Chapter 13

Story by Grey Tail on SoFurry

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#13 of Next Generation- The Digivolution Saga

I apologize for the somewhat sloppy writing in places, not to mention the period of time it has taken for me to post something, but yeah, here's the next chapter of TNG, hope you like it. (I will fix the yiff scene soon, promise)

Anyway, Nee gets her own little story, and the leader of the Citadel? Dun dun dun!


Ashrith sighed; hopping over the large crack in the marble floor of one of the Citadel Station's many corridors. The soft tapping of paw pads just behind him made his feline ears twitch, swivelling around to focus on the source of the noise. The young Soramon knew who was following him, as she had been doing so almost constantly after the strange group of digimon had appeared, and defeated that unknown enemy that had been able to fend off all their attacks, and hadn't been deleted upon its defeat.

Ashrith played with a scrap of the metal the creature had been made of, twisting it in his hands as he mused. The group of Impures had arrived four days ago, the 'robot', as they had called the creature, attacking soon after their arrival. Ashrith still did not understand the concept of this obviously living monster actually being nothing more than a computer with weapons attached. He shivered suddenly, recalling the Grey Sharamon's description of the attacker.

"Code trapped inside a digi-vice like shell. A human-made digital intelligence forced inside a box with the human equivalent of digi-vices attached," the young feline growled, shaking his head in anger, "So barbaric, yet interesting. I wonder if they extract the consciousness from the digital creature before or after they trap it in the box..."

Ashrith stopped suddenly, scribbling something down in a small notebook he kept with him, before looking around at the empty corridor, nodding to himself as he spun around, catching a glimpse of a grey ear vanishing behind a corner. Shaking his head again, he strode forwards, rounding the corner to find the hallway deserted, as he had expected it to be.

"Come out," he called, looking around, "I know you are there, I know you have been following me for these past several days, and I have had enough, now show yourself!"


"Hey, has anyone seen Nee?"

Namico looked up from the couch as she stretched her back, the neko-like digimon yawning as she hopped onto her feet, quickly draping herself over Craig's shoulders as he looked around the room they inhabited.

"Nope, she's probably off chasing that cute little Soramon again, what was his name? Aslan? Ashlin?" Karen replied, throwing a cushion at the grinning Namico, who had started to nibble on Craig's ear.

"Ashrith, the Station's resident genius child," Argon replied as he polished the new armour he had received furiously, grinning at his reflection in the silvery-white metal, "She is likely to be greatly disappointed, though. The child is not one to show affection. Contempt, annoyance and pride? Most definitely, but not affection."

"She's been following him?" Craig asked, suddenly standing bolt upright, "Where?"

"Everywhere," Namico yawned again, "I think she likes him, or maybe she's just looking for someone to play with, though I don't think that grouch will be any fun. Why?"

"It's just...I got this foreboding feeling that she's in some sort of trouble..." Craig replied, rubbing his eyes tiredly, "And I'm just worried about where she could have gone. This place is actually quite large and I don't want her getting lost in some unused corridor somewhe-."

The explosion, followed by a loud rumbling, echoed down the hallway outside the room. The group stared through the opening as if waiting for the two young felines to come tearing past. After several seconds a second explosion shook the air, shaking Craig from his trance as he leapt out of the room, leaving Namico stumbling forwards, the male already vanishing in a puff of dust.


"Fight! Defend yourself! Do something!" the white cat-boy screamed as he continued his frenzied attack, "Gale Pulse!"

The attack slammed into the floor where the small grey feline had been standing moments before, barely having managed to throw herself out of the way as the floor crumbled, the corridor filling with dust again as she stumbled, blinded and coughing, around a corner.

"You are weak! You refuse to attack! What is wrong with you?!" Ashrith screamed, the coughs and whimpers of the other feline reaching his ears, fuelling his rage as he yelled again, "You are useless! Gale Pulse!"

Nee screamed as the wall behind her exploded, launching her into the air. She gasped as she slammed into the wall, arms suddenly wrapping around her and holding her gently, shielding her from the rest of the elemental attack. Wiping her eyes, Nee looked up at Craig's worried face, his eyes filled with tears as he smiled down at her, before hugging her tightly.

"Now what have you managed to get yourself into, you naughty girl?" he chuckled as he set her down, wrapping his coat around her shoulders, before turning to face Ashrith, who was pulling on a pair of gloves as he rounded the corner.

"The twin digi-quips Wind Fist Gloves," the small feline said, his face a sea of anger, his voice taking on a sarcastic tone, "I wasn't planning on using these, but seeing as how the "Reaper of Winds" has joined the fight, I may as well."

"Staff," Craig growled, his normally calm face vanishing as he gripped the handle of the now pure black digi-quip, "Weapon form: Reaper's Scythe."

The electricity crackled along the shaft, flickering at the top as the blade formed, a shimmering blue crescent of energy, tiny sparks flying off of it as it ionised the air around it. Craig raised it slowly, bringing the scythe blade up behind him as he prepared to strike.

"That will never work," Ashrith laughed, "This hallway is far too narrow for you to just swing that weapon around freely!"

"And why should I care about that?" Ashrith's laughter stopped as Craig spoke, dark smoke gathering around him, pouring into the black armour plates that began forming on the older male, seeping up and into the scythe blade, making it become somehow more than real. The weapon suddenly passed through the wall, erupting out the plaster as Craig roared his attack, "Grey Thunder Slash!"

The arc of energy rippled as it flew towards the startled feline, who only just managed to raise his arms in defence as the attack struck him, the air shimmering as the attack slammed into an invisible wall, forcing Ashrith back several feet before he threw the attack to the side, falling to the floor in exhaustion, managing to look up at the slowly approaching Grey Sharamon angrily.

"You have strength, yet that little slut has nothing! How can yo-oof!" Ashrith coughed as Craig's foot slammed into his stomach, knocking the wind from him.

"She is far stronger than you, child. She has seen things that would break your mind into thousands of pieces, and yet she still continues on," Craig stamped down on Ashrith's hand as he tried to lift it, gasping for air to announce another attack, only able to scream silently as the larger feline pulled the gloves from his hands, storing them in the 'vice on his wrist. Ashrith watched as he stood up again, glaring down at the writhing boy, the menace in his voice oozing like poison, "And if I ever hear you call my Nee a slut again, I will rip you apart with my bare hands."

Ashrith coughed again as he took a deep gulping breath, cursing as he watched Craig pick Nee off the floor and carry her back down the corridor, vanishing in a cloud of dust as he sped away.


"Stronger than me?! And seen what that would break my mind?!" the small feline yelled at the ceiling of his private quarters, sinking his claws into the pillow of his simple bed, shredding it easily, "If he hadn't interfered, I would have been able to rid the world of that impure little hussy and her...her staring eyes!"

Ashrith growled as he shut his own eyes, the image of Nee staring back at him as Craig had carried her away making him shake his head in frustration. She had looked so sad, so hurt, so pitiful, and yet he couldn't forget the look in those eyes. It was like she was sad for him, hurt that he had attacked her, and pitying of him for...

"NO!" He screamed, hurling the pillow against the far wall and leaping from his bed, "I will not allow this, I will not allow this Impure succubus to affect me so! I need to go for a walk to clear my mind."


Craig watched the dark grey feline as she played with the simple doll one of the digimon of the Citadel had given her, hugging it tightly as she sat on the large pile of cushions she was using as a bed. Sighing, he turned away from her and slumped on the couch, pulling both Karen and Namico into a hug as he glanced back over at her.

"I'm really worried about her," he sighed again, gasping when Namico prodded him in the stomach.

"Then quit sighing and start talking to her! And anyway, it's getting really annoying!" the white and blue feline growled, shoving Craig off the seat and towards Nee, who looked up as he approached.

"H-hey," Craig stuttered, shaking his head when he realised just how nervous he was talking to this strange little girl, "Hey, do you mind if I sit with you?"

Nee shook her head and moved to the side, making more room for Craig as he flopped down on the cushions next to her. She shifted sideways again, snuggling up to him as he put his arm around her, squeezing her gently. Looking down at the doll, Craig suddenly realised that it looked remarkably like Nee herself, only slightly older.

"Wait, that doll's almost like..."

"Sister..." the word was almost too quiet to hear, making Craig start when he realised who had said it.

"Nee? Do you miss her?" he asked kindly, lifting the small feline into his lap, his slight smile dropping when she nodded and sniffed, tears starting to roll down her face. Struggling for something to say, Craig sighed, hugging Nee tightly as he spoke softly into her ear, "I know this must be hard for you, but you did the right thing. You gave your sister peace instead of letting her die a slow and agonising death. This may sound strange, but I'm sure she would thank you if she could."

Nee, looked up at Craig with tear filled eyes as he gave her a reassuring squeeze; nodding when she asked, "Really?"

Namico watched the two talking quietly for a while, getting up off the couch once both of them were smiling again, placing her hand on Craig's shoulder as she crouched beside the two felines. Nee looked at the two smiling felines as she left something in her chest heat warm, a wide smile forming on her face as she clung onto Craig's shirt, sniffling as she began to cry happily, "Love you... Papa."

Craig blinked in surprise, glancing at Namico who grinned at him, giggling manically before toppling over backwards and laughing loudly. Craig shook his head as the young feline rolled around in hysterics, the rest of the group watching in confusion.


"Sir, we m-managed t-to locate the target. U-unfortunately..."

The figure turned away from the computer monitor, the glare from the screen reflecting off of his glasses and hiding his eyes. The lab assistant swallowed nervously as he looked at the man. Less than a week before he had been tall, healthy and happy, but now he was a hunched over wreck, his face sullen as he constantly scoured the reams of data they received from the digital world.

"Unfortunately?" The normally strong and commanding, yet friendly, voice echoed around the otherwise empty room, now as cracked and dry as the scientist's lips.

"Unfortunately there were complications...involving the target and another...uh, like her..." the assistant stumbled over his words as the man began to stagger towards him, an outstretched hand grasping his shoulder tightly, making the now terrified man stutter madly, "T-they destroyed the robot! A-and t-there were other compl-lications! I'm sorry we did everything we could but couldn't recover her! Please don't hurt me!"

The two men stood in silence after the lab assistant's sudden outburst, staring at each other. The older man patted him on the shoulder and shook his head, his voice cracking again as he spoke, "Never mind, I want a full on my desk within the hour."

"Y-yessir!" the assistant squeaked as the man turned and walked back to the monitor, running as soon as he had shut the office door.

Inside, the man picked up the photo frame, looking at the twelve year old girl in the picture, "Mary..."



"What?!" the twelve year old shouted back in surprise as she was lifted into the air, staring at Craig in surprise, "What's going on?!"

"Where the hell have you been?" Craig demanded, Hugging the plant girl as he carried her across the room, "I've been worried!"

"What? Oh come on, Craig! I'm a big girl! I can look after myself-mfh!" Mary's rant was cut off when Craig pressed his lips against hers, kissing the surprised girl deeply. Mary blushed as they broke the kiss, looking up into Craig's eyes, "What was that for?"

"'Cause I love you," he laughed, kissing her again, "Why else?"

Mary stared at Craig in shock. It was true that they had grown closer over the past few days, but she was completely unprepared for this. Shaking her head, she pressed up against Craig's chest and smiled, blinking when she suddenly realised something.

"Where's everyone else?"

"The other girls are at the baths, Argon is off sparring with his brother, and you and I are alone in this room," Craig chuckled, grinning down at the still blushing girl.


Craig nodded, giving a startled cry as Mary's vines suddenly wrapped around the two of them, pressing them tightly together, and lifting Mary into another kiss.

"I know what I want to do right now," she giggled, breaking the kiss momentarily, "Do you?"

Craig answered by slipping his hand down the back of her pants, a wry smile on his face as Mary's blush deepened. Loosening her vines, the young girl gasped when Craig ran his tongue up the side of her neck, tickling her ear as he gently pulled her top up over her head. Mary couldn't help giggling when her shirt got caught on her head, Craig unable to pull it off due to her vines, effectively blind folding the plant girl.

"Oh damn," she heard him chuckle, "Whatever will we do now?"

Mary gasped when she felt her shirt tighten slightly around her head, her arms, still in the sleeves, suddenly bound to her head as Craig carefully tied her up with the t-shirt. Mary opened her mouth to protest, but gasped in surprise as Craig's tongue slid up her stomach, trailing right up to her chin, before it vanished once again.

"Calm down," His deep, calm voice reassured her, "I'm not going to hurt you."

"Oh? And what if I want you to?" Mary asked slyly, a mischievous grin on her face, "What would you say then?"

There was a pause as Craig thought for a second, before giving his answer, "Sounds kinky."

Mary laughed as he pulled her pants down, leaving them wrapped around her ankles, acting as loose shackles on the already bound girl. Craig's tongue made the return trip from her chin down her navel, making a detour to run over her breast, sucking lightly on her nipple as Mary giggled, liking the feeling of vulnerability the blind-fold gave her, not knowing what was going to happen next, maybe she'd try it on Annalla sometime.

A sudden jolt of pleasure forced the idea from her mind as something slid over her already damp slit, pushing in lightly as hot breath rushed over her clit. Moaning, Mary suddenly realised she'd been so deep in thought that she hadn't even noticed Craig remove her panties and move to start eating her out. His tongue slid deep into her virgin hole, the rough surface grating against the sensitive flesh, sending pulses of pleasure coursing through Mary's body.

"Oh gods! Oh fuck! Don't stop, please don't stop!" Mary moaned as Craig's tongue seemed to slide deeper and deeper into her, suddenly brushing over a small, rough patch of flesh, Mary gasping as she orgasmed, moaning in pleasure and disappointment as he pulled his tongue from her delicate slit.

"Yes? What is it?" She heard him say, her face going bright purple as she heard someone else talking.

"T-there's have to do...uh..."

"WHAT?!" Craig shouted, making Mary jump, and obviously scaring the talker enough to get their words straight.

"You are required to meet the High Lord of the Citadel at the Beam now! He will be arriving within the next five minutes!" the person squeeked.

"Right now?" Craig asked, whining slightly as she felt his hand run down the side of her body, "But I'm busy."

"I-I can see that sir," the unseen person stuttered, "But it must be now."