Having Danced Alone

Story by K.M. Hirosaki on SoFurry

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"Having Danced Alone"

by K.M. Hirosaki ([email protected])

AUTHOR'S NOTES: This story is copyright (c) 2002 K.M. Hirosaki. Rikoshi Kisaragi is copyright (c) his player and is used here with special permission. Kepparu Azumash is copyright (c) his player and is used here with special permission.

This story involves characters and takes place after events in my story "Beginning With Chances." However, this story is designed to be readable on its own.

All comments, critiques, complains, and cash should be sent to

[email protected]

[email protected]-=-=-=-

Rikoshi's tail thwipped from side to side as Kepparu broke off the kiss as gently as he'd started it. The otter slid his paw down over his thigh and took the fox's hand in his own, giving him a tiny peck on the muzzle before he drew away.

"Thank you again for another lovely evening," the fox said to Kepparu, squeezing his paw.

Kepparu smiled, stretching his legs out over the cool grass where he sat. "Why thank me? You're the one that did the cooking." He rubbed the small-framed red fox on the shoulder. The vibrant orange colors of sunset struck a solid contrast with his fur.

"True," Rikoshi said, leaning in to kiss Kepparu on the cheek. "But I can't have your company if you're not here to give it." Kepparu could feel that he was blushing now. No matter how often Rikoshi might say such nice things about him, the otter still felt a giddy flush at even compliment. He took that as a sign that he really did have feelings for the little fox.

The two had been seeing one another for about two weeks. Things weren't hugely committal just yet, but given how many of the recent nights that had been spent in each other's company, each other's beds, and each other's arms, Kepparu was pretty sure that wasn't a problem for the time being. A lot seemed to be able to pass unsaid between Rikoshi and himself, and he liked that. Maybe it wasn't "love" just yet, but it might have been so close that Kepparu couldn't tell the difference anymore.

This evening, they had had a bit of a picnic outside on the low, grassy hill behind Rikoshi's seaside cottage that overlooked the ocean. Dinner itself hadn't been anything overly fancy (Rikoshi liked to downplay his cooking skills), but it had been good, and it was wonderful for Kepparu just for them to be together. A sea breeze began to pick up, sending a cold rush of air through his fur.

"Think we should head inside now?" Kepparu asked.

Rikoshi started to gather things up. "Yeah, it's getting a bit chilly out here." Kepparu grabbed a few dishes, as the fox's small arms were looking rather overfull. "Oh, thank you," Rikoshi said, smiling. Arms full, the pair stood up and trotted off back to the house.


Kepparu sat down on the cozy sofa in the middle of the main room of the cabin. There was actually coffee served out on the coffee table, and he sipped it slowly as he watched Rikoshi trying to light the fireplace. The fox was a mere five feet tall, and so he looked rather cute standing there, bent over trying to get the fire going.

"Nice view," Kepparu remarked, as it was hard not to notice the tight pair of dungarees that hugged the form of the fox's backside.

Rikoshi swished his tail teasingly without turning around. "You be good," he replied. "I didn't invite you over tonight just so you could stare at my butt."

"Does that mean I can't stare at your butt while having stimulating conversation?" Kepparu asked, throwing on a fake, pompous tone.

"I suppose that's allowable, yeah," Rikoshi said with a chuckle, wiggling his hips and tail. Even though it was quick and simple, the smooth fluidity of the motions held Kepparu's attention raptly.

Kepparu knew that Rikoshi was a former erotic dancer, and had even seen him perform long before the two would ever come to know each other. The otter thought it might have very well been subconscious of Rikoshi's part, but even the subtlest of suggestive movements bore this certain something to them. It was like when he needed to, the fox could imbue sensuality into the tiniest aspects of motion.

Rikoshi yapped happily in success as he finally got the fire started. It was only a matter of seconds before the air began to warm up. The fox took his place on the couch beside Kepparu and rubbed his leg, then picked up his own cup of coffee.

"Hey, I have a question," Kepparu asked, breaking the silence.

"Sure, anything," Rikoshi said, putting his mug back down on the coffee table and turning partially sideways on the couch. Although he knew it should have been comforting, the look of pure trust in Rikoshi's pretty green eyes just made Kepparu that much more nervous.

"I know that you don't like to talk about it much," Kepparu said hesitantly, "but would you ever consider showing off some of your old dance moves for me?"

Almost immediately, Kepparu saw the change in Rikoshi's eyes, as if a part of him drew back inside. Rikoshi started to speak, but the otter held up a hand to stop him. "I'm sorry. I shoudn't have even asked that."

"You don't have anything to be sorry about, hon," Rikoshi said, putting his paw on Kepparu's shoulder.

The otter shook his head. "No, I do. I saw the look on your face. I should have known not to bring it up. I didn't want you to be embarrassed or offended. That was thoughtless of me."

Rikoshi leaned forward and gave him a kiss on the cheek. "No, it's okay. And I'm not embarrassed or offended about anything. It's just..."

Kepparu took one of Rikoshi's paws in his. "Don't worry about it. Let's just forget I mentioned it," he said softly.

"No," the fox said as he stood up. "No, we should get this out in the open. I mean, I can't pretend it never happened, and you'll still be thinking about it, so we should just deal with it now." He didn't sound angry at all, but Kepparu suddenly felt really guilty. He hadn't intended to start anything like this.

"For the record, I'm not ashamed of myself for what I used to do," Rikoshi continued, pacing back and forth in the tiny space between the coffee table and fireplace. "But you already know that I try to keep myself distanced from it."

Kepparu nodded. "You just want to... move on, like it never happened."

Rikoshi's eyes widened and he shook his head. "No, that's not it at all! If you just pretend that something never happened, it makes anything you learned from it meaningless!" He refused to look Kepparu in the eyes; instead, he just looked down at the floor. Kepparu was pretty sure that Rikoshi was referring to something entirely unrelated to the dancing now. Whatever it was, though, Kepparu wasn't going to press for it.

"What I mean is... how should I put it?" Rikoshi said, looking up finally. "It's not the dancing itself that I don't like being reminded of. I enjoyed doing it, actually. I just mentally associate it with the rest of my life at the time, and I wish I didn't. For your sake and my own."

"But you don't want to just forget. And you also don't want me to think of you in that light... is that it?" Kepparu asked.

Rikoshi stopped pacing and just looked into Kepparu's eyes. "Kind of. Yes and no. I want to make you happy, to be sexy for you. But I know you know that there's a reason I avoid mentioning anything from back then. And so I don't want you to have to think about me like... like I'd be doing something that I resented, and trying to ignore it to make you happy." The fox let out a laugh that sounded partly mixed with embarrassment. "If that makes any sense."

Kepparu stood up and gave the little fox a hug. "No, I think I understand. I wouldn't want to put you in a situation where you'd feel awkward," he said, holding him close. "Even if you were just feeling awkward about me feeling awkward," he added, giving one of Rikoshi's ears a playful lick.

Yipping cutely, Rikoshi nudged his nose up at the otter's chin and rubbed his body against him. His tail swayed back and forth slowly as he puts his arms around Kepparu and sighed happily. Kepparu ran his paw in long, drawn-out petting motions down Rikoshi's back and kissed him on the forehead. He really was extremely fond of Rikoshi, and he felt better knowing that the fox felt better.

One of Rikoshi's paws squeezed at Kepparu's rear as the fox drew himself back and looked up into the otter's eyes. The normal cheerful character had returned to the fox's face, along with a glimmer of mischief in his eyes that Kepparu had gotten to know rather well over the past few weeks. "You're plotting something, aren't you, Rikky?" Kepparu asked, smirking.

"Who, me? Never!" Rikoshi said, kissing Kepparu on the side of the neck before he turned around and walked towards the door to his bedroom. "You just sit down on that chair there. I'll be right back."

Kepparu obediently sat down and folded his hands in his lap. "Do I need to start mentally preparing myself, or can that wait?" he asked, laughing.

Rikoshi stuck his head out through the doorframe from his bedroom. "You don't need to prepare yourself for anything, because I'm not doing anything, remember?" He winked and disappeared back into his room. Kepparu sat and listened as he faintly heard Rikoshi rummaging through things for another minute or so.

When Rikoshi emerged again, Kepparu was met with the sight of the fox's fluffy white bare chest. He still had on his tight jeans, but that was all. There was something around his neck, but Kepparu couldn't quite make out what it was at his distance. Rikoshi kept both paws hidden behind his back as he padded back across the room to where the otter sat.

"Close your eyes for a second, okay?" Rikoshi asked, sounding as normal as ever. Kepparu did as asked, and almost immediately his heart began to pound faster with excitement. He felt Rikoshi's tail brush along this shin as the fox stepped around the chair, and then for a few lingering seconds there was nothing. Then, he felt both of Rikoshi's paws at each of his shoulders.

The fox slid his hands down from Kepparu's shoulders and onto the sides of his upper arms. They stopped there for a moment, then went down further, to his forearms. Kepparu felt the fox pulling his arms gently back, so he let Rikoshi move them freely. His arms were pulled behind the chair and then crossed over one another before the fox let go. Once more, there was a long pause filled with nothing but waiting, and then the otter felt a pair of metal rings clasping around his wrists: handcuffs.

"You can open your eyes now, if you'd like," Rikoshi said, still not a hint of anything in his voice to suggest that anything out of the ordinary was happening. Kepparu opened his eyes and watched as Rikoshi slinked around the chair and stood in front him.

Kepparu could tell what Rikoshi had on his neck now; he was wearing a thick chain choker with the links painted in rainbow pride colors, standing out starkly against the white fur of his throat. The fox leaned forward with his hands on the arms of the couch and put his mouth up against Kepparu's ear. "There's a bit of a 'look, but don't touch' rule to this," he whispered. "I'd trust you to keep your hands to yourself, but I think the handcuffs make it more... interesting."

Rikoshi pushed himself away from the chair and stood a few feet back. The denim stretched itself out tight over the bulge between his legs, and the sight of it only added to Kepparu's already fairly aroused state. The fox lifted up one of his feet and tested out the support of the coffee table. Seeming satisfied that it would hold, Rikoshi hopped up onto it.

The fox placed one of his black-furred paws up on his chest, and let the other one rest against his thigh. He trailed a claw down the middle of his chest and down to his bellybutton, the contrast of white and black and red shifting in movements like liquid being poured. His fingers splayed outward like a fan as he slid his paw back up his body, bringing it up to his neck as he leaned his head back. With his head titled back, he brought his claws up over his throat and under his chin, and his other paw moved from his thigh to his crotch. He used a single finger to trace the line of the seam in the pants, and then along the zipper, up to his waist. Facing forward at Kepparu again with a sly grin, his fingers slowly slipped the button on his pants free, and he pulled the zipper down what couldn't have possibly been more than an inch or so.

Even though unfastened, the pants were still tight enough that they were in no danger of coming off on their own. And even though Kepparu already knew what Rikoshi looked like naked, the way that the fox was teasing him just made his own erection press up into the fabric of his pants harder. Rikoshi apparently noticed this, as his gaze fixed down between the otter's legs for a moment or two, his grin widening.

Tugging at the chain around his neck, Rikoshi mimicked being pulled down into a kneeling position, his tail swaying from side to side evenly as he locked his lovely emerald eyes with Kepparu. Sitting on his knees, he placed on arm behind himself and leaned back so far that his shoulders almost touched the table. His other paw snaked its way back over to the zipper of his pants and slowly pulled it the rest of the way down. The denim on either side flapped open, revealing a V-shaped patch of the black silk boxers that the fox was wearing.

Rikoshi leaned his torso back forward, and hooked both paws inside the waist of his pants at the hips. He stood up and pushed down at the same time, rising up from the table as the pair of jeans slid down off of his legs. They bunched up around his ankles, and with a move that looked effortless, he stepped out of them and kicked them to the side, where they landed in a rumpled heap next to the fire. He stood with his legs spread somewhat, his tail hanging straight down, its white tip touching the table between his black feet. The silk boxers, although not exactly tight, nevertheless clearly showed the outline of Rikoshi's hard form.

Kepparu instinctively licked his tongue out at one side of his muzzle as he watched. Rikoshi turned around and flicked his tail up in the air as he bent forward. The fox looked at Kepparu upside from in between his legs while he reached behind himself and pulled his boxers down, lifting one foot and then the other to get them off at the end. Kepparu stared intently and longingly at the tight hole visible under the fox's raised tail, and at the white-furred sack that dangled beneath.

The fox reached a paw in between his legs and cupped his testicles lightly. He squeezed and fondled his sack for a few seconds before he released it, moving his paw back further. He framed his entrance between a pair of spread fingers, and flicked his tail's tip. His middle finger began to move in slow, tiny circles around the edge of the hole, and his tail swished back and forth in time. Suddenly, the fox's finger pushed its way up inside in a single motion, and Rikoshi let out a muffled moan. Kepparu squirmed in his chair, watching in wonderful frustration as the fox slid the single digit in and out of himself over and over, slowly and evenly.

After a time (which the enthralled otter couldn't possibly keep track of), Rikoshi pulled his paw back and turned around. He stepped down off of the table and slowly made his way over to Kepparu. The fox's pink shaft jutted out rock hard, covered in a glistening clear drizzle which caught the light from the fire. Seeing Rikoshi like this was nearly driving Kepparu mad with desire. His breath stuck and a lump formed in his throat as the fox put both paws on the otter's shoulders and leaned up over him. Kepparu's gaze kept shifting back and forth between Rikoshi's face and in between his legs.

Rikoshi hovered over Kepparu and nuzzled his nosepad at the edges of the otter's ears. "This is why I like having a captive audience," the fox whispered seductively. Kepparu was far too turned out to care about the bad pun, and instead just whimpered as Rikoshi knelt up on the chair's arms and raised his hips up. The fox's wet, hard shaft was mere inches from Kepparu's mouth. The sight and smell of it was almost painfully enticing after having become so worked up, and the otter actually let out an airy gasp as a tiny drop of fluid beaded up at Rikoshi's tip and dripped down onto his chest, soaking up into his shirt.

"I wish you could see the look on your face right now," Rikoshi churred as he licked the inside of one of Kepparu's ears slowly. The fox leaned forward a bit more, so that his tip was just below the otter's nose. Pheromones were overloading Kepparu's brain, making him almost dizzy. "I know what you want to do," Rikoshi said. "Go ahead."

Kepparu opened his mouth and stuck his tongue out. He could just barely make contact with the end of Rikoshi's tip, but even that was enough. The clear fluid spilled its way onto the otter's tongue, sending a rush through his whole body. Rikoshi was always sweet, but having been denied and teased for so long seemed to make the taste that much better. Just as Kepparu started to murr happily, Rikoshi let go of his shoulders and put his grip up on the back of the chair and raised himself up higher.

Slowly, Rikoshi moved his hips forward, sliding his length into Kepparu's muzzle. The otter moaned and took him in eagerly, suckling on the fox as he began to fill his mouth. The fox continued until his shaft bumped up against the back of Kepparu's mouth, then started to move in and out of the otter's muzzle in a slow, fluid rhythm. Kepparu slathered the fox's length with his tongue as Rikoshi drew it back and pushed forward again and again. All of Kepparu's attention was fixed on how warm and hard Rikoshi was, the gently throbbing pulse beating gently against his tongue. He tried to press his tongue against the fox's slit as he drew out one final time, but Rikoshi let go of the chair and dropped back to the floor, placing himself back out of reach again.

Rikoshi bent over and swished his tail in the otter's face, then down in between his legs. He turned his head and look behind himself at Kepparu, smiling warmly. "Am I just being too cruel now?" he asked.

"A bit," Kepparu said with a nervous chuckle.

Rikoshi stood up and walked behind the chair, then knelt down and unlocked the handcuffs around Kepparu's wrists. Kepparu pulled his arms back around and rubbed his wrists, although the cuffs hadn't been tight enough to really make him sore. He looked back over at Rikoshi, who had stepped back around the chair and padded over towards the sofa. The fox looked back over his shoulder as he knelt on the cushion and puts his hands up on the sofa's back. "Well, since I've had my fun with you," he said, "I suppose I can let you have your fun with me." The fox swished his tail playfully as if to invite Kepparu over.

Kepparu needed no further prodding. He stood up and made his way over to the hunched-over fox on the couch. The otter hurriedly unhooked his belt and unzipped himself, shimmying his hips so that he pants fell to the floor around his ankles. He left his shirt on, not wanting to waste a single moment as lust filled his being. The otter grabbed onto the fox's rump firmly and spread him apart carefully, pressing his tip up underneath the tail. His member ached now that he was this close, but Kepparu restrained himself, not wanting to hurt the little fox.

Concentrating on keeping himself under control, Kepparu pushed his hips forward, letting his tip spread Rikoshi's already somewhat-loosened entrance open. Once inside, the fox nodded, as was his usual signal. Kepparu stared down and watched his shaft disappear into his lover's rear, the passage tight around him. He entered him a fair bit harder and faster than normal, but if the fox minded, he wasn't showing any sign of it. Rather than waiting, as he had always done before, Kepparu began a steady thrusting rhythm as soon as he was fully inside. Rikoshi murred in approval, and so the otter started to take him harder.

With the fervent pumping of Kepparu's hips, Rikoshi's body loosened up in almost no time. Once the otter was able to slide in and out easily, he leaned forward and wrapped his arms around the fox's chest. Rikoshi's body was so warm, shuddering back up against him, and just hearing his yips of pleasure somehow made Kepparu tingle all over. Everything about him felt so good, and due to so much teasing, it wasn't long before Kepparu finally could take no more. With one final, hard thrust, he buried his shaft deep inside of the tiny fox, emptying himself out into him in a wave of powerful spurts. The cabin felt like it was spinning, and so he clutched onto Rikoshi harder to keep his balance.

When his breath finally came back to him, Kepparu got his balance back. He reached his paw down to wrap around Rikoshi's shaft, and was met with a familiar warm stickiness that showed that the fox had gotten off some time during his thrusting frenzy. Smiling to himself, Kepparu let go of Rikoshi's tender shaft and kissed him on the back of the ears.

Kepparu drew himself out of the fox and pulled him up, snuggling him from behind. Rikoshi reached behind himself and put his paws on the otter's hips, still wobbling a little bit. Now that Rikoshi had moved, Kepparu could see the dark stain that was soaking into the sofa cushion.

"I think you made a mess on your couch," Kepparu whispered into Rikoshi's ear.

Rikoshi nuzzled his head back against him. "Eh, I'll clean it later. I don't have anywhere important to be in the morning."

"What a coincidence," Kepparu said. "Neither do I."

"You know you'd be welcome to spend the night here anyway," Rikoshi replied, squirming so that he could turn himself around and look up into Kepparu's eyes. "Besides, if it's possible to tease you any more after just now, I want to see if I can."

Kepparu laughed and pressed himself against Rikoshi as the two kissed deeply, paws kneading into each other's backs. They hummed happily into one another's muzzles, the thumping sensation of their heartbeats against their chests gradually slowing down. Kepparu wouldn't mind all that much if Rikoshi tried to tease him again. And if the moment struck him, he just might try to find a way to tease him back.