq is okay... wait I never told you I had a mate... I do... his name is maq!

Just saying thanks and hopes to see you again

Your bud, Sonic Boom

I sighed rather loud and closed the window.

"He should've told ya but he was just to in the moment to say anything" Eva sighed and walked to the kitchen "What do ya want?"

"Waffles" I stood up and looked at the window sighing

"I know your out there... but where are you?" I asked quietly

Looking out the window I sighed and turned around smiling some, of course I thought, this is only the beginning of my adventures in Furapolis.

The End???

Any comments? Flames? Just E-mail me at [email protected]