Project Radikal Chp. 8 - Combustion.
#8 of Project Radikal
I've had this finished for a day or so, just forgot to upload it. :P Anyway, here's the next chapter for everyone. Eh, sorry about the length.
Taking a deep breath and sitting up slowly, clutching onto my head, feeling it throb, not remembering exactly what had happened other than collapsing on the floor and waking up in a white room. Looking around the room to see I was still in the living room, not exactly sure if that was all a dream, or if it was real. Looking back beside me to see Luc had still been passed out, shaking him slightly, seeing him groan and open his eyes slowly.
"Wha- What happened?"
"I'm not sure... I just felt some wind blowing through, and then I passed out... Also had this weird dream about-"
"About the white room being filled with people that we didn't know?"
"You too? Weird..."
"Maybe... But I don't really believe in coincidences."
"What should we do today?"
"Well, I have to go and do something soon."
"Where are we going?"
"Just me, you can hang out with friends. I have to do this on my own..."
"I don't think that's such a good idea."
"Don't worry about it."
"Okay, if you say so..."
Sitting down on the couch, smiling softly, looking into his eyes. Feeling him rub my arm and shuddering slightly, still not fully okay with someone touching me.
"Oh... Sorry Neon."
"It's fine... You can take my car today too, I feel like walking."
"No, no. It's okay. It's your car."
"No, you take it. Just in case I need you, I can call you and you can get there faster... Okay?"
"Well, I'm off, I'll see you later okay?"
"Okay hun, love you!"
"I love you too."
Waving off, smiling softly at him before walking out the door. Closing it behind me, my smile disappears, putting on the best fake smile I could pull off was the only way to ensure Luc I'd be safe. In my mind, I wasn't even sure if I'd be safe. I look down the street walk, watching as cars drove by, people walking by, the sun slowly making it's way down to meet the mountains in the distance. Looking down at my paws, looking back up down the street. There was only one place I knew where my father would be. Home, and deep in my heart I hoped he wasn't home, the fear of what he would do, what he's already done flashing into my mind. Taking a slow deep breath before making my way down the street again. Walking by furs as they laughed amongst themselves and talked, it seemed everyone today was having a good day.
Finally arriving upon my house, I looked over it, all the memories flashing in my head. Sitting on the grass in the front, staring at the house emotionless. I stared and waited, wondering what would happen. Finally working up the courage to bring myself to the door, slowly opening it, squinting a bit as it makes the familiar sounds of the door being slowly opened. Walking into my bedroom to see everything was the same. Walking into the living room to see the television flashing lights, of some commercial. Wondering why it was on if he wasn't in here. Making my way into his bedroom, flicking on the light and looking over his room. Not knowing exactly what to do now, walking back to the doorway, suddenly tripping over something on the ground, hearing a click and a new doorway appeared. My curiosity kicking in, poking my nose inside, looking to the left and right. My eyes widening wider, seeing the room being filled with all these weapons of mass destruction. Gasping and seeing my father walking around the corner, quickly fumbling away. Running out of the room and stumbling and falling on my face on the stairs. Letting out a breath and quickly picking myself up, before feeling a foot being pressed against my back.
"I was wondering when you were going to show up here again, I was starting to think you weren't coming."
Feeling him pick me up by the scruff of my neck, tossing me around. Crawling backwards up the stairway, watching him slowly taunt me, as he slowly walks up the stair case. Quickly picking myself up, running up the stairs and into the living room, going around the corner and leaning up against the wall. Picking up a pencil off the table, closing my eyes and holding it close, waiting for him to walk up the stairs. Quietly hearing the footsteps thumping like a slow heart beat, slowly getting louder and louder, taking a deep breath before hearing him walk around the corner, jabbing the pencil up into his stomach, running across the room again.
"Ow, well that wasn't very nice.... Not gonna speak to your own father?"
"Like you said, you don't even have a son..."
"Ah, thought a cat had your tongue... Or that damned mutt of yours."
"I wouldn't speak of Luc that way."
"What are you going to do about it?"
"Shut up."
"This is my house, I will speak if I want to."
"If you know what's best for you, you'd shut that damned thing you call a mouth."
"A little feisty are we."
Feeling myself flare up like a flame, feeling all warm and filled with rage, throwing papers off the table, growling in a low tone. Suddenly seeing the couch behind him combust into flames. My eyes open wide, wondering how that could ever happen, backing away towards the door, as the fire starts to spread onto the wall and onto the floor.
"Afraid of your father I see."
"I could never be afraid of you anymore... I just don't feel like catching my fur on fire today."
"What are you-"
His eyes gleam with the fire he caught insight. Turning around to see the fire spreading closer to the door, quickly starting to make my way towards it, suddenly feeling the heat of the room, turning around to see my father swinging a piece of burning wood at me, hitting the ground, squinting from the pain, looking back towards the doorway to see it being engulfed in flames. Starting to crawl slowly towards it.
"If I'm dying, I'm taking you piece of worthless fur with me."
Kicking him in the face and looking towards the window, making a quick sprint for it, leaping forward and diving out the glass. Everything seeming to move slower, as the glass breaks around me, turning around to look at my father to see him one last time, flipping backwards, landing onto my feet. Looking down at my paws, and back up towards the window, wondering how I managed to land on my feet. Shrugging it off as adrenaline rush. Quickly starting to sprint down the street. Dialling Luc's number.
Watching as my son, starts to make his way towards the door, walking closer up to him to suddenly feel a kick to the face. Falling onto my back, in an instant, he had gotten up and dived through the window. Watching him spiral through the air, standing up to see him land on the ground on his feet. Wondering where he could possibly ever have the speed or agility to pull such a stunt.
"Could it possibly be that Operative #1 is right...? It couldn't be... "
Grunting as I quickly make my way down the engulfed stair case, going into my room and grabbing a few things from my secret room, before jumping out my window, watching and sighing as I watched my house slowly burn into ash.
Leaning my head up against the window, watching as we drove down the street. Everything seeming to collide together, the colours, people and the earth seeming to collide into a mass of different colours. Sighing as I hear Luc turn off the radio.
"What were you thinking, you have no idea what your father could have done..."
"I needed to end it, I didn't want to be bothered by him again."
"You could have had help from me, my parents, your friends."
"I didn't want to have anyone else get hurt."
"He started a fire, Neon. He could have gotten you killed."
"He didn't start that. It... just happened. I don't know how."
"So the fire just magically combusted out of no where, and he just happens to try and trap you inside."
"We were both stuck inside, he never lit any matches or lighters, it just... Appeared out of no where."
"That's hard to believe..."
"Well that's how it happened, I don't care if anyone believes me."
"Well, what do we do now?"
"I suppose we can tell your parents about my dad, and after that. We should take a vacation. I need it."
"Well, that sounds lovely." Smirking to himself as he keeps driving down the road, back towards home.
Finally arriving back home, making my way back into his bedroom, falling onto the bed. SIghing to myself, wondering what will happen next.
Running down the crowded sidewalk, pushing through the crowd of furs filling the streets. After hearing a gun shot in the distance, got me even more worried, feeling my chest starting to rise and fall faster, the anxiety building up and my mind raced of what was happening. Finally arriving upon the park, looking to see my father falling to the ground with blood coming from his shoulder, looking towards Luc, as he turned and looked at me. Feeling more relieved to see that he was alright and nothing had happened to him, he turned around fully and I saw him holding his stomach, his paw covering a part of his shirt, seeing a certain pain in his expression, the worry came back to me. He smiled softly at me, as he started falling towards the ground. I ran as fast as I could towards him, catching him before he hit the ground. Holding him in my arms, as he reveals his wound. Blood seeping through his shirt and out onto his clothing. Quickly pulling out my phone to call for help, before hearing one last gun shot, everything seeming to start to fade away all of a sudden. The world around me getting darker and darker.
Gasping and throwing the blankets off of me, sitting up straight and looking over beside me, to see Luc had been still asleep. A big sigh of relief huffs out, laying back onto the bed, taking a few deep breaths and closing my eyes once again. Rolling onto my side to watch as Luc sleeps, running a paw through his fur before closing my eyes again. Slowly drifting off once again.