Lyra's Game -- Chapter 1

Story by Bartaugh on SoFurry

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#1 of The Three Little Pigs Part II


I have been working on and off on about four different stories, none yet finished. This one is the closest to completion, and I realised that it is of such a length that breaking it into chapters would be helpful to avoid a tl;dnr situation and perhaps to encourage me to hurry up and finish.

This is chapter one of three. It jumps right into the action so those of you who actually enjoy the sick content that I write (all three of you) have something to see here.

Note also that this story features male-on-female AND male-on-male action. This likely cuts my audience size in half (so now I have one and a half people interested in it) but it really was the direction that I wanted to take this story. If you like this sort of thing, enjoy.

The Three Little Pigs II: Lyra's Game

by Bartaugh

Chapter I: Dinner for Three

"Be wary of strangers".

If adolescent piglet sisters Lyra and Sara had heeded that warning from their parents, they may have avoided their current predicament.

He had seemed innocent enough. He had introduced himself as Cutler, and the two girls had really sensed no danger in speaking with a piglet boy almost no older than themselves. He had been quite friendly, and quite helpful to lead them to a small cave to wait out a storm that had suddenly blown in. The piglet boy had been so certain of the safety of the cave that both girls were quite shocked to find that a rather large and strong wolf had already taken up residence inside. They were even more surprised when Cutler revealed himself to be on quite intimate terms with that big, bad wolf, whom Lyra now knew was named Vincent. Standing six feet tall, covered in thick, deep black fur and wearing not a stitch of clothing upon his muscled frame, the wolf proved strong enough to effortlessly tear a sobbing Sara's clothing right from her body in seconds and intimidating enough to convince Lyra to strip down completely naked lest she suffer a similar rough handling. The experience was so traumatic that Lyra could barely remember Cutler -- who had shimmied out of his own clothing while she undressed -- leading her to a small cage in the corner of the wolf's kitchen while Vincent dragged a hapless Sara to a preparation table.

"I'll be back as soon as I help my mate get your sister ready for the oven.", the piglet boy had explained.

Not "ready for dinner", "ready for the oven". Cutler hadn't left any ambiguity regarding Sara's plans. Nonetheless, Lyra was still shocked to see her sister -- still sobbing -- being put into a very clearly blazing hot oven.

And so now, for failing to heed a wise parental warning, Lyra was laying upon a clean but hard and cold stone floor on her backside, with her arms bound behind her and her legs lifted up and spread open. Her clothing had been forcibly stripped away, and an eagerly Cutler was snuffling about and pressing his snout far too firmly against her exposed nethers, exploring what -- as Lyra had been informed -- was only the second piglet cunny that the boy had ever seen. The male piglet was obviously fascinated by the sight, and he took his time in exploring the texture and softness of the young girl's soft mons, and taking in the sight of the glistening pinkish-red flesh that peeked out from beneath her lightly spread labia lips, the faint trickle of moisture from her sexual slit that increased subtly as she was probed and prodded. As he snuffled and nuzzled in at the obviously sensitive flesh, his breath blew out and tickled over the girl, only further agitating her, which served to make her mons and labia quiver further, and her fluids flow more freely.

Lyra was in a degrading position to be sure, but it was arguably preferable to Sara's position inside of the wolf's oven. The younger piglet girl sat upon her knees, her back against a pole to which she had been bound to keep her upright. Her body was covered in a thick honey-based sauce, and her budding breasts wrapped lightly in dough. Her young, and until only hours earlier virginal, sexual passage -- the first to be seen and toyed with by Cutler -- had been painfully filled with fresh vegetables, and then further seasoned with a healthy spurting of piglet semen. The humiliation that would naturally accompany such a positioning was somewhat superseded by the horror and agony that she felt as she languished and literally cooked from the heat of the wolf's oven. She had been informed by Vincent that she was to be eaten for the night's dinner, and her current condition gave little hope that the wolf's words were not meant to be taken literally.

As much as Lyra did not wish to dwell greatly upon the muffled cries of her sister -- not for lack of love but both because of her own inability to intervene and, perhaps more importantly, because Lyra knew not whether she was to share a similar fate within the hour -- Cutler's curiosity, while a distraction from the plight of her sibling, was nonetheless quite unwelcome. The eager adolescent male piglet had decided to move beyond taking in the sight and scent of Lyra's young and open sex, and was now using his tongue to explore the taste and texture of her inner passage. His motions were slight at first, simple laps against the inner lips to spread the folds, to see how easily they would yield and open, but the faint flavor there hinted to Cutler the promise of something richer and fuller within, and his head pressed down so that he could make deeper and noisier slurps.

Her lips had become slightly flushed, and they parted with only some resistance, maintaining a gentle squeeze upon Cutler's tongue as it delved beyond them. She had a fresh, youthful yet tangy taste that had been subtle at first but it had since grown much stronger as Cutler pressed the matter. His firm mouthing of her labia kept up a continuous faint tickle, but it was the grinding of his snout upon the now puffy nub of flesh above her sexual opening that kept Lyra's juices literally flowing into his muzzle and her vaginal muscles contracting around his tongue. Each time she would squeeze down upon him Cutler would draw his tongue back, increasing the stimulation within her and creating loud smacking sounds that mixed erotically with the wet slobbering of his lips upon her mons.

Lyra's hips rose up and she had to force herself to stifle a moan. Cutler's efforts -- especially the constant rubbing of his nose against her clit -- were creating a continuous and undeniably pleasurable tingle, the likes of which the young sow had never experienced. This inescapable pleasure forced upon her through her degradation and horror only added to Lyra's humiliation, and her face flushed red with a shame-filled blush. That blush deepened as her pleasure built thanks to Cutler's relentless assault, until finally she could no longer hold back a cry that was a mix of an embarrassed sob and a moan of pleasure, the sow feeling as though the sounds were forced up from her chest as her body was wracked with sensation. Her hips rose involuntarily and her muscles clenched around Cutler's tongue as the male piglet's efforts were rewarded with a sudden gushing of female juices, the taste of which prompted the appreciative Cutler to respond with even more frantic tongue-flicking.

After a few seconds the rush of forced pleasure ended, and Lyra was left gasping upon the floor, body trembling and drained of energy. She thought that she felt Cutler's head withdraw from her nethers at last, but with her fatigued state she could be certain only after forcing her eyes open and her head up enough to see the piglet male's head peering at her, his muzzle and snout glistening and practically glistening with her fluids now. He licked his lips, hardly cleaning off the mess, and he started to move over the young sow.

He seemed young, in early adolescence. Looking between his legs revealed equipment showing reasonable sexual maturity, but his face still had a boyish quality to it, which gave his evident cheerful curiosity a hint of childlike wonder. Lyra wasn't sure if this quality had made her less repelled and more dizzyingly bewildered at the boy's rather intense tactile exploration of her nether region or if she was simply too much in shock from the day's events to fully process and react to the experience. Nonetheless, she became a bit more bothered at the feel of him pawing over her thighs, and then up onto her smooth, if slightly pudgy, tummy which was then followed by a sudden groping and squeezing of her nicely developed breasts.

"Mmm." was Cutler's first comment, followed by a more verbal assessment, "Bigger than your sister's."

His fingers, strained around each mound of flesh, gave a faint squeeze as if to accentuate his statement, and then the boy leaned in. Knowing it was coming, Lyra just stared blankly -- albeit with wide-open eyes -- as her right breast was quite lewdly mouthed over and very lightly suckled by the male piglet. She gave a shudder from the tickling of his tongue over her already stiffened nipple and she found herself breathing heavily as the boy rose up, perhaps because of the lingering tingle and the slightly cool sensation caused by the damp smearing of saliva that lightly coated her skin.

Lyra's rather blank and emotionless expression subtly shifted to one of apprehension when the male piglet slowly stood up before her. Cutler was aroused, a fact quite evident when his hips came into Lyra's field of view. She had little experience or understanding of male anatomy prior to this day, but Cutler had given quite a demonstration less than an hour earlier upon Sara in a manner that had left the young sow sobbing and shuddering with obvious discomfort. True, Sara had been stuffed with vegetables at the time, but Lyra had little reason to believe that the procedure would be significantly less uncomfortable even without an assortment of produce inside her. Still, she could feel an odd tingling in her loins, and she had to try to hide a grunt of embarrassment once she realised that a tickle that ran across her vulva was actually a light flowing of her own sexual juices.

Coincidentally timed with that reminder of what had happened to Sara, Lyra caught a glimpse of Vincent opening the oven up and removing the younger piglet from inside. The horrible sight of her little sister, once pink skin now a deep red and body steaming and looking rather motionless, was so distracting that she failed to notice the intrusion of Cutler's cock until it had been stuffed halfway into her.

"You don't need to worry about her." Cutler stated, after noticing the focus of Lyra's attention -- though that focus was quickly shifted back once the female piglet realised what was happening between her legs -- "My mate will take good care of her."

Lyra was, at that moment, actually less concerned for her sister and more concerned about the growing strain within her young sexual passage as Cutler's engorged shaft was inching its way deeper inside. It wasn't painful; in fact, it wasn't even particularly unpleasant. There was a bit of a stretching, yes, but mixed in was an undeniable tingling sensation, a pleasurable tickle that seemed entirely dissonant with her current humiliating position and with the horror of being trapped and bound in the home of one who obviously found piglet flesh to be a delicacy. That tickle became more prominently felt as Cutler's hips pressed forward and shifted at an angle that allowed his cock to more effectively grind upon the young sow's swollen clitoris. Lyra let out a humiliated whine as she felt her vaginal muscles clenching around the invading shaft, her body reacting purely by impulse to the forced pleasure. Her response was a delight to Cutler, who felt a wonderfully warm, soft, moist, pulsing hole in which to sink his cock and so he did, easing his way in until his hips bumped the young girl's and his balls rested gently upon her rump.

Cuter was trembling, almost as much as was the female piglet beneath him. It was his second time with a female, yes, but his previous run with Lyra's sister had been done amidst a collection of vegetable stuffing. While fun, the mix of produce had limited his direct contact; no such obstruction was present within Lyra's pussy, and so Cutler felt his prick tightly embraced by hot, slick cuntflesh. The feeling was almost overwhelming and so the young male refrained from thrusting initially, not wishing to be brought over the edge too quickly, and instead he simply ground his hips against Lyra's, feeling the faint quivering of her vaginal muscles around his cock and shivering from the motions of the girl's own squirming. He looked down at her, wanting to know her reaction to his presence.

Her eyes were tightly shut, and her face was contorted from a mix of sensation. For several seconds she gave light grunts and whimpers whilst wriggling about beneath the boy and then, after slowly prying her eyes open again, she let out a soft whine.

"Please stop...", she struggled to blurt out, ' it hurts..."

There was some pain, her virginal vaginal muscles were being stretched and strained by the piglet prick that spread her open, though the discomfort was less than she would admit to feeling. It was also mixed with a pleasure that she did not want to acknowledge, mostly to Cutler but also a bit to herself: a very faint but growing tingle deep within her loins.

She felt breath, Cutler's hot breath upon her face as he answered. His voice was strained, as though he was having some trouble concentrating.

"Here...ah... m... maybe this will help..."

His hips shifted, rising up faintly and re-angling themselves. He gave a tremble from the strain, but the end-result was his cock shifting within Lyra's snug passage until the shaft was bumping her swollen clitoral hood. The female piglet gave a reflexive shudder in response, and she felt her vaginal muscles involuntarily clenching around the intruding cock. Even as she tried to will her body to relax, she remained tightly clamped upon the male, and her inability to resist only increased as Cutler's hips gently drew back, pulling his cock slowly upward and slightly out of her cunny and grinding into her clit as it moved.


That was the totality of Lyra's verbal protest to the start of Cutler's thrust. She seemed to lose the ability to speak even before he rose his hips to an apex, and she was reduced to purely reactive grunts and yelps when his hips dropped and drove his cock within her nether passage, his hips still angled so that his cock could grind against her swollen button.

Heated air, from Cutler's heavy breathing, continued to wash over Lyra's face as the male pig began a steady thrusting motion, repeatedly sliding his cock in and out of the piglet girl's cunt. Overwhelmed with the continued assault upon her cunny -- distracted both by the constant aching strain upon her moments earlier virginal passage and by the gradually increasing pleasurable tingle in her crotch fueled both by the clit massaging and by the rubbing of her inner walls -- Lyra simply clenched her teeth, not wishing to add to her humiliation by suddenly crying out in pleasure. As Cutler fucked the young girl, the only sounds were of mutual heavy breathing -- one through an open mouth and the other through flaring nostrils -- and of moisture-slickened cockflesh pressing upon and into increasingly wet cuntflesh.

Lyra heard the noises, and in fact focused as much as she was able upon them in an attempt to distract herself from the growing stimulation between her legs; it was an uphill effort, as she continually felt herself giving in and even clenching her muscles around the thrusting, intruding member while her body gave involuntary trembles and spasms. Her ears flickered and flopped slightly as she attempted to concentrate less upon the moist squelching of flesh between her legs -- which she realised, to her horror, was actually increasing her physical arousal -- and to concentrate more upon the sounds of his heavy breathing; by now she could feel the male piglet's balls slapping against her, then rubbing faintly upon her before withdrawing and slapping in again as the thrusts became more intense and were punctuated each time with a firm grinding of hips. The heavy panting above her stopped, replaced a second later with an odd and seemingly sudden wet sucking sound. Lyra's eyes suddenly flicked open by reflex, to ascertain the cause of the change of sound.

She saw Vincent, kneeling, his crotch nearly before her face. His thighs were spread and his heavy lupine balls were dangling between them. Cutler's face was pressed in, with one of Vincent's broad hands resting upon the back of the piglet's head and the wolf's evidently engorged shaft stuffed into the eager male piglet's suckling mouth, porcine snout repeatedly bouncing against black furry crotch.

Lyra's jaw dropped and her body froze. Ironically, the sight finally allowed Lyra to -- momentarily -- forget about the constant pounding stimulation in her own nethers while she attempted to comprehend this bizarre (at least to her) image of Cutler sucking Vincent's dick. Before she could adequately comprehend what was before her eyes, the male piglet eased his head back -- evidently at the gentle urging of Vincent's paw -- and let the throbbing wolfcock from his mouth. The wolf suddenly shifted and turned while on his knees, slowly and gradually straddling over Lyra's chest, and the female piglet's eyes opened up even wider as the wolf's cock, achingly firm and slickened with Cutler's saliva, stood forth right before her face. Lupine paws gently but assertively grasped the back of her head, and the hapless girl did not think until too late to try to close up her mouth as she was gently eased forward while the wolf's hips moved in. Lyra let out a humiliated and decidedly muffled whine as she felt throbbing wolfflesh sliding over her tongue and filling her mouth. The grip upon her head was light, as if just for guidance rather than for force, yet the piglet was far too mortified and too shocked to even consider pulling back. She tasted something faintly salty hit her tongue, and then she felt the thick canine member pushing forward while she could do little but sniffle in fear and swallow around the thrusting member.

She gave a shudder as the tip touched her throat and she let out a whine as she expected to be forced to swallow around it, but Vincent relented the forward movement, seeming content to simply spurt out pre that tickled the piglet's gullet for several seconds before he began easing back. As the wolf's pre finally ceased teasing the back of Lyra's throat the lightheaded piglet took the opportunity to suck in a deep breath and, in so doing, inadvertently took in the Vincent's strong aroused scent. It was an unfamiliar sensation, yet it caused her loins to suddenly feel flushed and then she was suddenly acutely aware once again of the young male piglet whose cock continued to pound deeply inside of her. Her body tensed and writhed, and while she wanted to deny feeling any pleasure her loins squeezed and pulsed around Cutler's cock while her juices splurted out upon his crotch. The cock in her mouth thrust back in, then drew back out as Vincent began properly fucking the young girl's face; he would rub his glans upon the roof of her mouth as he thrust forward, then drag his cocktip over her tongue to spurt out a trail of pre as he withdrew.

Lyra's eyes shut tightly again and she began writhing beneath the assault of the wolf and his piglet companion as her body was used to pleasure them. Tears of shame streaked her cheeks as she felt growing cracks in her resolve to resist the urge to give in to the growing pleasure in her loins until finally, with a deeply humiliated sob, she clamped her vaginal muscles down upon Cutler's cock in mid-thrust and trembled as her juices gushed forth onto and around his groin. Though her non-tactile senses were dulled she could make out the male piglet's sudden howls of pleasure, and the she felt something hot and liquid flowing deep within her sexual passage. She almost succeeded in completely losing herself in orgasm, until she felt the wolfdick that thrust within her mouth pulse and shoot a hot, streak of salty, thick fluid flowing over her tongue. The taste was strong and overwhelming, and -- unable to spit it out -- she swallowed purely by reflex to clear it, only to feel several more gushes filling her mouth. Lyra could only keep swallowing, but the battle was lost quickly and soon her overwhelmed mouth was overflowing with cum which dribbled down her lips and her chin. The thick, throbbing flesh suddenly withdrew from her suckling mouth and the young piglet girl quickly opened her eyes again, needing to get her bearings, but all she saw before her was a large wolf paw stroking a still hard wolfcock and then she reflexively shut her eyes again, tightly so, in response to the sight of a blast of white wolfcum flying straight at her. She grimaced and let out a humiliated whine as the sticky, hot burst splattered upon her face, streaking diagonally across her left cheek, down her nose and then over her right cheek and jaw. Before Lyra could even think of opening her eyes again another spurt blasted her, and then another, and she lost count of the number of strands of seed that painted her face.

Several seconds passed following the final spurt upon her face before Lyra even thought about relaxing her eyelids again. She felt a tingling, and then a faint emptiness, in her loins as Cutler's spent cock withdrew, yet his weight remained upon her. She forced herself to take a deep breath -- and in so doing pulled in the strong scent of Vincent's cum -- before she finally, gradually, allowed her eyes to open.

Cutler's face was right at her own now, and the overexcited piglet boy extended his tongue and gave a slow, firm slurp at the girl's chin and up across her left cheek. Not stopping, he turned and ran his tongue over her snout, and then across her right cheek before finally drawing back. Lyra could see heavy white globs of spent sperm "cleaned" from her face upon Cutler's tongue before it drew back, and the boy smiled and swallowed eagerly as though pleased with the taste.

"That felt really good." Cutler stated.

He leaned in for a final teasing lick at Lyra's chin on the left side, getting up some -- though certainly not all -- of what he had missed on his first pass, and then he stood and stepped away. Still rather shocked from the entire ordeal, Lyra simply trembled and remained where she lay upon the floor, giving only a faint whine as Vincent stepped into Cutler's place and began to kneel. Feeling a sudden sense of dread, the young piglet girl began to close her legs together, but the attempt was far too feeble and far too late, as she had only budged them an inch when the wolf's heavy paws landed upon her knees and kept her thighs spread.


A bit of cum that Lyra hadn't realised was still in her mouth dribbled rather perversely from her lips as she attempted a feeble protest. Vincent, guessing as to the cause of the girl's distress, promptly addressed the evident concern.

"Don't panic. I'm not going to fuck you."

He paused and gave a slight smirk. His subsequent statement was so predictable that it might as well have been unspoken.

"At least, not right now."

His hands slid down along her inner thighs from her knees, spreading them only slightly further before his palms reached her groin, with his fingers outstretched and his thumbtips just making it up to her reddened labia where they pressed in and gently pulled the cleft open a bit further. His head dipped downward, slightly, and he took in a sharp, sudden breath as he peered into the abused recess of Lyra's vagina. The young piglet girl didn't quite realise how close the wolf was peering until she felt -- with a bit of a shock -- his hot breath blowing upon her nethers as he spoke.

"I see that Cutler was rather forceful with you."

The wolf's hands flexed, their position shifting subtly so that his thumbs could curl slightly, their tips just faintly gripping into Lyra's snatch and stretching her open enough to give a suitable view down into the piglet girl's sexual passage, where some of Cutler's spilled seed was visibly glistening as the light now hit it.

"You'll have to forgive his excitement..." the wolf rather calmly stated, "...he hasn't been with a female before today."

Lyra looked down, and saw that Vincent was rather obviously studying her, though the wolf's gaze seemed more focused and less fascinated than Cutler's had been. She give grunts and twitches as her mons and vulva was tweaked and pawed over, yet the pawing seemed almost clinical with the wolf giving faint pinches and light tugs to inspect deeper within her netherflesh. The apparent inspection was almost bearable, in comparison to the previous handling and pounding, and so Lyra was caught entirely off-guard when the wolf's head dipped down and his tongue extended into her, slurping deeply and noisily while his hands grabbed hold of her calves in anticipation of her sudden squealing and writhing.

It lasted only a second, and Lyra went still as soon as Vincent withdrew, the wolf raising his head up as he returned to a proper kneeling position before the girl, though he gave a perhaps deliberately disturbing lip-smacking with his tongue before stating, "My lover put quite a mess in you. I could taste him deep inside your cunt."

He leaned forward. Lyra wanted to back away, but she had nowhere to go in her current position.

"But I could taste you, too." the wolf added, "You're strong in there. Stronger than your sister, more mature. But still with the tang of youth."

Lyra simply watched, horrified, knowing that she was justifiably horrified yet not fully able to comprehend the scale and the scope of her horror. The wolf's head dipped downward, until his nose bumped her right nipple. His tongue gave a teasing lick before he spoke again.

"You are the perfect age to best satisfy Cutler's curiosity, I think."

The wolf's fangs gave a dangerous-feeling but ultimately only lightly tickling nibble to the raised nipple before him and then he continued, "...Your sister is close. She was beginning the journey to womanhood..."

The use of past tense was not lost upon Lyra, but she had little time to dwell upon the implications before her attention was distracted with another flick of the wolf's tongue upon her, followed immediately by a continuation of his speech, "...a bit of development in all of the right parts. Still, so close to youth as to only give a very light taste of those qualities. A tease, perhaps. A hint of the greater things to come."

Lyra drew in a sharp breath as the wolf suddenly mouthed her breast, as Cutler had done before, but with a much tighter suction, and with greater slurping noises.

He drew off and finished his short speech, "And you will be that greater thing to come."

He rose up further, his nose nearly to her snout, and his two large handpaws grasped her breasts, squeezing and kneading them. Contrasted to Cutler's somewhat clumsy and amateurish grip, the wolf's hold was firm and professional, practiced with his fingertips giving light mini-strokes as his digits worked in a steady rhythm.

"Your sister's breasts," the wolf explained, "were coming along nicely, but were not fully developed. Cutler will be able to take one off with a single bite. Yours, however..."

Lyra would have been sickened at the wolf's words, but the sudden digging of his thumbclaws into her nipples -- enough to prickle without breaking the skin -- kept her mind from falling too far into morbid thoughts, even as the wolf continued his vivid predictions, "... will be more than a single mouthful for him."

The young piglet girl was pushed firmly down on her backside before she could fully accept the horror of Vincent's prediction, and any further thought on the matter was cut off when her hips were raised up and her legs spread wide open.

She was tired, still sore and aching from Cutler's assault, and the wolf's fingerprodding served only to exacerbate the irritation there. Struggling proved useless, and -- suddenly expecting herself to be invaded by an even bigger cock now -- ", please!" was the only thing that she could think to say.

Vincent gently dipped the index finger of his left hand into the girl's clenching cunny while he answered -- evidently guessing as to the cause of the girl's fear -- with a grunt of, "Calm down. Cutler and I have already gotten our rocks off."

The wolf's middle digit slipped in to join the first and the two worked to spread the piglet girl's sexual passage open wider. His head dipped down to look into the moist, reddened passage, and he further explained, "I'm just inspecting the meat here."

Far from comforted by Vincent's clarification, Lyra gave a tearful sob at hearing her abused vaginal flesh rather bluntly called "meat" with the wolf undeniably implying that it was to be eaten. Vincent, for the moment, ignored the young girl's terrified squirming and bawling, and Cutler leaned in as close as he dared so that he might see what the wolf's probing and stretching brought into the light.

"Nice..." the wolf mused quietly as his fingers shifted and prodded about wetly within the girl, though whether he was speaking to Cutler, to Lyra or to himself was uncertain.

Vincent's fingers withdrew slowly, creating a moist-sounding slurping noise as his moistened digits emerged from Lyra's sex. He studied them for a moment, seemingly curiously pondering the sticky mix of Lyra's juices and Cutler's spunk for several seconds before he made a show of sucking tightly upon his fingers and then licking them clean. Raising a brow, Vincent looked to the male piglet and -- with obvious amusement -- stated, "You shot quite a mess in her."

Cutler gave a half-embarrased and half-proud smile.

Vincent's attention returned to the girl, who was now staring up and sobbing pitifully at her seemingly hopeless situation. Rather than comfort her, the wolf rather bluntly explained, "Allow me to confirm what I know that you already understand but what you do not wish to believe, little girl. You are not a guest here. We are not here to make your stay comfortable, and you are not free to do as you please. You are livestock. You will be held here, kept and fed, for one week. At the end of that week, we will roast you and eat your flesh. You might as well forget about anything you've thought of yourself and of your future, because as soon as you walked into my cave you and your sister became nothing more than meat."

Lyra's sobs became a rather pitiful and pathetic bawling, though she gave no resistance and even followed along as Cutler pulled her up to her feet and led her back to the cage. She was already huddled in a corner, rocking with her arms around her knees, as the door was fastened shut.

Hours passed, but Lyra neither noticed nor cared. She was aware that Vincent and Cutler were going about some business or another outside of her cage for a time, but she never thought to see what the pair were doing before they did finally depart the kitchen. Lost in despair, she sat nearly motionless with her legs pulled against her chest. Her thighs were faintly spread, and he stared down at her abused cunny, wondering what further humiliation and abuse would be visited upon her and unable to stop thinking about the wolf referring to it as meat, still trying to fully comprehend her captors viewing her body as, well, food.

A noise -- not loud, but a sudden break from the relative quite -- snapped Lyra's attention from her self-pity and back to her current surroundings, though the young piglet girl had been so unfocused that she failed to actually notice that the noise was the sound of the wolf's oven being opened up. She did, however, notice the returned Vincent standing before the now opened up oven, reaching in while an eager and excited-looking Cutler stood nearby, and she felt a very sudden sense of dread and horror from what she knew was to emerge.

And then Lyra saw Sara again. The younger piglet girl was still sitting upright, just as she had been when going into the oven. Her eyes were closed, and she was entirely still. She looked almost peaceful.

Actually, no. Sara in fact appeared, to Lyra, to be a mockery of peaceful, a sick parody of it, the likes of which the piglet had never before witnessed. She barely registered that things were actually happening in front of her, able only to focus upon the truly horrific state of her sister.

The girl's soft pink skin had taken on a rich golden brown hue, and a thick coating of something that was more than just the honey-based sauce that had been applied earlier glistened as it slowly dripped off of her body.

An odd "bra", made entirely from dough, had been wrapped around the girl's chest. It had now baked into a crisp bready shell that covered her young, budding breasts; far from providing any function of modesty, however, it instead featured two conspicuous holes that rather readily revealed the girl's crisped and steaming nipples.

Lyra did not notice the worst -- by her assessment -- of Sara's state until the roasted girl was set down upon a dining table and a large plate pushed between her legs: the piglet's nethers had been stuffed, quite deeply, with what looked to be some manner of squash.

Lyra became aware of the squash sliding out, noticing the slick juices that coated the vegetable yet barely comprehending that it was Cutler, perched upon Vincent's lap, who was slowly removing it. A virtual avalanche of cooked vegetables poured out from the unplugged piglet pussy, steaming hot and soaked in juices, and onto a plate below. The tumbling veggies were followed instantly by a thick pouring of hot fluids out of Sara's cunt; a heavy splash hit first, but it quickly tapered to a much more gradual stream that flowed near constantly, broken only by very momentary breaks in the falling liquid that seemed only to further accentuate the effect.

Cutler, who had been staring in awe at what he had unleashed, finally slipped out his left hand between Sara's legs, catching some of the thick drippings upon his fingers and collecting a significant mess in just a few seconds. The piglet boy then gave a sheepish smile to the wolf and licked his middle and forefingers clean, then he offered the rest of his hand to his lover. Vincent gave a warm smile and a slurp to the remainder of the offered juices.

The scene, thus far, had seemed rather surreal to Lyra. The reality was horrific, true yet part of the piglet's mind wanted to believe that she was witnessing nothing but an act, one in which even her sister was somehow willingly involved. While consciously aware of the horrible true nature of what she witnessed, Lyra reacted as though her sister was still alive, and that the wolf and the male piglet were engaged in some bizarre, vulgar and lewd game with her.

And then Vincent rather calmly ripped Sara's right arm out of its socket. Lyra's jaw dropped in shock as her subconscious denial was forcibly shattered by the dismemberment, and then further when Vincents teeth sank slowly into the severed upper arm just below where it had been attached and when Cutler leaned forth to chomp down into the forearm just above the wrist. Tender, cooked pork meat was easily torn away, exposing bone beneath, and the couple chewed noisily and wetly for several seconds before swallowing in unison. The sounds and the sights continued for a minute, wolf and piglet teeth ripping in and pulling flesh from bone from shoulder down to elbow, and then from elbow to wrist, until the entire arm of a young piglet girl was eaten and the skeletal remains were casually tossed aside.

"That was great! Can we eat her tits now?"

Vincent laughed at Cutler's eager, and rather vulgar, request, accommodating it by giving his piglet lover a gentle push forward to Sara's right breast, putting porcine face and snout directly before a small dome of crisped bread that housed a steaming mammary mound. Cutler's tongue darted out, through the hole in the dome through which Sara's nipple visibly stood, and lapped upon the stiff, crisp bump of flesh.

"Open wide..." a lupine voice whispered in encouragement, "...and take a big bite."

Cutler did as instructed, opening his mouth wide and moving it entirely over Sara's breast until his snout was firmly upon her shoulder before closing his jaws again. He felt a faint, satisfying crunch as his teeth penetrated the bready shell, and then he felt himself biting effortlessly through the base of the adolescent piglet girl's breast.

Sara's tit was, as Vincent had predicted, a single mouthful for young Cutler, though it was such a big one that he could only barely close his lips around the mound in his muzzle, and as he closed his jaws properly his molars punched through the bread coating and crushed the meat below. The flavour was exquisite, though, and the eager piglet boy couldn't stop himself from chomping his teeth in again, and again so that he could feel the erotic thrill of a girl's breast flesh collapsing and tearing apart in his mouth. The soft, almost pudding-like texture of the meat was perfectly augmented by the crunchy bready coating, creating an almost fluid treat for Cutler to mash up in his mouth. He felt her nipple and areola slide over his palate, and he took a moment to playfully shift it against his tongue and the roof of his mouth before he slid it to one side, balanced the firm bump upon one of his back teeth and then chomped down and chewed up the little morsel, swallowing it down with the rest of the unfortunate piglet adolescent's breast meat in a thick and heavy lump.

Even after swallowing, Cutler heard that newly familiar mix of the chomping of soft flesh and the crunching of bready coating: Vincent had slipped in and bitten off Sara's left breast, and was still working the meat for another second before swallowing. The wolfish maw gulped down the pulverized remains, licked his lips and asked his lover, "Next course?"

Sara's chest now featured two conspicuous empty spaces from which juices oozed out where her breasts had moments earlier hung now, and Cutler was, when Vincent's question was asked, a bit fascinated with the sight of the partly cooked meat and bits of fat clinging to faintly visible rib bones. After another moment the young piglet boy looked downward, over the girl's brown belly -- salivating at the sight of juices welled up in her navel -- and then lower, to the stretched opening between her legs from which a faint flow of juice continued to trickle down her inner right thigh. He hadn't answered, but Vincent noticed the interest well enough; his lupine chest pressed to Cutler's backside and his large hands pushed upon Sara's shoulders to gently tip her body backward. She fell, in a guided motion, upon her backside with her legs spread apart and steam rose steadily from the opening of her now upturned cunt, the wisps carrying with them the heavy fragrance of Sara's roasted vaginal meat.

Cutler leaned forward, entranced by the sight of Sara's nethers now prominently upon display. Even beyond the intoxicating scent, the young piglet male felt compelled to study the curves of the roasted girl's mound and puffy lips, and to peer into the glistening darkness that was her sexual tunnel. His gaze could not last, however, as sharp lupine teeth suddenly descended and tore into the flesh, fangs ripping through Sara's vulva, stripping the outer layer of her pussy off, revealing juicy, steaming vaginal meat below. There was a smacking sound as Vincent chewed into what had been Sara's mons and labia and then the wolfish muzzle dipped down and teeth tore further into the adolescent cunnyflesh, tearing away another layer. A canine tongue pushed forth, dipping down into what remained of Sarah's vaginal tunnel. Juices were noisily slurped, and then the strong lupine appendage curled and tore meat away, scooping out a chunk of Sarah's vagina into an eager chomping maw. Jaws snapped back down, ripping wetly into more of that flesh until the wolf's face was buried deep within the girl's crotch.

Vincent's head rose. His face was covered in moisture, his mouth still chomping and chewing the delectable flesh of Sara's cunt. A sizable hole had been torn between Sara's legs; the meat was gone, the last of it scraped completely from the pelvic bone. The wolf swallowed audibly, sending the chewed up remnants of Sara's vagina to his stomach.

Cutler's head, having been looming close to watch his lover's teeth work into that tender flesh, rose at last. He gave a wriggle of a rump and grunted at the feel of lupine cock that now filled him beneath his tail.

"How was it?", the young piglet boy asked whilst giving a clench.

The question was initially answered with an upward thrust of the wolf's hips, followed by a more direct, "Delicious." and then concluded with a rather unnecessary, "I'm horny now."

Cutler lowered his head and grabbed the table, pushing his rear down against his lover's hips as he felt the wolfcock thrusting into his ass. His snout rubbed Sara's thigh, and the nibbled at the flesh there, tasting the pussyjuices that had dribbled down and mingled with the girl's meat. His bites became deeper and larger as Vincent's cock pushed in harder and he was soon taking in whole mouthfuls of porkleg as his ass was pounded. The young piglet boy was lost now, feeling bliss upon his tongue as he tasted youthful female flesh while his prostate was massaged from Vincent's expert administrations. A third stimulation, a large wolfish paw upon his cock, was felt as a furry canine face rubbed his porcine cheek, his wolf lover joining in the meal of piglet thigh meat. The wet sounds of meat being chewed away by two hungry mouths combined with the noise of heavy breathing, and the two noises overshadowed the heavy sounds of sex below.

Cutler's head lifted and turned. He kissed the side of a wolf's muzzle. He groaned. He clenched. He felt hot, thick seed flowing in forceful pulses into his ass and he dropped back down, ripping into Sara's meat again, tearing it away through amidst heavy huffs while he felt his own thick, sticky streaks splattering up onto his chest, guided and aided by the firm strokings of the lupine paw between his legs.

Exhausted panting from both wolf and pig followed as two heads lifted up and surveyed the damage. Little remained of Sara's right thigh, just a few strips of meat not even clinging to the exposed bone anymore. Cutler gave a giddy giggle, and Vincent gave his lover a playful muzzle-licking. The piglet boy returned the affection with playful lapping of his own upon that long canine tongue, and the gesture soon turned into a deep, passionate kiss as Vincent gently drew his spent cock from beneath a curled piglet tail.

Lyra hadn't wanted to watch it all. She had wanted to turn away before witnessing the first bite, and then after the first strips of flesh had been torn from Sara's arm.

She hadn't looked away. She couldn't, yet she did not know why. She did not want to consider her reaction as fascination, yet something about the ravenous consumption compelled her to watch the entire horrific scene, as if she was trying to decide whether it was all real or just some bizarre hallucination. The sudden sex, the sight of Vincent's cock obscenely penetrating and thrusting into Cutler's ass gave a surreal quality to the spectacle that made looking away even more impossible.

She did eventually turn away. Not entirely certain when it happened, she last remembered, before she was in her current huddled up and rocking position in a corner of her cage, watching the piglet boy nibbling upon her sister's right calf while the wolf tore away and consumed strips of meat from the left side of Sara's abdomen. She didn't really notice the passage of time, and thus was startled to hear a rattling at her cage.

Cutler was standing there. The cage door had been, while Lyra was distracted in her own self-pity, opened and closed, and a small plate had been slid in onto the floor.

Lyra stared. A small sample of assorted steamed vegetables were on the plate, but the young girl was distracted by the small slab of carved meat also there and she stated -- with less revulsion than she believed that she should have felt -- "You can't be serious."

Cutler's tone was cheerful, with a hint of understanding, as he replied, "We do need to keep you fed. It'd be nice if we could plump you up just a bit over the week."

He seemed to anticipate the increased incredulousless nature of Lyra's expression, and he added, "You don't have to eat anything, but we will have to cook you sooner if you start losing weight. We wouldn't want to lose potential meat, after all."

It was a taunt, and Lyra knew it. Still, the state of Sara's steaming and partially eaten remains on the table meant that the taunt was at least credible. Staying well fed would likely maximize the time that she would have to find some means of escape.

Thinking that she had only glanced at the offered meal, Lyra looked back up to see that Cutler had already left. Her attention returned to the steaming food, and her snout wriggled as the scent seemed overwhelming and omnipresent. She became aware of a sensation that she had been ignoring, an emptiness inside her, one that she told herself was a consequence of not having eaten all day. That was true enough, but she was willfully ignoring the fact that the aroma of the food before her was, rather than suppressing her appetite as she wanted to believe, fueling her hunger.

She gave in. Somewhat. After dragging the plate closer to the corner where she had chosen to huddle, Lyra snatched up a few of the steaming veggies in her fingers and stuffed them into her mouth; the meat was ignored, the young piglet girl not prepared to commit cannibalism.

The produce had been cooked well, and the odd sauce -- which had dribbled to some extent upon Lyra's fingers and smeared upon her lips -- added an unfamiliar but pleasant tang to the flavor. She plucked up and consumed another helping of veggies, even taking some time to chew slowly and enjoy the meal as best she could under her circumstances, thinking for the moment only of sating her hunger as best she could. Two more small handfuls, and she was finished, leaving only the meat and the remnants of the vegetable's sauce on the plate.

She licked her faintly messy lips, then she spied out to Cutler and Vincent to verify that she was not being watched. Satisfied that she would not be seen, she quickly lapped the somewhat sticky sauce that clung to her digits, trying but failing to place the unusual but pleasant aroma and flavor.

Lyra shifted where she sat. Something warm and moist brushed her thigh, and she looked down to see that, in her haste, she had dropped a single bit of broccoli between her legs and she hastily grabbed and gobbled it up, following up with another quick tongue-cleaning of her fingers.

Then she looked down again, between her legs, at her nethers, at her reddened, faintly swollen, abused vulva. Her eyes widened and -- without her entirely knowing why -- her right hand reached, almost fearfully, downward until her index and middle fingers touched the raised flesh of her labia and subtly spread the lips apart until she could peer into the dark recess of her vagina.

She had forgotten -- whether from her haste, from her hunger or from her horror she did not know -- where those vegetables had been cooked. She remembered now, though. She hadn't seen them go in, but she had seen them tumbling out from within her sister's steaming, gaping cunt. That is where they had cooked, Lyra realised. The assorted produced had been steamed by the heat and juices of the vaginal flesh that had roasted around them. That rich, creamy sauce that Lyra had unquestionably enjoyed had been her sister's sexual fluids meat juices in which those vegetables had simmered. She remembered how that thick liquid had dropped like a waterfall from her roasted sister's unplugged puss and how it had splattered and then oozed down in a thick rivulet over the steaming vegetables below.

A heavy sob, unheard by the wolf and his lover amidst their meal, escaped the cage as Lyra could not, despite her desire, feel any revulsion over what she had done. As tears streaked her pink cheeks, the young piglet girl gave in to her remaining hunger by grabbing up the slab of pork upon the plate and tearing into it. The flavor was at once both welcome and unwelcome to her tastebuds; the meat of her sister was delicious in spite of her desire to be sickened by it. She chewed, swallowed, and then took another bite, and then another. She had already burned with shame at the realisation of what she had consumed with the vegetables, and she correctly surmised that she could not possibly feel any worse for digging into her sister's actual flesh.

Her meal finished, Lyra looked back out, bracing for further humiliation with the expectation that her lupine and porcine captors had been observing her meal. She was spared that torment at least, as the pair were still engrossed in their meal; Sara's ribs were significantly exposed and fleshless now, and Cutler was presently snacking upon what remained of the piglet roast's right calf while Vincent was calmly carving a thick slab of meat from Sara's abdomen. Not wanting to face even the possibility that her surrender to her hunger would be met with teasing or with taunting, the traumatized -- though sated -- piglet girl curled up into a tight little ball and fell deeply asleep.