pyromancer series ch 1

Story by Shin Kotogami on SoFurry

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#4 of pyromancer series

Hello this is my first series so fill free to comment and tell me what I can do to do better . Anyway this series contains m/m in later chapters so please be 18 before reading all characters are mine. Thank you and let's begin


Oh my god that flight was so aquared I swear half the time I was staring at pyro the whole time.(flashback)

Oh god this is bad im stuck on a 2hour flight with pyro.(what's the big deal it's just my best friend why am I so worried. I mean come on. I've known him sense we were 5 and.........)


I broke my thought to see pyro face right in front of me.

"Is something wrong" he said with a worried expression on his face

I quickly moved back.

"Yah why do you ask" I swear that was the fakest grin I ever made

"Well you're constantly sweating, you're staring at me and you haven't let go of my arm sense the start of the flight. Not to mention your giving me the cheapest grin on other."

(Told ya)

I started to panic I was thinking in my head any excuse but I couldn't think of anything good

My first was im afraid of heights but we been rock climbing plenty of times summer vacation good times.

My second was claustrophobia but are rooms back at the dojo are smaller then this plane.

Before I could think of a third.

"Wait I know why you're so nervous"

I held my breath for what felt like a century. Sweat was pouring down my face. And I was prepared for a punch in the face by my feelings.

(Here it comes)

"You're nervous about going to the u.s

'No it's no...... I mean yah THAT'S why im so nervous"

"Will just calm down well be fine"

So it took all my power to relax and finally we got to Atlanta.

(Flash back ended)

(Anonymous character)

Hmm who are those two I've never seen them before. And the energy signature they gave off is quite impressive

Could they be maybe I'll have to test them .


"Man this is so awesome the u.s is much bigger then Japan" yelled regii

"Yah and look at this place not much technologically though"

"Your right about that but first we better check into a hotel and then we can explore"

We found a nice little hotel at the desk was a black wolf with a fake smile on his face. He obviously hated his job.

"How may I help you?" He said

"Two room please for about 2 weeks"

"Of course write this way" he took us to a back room and opened the door and gave us a key.

The rooms were pretty nice it was a bed with black sheets and the walls were decorated in orange floral pattern

There was a door that led another room that looked the same we unpacked are stuff took out the map I brought and my wallet I had 5'000 dollars. It was a gift from are sensei in tell we find our next master lets go to the weapon we looked at the map and we were confused and we went out side and asked for directions.

We got no help Intel a blue dragon wearing a gray muscle shirt and gray pants. On the back of the shirt was a picture of a skull. I got bad vibes from this guy but I said nothing

"I can help you " he said politely

"Really" said regii

"Yah just follow me"

We followed him to a park there was no one there but I got a bad sense from this place.

"Keep on your guard regii" he looked at me curiously


"Because you two are gonna die" the dragon turned around and faced us he took out 2 daggers each was red and I hoped it wasn't blood.

"I new it"

"I don't know who you guy are but its obvious u guys are here to fight to fight so lets go"

"Looked I don't know who you are but if it's a fight you want it a fight you'll get"

"Wait" regii walked in front of me

"Let me do it"

"But reg"

"No I already lost to you I wan t to prove that I'm strong to so let me handle it"

"Look I don't care who I fight lets go already"

"Let's begin" yelled regii and he entered his fighting stance

(Why is regii trying to prove any thing I know he is strong. is he trying to prove some thing else.)

"LETS FIGHT" they both yelled and I knew it was all up to regii

Well what's going on it looks like its regii time to shine and what's up with this dragon who knows.