A day at the beach (and a draconic initiation ^,=,< )

Story by Astorathen Dragornme on SoFurry

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This is my first story that i decided to post here. I will have more on the way, but my home issues can effect the frequency a great deal.

Hope you like it ^,=,<


It was a calm day by the Daecros Ocean as Astorathen lifted his snout and sniffed the air. It was crisp and had the sweet odor of salt as the waves crashed against the beach. I finally get some time to myself, and on such a nice day too.

He smiled, a set of razor sharp dragon teeth lining his maw. Thinking about how the sun would feel on his silver scales, he laid his towl on the white sand. Beginning to sun himself, he noticed a new scent crossing his nostrils, definately masculine in odor. He tried to hide his excitement as he saw the other male walking towards the spot where he lay in the sand. Astorathen laughed dryly as he rolled over in embarrassment trying to hide his dragonhood as it started to poke out of its slit.


Aethren smiled to himself as he noticed the silver dragon laying on a towel sunning himself. Of course since this was a dragon world, clothes were not required, and often not even made. When he smelled the dragons musk, his mind started racing a mile a minute, and his heart started racing as well. Thoughts were racing through his head, some about dominance, others about curiosity, most of them worry. What if he isn't into males and is just smelling my own pheramones which are getiing him aroused... What IF.......

That was when he smelled the silver dragons musk, and it was very strong. He must have some interest in other males because no other male dragon had that type of pheramone unless they were aroused. The intensity of them mixed with the salt in the air made a more beautiful scent. It was like honey, only much better. Being stronger willed than the silver dragon he controlled his cock from showing itself, no matter how hard it pained him.

Keeping his cool and demeanor, he walked up to the silver to introduce himself


Astorathen gulped when he saw the orange dragon walking towards him, and was continuing his approach. He looked down and hoped that the other male would just walk by. He started when he heard a cough like someone cleared their throat. He looked up slowly and saw the orange standing over him. Hoping that he hadn't already smelled his arousal, as thick as it was, he stuttered around then managed a greeting.

"He...Hello. Erm, I'm Astorathen, but my friends call me Asto for short. What's yours?"

"Aethren, and it's nice to meet you Asto. Mind if I join you?" Aethren giggled softly as he could smell Astorathens growing arousal adding itself to the salty air. He couldn't deny that the silver was very attractive. He had a well built chest and a finely sculpted ass and tail.

Astorathen simply replied with, "Sure, I dont mind..."

As Aethren layed down, he intentionally brushed his tail across Asto's leg, sending shivers of excitement through his scaley hide. Noticing Astos excitement, he took the first approach, though he had to remember his golden rule: Never force the issue if the other refuses.

"So Asto, how often do you come here?" Aethren asked as he brushed a clawed hand down Astos side, over his thigh and follwed to his rear, stroking over his tail."

"P...Pretty often...Ummm Aethren, may i ask you something?"

"Why wouldn't you be able to Asto?"

"It's just that, I look at you and it seems as if i am made for you, and yet I don't know if..."

Asto was cut off as Aethren embraced him and initiated a deep and passionate kiss. Asto was in shockat first, then he embraced the kiss allowing Aethren to explore every part of his mouth. They kissed for about five minutes before parting.

Aethren smiled and asked a rhetorical question, "Does that answer your question?"

They resumed their frolicking and Aethren slid his hand down around Asto's body and finding his tailhole, slid a clawed finger into his ass. Asto moaned into Aethren's mouth as he slid his finger in and out for a couple minutes, before adding a second finger. Asto arched his back and started bucking onto Aethrens fingers.

Asto whined as he felt the fingers slide out of his ass and around to his aching cock. He brushed over it, causing a tremor to pass through Astos body. Asto stopped Aethren from pawing him off to completion, and rolled onto his back, a pleading look in his eyes.

"Please, I need something in me now, something big..."

Aethren laughed and thought to himself I never thought I would meet another dragon like me. Who would have guessed!

He was thinking whether to follow through when he heard Asto again. "Aethren, your member...I want it in me... PLEASE!"

He complied, sliding his twelve inch member into Astos virgin ass, causing a moan and whimper of excitement and pleasure. Asto began to buck with Aethren's thrusts, causing pre to ooze from the tip of his cock like a slow running faucet. At that moment he felt a tongue wrap itself around his shaft followed by a warm breath covering his longing member. Roaring in delight and bucking harder onto Aethrens member, who knew he was doing it just the way he wanted it.

After a while, Aethren felt his orgasm coming on and didn't know whether Asto would want him to come in his ass, so he began to pull out, but was startled when he felt Astos' tail wrap itself around his waist, and finishing him off by making him thrust into him. Aethren now was acting on male instinct and began to thrust harder into Asto, and the added force of Astos tail made it all the more pleasurable.

They both came within moments of eachother, Asto coming into Aethrens mouth, and Aethren coming in Astos ass.

They rolled off of each other and cuddled in the afterglow. Smiling at each other, they hugged and after about thirty minutes, Asto was the first to speak.

"Aethren, would you be my mate? I have never met another male who could treat me with such compassion and didn't force me to have relations wth you."

Aethren murred and replied softly, "Absolutely Asto...absolutely."

When the sun set on the horizon they picked up their towels and flew off to Asto's cave, beginning their lifetime as a mated couple...informally of course.

(for now)