The Butler - Part 2: Morning

Story by bones28 on SoFurry

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#2 of The Butler

Jared's eyes were closed, breathing causing his chest to rise and fall slowly. He was awake which annoyed him slightly. It didn't annoy him quite as much as what ever was poking his nose over and over at the moment. It continued and continued for what Jared was sure had to have been at least a minute. He had counted the seconds away in his head. Finally the equine opened his eyes to be greeted by the morning sunlight and a young fox, whose pokes stopped as Jared's eyes opened. The fox's finger still pressing against his nose frozen in place from the sight of his eyelids pulling apart. There was an awkward silence that fell across the room at this moment. The fox stared down at the equine waiting for his reaction, while Jared thought of what to do.

"Um Will what are you doing"? Asked the zebra finally breaking the silence. The fox only smiled back at him. Closing his eyes and sticking his tongue out playfully. Then his paw shifted bit and before Jared could react he recieved a firm flick across his nose.

"Ow, what the hell"? Jared exclaimed, recoiling and holding a paw up to his nose. "Did, did you just flick me"?

"Yep. Rule #1: Always call me Master or Master Will". The fox stated beaming down at him.

"Uh okay". Jared responded almost questioningly. This cause him to receive another flick.

"Yes sir or Yes Master Will is the response you were looking for". Stated the fox with his sing-songish tone.

"You can't be serious". Jared started but quickly silenced himself when the fox's paw moved back toward his nose. "Yes sir". Jared said quickly replacing the rest of his sentence.

"Good Boy. Now I gotta go get a shower in you should talk to Luther and Max. They're downstairs in the Kitchen. The fox then rolled off of the bed and bounced his way outta the room. Jared stared as the kit left. He was in a slight awe at the fox rubbing his nose and collapsing back down in the bed. His mind replayed yesterdays events. He could feel his jockstrap tighten at the thought of what he had done to the small fox. Before he could contemplate any further a knock on his door awoke him from his daydream. Turning his head Jared's eyes fell on a short Jack Russell Terrier. Sheamus looked at tad nervous as he took a few steps into the room.

"Um hope I'm not intruding". Spoke the small dog stepping up to the side of the bed.

"No, no I'm awake. A bit um..... Well a bit of everything". Jared spoke sitting up in the edge of his bed and letting out a small yawn.

"Of course, I recognize that this change has happened fast, but I have to make sure that your not too unsettled by theses events. Mainly because no one else will if I don't. I only wish to make sure your not planning on doing anything.......rash. That could cause us problems, if you understand". Sheamus stated careful in his word choice so not to upset the equine.

"You wanna know whether I'm gonna rat you guys out or not". Jared replied looking at the terrier.

"Bluntly, yes. We don't need issues arising due to this". Sheamus said sighing a bit and waiting for the Zebra's answer.

"No, I'm not gonna say anything. I've already kinda dug my own grave anyway. So I'm in this one for the long hall I suppose". Jared said with a chuckle, Rubbing the back if his head and smiling at the dog.

"Excellent. But naturally I can't quite take your word for it. So I'll have to keep an eye on you for awhile, till I'm sure your not a threat". Sheamus stated starting for the door before turning slowly and offering a small smile. "I'm hoping you enjoy your stay here though. You could be quite the perfect fit. Breakfast is ready downstairs I suggest you depart quickly before yours is usurped by your co-workers". Sheamus chuckled as he left leaving Jared to his own thoughts.

Before those thoughts could return however Jared felt his stomach rumble and growl. Reminding him that he had skipped both lunch and dinner yesterday. Deciding to take Sheamus's and Will's advice he went over to his bags to grab some clothes before remembering his "dress code". Smirking he looked down at the tight fitting and quite revealing crimson jockstrap covering his crotch. Taking a deep breath he left his room heading downstairs to the kitchen.

As he turned the corner to enter the kitchen he heard a crash then ear splitting roar erupt from the room. Startled he stopped and peaked around the corner. Luther was staring down at a broken plate and splattered breakfast on the hardwood of the smaller dining room's floor. He was the obvious source of the racket. Max was at the stove grinning behind a paw as he watched the cat start to clean up the mess. Jared took a deep breath then cleared his throat and walked around the corner revealing himself to the two. Luther looked up and gave the equine a large grin as he abandoned his mess and walked over to him. Max also left his station at the stove to greet they're new co-worker.

"Morning nice fuck yesterday had that cub palm of you paw. Or um hoove or whatever". Luther spoke extending a paw which Jared shook firmly. Max extended a paw as well and when Jared turned to shake his he received a firm spank on ass from Luther along with a lood squeeze. This nearly made Jared yelp but he stiffled it a the last second. Looking back at Luther he only received a wink in return as he went back to cleaning up his mess.

"Don't mind Luther he's a bit shameless". Spoke Max redirecting the equine's attention. Jared finished shaking Max's hand and sat down in a chair at the dining room's table.

"Hope your having fun at your new position". Max smiled laying a plate of pancakes, eggs, awns a few stripes of bacon down in front of him. It smelled pretty good but Jared didn't really start eating. "Something wrong"? Max asked looking at the Zebra's untouched plate.

"No it looks great it's I'm a Zebra not quite a meat eater". Stated the zebra sighing uneasily hoping he hadn't offended the Shepard.

"Oh, sorry should have guessed that hear Luther you take this". Said Max sliding the plate over to the lion before going and looking around inside the kitchen. "Sorry but we don't have a lot vegitarain options here but we have this". Max said giving Jared a bowl and a milk jug with a box of oats and fruit cereal. "Hope this is okay for now".

"No it's just fine". Said Jared pouring him a bowl.

The three of them chatted for awhile going over each others backgrounds and how they got here. Pretty much the same story for each of them. They got a message on a dating site. They called the number excepted the offer and ended up yiffing will somewhere. Max and Luther seemed pretty friendly. Luther sometimes a tad more friendly than usual but Jared slowly got a bit more used to it as the talked. Eventually Jared finished the cereal and headed upstairs to take a shower. Bidding the two goodbye and heading into the bathroom. The bathroom was pretty huge. It had a full body mirror on the entire side of it and a shower room that looked like it belonged in a school locker room or gym. Shedding his jock Jared stepped into the shower room and grabbed a bottle of shower gel. Turning on the shower he let the hot water slowly slide down his body and wet his fur. He sighed and let the hot water slowly wash his mind of all his small doubts and worries. He wash just starting to lather up when he heard the bathroom door open then shut. Turning he watched as Lither stepped into the shower grinning at the naked equine as he stepped up to the shower next to him. Luther didn't say anything while he started his own water purring at the warmth.

"Hey no hogging the soap. Hand it over". Luther said extending his paw while he adjusted his water!s temperature.

"Oh Sorry". Jared said handing over the bottle of gel while he continued to lather himself up. Jared couldn't resist taking a few peaks at the lion as he watched and Luther seemed more than happy to give them. Luther's paws traveled slowly over his body. Running across his chiseled abs and down his sides. Sometimes his paw would slide over his chest or other arm. He wasn't really even lathering or scrubbing himself at all. Just running his paws slowly over his body, matting his fur down to show solid the muscle under it. Even through all of this though he always had at least one paw on his swollen sheath giving small squeezes and rubs. Jared was still a bit surprised when he saw the lion tug it down to reveal his semi-hard erection. The barbed length hung full of blood but not quite hard enough to stand at attention. It was growing steadily harder by the second though as he watched the lion stroke it slowly in front of him. By now Jared had stopped all movement and was just openly staring at the display the tiger was giving him.

Grinning Luther finally spoke.

"I'm glad you like what you see". He chuckle staring at the Zebra's crotch. Jared was so entranced by the cats performance he hadn't notice that his own length was pushing outta his sheath. When Jared saw this he blushed and started to say something but the cat silenced him with a paw gripping firmly around his sheath. Jared's words were quickly transformed into a moan as the paw squeezed and stroked his own emerging length. "I really did love that show you put on yesterday". Luther purred wrapping his paw around Jared's growing length. "Haven't had the chance to see a lot of horses in action up close and personal. I wonder exactly how much you can shoot". Luther said as he stroked getting much closer. Jared could feel the cats erection on his hip as the cat continued to have his fun. Jared felt the cat slowly sliding his way up behind him. Felt his cock pressing up against his ass as he slowly pressed him up against the wall. Jared even felt the cat's nose pressed up against his neck trying to pick up a whiff of his musk while Jared's cheeks were spread apart and the tip of Luther's cock pressed against his ring. Jared was worried that he wouldn't be able to take the lions penetration because it'd been awhile since he'd be fucked but the the thin tip pierced his ring with little discomfort. But Luther quickly thickened out as the base approached. Spreading the zebra open wide as the lion ground in to the hilt. Jared couldn't help but to let out a low moan as his's cheeks connected with the feline's hips.

Luther let a deep purr emerge from his throat into the zebra's as he hilted. The sound was barely audible over the running water.

"Mmmmmmmm nice and tight too". Luther whispered letting his rough tongue slide up the back of his neck, sending a shiver down Jared spine. Luther started to slide in and out of the tight walls of Jared's ass nice and slow. Each thrust was expertly deliver against the equine's prostate. Nudging, rubbing, and grinding against it to elicit moans from the equine's muzzle.

Jared just clenched and panted pressing back against the slow solid thrusts of the lion behind him. Each one made him that much harder and that much more lustful. Eventually Jared couldn't take it anymore.

"Harder, please harder". Moaned Jared who was rock hard and leaking by now.

Luther just chuckled grinning at the Zebra. "How's this"? Luther quickly started to speed up his thrusts still aiming each one towards his prostate. Each thrust connecting harder than the last and each one working a different sweet spot. The lions barbs were starting to awake as well. They started to spread away from his cock slowly rubbing and tracing against his walls.

This drove Jared up the wall literally. He was pressing against the wall and moaning louder. Each thrust was hitting just the right spot to send another wave of ecstasy through his body. Jared could feel everything that the cat was doing to him. The paws sliding all over his sides and back. The light nips and licks across his neck. The low growls, purrs, and moans escaping from his the lion. But he focused on each perfectly placed thrust into his ass. The subtle tickle each barb gave him as Luthers cock hilted in.

Luther was enjoying himself as well. He loved the look on the Zebra's face as each thrust connected with more force than the last. The feel of his muscled body on his paws, and the low moans he was giving out steadily. Luther couldn't take much more himself now. He started to thrust faster and harder. The sounds of the thrust's wet slaps echoed through the shower area as he picked up his pace further. His barbs growing harder by the second and pressing against the zebras walls spreading him steadily with each thrust. He growled much more aggressively watching his pink cock slip in and out of the equine's tight ring as his lust started to take over. Pulling back on the Zebra's hips he began thrusting harder. Each hammering shot powering his barbed length deep inside Jared. The Zebra's clenching only driving the lion to leak pre and thrust harder.

Jared felt the lion really start to begin to thrust into him. He could only utter small fucks and let loose small moans as his hips were forced back and hammered into deep. The barbs growing harder and teasing at his sensitive ring with each back stroke. Jared's cock leaked out under him. Twitched and dripping more with thrust of Luther's hips. The hard slaps of Luthers balls against his only dragging more lust out of him.

Luther started to thrust away feeling his orgasm approaching. He wasn't aiming or grinding anymore. He was just thrusting as hard and as fast as he could. Wrapping and arm around Jared's waist and his other up under his arm and griping his shoulder. The lion thrusted in with quick and heavy power. Each shot rocking Jared's prostate and sending them both closer to the edge.

"Oh FUCK FILL ME"!!! Jared yelled desperate for release. Luther was more than happy to oblige. The lion pulled back hard wrenching his barbed cock outta the Zebra. Then he hammered back in sinking each inch balls deep. He did this over and over the sensation on his sensitive barbs quickly driving him over the edge. He pulled out one last time and then thrusted with incredible power. His cock punched into the Zebra's ass and Luther grinded away. With a roar he erupted deep inside the zebra clamping his jaw down onto the back of his neck in a dominant mating bite. When he came the lion's barbs spread out wide making the reentrance stretch Jared hard. The swollen barbs grinding relentlessly against his prostate and sending Jared reeling over the edge. Jared's cum coated the wall under him his ball quickly pumping shot after shot of hot zebra spunk onto it. While Luther's cock covered Jared's insides with white lion's cum.

The panted and grinded against each other riding out their orgasms before slipping slowly into their afterglow. Luther ran a paw down Jared still sensitive shaft and slid it across the tip gathering a bit of cum still on it. He brought it to his tongue licking off the fluid slowly savoring the taste.

"Delicious". He smirked hugging the equine for a fewseconds longer. Eventually Luther pulled out and they quickly finished their showers. As they walked out the saw Sheamus on a the toilet. His cock was unsheathed and cum was splattered across his stomach and chest. He was still panting and a blush was panted across his muzzle as the two excited. Luther and Jared looked at each other for a few seconds then they all busted out laughing. As they left and Sheamus went to clean up, Jared had a feeling that he might like everyone here. But Jared still hadn't met one person and possibly the most important person of all.