Tahikida, Chapter 7

Story by jcrescent on SoFurry

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To new readers, if you aren't familiar with this story, I urge you to read the first chapters before reading chapter 7, otherwise, enjoy!

Tahikida chapter 7



The ice blue eyes of the husky standing before him captivated Tahikida with their uncanny warmth as the Nubian Lion once again found himself speechless at Mischa's presence.

"My prince, it appears that words fail you. Does my presence not please you?" Mischa said, mischief in his voice.

A slight giggle slipped Tahikida's lips at the quip made to bring him out of his shyness. He stepped closer to the husky, breathing in his scent as it got stronger with each step and slowly embraced him.

"Does this answer your question" Tahikida replied

The Mischa kissed him gently on the nose and returned the embrace, "Yes it does."

Tahikida suddenly became aware, once again, that they were in a very public place and some of the eyes that glanced their way. Even though he out to everyone, it wasn't typical that he would be seen with another male in such a close embrace who wasn't a brother or close family member. It was a first time experience for him to display his feelings so openly to another fur. However, any mixed feelings he had about the situation evaporated when he noticed that Mischa didn't attempt to pull away from the embrace, or try to shorten the moment in any way. Instead, when the lion looked up to the husky, he saw a smile on his face and a certain look of longing on his face. Tahikida didn't need to glean the other male's feelings this time, it was all written on his face.

"He wants me..." Tahikida thought to himself.

This seemed to arouse him in levels he never experienced, so much that his sheath began to swell, but the feelings attached to the arousal were more than just lust, they were love.

"I certainly hope you know what you're getting yourself into; surely this will be the talk of all ministries in our home world." Tahikida said, nuzzling Mischa softly, breathing in his scent deeper.

"You don't need to worry about that, I could care less about what they think, its you I'm concerned about, and its you I want, if you'll have me." Mischa said with love in his eyes.

"Yes. YES *giggle*" This and a kiss to Mischa's lips was Tahikida's response.

This kiss was short, yet tender. They both felt stirrings in each other's loins for one another, yet they wanted to reserve that for later. Tahikida had a couple questions on his mind about Mischa's absence, mainly something his affinity allowed him to glean about the future of their world.

"Lets take a walk," The lion said.

The walk up 10th street was a short one, and once they reached Piedmont Park, they found a large pecan tree that provided nice shade in the bright summer sun. It was a secluded spot and the only noises heard were the singing of birds and the distant sounds of the city surrounding them. Mischa laid against the tree and Tahikida sat in his lap laying his back against his chest. It was a sweet embrace, both of them taking in each other's scent and feeling their shared warmth.

After a while, Tahikida made his query...

"You've been gone for some time, what have you been up to?"

Mischa tensed a little at the question, it was something Tahikida didn't miss, and he knew then for certain that something was wrong. He saw it at a glance when he first noticed Mischa walking in the diner, a look of weariness that the husky hid from him when the met up with each other.

As an Inquisitor, Mischa was also an ambassador to Earth and their home world Alkar. Most of his dealings were in intelligence, as a result, he was privy to information received from various agencies throughout this world and theirs. The latest intelligence report was very disturbing, disturbing enough to send him back to Alkar to confer with higher ranking Inquisitors and eventually the King himself.

"I've had to attend to the affairs of the kingdom" Mischa started.

Mischa knew he couldn't really hide this from Tahikida; he was a member of the royal family and would eventually learn this information.

"Perhaps he's gleaned it already" He thought to himself.

"This is not easy for me to say, Tahi... things on this planet might effect both our lives in was we may not grasp..."

"I understand, go on" Tahikida said gently

"As you know, our initial arrival in this world was not completely met with a positive outlook. There are, still to this day, many xenophobic people here." Mischa began

"A faction called the Brotherhood of Humanity, or Separatists, as they are referred to by military officials, have been making allies with our collective enemies. There is intelligence gathered that they might have acquired a weapon from them and plan an attack on their own people, people who support our alliance with the humans. The attack could happen at any time..."

"This is more troubling than I have originally gleaned, I had a feeling that the humans here were on the brink of some kind of change in their culture but I couldn't figure out what exactly it was, but given the history of terrorism on this planet... damn..." Tahikida mused...

Mischa brought his arms around Tahikida making their embrace closer.

" It's possible that you might be recalled to the Kingdom to get you out of harm's way and to begin military training, instead of remaining here attending in the Cross-Galaxy Exchange Program. I have a feeling that's why your brother made a sudden appearance here. Haven't you wondered why he suddenly leaves his command on unscheduled leave to be here with you?"

Tahikida only smiled at the question and looked back at Mischa with a look urging him to continue.

" I understand it was your mother's wish that you, complete your college studies here, but that might not happen. If the intel is correct, things on this planet could drastically change, I'm sorry to tell you this..."

"What are your sorry for" Tahikida put more of his weight against Mischa to emphasize the point.

" Everybody thinks that I'm protected from military service because of my mom, or who I am. I'm more than willing to serve our kingdom in this capacity, hell, I look forward to it if it means making our two worlds safer and bringing a better understanding between us and the humans." Tahikida began

"Besides, its not like I'll be going this path alone, at least I wont be as long as you're by my side, not to mention I have two very protective, high ranking brothers who will no doubt keep track of my every movement."

Tahikida turned to face Mischa with a smile, then brought his muzzle to the husky's for a brief kiss.

" Well, how long do we have before we are whisked away to safety?" Tahikida asked

" A day or two, more likely less" Mischa said grimly

" Well, I guess we don't have much time then do we?" Tahikida smiled

"Time for wha... oh... gods..." Mischa moaned as Tahikida ground his groin to the husky's

Tahikida watched as Mischa slipped out his clothing, He had already shed his pants and underwear, but left his hoodie on. He was lying on his tummy presenting his rear to the panting husky, His hair usually kept in a ponytail was let loose, and was spilled around his face and back.

Mischa, now nude, slowly walked to the bed, allowing Tahikida his first glimpse of his new mate naked. Mischa, had a runner's build, similar to most huskies, but his upper body was well toned thanks to the defensive training all Inquisitors receive. His blood red member bobbed before him reaching an impressive 9 inches of doggy meat.

Mischa looked up to Tahikida, but his breath caught when he saw the look on the lion's face. The face before him was one of lust mixed with the beginnings of love, and perhaps a little shyness in there as well. The husky's member began to pulse and drip with pre, and he admitted a small growl out of pure instinct. Tahikida returned the growl with one of his own, one that had a sense of urgency to it.

Empowered with this, Mischa wasted no time with preliminaries, he quickly straddled Tahikida's legs, the bodily heat from the contact causing both to shiver. No words were spoken, it was utterly silent in the room except for their breathing, as Mischa aimed his member at Tahikida's winking tail-hole and dipped his tip on it, spreading his copious pre and using it as lubricant.

Tahikida backed his rear onto his mate and looked back, biting his lips and purring in delight at the stimulation of the most sensitive part of his body.

Mischa, satisfied that there was enough lube, began to press inside the tight opening, relishing in the moist heat and velvety feel of the sleeve that griped him and sucked him in, he began to leak more pre, his arousal reaching its peak. He sighed with pleasure as his groin rested against the lion's round firm cheeks, their balls touching.

Neither of them virgins, they began a quick pace, Mischa began moving in and out in a classic doggy fuck, the room began to fill with sounds of fleshy slaps, growls and moans as the two consummated their new bond. The two began nipping and kissing each other, licking and sucking available body parts. Mischa's knot formed then, and began bumping against Tahikida's sensitive tail-hole, causing the lion to mewl louder and back onto Mischa even harder. This was his first time dealing with a knot, but the idea of tying with Mischa excited him. Mischa felt the pressure on his knot from his mate backing onto it, it drew him into a frenzy and he applied solid force on his next thrust, popping his knot into the tail-hole beneath him, howling as his seed erupted from his member.

The increased pressure on his prostate and tail-hole brought Tahikida over the top as he violently came, spilling his seed to the sheets beneath him. Mischa slowed his thrusts, grinding against Tahikida's cheeks as the last of his seed dripped from his cock, ending spasms sending pulses up his spine; he then rested his full weight on top the lion beneath him.

Tahikida found shear pleasure in the afterglow, the heat and weight of his mate on top of him, his member deeply embedded inside of him, It was at that moment, feelings began to swell between the two on a deeper level than before.

"I love you," said Tahikida

"I love you too" replied Mischa


"What's that?" Tahikida said sleepily

"Sorry, forgot this was still on" Mischa pointed to his COM band on his wrist.

The husky tapped the screen on the wrist band and read the message that only took half a second to read but a few moments to comprehend

"Dear gods...."

End Chapter 7