Regret Chapter 2

Story by KitKaramak on SoFurry

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#2 of STARFOX-6: Reflections of REGRET

Chapter -2-

"Moving Forward"

Wolf O'Donnell withdrew his bionic eye patch and put it on the desk. He kicked his legs up onto the surface, watching Panther and Krystal with his singular gaze. The sunken, hollow socket was unnerving to behold. He had a red tattoo just above and beneath the socket to highlight the remains of the very scar that took half his vision. "It was a barrel of laughs, princess. But we weren't good enough to have your back against the Anglars. You sure this is what you want?"

"Yes," she murmured. "I want to come back, Wolf. I belong here. I didn't run back to Star Fox because they stood a better chance of defeating an enemy... I went back because of my conflicted emotions."

"Yeah, feelings can be a real bitch and I'm no head-shrink but you probably just needed closure or whatever." He cut his singular gaze over at Panther and smirked. "I guess you were right. You said you believed she'd come back... here she is. I always thought the hopeless romantic crap was just a load of fluff but... I admit I was wrong."

"Panther was beginning to have doubts, boss." Caruso shifted his weight, reached down to his belt and withdrew a small computer tablet. He offered it over Wolf's boots, propped up on the desktop and waited for O'Donnell to retrieve it. Silence. After a moment the lupine looked up at the couple. Panther reached for Krystal's paw. "You were right, Wolf. Zako was in control of that strange metal stashed away on Venom. When I stuffed my finger into his mouth a tooth came loose. It turned out he had a false tooth acting as a key to the vault. I've sent Ruffian to pick up...whatever it is. How can you be sure of its worth?"

"I have a nose for business, jabber jaws." He looked back at Krystal and asked, "So... you read minds... I want to know, straight up, what's gotten into Leon lately? He's saying the weirdest crap. Did he go gay?"

Even being telepathic, Krystal found herself taken back by Wolf's sudden change of topic. "I..." She probed O'Donnell's mind to see if he was serious or if it was a joke. "Does it matter?"

"Hell no, he's a kickass pilot. I trust him with my life, sister. I just want to make sure I don't say something offensive or any crap like that. So, is he a dickbag or a snatchcastle? It's not that hard of a question."

She already knew the answer... she'd known for a while. "He's bisexual, Wolf. No, your jokes won't insult him - he's open-minded enough that it won't bother him."

O'Donnell shrugged and looked away. "So... he's one of those kind of guys, huh? I'm disappointed in him but whatever."

A tinge of a smile tugged at the corner of her maw. "You're disappointed but he's still your best friend, is that what you wanted to say?"

"Yeah, yeah... if you can get over his constant need to bask and his strange one liners, Leon is a pretty cool dude. It's just... in his old age, he's starting to really creep me out."

"Mid thirties is old?" Krystal shook her head with a chuckle. "How is Nicole?"

"Same as ever. She hates everyone, loves to fuck and now she's talking about friggin' kids. If it happens, it happens. If not? No big deal. Okay, you two... I've got my shipment of strange metal and you two are back together. Zako is dead but the client lied about his status - he was just some puny underling. Is that everything?"

Panther opened his mouth to speak but Wolf gestured him to stay quiet. "I was asking her. She doesn't yammer on like you do."

Krystal glanced over at her boyfriend, bit her lower lip and frowned then turned back to O'Donnell. "We're going shopping. Panther will need his credit card back from you, Wolf."

"Shopping?! What the heck is that crap?" He retrieved the card, the movie ticket stubs and the sales receipt then tossed them halfway across the table. The various items went in all directions but Krystal was quick to scoop up everything and hand it to Caruso. Wolf shook his head. "Damn, Panther... you're gay, too?"

"No," said Krystal, coming to his defense, "I personally assure you that he's not." She stood up with a smile then turned to Caruso and reached for his paw. "Let's go, love."

In a high-pitched mocking voice, Wolf said, "Let's go, love!" He sneered then scoffed loud enough for them both to hear it and said, "Well, one thing is for sure... Panther's pussy whipped." A sly grin came to the lupine's muzzle. He leaned back in his chair and watched them leave his office.

Once they were out in the hall Krystal gave Panther's paw a gentle squeeze. "It's all an act, you know."

"Pardon?" Panther's concise reply surprised her somewhat.

She cleared her throat then leaned close to him and said, "He was waiting for us to leave so he could go and see Nicole. His macho act... it was all a façade. He's quite happy to see me back. However, he doubts that we'll stay together very long. Why do you suppose he was happy to see me return?"

"He likes when Fox McCloud is going through hard times. You're here, so obviously Fox McCloud is going through hard times." Caruso released her paw and moved it to the small of her back. They passed Nicole in the hallway. The red-fox vixen stopped to look them over and perked her ears up.

"Well, well... look who came back. Little miss perfect. What did I tell you before you ran off? Fox McCloud is a douche bag. He's a jerk - a know-it-all who knows jackshit. I was right, wasn't I? See? I wasn't trying to BS you just 'cause I don't like you two. I was trying to keep you from making a mistake you'd regret. Maybe next time you'll listen to good advice, Princess." She snorted disdainfully at the couple then continued down the hall towards Wolf's office.

"Don't mind her," said Caruso. "She has a bug up her tail."

Krystal sighed and gave a tug on him. The two began walking again. "I sensed that she is going through something hard, Panther. Besides, she was right and I ignored her advice. She's hurting on the inside."

"No, my dear, she's just being a little more foul than usual." He put his paw out and caught the elevator door before it could close. "At least she kept us from having to wait for the lift."

Krystal stepped into the small metal box and looked up at her mate. "Panther... promise me you'll keep a secret." She waited for his nod then, in a forlorn tone, told him, "Nicole had another miscarriage. That's difficult for a woman... it's the reason she stayed back and kept an eye on Sargasso during the Anglar occupation. When she saw me just now, she was reminded of the difficult time she experienced. Apparently she found out shortly after I left for Great Fox. I had no idea until just now."

Caruso sighed and nodded. For once there was nothing he could say. He didn't even know she was pregnant back during the Anglar invasion. The elevator doors opened and they stepped out on the flight deck. His eyes flitted over the Cloud Runner and his head tilted. "You brought it back with you? Panther had not noticed before."

"You want to fly it?" She reached to her hip, patting herself down only to recall that she was wearing a skirt. Her paws lifted to a windbreaker she wore and she retrieved her keys from the right pocket. "I've never let anyone else fly it. I figure if you're going to buy me earrings from Persimmons then the least I can do is let you fly my ship."

"It's quite large for a fighter." He took the keys from her and the couple crossed the deck. "Is it true you took remains from your Cerinian shuttle and installed them into that machine?"

"Yes." She gave his arm a gentle squeeze. "It's spacious. It gives me just enough room to stand up and stretch or I can move back into the belly of the ship and meditate. But because of its shape and design, it's nimble and handles well in atmospheric conditions."

"In other words, we won't be cramped." He smiled at her as the two neared the vessel. Using her keys, he lowered the boarding ramp and gestured to the vixen. "Go on." He waited until she went first then followed her into the fighter. The cargo section was large enough to put a mattress a mini-fridge and possibly a coffee table. He followed her up into the cockpit, which had a single seat but enough floor space on either side to allow for her to wiggle up besides him. Caruso sank into the chair, inserted the keys and booted the computer. Next, he brought the engines online and made a mental note of where each of the controls was located.

Krystal drew her legs up beneath her and settled besides the seat. She rested her head on his arm and relaxed. Caruso maneuvered the ship from the hanger and ramped the throttle. He offered her a soft smile then programmed the autopilot for Corneria. "Have I told you just how happy I am that you've returned to me?"

His loving tone and the first person perspective statement was endearing and worded in a sweet way. She felt wanted again and, instead of replying to him, she lay there with her head against him. Krystal used her right paw to smooth out the wrinkles of her skirt. "What if I'm like Nicole?"

Caruso's eyes widened. He touched a button on the dash, causing the manual control yoke to retract then he reached for her. Krystal climbed into his lap and placed her head on his shoulder. She just didn't want to be alone anymore and Panther's arms took the edge off of her hurt.

"Even if you were, which Panther doubts, we would find a way. Surrogacy is an option. In the end we'll do whatever it takes to ensure you're happy. Don't dwell on that."

"I'm the last member of my race," she muttered. "If I was 'damaged goods'... what then? I don't know if I could handle that."

"You have a lot of worry for such a beautiful woman." He placed his paw between her ears and began to massage behind them. "Don't worry yourself, Krystal. We'll do whatever it takes to make you happy. That's first and foremost. If and when you become pregnant, I would be honored to father your children."

She sensed his sincerity and, even though it was a bit forward for her, she still appreciated the sentiment behind his message. "You used to be such a womanizer."

"I was a desperado, now I'm a complete man." He continued to stroke behind her ears gently. "Did you know I was also a mariachi?"

She didn't know the word and so she listened to his thoughts for a definition then smiled at the meaning. "You play guitar?"

"I do. Would you like me to sing you a song? I know of a cantina west of the city... they have an open mic night and keep two acoustic guitars in the back. I would be happy to show you a fresh side of Panther Caruso. Perhaps it is one you can be proud of."

"Just because you're an assassin and a mercenary doesn't mean I'm not proud of you, Panther." She looked up at him and cupped his face gently in her palms. "You have a very sensitive ego. If I'm not around to inflate it, you need to build yourself up. Stop having self-doubt locked away in your heart and start living. Confidence doesn't come from here," she said, touching his forehead. Her paw dropped to his chest. "It comes from here. If you can learn to live without your ego, we have a future together. And... yes," she added, her voice lowering to something a touch more coy. "I would love for you to perform a song for me. I didn't know you were a musician."

"Indeed, Panther plays staccato with built in picks." He held his paw out and unsheathed his claws. "Music is the language of romance. I'll show you today." His fingers sifted through the soft cerulean locks of her hair. "You're so beautiful. And I can understand how many would overlook the fact that you're so strong and intelligent... beauty is a distracting quality that typically blinds men. Panther is no fool, however... you are very sophisticated... complex layers of..."

She lifted her paw, placing her index finger against his lips. "Shh. There is more than one way to communicate with your lips."

Panther shivered. He'd have to remember that one. He kissed her as if it were a request and encircled her waist with his arms. She shifted her weight and he helped so that she was sitting on his lap, straddling his hips in the piloting seat. He hiked her skirt a few inches and met her lips once more.

Just to tease, she rubbed herself against his lap with kittenish mews. His head lowered, trailing kiss down her neckline. She shivered in delight and reveled in the paws that roamed over her back. She felt his arousal through the fabric and teased him with an amateur lap dance.

With mirth in his eyes, the excited feline brought his right paw between them and opened her shirt then grinned. He noticed her bra had a clasp between the cups and he unlatched it. His fingertip sifted through the slight tuft of vanilla fur that melted into her canyon of cleavage.

A devious grin spread across her maw. She reached for his paws and pinned them to the armrests of the chair then leaned forward, brushing her ample breasts against his face. He squirmed beneath her and the delicious sensation of being in control was intoxicating to her. She continued to ride her panties up against his lap while massaging his face with her bust. His whiskers brushed against the inner swells of flesh and fur, creating a unique sensation.

By now, the fabric beneath her skirt was rather damp. She guided his left paw down from the armrest and trapped it beneath her knee then used her free paw to unfasten the front of his pants. Next, she reached beneath the skirt and brushed the cotton panties to the left then guided the tip of his exposed cock up until she was able to properly impale herself upon it. She could actually feel the studded flesh stretching her walls. They were forced apart to accept his girth; as he slid in, she sighed in content. The ache in her body was sated as she lowered herself upon him, but now there was a new need burning within... she craved to feel his release...

Her subconscious desires for motherhood overtook her and the scent of her estrus was a powerful aphrodisiac. Her ears lowered and her jaw dropped but she was too breathless to whine just yet. She intertwined her tail with his and began to buck her body to better slide her aching body along his engorged flesh. Each time she hilted herself with his length, she paused to revel in the sensation. For some reason, the only cure to her need was depth.

Krystal lifted her paws and took either side of his head then drew him back into her breasts again. The sensual feeling of her nipples against his facial fur and whiskers was delightful. His paws moved to her hips, guiding her rocking body as she worked him from tip to base. The svelte vixen clung to him, baring down tightly around the bottom of his shaft. Again, her hips lifted then dropped again, slamming herself down upon her mate and all that he had to offer.

She was riled up by the most simplistic mental image... all she could focus on was wanting him to fill her. Recalling yesterday's mating session, she began to cry out incessantly with feverous need. "Yes, Panther, so good... nghh!" Her voice brought him from a simmer to a boil. Her paws lifted, pressing her palms against the cockpit glass above her head to better push herself down against his lap. Just like that, she found release - it almost took her breath away.

Caruso continued upward thrusting and grinding until, finally, he managed to offer a rush of pearl that flooded her body only to drool back out, soaking his crotch. Her arms lowered to coil around his neck, leaving sweaty palm prints in the canopy. "Twice in a row," she noted with a coquettish smile. "That's certainly new for me." Her heart was still racing. "I've been awfully friendly since coming home, haven't I?"

"I'll never complain, flower. I'm in heaven." His words made her smile and she cupped either side of his face, kissed his lips softly then eased from his lap. He watched her worm away and began to fix her clothing, starting with the clasp between the cups of her brazier and said, "You're an amazing lover. I could never pretend to want anything else for the rest of my days."

She began to work on the shirt. "Being sweet to me again? You know I love that." Her finished with the last button then began to brush her fingers through her hair. "You're not bad yourself," she added with a wink. She wasn't satisfied... but it would do. Her eyes lifted back to the canopy just in time to see the green pool of a jump gate ahead of them. The autopilot program took the Cloud Runner through the portal and within the blink of an eye, Corneria, in all its glory, filled the expanse of space ahead of them.

The communication terminal illuminated. "Identification codex received and confirmed. Krystal of team Star Fox! Welcome back to Corneria!"

She crawled up to the front of the cockpit and fluffed her hair again then pressed a button on the dash panel. "Corneria! This is Krystal although you can update your records, gentleman... I'm currently under 'privateer' status, now. How go restoration efforts?"

"We're very sorry to hear he pushed you off the team again, Miss Krystal - the reconstruction is coming along well. Thank you for asking, ma'am! You're cleared to make your approach." The link disconnected.

Krystal glanced over her shoulder and rolled her eyes at Panther. "Can you believe that? They must think I was stupid enough to let him hurt me twice..."

"You're a fast learner but if it makes them dislike Fox McCloud for hurting you again... why nitpick the finer details?"

"I suppose." She slumped a bit. "Still... I don't know how I feel about the public's opinion half the time." She crawled back along the base plates and made her way back into the hold to clean up. A sink slid out of the wall and she pushed her paws into the basin. She began scrubbing her paws vigorously. A scene from last night's 'mission' replayed in her head and, as it did, she grew more aggressive in the cleansing of her paws. "It feels strange to have come back here after last night."

"I don't even think about it," he called back to her. Panther reached for the controls and relinquished the computer of its automated burden. Within minutes they were resting on a public rental pad at the edge of the Capital spaceport. He slid out of the seat, fixed his pants and tucked in his shirt then crawled around behind the seat, towards her. "Open the canopy or use the gangplank?"

"It doesn't matter," she murmured. "Might as well use the gangplank since we're both back here already." She dried her paws and offered a somewhat timid smile. "The notion of Persimmons is sweet, Panther, but coming back to Corneria after last night... it just feels... raw. Why don't we save our shopping for a later date, refuel and head somewhere else? Aquas, Katina... we can make a daytrip out of any number of locations..."

Seeing the complex feelings in her eyes, he placed his right paw atop of hers. "Shh, you're right. I'll tell you what... we can save the shopping for another day. I'm sorry it bothers you. If you'd told me..."

She looked away. "I didn't know until we landed... then I just... felt it. Like a weight on my chest." Her head lowered but her eyes lifted, gazing up at him through sapphire bangs. "It's difficult to push through my feelings on that 'mission'. Those were bystanders making an honest living. We killed a couple of them and, while fleeing the front gates, I injured quite a few inadvertently. They weren't enemy soldiers, Panther. They were Cornerians, the very same people we fought to protect against the Aparoids and Anglars."

"Allow me to serenade you in..."

She brought a paw to his mouth and shook her head. "Another time. Or, at the very least... somewhere else. I'm ashamed to be here. Let's fuel up and go, please."

Caruso was quick to exit the ship and refuel it. Krystal stayed inside, attempting to calm herself with meditation. After a short time, Panther reboarded the ship, made his way back to the cockpit and lifted off. He sailed through the stratosphere, and, within a matter of moments, they were back in space. She crawled back into the cockpit besides him with shame on her face. "I don't know what came over me down there... it was the most bizarre thing. It was like every cell in my body was screaming to be anywhere but there."

"Where to?"

She shrugged. "Anywhere but here." She moved behind the cockpit chair and slumped against the backrest, facing away from him. "Did you find out anything about your employer or the Zako case? You said you thought something was..." Krystal froze. She was about to say 'fishy' but stopped herself and chose another word. "Suspicious."

"The man who hired me was named Octoman - strange name, I know. He's from Aquas and was Zako's superior. I can only assume he didn't want Zako to talk about something. He has a strange sixth sense ability... to brainwash some. I'm not quite sure I understand it all... I can only assume he was using Andross Technology utilized by the Anglars. I believe he was using Zako and... once Zako was beyond his range, and in a prison... the shark was ready to talk. Octoman wanted him dead. End of story." Panther set the autopilot sequence to simply fly away from Corneria.

"Do we go after Octoman?"

"It's possible that he'll only hurt others, one by one. But..." He slid out of the seat and moved down besides her. "Bless my gorgeous face, you actually want to hunt him down and serve him icy justice?"

"He's managed to cause a great deal of grief. Do you think the two of us will be able to defeat him alone? Perhaps we should retrieve your ship and chase him down."

"It won't be that easy, Krystal my rose. He's gone into hiding on Venom. That planet has a new ranger, now... perhaps we can seek his assistance... Dash Bowman. Do you know of him?"

"I've heard the name but I don't know him personally. He flew with me in the Cornerian Air Guard but was in a different squadron."

"Ah, then you're the one who should speak with him. You're right, let's stop by Sargasso, I'll retrieve my ship and we'll go to Venom immediately. This will be an adventure together... far better than shopping, hmm?"

"Yes, Panther..."


Six hours later...

The Black Rose Wolfen fighter streaked through the gloom with Krystal's Cloud Runner directly behind it. Venom loomed large ahead of them. As the couple raced through the void, nearing the enormous distant planet, Panther opened a private channel. "What brought about the conversation with Wolf... the one concerning Leon... I was curious."

"Like you, he has secrets," she said with a shrug. "It's of no matter."

"Secrets like?"

Krystal settled back in her seat and gazed at his face on the monitor. "Senior Caluroso? That was once your alias. Your enormous ego is all fake because deep down you don't feel good about yourself. You've been rejected more times than you've succeeded with women, should I go on or...OH! You meant Leon's secrets!"

"Panther does not understand your delicate emotional balance. First we make love then you grow skittish and fearful... now we're headed to Venom and you're arrogant, icy and hurtful."

"Get used to it, Panther. This is what women are really like when you date us. Surprise." She looked away from the screen, watching the radiance of Venom as they neared it.

"So... about Leon?"

She gritted her teeth, not wanting to out the chameleon's deepest secrets. Instead, she decided to state the obvious things. "The Rainbow Delta fighter wasn't always his ship of choice. Back after he left the Venom Army and joined alongside of Wolf O'Donnell, Leon was a classy, sophisticated man. He spoke in an aloof voice and had a masculine ego similar to yours. When Falco Lombardi and Fox McCloud shot him down over Venom, he crashed and burned. He sustained an eye injury and had his throat ripped open on shrapnel. He also hit his head rather hard. After that, his personally changed and his voice was ruined. I only know this because I could see Wolf's memories and hear Leon's thoughts."

Panther didn't speak. Instead, he allowed her to continue, much to her surprise.

She licked her lips and shifted her weight in the cockpit seat. "Leon has split personality disorder, now. One moment he wants to burn people alive while slashing every throat of every enemy he meets... the next he wants a parade in his name with flowers and streamers and floats. The first moment he's disgusted by romance and simply wants to dice enemies apart with his knives... the next moment he's giddy that you and I are talking again. However, it's a personality quirk. When he makes those threats, he never has any intent on doing such things to his allies. There are times when he wishes to be the dominant male and there are times when he wants the parade, the flowers and even ponders painting his Rainbow Delta fighter to look more like its namesake. Wolf is finally picking up on it and asked me but what Leon goes through is no one's business. Leave him be."

Caruso tilted his head. "Whatever you say, Princess."

Krystal glowered at the screen. "I shouldn't have told you boys about that. Even Fox doesn't know my status. For all he knows, I was the daughter of senators and that's that. Furthermore, do not bring up Cerinia anymore. Are we clear?"

"I dislike arguing with you; I'll not bring it up again but... if I may be so bold as to say one last thing on the matter... It's obvious you no longer wear your tiara. You have two, one with the ruby and one with the emerald. I'm not sure of their meaning but it's obvious they have meaning to you. Whether or not your heart aches for the loss of your home world, Krystal that is no reason to stop wearing the diadem. You're royalty after all."

"It's impossible to be a monarch of space dust. They're just jewels, now. They're shiny pieces of metal and glassy stones with no symbolic meaning."

"Go on and fool yourself. What is the difference between the ruby and the emerald?"

Her eyes lifted back to Venom then lowered again. "The ruby was worn by a Princess. After the coronation, she would be given the emerald instead. Apparently, before leaving, my mother placed the emerald tiara into a compartment on my shuttle. I found it by accident while aboard GreatFox. (Reflections of Krystal, chapter 2) I've worn it ever since. Can we stop talking about this?"

"You've a duty to your people to represent them. You can lie about the meaning all you want but you should wear the headdress to honor their memory. Consider it. One day, when you become a mother, Cerinia will survive."

Krystal grew silent and fidgeted. What she hated most was that Panther actually made good sense for once. Her eyes lowered back to her instrument panel. "I'll give it some thought." She sniffled a bit then breathed calmly to relax herself. "I'm sorry I snapped at you."

"Cheer up. You'll be greeted by Dash Bowman as a hero of Venom and he'll help us unearth that multi-armed freak." Caruso offered a knowing wink. "This Panther believes."

"Cut it out."


A smirk was offered. Leon Powalski folded his arms and shook his head. "Wolf, you let them go and assassinate people without me? Are you SERIOUS?" The chameleon placed a plastic card on the desk and said, "Put me down for ten thousand credits on 'two weeks'."

O'Donnell took the card and asked, "There's two rings going... who dumps who?"

Leon brought a scaly hand to his chin. "Hmm... Well, in one case... Krystal will get tired of his idiocy and tell him to take a hike. On the other hand, he'll flirt with the first pretty face he sees and she'll dump him... this isn't an easy decision." He tapped his finger against his lower lip in thought then said, "Put me down for Krystal dumping Panther, ten grand on two weeks. So, you're running the biggest station-wide gambling ring on Panther's relationship... you think it'll pay off?"

"You kiddin'? I've already made fifty large on fees alone before you walked in the door. You're one of the few to think Krystal will dump him. Most everyone thinks he'll leave her high and dry for the next piece of tail to come along... so if you're right, you're going to be a very wealthy man."

"I'll be a CRAZY wealthy man, son; I'll paint my fighter the color of Cornerian credits." He cleared his throat then, rather plainly asked, "What's the spread?"

Wolf eyed him for a moment then pushed a sheet across his desk. "There's all the details. What the hell has gotten into you lately? You getting in to drugs or something?"

"Why don't you ask the 'team telepath' next time you see her?" Leon grinned then eyed the spreadsheet. He skimmed the contents then, rather at random, said, "What the fuck are you looking at, flea bag?"

"Shut it, bug eater. I'll rip your tail off and beat you with it."

"Not if I grab your paw with it and rip your arm off first, Wolf. And you know I can do that." He stood up and his skin paled slightly. He stretched backwards, cracking his back and announced, "I can't decide if I'm hungry or horny. Maybe both... maybe I'll go fuck something then eat it. Best of both worlds. By the way... I'm going to win this bet. Krystal was just using him to her own ends... she probably still is." He lifted both of his hands outwards and shrugged. "Just saying, Wolf! That's all. Just saying." And without another word, he walked out of the office, using his tail to grip the knob and pull the old-fashion wooden door shut.

O'Donnell shook his head then looked back at the door on the far left, a metallic panel sitting in magnetic tracks. It slid open as if he expected it. Nicole sniffed at the area then shook her head. "Leon was here and I missed that? That guy gives me the creeps sometimes."

"Yeah, he said he's going to go and find someone who likes 'VOR' as much as he does. Why is my team falling apart?"

She glared at him. "Because you're too busy running a space station and an illegal contraband network to focus on them anymore. Who gives a rat's ass about them anyhow? One day we'll have our own little hellions to take over Star Wolf. Maybe if you didn't let that idiot clown and his merry bandits walk in and finish the job again you'd still have a team. But no, like usual, you did all the work then watched that goon come in and finish the job. Again, he gets the credit. That's twice now. So, again I ask... who gives a rat's ass about mercenary work anymore?"

"The rat might. Oh, and don't get excited but while I was flying with Fox during that crap... Falco was there - I hate that guy. His attitude sucked and..."

She silenced him with a paw on his muzzle. "Yeah, whatever." She slid down between him and the desk, coming to sit on his lap. "So yeah... period is over. You going to whine about your team or man up?"

Wolf offered a dubious smirk. "Do you really have to ask?"



"Miss Krystal, long time - no see. You ditched the Cornerian fighter, too?" Dash Bowman's visual display flickered then focused on the screen. "So what brings you to my neck of the woods?"

"Ranger Bowman is it, now? And yes, this is my personal ship." She offered a soft smile to be good-natured with him. "There's a man hiding out, here, on Venom. His name is Octoman and he's starting trouble. He's hiring assassins to kill off people he feels may endanger his rise to power in place of the Anglar Emperor. We were hoping to crush his future vie for power this afternoon."

"Did Corneria send you here?"

"I'm not here on behalf of General Peppy, nor am I here on behalf of Fox McCloud. I've not spoken to Bill Grey in two months and I'm not representing Wolf O'Donnell at this time, either. Panther and I have come to deliver a personal message. There's no bounty on his head. He's just a worthless scumbag that causes innocent people to wind up dead. That's how they all start."

Dash nodded slowly. "Fair enough. Do you require assistance? This is my planet and he doesn't have my permission to be here, after all."

"Keep an eye on the skies in case he tries to make a quick break... I'll flush him out of his hole and Panther will kill him. Hopefully we'll be out of your way in no time."

"That sounds good, Miss Krystal. Thank you for contacting me." Dash ended the transmission.

The two fighters sailed over the shimmering ocean and headed for a small chain of islands out in the middle of nowhere. Krystal took the lead, probing the area to find the tentacle-laden freak. She pulled up into a hard loop, came about then looked over the entire archipelago from high above. "Okay... He's here," she announced and moved towards a clearing on one of the islands.

"Just like last night, we'll make a great team together."

"It's just one guy," she murmured. Krystal crawled back into the belly of her fighter and pushed against the bulkhead in several places. Multiple storage drawers slid out of the wall and she rummaged around for the appropriate gear. Her eyes fell upon something shiny at the bottom of the third drawer; her stomach dropped.

It was shoved down beneath everything else... Her paw dipped into the bin and she closed her fingers around something smooth. Her heart raced. As she pulled it from the bottom, several shield barriers tumbled out and a tangle of spare parts and cables spilled from the drawer.

Behind her, the gangplank opened and Panther crawled up to join her. He saw that she was pulling gear out of multiple storage lockers. His eyes landed on the platinum tiara with the emerald that was in her paws, tangled with wires and cables. He moved over besides her and helped to untangle them from the haphazardly discarded royal artifact. "This is where you tossed it?"

She worked with him to get it untangled from the ship's unofficial 'junk drawer' and her eyes lowered. Krystal lifted it reverently and nodded. "I... was being emotional."

"Does it have a name? The headdress?"

She glanced up at Panther then back down at the bejeweled artifact in her paws. "Kurisutaru." She placed it into her hair and shifted her bangs about until the headband was properly placed and the jeweled section in the front was resting comfortably upon her forehead. "I felt incomplete without it. Thanks for having patience with me."

"You're my vixen," he said with a smile. "Not some friend or some buddy of mine. Krystal, you're my girl. The least I can do is offer advice."

"...Yeah." She fidgeted. "You know... a good lover is a friend first and a mate second. I just..." Krystal stood, nearly as tall as the small cargo compartment. "Nevermind. I don't know what's going on with me... I'm hormonal but I'm not pregnant. Go figure." She began packing her pockets with gear then she reached for the staff. "You know... I'd given up on using this until recently."


"It's a ceremonial weapon and was initially designed for..." She turned to face him with a wry grin. "It doesn't matter. I just didn't use it for a while. GreatFox had all the guns I'd ever need. Ironic... I gave up on wearing my tiara but started using my staff again... How much sense does that make?" She placed her free paw on his cheek, half covering the white marking on one side of his face. "You're a pretty good lover, Mister Ladies Man... just try being a better friend. What you did back there... just a bit ago... telling me I was being unreasonable about my heritage... THAT was being a good friend and it's very much appreciated. Now, let's find that goon and turn him into fish food."

"You're okay with taking him down? I mean, last night you were pretty spooked."

She nodded slowly. "Panther, last night I watched you callously strike down two innocent men. One wasn't all that good natured but... That isn't the point here. Furthermore, this thug in the cave system below us... He's the reason those Cornerian men had to die. Had he sent someone else to kill Zako, more Cornerian innocents would have died."

"Yes, quite correct," he said in agreement. "Had you not been there... it could have turned into quite the mess. How close is our target?"

"Dangerously close... and he knows we're here." She frowned. "I fear he's spotted our ships already." She paused then clinched her jaw. "And he has help."


"A small group of people are here... I didn't realize it before because their minds were so cloudy and his is sharp and strong... I think he has them brainwashed."

"Who?" Panther withdrew his blaster, checked the power cell in the handle then slid it back into place and pulled the slide to ready the weapon. "Should we stun his pawns?"

She lifted the staff in one paw. The tip brushed against the ceiling of her craft. With her other paw, she clasped her forehead and focused her mind. With her eyes shut, she quietly said, "Thugs and murders." She lowered her paws. "They're a group of foul creatures. Killers and men who hurt women in unspeakable ways. Octoman surrounds himself with some serious lowlifes.

"If it's one thing Panther hates more than anything else... it's a man who deliberately hurts a woman." He pushed his blaster back into his holster and kissed her softly. He offered a smile then said, "For good luck. You are, after all, Lady Luck." He eased down the gangplank careful not to hit his head on the low ceiling. Krystal walked across the deck then casually exited the craft and shut the hatch. He glanced back at her and asked, "Are you sure you wish to strike down these men without remorse?"

She swallowed back her guilt over last night's mission then nodded. "No, these people deserve a cruel fate. I'll feel no remorse in taking down these foes."

"Fair enough." He folded his arms and motioned to her with an underhanded swish of his wrist. "Lead the way, oh telepathic one."

"You know that telepathy doesn't work on things like mines, traps or sentry droids, right?"

He smiled and bowed gracefully then began walking. "Perhaps I should take the lead."


The spiced rum was smooth. Leader of the Star Fox mercenary team, victors of the Anglar Invasion, Fox J. McCloud set the glass on the table and put his paws firmly on either side of it as if to hold himself steady. He paused then canted his head to the uneaten plate of food by Falco Lombardi. The avian had his own plate and it was empty... but Fox refused to eat.

"You're wasting away over this girl," warned the falcon in a scolding tone. "You're not the same Fox McCloud that defeated the Anglars just a few months ago. This isn't the same Fox McCloud that beat the Aparoids a few years ago or single-handedly won the Lyat War against Andross over a decade ago. Get it together."

The vulpine pilot tilted his head and looked at Falco quietly. In a soft voice, he said, "But it doesn't hurt anymore. I feel nothing when I'm like this." His speech was somewhat slurred and his tail was drooped.

"Yeah? Fox, it's just a girl. Hell, go date Lucy Hare or something. She's a frickin' teacher, man. And hot."

"No, man, I grew up watching her tumble 'round in diapers." (Reflections of Fox McCloud, chapter 1) That would be like kissing my niece or something. I don't do that whole... blood relations thing, Fac...lo." He licked his lips, took a deep breath then sighed the word, "Fal-co. Look, it's not as bad as you think."

"Just eat something."

McCloud turned his head from the plate. "Make me." The bar was empty and the lights were dim, just the way he liked it. This was his little happy place. "But if it's not Lucy Hare, I'd date anyone else. Even you. At least when you take off you eventually come back, Falco."

"Whoa, McCloud. As Peppy would say, hit the brakes."

"No I mean it, you're like a totally awesome guy," said Fox in his inebriate stupor. "I love you, man! You show up late to the gigs but you're an ace, buddy!"

Lombardi turned his chair around, facing away from McCloud and sat down on it backwards. With his elbows on the top of the backrest, he reached for either side of his long-time friend's muzzle and narrowed his eyes. "Seriously, man. You're all jacked up. If you wanna make out with your buddies... I hear Bill is single. In all seriousness, just snap out of it."

Fox reached up with his paws and cupped either side of Falco's face. "I can do that, too. Now what? I got your face, Falco... how you gonna' do a barrel roll now?"

"If you kiss me, I'll punch you in the face." He didn't like the fact that Fox now had his paws on his beak after making some sort of suggestion that sounded less than heterosexual. "You're at your lowest point, man. Get it together."

"You're touching my face, Tiger," said Fox.

"Tiger? What the hell are you smoking, Foxie?"

"C'mon," said McCloud. "You don't remember Katt Monroe? She used to call us younger guys, 'Tiger'. She's a real cougar - anyone younger than her is fair game, right?"

Lombardi rolled his eyes. "She's only five years older. It's not like she visits cougar bars. She was just flirting with you over Macbeth to get me interested in her. It's what women do... they try to drum up competition because they love DRAMA."

"You're not drama?" Fox hiccupped then, quite literally, giggled at his own joke. "You're the king of drama."

Falco released Fox's face and brushed the drunken pilot's paws back to the table. "We look like a couple'a fairies sitting at this table, holding each other's face. Let's get you something to eat before we leave."

"Falco, she's gone. She's gone, man. She's with Panther Caruso. Have you seen him? Have you? That guy is huge. So, y'know what that means? He's probably hung like a goddamn horse and now she's gone. She's got the horsecock and I've got the liquor." Again, his words were slurring together.

"Fox! For fuck-sake!" Falco brought a fist down on the table causing the condiments to jump. "Are you seriously worried that she's happy with Panther's junk? Look, I dated Katt on and off... At one point, I was like, 'why don't you date feline dudes?' and she said she wasn't impressed, okay? Fox, are you honestly worried about THAT? Come on, now, get with it." He paused then frowned, seeing Fox was bothered. He leaned close and, in a quiet voice, said, "Listen... I heard feline guys are built like infants, man. Even the big cats... Krystal probably has to think about you when she's with that moron."

"Dude! Falco! Seriously, don't suggest that she's with him! That sucks! I don't want to think about that!"

Lombardi gaped at him in disbelief. "But you just... You're the one who...!"

"Stop talking about Panther's junk," grumbled Fox. "Who the hell brought that crap up, anyhow?"

Lombardi threw his arms up in the air. "Are you SERIOUS?!" He stood up in defeat and walked back to the bar. He tracked down the tender and said, "I'm that guy's ride. Lemmie get his keys, please. Also, if you see him in here again, don't serve him. He's cut off. I'm his sponsor - he's not allowed to drink anymore." He snatched the keys from the tender's paw and stormed back over to Fox. "Okay, Hero. Let's get you home and in bed. I bet she's going to dump Panther in no time flat."

"This is why I keep you on my team and put up with your shit."

Lombardi blinked. "Say what?"

"This, right here. It's why you're on the team, Falco. Because when I'm in over my head, you swoop in out of nowhere and you got my back. How the hell did you even know I was going to be at this bar, tonight, anyhow?"

"I saw your car out front," he said, not sure if he was insulted or thankful for the semi-praise. "Fox, you're my boy. I've always got your back. Just get up and let's go. Do you have a tab to close out?"

"I prepaid. Whatever is left at the end of the night... the tender keeps as a tip, buddy. They really like me here. I've never once made it to my prepay tab."

"You're seriously screwed up, McCloud. Let's get you ...somewhere. Is the GreatFox still in drydock?"

"Yeah, I'm staying at my parents old house." He stood up then slumped forward into Falco's arms. McCloud felt queasy from the sudden vertical motion and his stomach turned. "Experiencing G-LOC," he murmured.

Lombardi snagged his arms beneath the fuzzy wing commander and guided him to the door. No sooner did the cool evening air rustle through Fox's fur, he doubled over and emptied his stomach. The force with which he doubled over caused him to fall from the falcon's grasp. Fox dropped to his paws and knees, gagging on the vomit, followed by more intense heaving. His tail flickered listlessly then dropped between his ankles.

"Are you serious? Get up, pilot." He took McCloud by the collar and, quite literally, he dragged Fox to the car. "C'mon, flyboy. Almost there."

"Flyboy," coughed the pilot. "Fara Phoenix used to call me that. She's gone, too. I ruin all my relationships, man."

Falco put the window down, opened the door and pushed Fox in, then closed the door and guided McCloud's head out through the window so that if he had to throw up, it wouldn't be on the upholstery. Once Lombardi had everything settled, he got behind the driver's seat and fired up the engine. The hovercar rose from the ground, causing Fox to groan miserably from wooziness. "M...ake a right on Fayette. It's not far."

"I didn't even know your parents house still had anything in it."

"Yup," said Fox, hardly audible over the fresh rush of wind. "I stay in their room. Mine is full of broken dreams and fucked up memories of everything I've lost. I don't want to haunt the walls with new memories of fresh losses."

"GOD, listen to you. Talk about drama, man. Get it together, McCloud. Okay, we're making a right on Fayette. What next?"

"Get on Route 67, take it out of the city and take it to exit sixty-two."

Lombardi's eyes widened. "What? That's like twenty-five miles from here. I thought you said it was close?"

"It is at Mach four," muttered the pilot. "I'll drive it then."

"The hell you will. I'm crashing at your place tonight so I can make sure you don't drown in your own goo."

Fox opened his muzzle, closed his eyes and... heaved again. Out the window it went and he felt light headed. "...Neat." And, just like that, he grew unresponsive. His lips flapped in the wind and his head lulled down. His tongue and eyes were drying out.

Falco took his right hand off the wheel and reached for Fox's wrist. He felt the pulse and sighed in relief. "Don't you go dying of something STUPID like alcohol poisoning, damn you." However his inebriate friend offered no reply. The avian sighed in frustration. Tonight was going to be a long night... he just had a feeling.


A/N: _Okay! SO! YEAH! Krystal is starting to question why she went back to Panther. Fox is heartbroken and refuses to eat, even when Falco demands it. Two endings from SF:Command. The one with Fox and Falco together, and the one where Krystal leaves Star Wolf and eventually becomes Kursed... that's what we're seeing snippets of, thusfar. Sex is NOT going to be the main point of this story. Right now it's prevalent because Panther is a romantic and Krystal is confused and only knows one thing... her body instincts and impulses are subconsciously telling her to have children. _

_I guess that'd happen if you're the last member of your race but find out you're compatible with the aliens of the Lylat system. But anyhow! ANYONE who has read this thusfar... THANK YOU! I appreciate it! A LOT! _

Regret Chapter 3

_x-x-x-x-x_ _Chapter -3- "Another Closed Option"_ **"They're revolting."** Krystal watched the guards through the binoculars and added, "Even after the mental conditioning, they're so vile and disgusting that I feel dirty just being near...

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Jules and Miyu Lynx Unabridged scenes

This one is outtakes, so to speak, based on my StarFox story, DETENTE. For those of you who have not read it, it involves StarFox leaving the Lylat sytem and winding up on modern day Earth. Throughout the beginning of the story, politics...

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Alternative Version of Karla seducing Conner Cooper

Conner Cooper is 14, here. It's early in the story and I was asked by more than ten people to see what it WOULD HAVE BEEN like if Karla were to actually suceed in seducing Conner, with whom she flirts throughout the entire...

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