Tales From Apartment 232 - Part 10

Story by Damionstjames on SoFurry

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#9 of Tales From Apartment 232


The following is a work of original gay furotica by me David Bennett. Any characters with the exceptions of Real people, or the characters of Neil, Micah, Khris, Hillary, Lindsay, Collin, and Elijah are my characters. The aforementioned names are characters of Kitsune25 and are used at her permission. You can use my characters if you ask me first.

If you are under the age of 21 or 18 in your area, then go back now. If you are offended by the following: Incest, Watersports (urine), scat, BDSM, Bestiality, man on boy, boy on boy, inbreeding, male hermaphrodites, male pregnancy, gay relationships, gay sex in general, rape, molestation, or any other sexual conduct that I haven't mentioned then turn back now. Otherwise unzip your fly and enjoy the read!

If you have any comments, questions, requests for commissions or freebies, contact me at [email protected] . Or if you don't have access to an Email address, contact me by typing a letter (I am not a cryptoligist, I don't read handwriting) and mailing it to:

Enjoy the story!


"Pains, Plans, and Pills"

Oh boy, what was I thinking? Signing that contract without reading it first was a big mistake. I thought that all I would have to do would be some intense acting, long hours, stunts...you know how that goes; but boot camp? I would have never thought about boot camp!

The corporate executives from Universal called me up and told me to pack my things. The told me, over the phone mind you, that I would be leaving immediately. I think it goes without saying that I was more than thrilled to go...in the opposite direction. Unfortunately for me, Neil and the others weren't about to let me back down on my contract.

So I found myself at LAX, with my fiancé Neil, and worried as all hell. I was pulling loose hairs off of my rather bushy tail when Neil grasped my hand and looked at me worriedly.

"Renee darling, you are going to make all your fur fall out if you don't stop picking. Calm down, I don't want a bald husband." Neil begged, as now I was starting to adjust myself to sit in the rather uncomfortable seat of the airline terminal.

"Fuck that Neil, it's not going to be fun, it's going to be just like Otto's, I said, running a hand over my knee. "I rather don't like military institutions."

My attire for that evening was "normal" for once. I had my hair pulled back into a regular ponytail; I had on a grey sleeveless t-shirt that read "SFPD" for my character; on my legs were some crotch-hugging denim pants that were tucked into some combat boots. Neil happened to be sporting some Khaki shorts and a rather comfy green and white silk shirt. I liked the shorts, because it bared Neil's legs. I had a fetish over those legs...I wanted to eat them...they were that delicious in my eyes. Neil sat down in the chair next to me, putting his back against mine, and letting out a long, loving sigh.

"Well then, just think of it like this, you'll get a chance to get to know your character better. You know, to learn the kinds of things that he had to go through." He said as a suggestion. I laughed, near mocking.

"Perhaps. Are you sure, however, that you want your future husband running around all those military boys? It might be hard to control myself." I asked coyly. Neil laughed, I could feel the odd vibrations against me, it was funny.

"I'm sure you'll behave." Neil said as we continued to sit back to back. There was about a minute of silence before I spoke again.

"I love you, you know that right?"

Neil gave a nod. "Of course I know that. I don't have a single doubt in my mind that you love me. It's been an amazing time, and it's going to get better."

I grinned. "I want to plan the wedding as soon as I return."

Neil shifted his weight and entwined our tails. "Later. Your plane is going to be boarding any second."

I turned to my right and gazed out the thick window. The newly reformed PAN-AM airlines had their new planes up and running, and I had the honor of flying on one. I was going to be boarding a 747 nonstop flight to Savannah, Georgia. The large aircraft seemed to be looming out at me. I sighed and nodded.

"You're right." I sighed, tapping my heels against the armrest of the adjacent seat. "You complete me, you know that?" I asked, turning to look at him. He followed suit, our whiskers brushing for a moment before our lips met in a brief kiss.

"Come on, lets get your things."

I grabbed the ARMY duffel bag I was given and my pink back pack and sighed, my inverted cross medallion laying against my chest under my shirt. It reminded me to keep faith. I looked around; there were a few others beginning to get lined up to board.

"Now boarding First-class on flight1408 to Savannah at gate H-13. Have proper ID and tickets ready." Came the computerized voice of the announce system. I looked to Neil, I loved him so much. I didn't want to leave him. I reached out, and hugged him goodbye, and then proceeded to board.

My first impression of the first-class seats was that they were totally awesome. My seat was like a couch, and oh...the legroom. I stretched out in my seat and looked out my window at the airport crewpersons running around under the plane, scurrying like ants. I reached into my pink backpack and grabbed some chewing gum and started to chew, I was told that it helps during takeoff. I reached into the pouch of the seat in front of me and grabbed one of the magazines that the airline provided and started to read it. There were mainly a series of advertisements, stories written by passengers and employees, and articles on various subjects in the back. As I read, the flight attendants started their pre-flight announcement. I chose to only half-listen, having heard this speech before. I continued to read even as we took off...starting to get bored with each passing second. I flipped through the stories, and read one about some kind or romance that someone had where they met on a flight, got separated, and met 10 years later on the same flight they first met upon. I scoffed and tossed the mag aside, and just started to meditate.

About an hour into the flight, I willingly broke my concentration. I looked out the window to my right. Since it was night when I left, and we weren't really over any specific city, it was all black out there. I shrugged at the black window and looked about the cabin. In the seats across from me there were a pair of corporate business types that were sitting and typing up documents upon their lap-tops. In the row behind them, an elderly male was sleeping, cradling his bag in his lap, with his glasses almost falling off his face. I decided to be polite and take them off of him and lay them on his tray, so they wouldn't fall and get crushed.

After that, I decided to move about the cabin and check out the smoking lounge. I undid my seatbelt and made my way up the spiral stairs. I frowned upon my entry. The room was infested with several Wall St. business men. They were smoking cigars and talking about stocks or something like that. I looked about and was about to leave before the sight of a white furred mink sitting in a corner watching the news on a mini-TV drew my gaze. He was a sexy thing. On his head was a pink bandana which covered the top of his cranium. Almost a hundred earrings wrought his ears; his eyes were a heavenly green. He wore a turtle-necked spandex sleeveless shirt of black, and some leather pants. He wore showy boots of black upon his feet. I recognized him.

"Hey you! What are you doing in here you filthy cocksucker?" I called out. The mink turned my way, thinking that someone had insulted him. The business men stopped chatting, thinking that something was up. When the mink saw who it was that had spoken in such a way to him, his face lit up in a way that I hadn't seen in many months.

"Oh my god! Look at you, you goddamned buttfucker! What are you doing here?"

He stood and ran over to me, embracing me tight. We were very good friends. Surely you remember my porn partner Jeice? This was the other mink I told you about. We hugged and let our hands fall into one another's afterward, sitting on a couch.

"I want to ask you the same question Guy, what are you doing here?" Last I heard you were having sex with Omar Mustang."

Guy, the mink, nodded and folded his legs. He pulled out a Parliament cigarette and lit it up. "Yup, you are on top of things Renee. I just finished up ?Ranch Riders 3' about a week ago. Then I received an invitation to do another movie, a real movie."

"Cool, so did I!" I said in amazement.

Guy grinned, his voice sweet and polite. "What role did you get?"

"The lead." I said with a smile. Guy nodded to acknowledge.

"I am supposed to play the boyfriend that gets killed."

"Cool..." I grinned. "That means we'll be working together."

"Yup!" Guy nodded once more. He then took a long drag off his cigarette, and gave my hand a squeeze. "I missed you Ne-ne."

I scoffed and shrugged. "Well you knew where A&S studios were, you could have come to see me anytime. Why you went to Falcon films is beyond me."

Guy sighed in frustration, old frustration. "Look, let's not start this old argument again." He warned. "Let's talk about something else."

I agreed, and took a cigarette he offered me, and smoked it a little. It was gross, but I put up with it.

"How's Ray then? Let's talk about you and Ray." I said, referring to guy's husband. Guy rolled his eyes and held up a ring-less left hand as his way of answering my question.

"We got divorced 3 months ago."

I leaned back in my chair a little. "Whatever for?"

"Renee...the bastard was cheating on me. Ray cheated on me." He sighed.

I gasped. "Ray? Ray cheated on you?" I asked in a voice that was probably a little too loud for Guy's comfort. He shrugged and turned away from me nodding.

"Yup. I came home one evening 3 months ago after trying to find him, and lo and behold I catch him cheating on me with some 14 year old neighbor boy. I turned right out the door and filed for divorce the same evening. Ray ran off with the boy and I've been single since."

I shook my head, shocked by this news. Ray was the most faithful being I had ever met, marital fidelity had always been his biggest thing, and now for me to learn that he had cheated on Guy was a shock to my system. This was like the sinking of the Titanic, the eruption of Mt. St. Helens, and the 9-11 attacks kind of big.


Guy continued to not look at me, taking a longer drag off his cigarette, and the pointing towards his groin. "That's why. The very same reason Antonio left me, Miguel cheated on me, and Perry committed suicide over."

I scoffed and made a farting noise with my lips. "That's the biggest pile of shit I've heard in a long time. It's not your fault that-" I was starting to rant when Guy holding up a hand in my face stopped me.

"Hey ? I understand their frustration. I am reserved to what they do and what people think." He said, staring at the floor between his legs. I gave my cigarette a few last puffs before I snuffed it out and started to cuddle Guy a little.

"But you don't have to be. You're just fine the way you are. Don't be so self degrading."

Guy half-heartedly shrugged. "Why not? I mean ? who would want me? Who would want this body?" He said grimly. I quickly reached up and took the cigarette out of his mouth, I had had it. I brought my lips to his and I kissed him; I kissed him with all the passion I could muster. His eyes went wide with shock at first, but then he smiled and melted into the flow of things, and kissed me back. Our tongues met for the first time in almost two years. We cradled one another as the disturbed businessmen decided to leave us. I laughed in my mind as I played mile-high tonsil hokey with guy.

When I was done, guy looked at me as if he had seen a ghost.

"I would." I answered at last.

Guy took a few breaths...getting horny. He made calming motions as he laid his head on my shoulder and spoke.

"You were my first and only real boyfriend...ya know..." He mused.

I mused along. "I remember. We met on the same film. We started dating after we wrapped up filming."

Guy started running a hand across my chest like he used to, tucking a thumb under my waistline. He was getting close to me again...probably rekindling those old fires for me. "I never stopped loving you." He said softly.

"What about Omar? He loves you too." I said, not quite registering.

"Omar? But what about you?" he asked, fiddling with my pant buckle. I sighed, remembering Asher, and his love for me. I pointed to my engagement ring and shrugged.

"I am already taken guy. I met a wonderful man, and someday soon we are getting married. I can't be your mate. Sex partner maybe, but mate no..."

Guy nodded, but stayed cuddled to me. "Is it ? this?" Guy asked, tapping his groin. I made another fart noise and shook my head.

"No! Shit no. For the last time I never thought anything of it."

Guy, unsure to believe me, slid his hand down my pants, and cupped my sheathed member. I looked at him and purred a bit. I wished there was a better way I could convey my position to him, that I couldn't be his lover.

"Well, I'm still glad you're here none-of-the-less."

The rest of the flight went uneventful, save Guy and I sleeping in a cuddle in my first class seat. We slept for the rest of the flight and were finally awoken by a Flight Attendant tapping us, telling us that it was our stop. The pair of us stood and gathered our things, and stepped out the door and down the steps to go out onto the tarmac. There, were a group of military uniformed officials standing next to a humvee. Guy and I looked at one another and gulped.

"Civilians Morningstar and Gateway?" The lead officer asked.

"That's us." Guy said with a nod.

The officer, a kind of terrier nodded back. "Good. I'll need you two to come with us."

I looked at the officer. He was a serious soldier, a real G.I. Joe kind of trooper. "Alright sir." I said with a nod.

The officer shook our hands and led us over. "I am Lt. Fowler at your service."

I nodded, and gave Guy a nod; my hand finding guys as we slipped into the Humvie. We were nervous, but oddly comfortable. The Lt. briefed us on the ins and outs of what would be going on. We were told that to the other soldiers, no one would no that we were actors, so that we wouldn't be hazed. I thanked him for that and I assured him that we didn't expect any special treatment. All the Lt. could do was laugh and tell us there was no special treatment.

We arrived at Ft. Stewart early in the morning. In only a few hours, troops would be waking up for physical training. Lt. Fowler told us we'd get checked in, sleep, and start fresh the next morning. I looked to guy, and I gave his hand a squeeze. He didn't seem ready, but we had to do what we had to do.

* * *

"Name?" Asked a rather preoccupied Pit Bull.

"Renee Morningstar." I replied. I was standing in nothing but my black thong. I had to turn in my civilian clothes following my physical. I had no doubt at that moment it was Guy's turn to get looked at.


"479-44-1259." I responded. The Pit Bull nodded. He was making my name patch for my uniform and my (coughs) dog tags.

"Blood type?"

"A+" I said, shivering a little. Apparently Georgia mornings can be rather cold. The Pit Bull kept nodding and engraving as I fired off my answers.

"Waist size?"

"30." I said with a smile. I had slimmed down considerably, losing 4 inches in the last 2 years. I was a leaner/gentler Renee.

"Boot size?"


The Pit nodded. "Shirt and Jacket Size?"

"Mediums or larges will work."

The Pit then leaned over the counter, and seemed surprised at my choice in civilian underwear. He made a face as if he had swallowed a tack.

"Religion, and boxers or briefs?"

I gulped and shivered once more as a draft caressed my naked buttocks. "Other, and do you have anything in a silk panty?" I asked. The officer looked at me seriously and shook his head. He then repeated the underwear question again. I settled upon the briefs.

"Nice tat by the way." The pit said as he handed me my things.

"Really?" I smiled.

"Yeah. We've got a guy by the name of Sgt. Rude. He is a tattoo artist. You see, he does the tats for the people on post and owns a shop off post. You may want to show him that.

I nodded and held my things tightly. "Will do."

"Now the private over there will take ye over to your barracks. Don't bother getting dressed yet, wait until you get up. Don't worry about it, no one will see ya." He said, waving me off.

The private was a tired looking guy who escorted me to some long white, single roomed barracks. I slipped in quietly, taking care not to wake anyone. I saw that my name was on the top bunk. The bottom was for Guy. I wished he was there. I set my gear down and sprung into bed. I t groaned slightly, but not too loud. I sighed and rolled onto my tummy, shaking my tail a little. I wanted to get to sleep then.

"Nice thong there..." Came a whisper from my neighboring bunk. I looked over my left shoulder and gulped. I must've woken him up...I was doomed! Maybe...

"Uh..." I said, not sure how to respond.

"Looks good on you." Said the male I was now looking at. He was a scrawny squirrel type of male. He was naked, save his briefs. I saw his dog-tags dangling as he leaned forward in his bed, sitting cross-legged.

"I ? um ?" I stammered, still too scared to think clearly. The male shook his head and looked around as if checking out the scene. Then before I knew it, he had lept through the air in an amazing display of dexterity, acrobatics, and stealth, and landed on my bed. I gulped, and instinctively covered my ass with my tail.

What's wrong?" He asked with what seemed like genuine concern. I gulped and continued looking at him over my shoulder. He tilted his head, looking at me puzzled.

"Um ? scared is all." I admitted. The squirrel nodded and sat down once again, resting his forearms on his knees.

"Don't be. I don't want to hurt you. I just want to meet you, and look at you." He said, giving my back a look over. I sighed. Who would have thought I'd meet another gay guy within my first few moments in the barracks. Well so much for don't ask/don't tell.

"So...you're not planning on molesting me?" I asked, lifting my tail slightly. He shook his head negatively and shrugged. I had aggressive men around me in the past, and I took no chances.

"No, not my style. I'm aggressive yes, but I am respectable. So...can I look?"

Somehow, I trusted him. I lifted my tail and let him see. The male smiled and sighed lovingly.

"Wow. Flawless ? absolutely stunning. You work out?"

I nodded a little against my pillow. "Kickboxing. Done it for years now."

"Cool. Hey...can I touch?" He asked, proving that aggressive side.

"Well ?" I began, "If you promise to stop when I say so."

The male smiled. "On my honor, I'll go to J.A.G. personally if you feel I went to far. I just ? want to get to know you."

I felt this stranger was sincere, so I submitted. "I'm Renee."

"Deke." Replied the male as his hand began to caress my back, my sides, and my buttocks. His hand explored me lovingly, bringing me to smile and sigh.

"So what did you join for?" I asked as his hand was playing with my thigh. He made a thinking noise then answered.

"I had no where else to go. I was on the streets after I lost my job. It's hard finding job around here. This is a big military town so...I joined."

The squirrel's touch was very relaxing. Even though the two of us had progressed this far in such little time, I felt trust. We conversed about eachother's past, talked about our likes and dislikes, all the while he touched me.

Guy slipped in after a while, and simply collapsed into his bed underneath us. Deke lept into his bed and back when the cost was clear.

"Who's that?"

"Guy. He is a friend of mine. Don't worry, we're not together."

Deke nodded, and went to touch me again, but I held his hand. He thought he was in trouble, but I smiled, and turned onto my back, exposing my front. He gasped and ran a hand over his face.

"What, you don't like it?"

"Deke blinked and placed his hand on my right pec. It stayed there for a moment as he wet his lips to speak.

"Jesus ? you're hot." He whispered. I looked at him. He was small in size, but muscularly defined. His military briefs were tenting, his eyes spoke of lust. I grinned...not bad.

"Thanks. Now I insist you continue."

And he did. His hand ran over my throat, pecs, abs, hips and legs. I had to guide his hand onto my erection before he would touch me there. His hand never left it, and seemed at home there.

"You...why are you here?" He asked. I bit my lip, thinking of a lie as I grinned.

"This is why I joined. I love having sex with military boys."

Deke chuckled softly, and continued cupping my groin in his hand. He then laid himself next to me, controlling his breathing.

"I haven't ever been this far before...I have wanted to....but..."

I reached up and placed a hand on his lips...he silenced. I wondered why I was always so frivolous with strangers and not some friends. I pulled my thong down, and let him take my naked cock into his hand, the soft and gentle pads of his hands caressing me to give me sweet pleasure swirls. Before long, we had entangled into a 69, sucking one another off to orgasm. The whole experience was fast, but it was amazing and just what I needed at the moment. Deke muttered something about meeting him for lineup at PT the following day, but I was so exhausted from the plane trip and the oral sex, that I had fallen asleep during his instructions.

I awoke a few hours later with a gentle poking at my hip.

"Huh?" I groaned into my pillow.

"Up and Adam sunshine." Came a slightly gruff and unfamiliar voice. I opened my eye facing the side of the voice, and as my sight focused, I gazed upon a drill sergeant standing on the right side of my bed. The sarge had a look of happy impatience upon his face; the kind of look where you are in a good mood, but impatient none-of-the-less.

"Huh? Who?" I mumbled once more. I wasn't sure why I was being awoken yet.

"It's 0800; that means it's time for you to shower and dress private recruit. Today, you get the tour and the ?royal' treatment, and tomorrow you are thrown into the shit; understand?" The sarge asked, looking at me with a grin.

I simply nodded.

"Well, anytime sweetheart." He asked, stepping aside and gesturing that I get out of bed. I rolled onto my back and looked down. Guy was already up and rolling out of bed, reaching for his socks. I was kind of jealous that he was always faster at awaking than I was. I felt a slight draft under my sheets, reminding me that I had got naked only a few hours prior.

"Um ? I'm naked sir." I said softly.

The sarge smiled and smirked, "Does it look like I care? You have any clue how many naked men I see in a week? Probably more than you've seen in your life. I'm telling you, seeing you naked won't really have any lasting impression. Now get out of bed before I pull this bunk bed over." He said only in half warning. I didn't want to test him to see if he'd do it, so I yawned and sat forward, swinging my legs over the side and throwing my covers back. I dropped to the floor and used my martial arts skills to land just like a cat and not make a single noise. I stood back up to my full height and looked at the sarge. He was a strong boxer type of canine, dressed in his BDU's and Smoky Bear hat. The man was built, and seemed to have some decent coordination about him, but somewhere in the back of my mind I had the impression that I could take him in a fight. I shrugged, leaned against my bunk and folded my arms, crossing my right leg over my left, a gesture of complete non-modesty.

"Where to?" I asked. The sarge looked me up and down and made a slightly impressed face and stepped forward towards me.

"Well then pretty boy, I recommend that you grab your towel and skivvies, unless you want to walk to the showers naked." He said grimly. I thought on it, and ultimately decided that I should take his advice. I reached up and grabbed my BVD briefs of brownish green, and slipped them on, giving my tail a few shakes afterward and following that up by throwing my towel around my shoulders. Guy had already dressed in his underwear and was more or less mimicking me. The sarge pointed to our BDU's, meaning that we should take them with us. I grabbed Guy's for him and handed them to him as I threw mine under my arm, a rather awkward load to say the least.

"Ready Ladies?" The Sarge asked, getting more impatient than happy.

I nodded, and Guy nodded following suit.

"Good. I am your drill instructor Sgt. Valentine; from this moment on you will refer to me as ?sir' or ?Sgt. Valentine sir' ? do you understand me?"

"Sir yes sir." We responded. Valentine nodded, and gestured us outside. When we stepped outside I looked around. Everywhere troops were running this way and that, performing various tasks. Some other men were walking underwear-clad away from the building we were walking towards, probably already finished. The shower house was small, but could fit about 30 at a time. The floor was flat concrete, awfully smooth, and ARMY green. There were 3 rows of shower heads in hubs of four. Sgt. Valentine instructed us that we had 20 minutes to shower and be dressed before he would come in and fetch us ? dragging us out in whatever we had on at the time. Guy and I nodded as he closed the door, leaving us to our own devices.

I found a hub in the middle and turned on one of the four shower heads. It sucked, because when the water started to come out the tarnished steel shower head I had to dodge scalding hot water, and then ice cold water when I tried to make an adjustment. Guy, standing behind me, put his hands on the waistband of his underwear and waited for me to get the water just right. After a few more tries, and some considerable effort, I got it and stripped. After I stepped into the beam, I turned on Guy's head to the same setting mine was on and gestured for him to get in. Unfortunately, he hesitated and started acting shy, stepping backward from me.

"Guy? What's wrong?" I asked as I started to massage my chest and shoulders, getting the hot water into my fur. Guy shook his head once and stepped backward again, just as I was reaching for my bottle of body shampoo.

"I ? um ? I am still embarrassed." He muttered softly, having a surprising sense of modesty. I moved my head down, looking over my muzzle at him, holding the shampoo in my hands.

"That's bullshit and you know it. Guy, you're a fellow gay porn star; hundreds of people have seen you naked ? I've seen you naked! Why the sudden modesty?" I asked. My tone dropped an octave to illustrate my point. Guy ran a hand over his head and sighed.

"I'm sorry. It's the whole...you know...thing..." He mumbled almost to himself. I grumbled and set my shampoo down and walked over to Guy, and reached out with my uncanny speed to grab the waistband of his underwear. With one snap I pulled them down to his ankles, and gave him a shove back to take them all the way off as he lost his balance. I kicked his underwear away, and lead him back to the shower. Of course he continued to be modest at first as he stood under the jets of hot water, but finally gave up the attempt and started to massage himself a bit.

"See? Does it look like I care, have I ever cared?" I asked.

Guy shook his head.

"Good, now give me a kiss and let's shower."

Guy leaned in without question and pressed out lips together. He brought his tongue in to allow for a short frencher, only this time with Guy's patented skill and confidence.

When he had finished kissing me, he stepped back into his beam, and started to soap up.

As I myself was shampooing my body, I looked down and gazed in between Guy's legs and looked upon Guy's naked crotch, which was what he was so upset over. Guy was androgynous; he had no sex organs, moreover he had no openings for them either. He was born with a muscular bulge where a normal groin should be. From the outside, it looks as if he has a cock and balls, but really he wasn't anatomically correct. When he was born, the abnormality baffled the scientific world ? they couldn't figure out why he had been born this way. In addition to that, the only orifice he did have was the normal anus, in which he had to urinate and defecate out of. His asshole was the only sexual part about him...erm...aside from is mouth. I was amazed at how he had succeeded in the pornographic film world when he lacked the most important parts that were required to function properly during sex. From my personal experience, I knew that Guy would occasionally don a strap-on, however at about 80% of the time he just stayed a bottom. If you were to ask, which I did at once when I first had sex with him, I asked him if he could have an orgasm. Guy can orgasm, only he has no real way to describe how it feels; to the one fucking him all he would feel his ass clench really hard. Weird.

When I was through shampooing, I started to rinse while guy was working on washing his long tail, preening it carefully. I decided to get frisky and I grabbed Guy's ass. Guy smiled and grabbed my junk instead. As our game continued, things escalated, and before long I had suitably fucked him and had cleaned us off. No one had a clue. Both of us walked back over to our clothes and started to dress. I was pulling on my briefs when Guy tapped me upon my shoulder.

"Yeah?" I asked.

"Thanks...I needed that."

I shrugged. "No need to thank me, I'd do it for just about anyone." Ouch...that almost was an insult to myself.

"Well yeah, and that's all well and good, but aren't you ?"

"Engaged?" I inquired, finishing his sentence for him.


I pulled the waistband of my briefs over my sheath and adjust them as I folded arms and shrugged once again. "Well if it really matters to you why don't we call it ?learning our roles'. Our characters were lovers remember? Why don't we just leave it at that." I suggested, already starting to get tired of this conversation.

"Well if you're engaged, wouldn't what you did be cheating?" He asked, pulling his pants on. I started to pull my own up as he asked me this; stopping to hold one side up with my left hand and putting my right palm onto guy's left pec.

"Look, Neil is ok with me being a little playful. He knows how big of a sex drive I have, and we aren't married yet, so from the impression I get that means I can still play...I think. Well anyway I'm not going to be so frivolous when I'm married anyway." I said as I took my hands back and started to button my pants up.

There was silence for a few moments as we threw the rest of our clothes on. I was pulling my hair back into a braid when Guy spoke once more.

"Well...if you are getting married and yet you are still being playful, what does that make me?"

"Don't start this." I warned. I was really tired of this situation.

"Well what of me? Do I not mean anything to you?" He said in blatant defiance of my warning.

I grunted and placed my hands semi-aggressively upon Guy's shoulders, and looked into his eyes, a slight fire lighting in mine. I didn't realize that when I was speaking that my voice level was raising. "Look I love you but I am not your boyfriend. Get over it...I'm sorry but you got to find someone else."

"But I still love you! I want you back!" He shouted, showing his sadness.

"And I said I loved you, but what do you expect me to do?" I asked, starting to shout back at this point.

"Take me back." He said, shouting still.

"Guy listen and listen well, ?cause I am not letting you guilt trip me into Breaking up with Neil. I am ?" I was yelling before I was interrupted.

"Am I interrupting something?" Came the voice of Sgt. Valentine from behind. I turned around, taking my hands off Guy and standing a relative attention. Valentine had a stern look on his face, like he really wasn't happy (Gee I wonder why?). Guy and I gulped as Valentine stepped in-between us to separate us, his eyes full of impatience.

"I ? um ? sir ? "I started to stutter, trying to get some kind of explanation out.

Valentine just thrust a hand in my face, and held it there to silence me. I shut my mouth and waited until his hand came down to do anything, even blink.

"Shut up for a minute both of you," He began, barking like a drill sergeant normally would. I stood up to attention while Guy continued to slouch. "I want to make one thing perfectly clear: I will not tolerate any drama bullshit while I'm around. I want you two to know that I have nothing but respect towards diversity in the ARMY and will do everything within my power to ensure that everyone is treated equally and fairly, but the way that you two are acting towards one another is out of line. I don't want to hear anymore of this ? do we have an understanding?"

Guy and I responded. "Sir yes sir."

"Good. Now if it's not too much of a problem let's continue with our duties."

After that brief but stern lecture, Guy and I were given the grand tour. Valentine explained that while boot camp was not normally conducted at Ft. Stewart, thing had changed under the new general. While on the tour, we were shown the newer barracks, the PX, the commissary, and the PT areas. These areas were where we would be spending most of our times, even though we saw the whole base.

Guy and I that evening were taken to meet the general. The General was a kind and slightly elderly Jay. He reflected what many have told us already, that we were expected to perform like US soldiers while we were on base (Oh I'd "perform" alright.). We told him that we would do our best to complete the program within the timeframe set for us. Pleased with the meeting, the General closed by telling us that if we failed, the studio would be told. Great...that was a comforting thought.

That night I went to bed without incident, only to awake to that damn trumpet, and the beginning of my ARMY life.

* * *

"Hey, I think that's his plane."

"That's what you said about the last plane."

"Aye, and you were wrong about all of those."

"Shayddyap ? I'm stoned..."

"Uh Huh, so we've noticed."

"You're lucky those wanking cops didn't nail you"

"(Scoff) I'd kind of like to get nailed...by you that is."

"Later babe."

Neil, Micah, Khris, Chong and Rowdy were all standing around the PAN-AM gates, waiting to greet me at LAX. The group had a welcome home sign and balloons to boot. Neil, my beloved fiancé, was dressed in a white sport coat, white turtleneck, and white slacks. Neil's engagement ring was upon his finger, shining in all its glory. Neil wasn't really paying attention, he was going in-between admiring his ring and the new Rolex; a present from Micah and Khris.

To Neil's left, Micah and Khris stood. They were about to go to bed after they left, so Micah had donned a gray t-shirt and some Felix the cat PJ bottoms; Khris was donning a white wife-beater and some Huckleberry Hound PJ bottoms. Next to Micah and Khris to their left stood Chong. He was wearing a hemp shirt and hemp pants, with a reggae-like hat upon his head. Rowdy was wearing some rather skimpy daisy duke cutoffs of denim and his LA Hoods jersey, along with some sneakers.

It was late in LA, and the terminal was next to deserted. I was one of the only people on the flight, so I really didn't expect to be greeted by huge crowds of people.

"Now arriving at gate F-2 is PAN-AM flight 649 ? nonstop from Georgia. Passengers disembarking...please stand clear the gate." Came the computer voice over the intercom. Rowdy smiled an evil smile and moved about 6 yards in front of the gate doors, and assumed the 3-point stance. Khris moved in behind rowdy and gave him a few playful dry humps, and without missing a beat, Rowdy growled flirtatiously.

"You shouldn't point that thing at me this late at night, I might perceive it as an offer mate..." Khris said in his thick British accent. Rowdy laughed evilly as a few passengers disembarked in front of me. "Who says it's not?"

Chong grumbled in jealousy. "No Fair."

I was about to emerge from the tunnel, when I saw something white and furry launch itself at me. Executing a perfect spear tackle, Rowdy sent me sprawling to the floor. I gave a "whoof" sound upon impact as I landed, groaning softly.

"Nice to see you too Rowdy..." I said as I started to regain my composure. Rowdy grinned above me, and licked at my face playfully.

"Well now ? look at the army bitch." He cooed, starting to suckle at my Adam's apple.

"Mmm-hmm...now how about you let me up?" I asked, bursting into a fit of laughter because that suckling tickled!

Rowdy helped me to a stand. I was dressed like GI Gay. I had on my BDU jacked opened in the front with no shirt underneath, and my BDU pants turned daisy duke just like Rowdy's...if not shorter. On my feet were my boots, the only thing that didn't really change about my outfit.

When I was stood back up, Rowdy reached down and grabbed my bags. We stepped back into the gate as I was greeted with a swarm of kisses and hugs. The smell of drugs told me that Chong was there before I saw him. Then the group parted, and Neil and I were brought together. Neil and I touched one another's faces, as if we weren't sure that we were really in front of one another...and then we moved in closer...finally kissing one another softly. I had never experienced a kiss from him so passionate before, it was nice to say the least!

When the kiss was broken Neil spoke. "Hello there my love."

"Hello my beauty." I said as I snuggled into him, his light pudgy belly pressed against my washboard tummy.

We both inhaled and let out a long exhale at the same time and basked in one another's embrace for a moment. Neil then began to run his hands down to my hands and brought them together. "Lets go home."

I nodded as Rowdy took the sign along with my bags and led the way. It had been a long two weeks, and I needed the rest, so Neil was right on with his suggestion. We walked outside the airport, the warm Los Angles air pleasant upon my fur. I walked with them all the way to the parking garage, where I was surprised to see Neil's new Porsche he had bought, Rowdy's street racer, and Khris' Austin Martin.

"Wow, quite the motorcade." I said with a sense of impression as Neil was stuffing my bags into the trunk.

"Aye mate, only the best for you." Said Micah happily.

"Did someone say something about cocaine?" Chong asked enthusiastically. We all groaned in frustration as Rowdy ran a hand over his corn rows and turned to face Chong.

"'Motorcade' dumbass ? not cocaine." Rowdy grumbled. Khris scratched his chin, and shook his head in displeasure. Then Rowdy got a little rough and grabbed Chong by the scruff of his neck and threw him in the back of his racer, shouting, "And don't touch anything." Rowdy took a few breaths as he stripped out of his Jearsy, showing off his sexy torso. The remainder of us licked our lips at the sight.

"Man...every time I see it I still can't believe it...washboard and hulking...mmmf!" Micah said. Neil then giggled and grabbed some dollar bills out of his coat and shook them in Rowdy's direction. Rowdy, without missing a beat, walked over and started dancing like a stripper, as Neil stuffed the ones down the front of the almost non-existent shorts of Rowdy. I followed suit, giving Rowdy's sheath a squeeze and earning a slap on my ass for my truble. Micah and Khris walked over and held out rolls of pennies, to which Rowdy scoffed and walked back to his car. It was too funny and we all broke into laughter.

When we were all calm once again, the rest of us gathered around the cars.

"Hey, we'll see you soon mate, but we've got to sleep. We're plum tired, yiffing four times in a day can do that..." Khris said as he yawned.

"Totally. As for me, Asher and I have to take the walking drug-lab into de-tox in the morning, for some reason LT. Mitchell wants him clean." Rowdy said, slipping into his and Asher's CRX.

I stepped aside and looked to Neil, waiting for his story. "Well what about us?"

Neil smiled a loving smile. "You and I are going to bed."

My eyes widened. "Sweet..." I said all Cartman esque.

Neil opened the passenger side door for me and held his hand out. "Hop in!"

And I did. After Neil walked around and got in, we pulled out of the garage. It was at that time my "motorcade" split up to go their separate ways. Neil and I merged with traffic, headed towards downtown. There were about 3 minutes of silence before Neil spoke to me, his voice thoughtful and calm.

"So? Tell me what it was like?" He asked, driving rather gracefully. He must have been driving for a while, because the way he sat spoke of total lax, yet control.

"Well the sex was wonderful, and then the blowjobs I got ? don't even get me started..." I joked, earning a playful slap across my chest from Neil. I said ok over and over again and I got serious. "Alright hun. Well, as for the first day of PT, no one thought I'd make it. They all thought I was some kind of pansy or a weakling. However, I showed them! I think all my martial arts training helped with the physical and the mental rigors that I had to run through. For everything else, I had help from a squirrel that I met down there, he was really sweet. As far as what I did on a day to day basis other than exercise for 90 million hours and then have classes after that, it was pretty easy."

Neil took my whole lecture in. I told him in more intricate detail as to my schedule, I gave him a general layout of the base, and told him of the officers that were cool and not cool. Valentine was cool, Deke was cool, but there was this one guy...Galveston...gods...

Neil then shook his head and grinned a little. "You had sex didn't you?"

The question caught me off guard, yet it was no less an invalid question. I bit my lip. "Umm...only twice..." I admitted.

"Was it the Squirrel?" He asked

I nodded.

"And Guy?"

"Well yeah I had sex with them but I-" I started to say before I had to pause. Neil didn't even know that Guy was there! How could he have known that I had sex with Guy, let alone that he was there? "Hey, how did you know?" I asked.

Neil chuckled and patted my thigh. "I guessed on the squirrel. As for Guy, He felt guilty about trying to steal you from me, so he looked up my work number and gave me a call ? told me the whole thing. Hun before you start getting scared, I'm not mad. In my opinion you behaved. You only had sex twice, and not every day with random strangers...I'm glad for that."

"You don't think I cheated?" I asked as I started to unbutton my shorts for a little comfort.

"Not yet, no, not yet." He said with assurance. "I understand your sex drive and needs. All I am going to ask from you now is that once we're married, you take a break for a few weeks? You know ? for me?"

"Sounds fair." I said as I let my head loll over and rest upon his shoulder. I purred as I reached out and turned on the radio, and turned on some great 70's and 80's classics. We went through about 2 easily forgettable songs before something we both knew came on the radio; Meatloaf's "Bat Out of Hell". The lyrics were so good, and so was the melody, I had to sing along.

"Like a bat out of hell I'll be gone when the morning comes! When the night is over like a bat out of hell I'll be gone...gone...gone. Like a bat out of hell I'll be gone when the morning comes! When the day is done and the sun goes down and the moonlight's shining through, and like a sinner before the gates of heaven I'll come crawling on back to you..." I sang. Hey, you don't have to be a Satanist to enjoy this song. Neil laughed evilly and sang along with his favorite part.

"I'm goanna hit the highway like a battering ram on a silver-black Phantom bike! When the metal is hot, and the engine is hungry, and another whore's about to see the light. Nothing ever grows in this rotten old hole, and everything is sodden and lost. And nothing really rocks and nothing really rolls and nothing is ever worth the cost!"

And onward into the night we sang.

As we arrived at Churchill Estates, I looked at the remnants of the Bank 1 tower. It would take forever to get it cleaned up. I shuddered, not wanting to remember, and just followed Neil inside, buttoning my shorts' front back up and grabbing my bags. As we disembarked off the elevator at his floor, Neil whispered to me softly.

"I have the bed all made up for us."

"Oh thank Devil...if I had to sleep on that bunk one more night...I'd turn straight." I grumbled.

Neil raised an eyebrow. "Hun? Was it really that bad?"

I shook my head and was about to say something when we caught sight of Fletcher. He was taping up an eviction notice on old Mrs. Veronica's door, more than likely for violating the pet ordinance. It was sad, so the old lady liked her feral cats...it was no reason to give her the axe.

I just stood there, bags in hand, giving Fletcher the most evil look phathomable. "In some ways yes, and in other ways no." I growled softly as we stalked past Fletcher. He didn't even notice me, he was too into what he was doing. When he had entered Neil's apartment at the end of the hallway I finally spoke, well after the door was closed of course. "I'll tell you, Fletcher is harder to deal with than my drill instructor ever was. I swear, if that little rabbit doesn't get his comeuppance soon, I am going to totally and seriously contemplate unloading on that prick."

Neil scoffed, his own face turning sour. "Well if that bugger comes ?round us tonight I'll just kick his arse. Now before we get too miffed, why don't we strip and get in bed eh? I think we should retire and tuck-in." He said softly.

"Will do!"

And in a flurry of clothes, I lept into bed, followed by Neil, almost asleep the instant I hit that waterbed.

* * *

"Wake up sleepy head!"

I groaned. More sleep...must...have...more...sleep...

"Wha?" I asked, not opening my eyes.

"Oh don't give me that, you're awake. You remember that you wanted to make the wedding plans when you got back? Well wake up...you are supposed to get married to me still right?"

"Oh yeah..." I said with a smile.

I opened my eyes. I was in Neil's comfy and relaxing waterbed. Neil was cuddled to me, laying on top of me. I discovered we had a good contour, as if we were ment to spoon with one another. Sure, he had a slight tummy, but I loved it...it gave him character. Everyone I had slept with had "dream bodies". Neil had a kind of dreamy quality that no one else I had ever...ever seen. His body was not the thing I loved most, it was his charm and wit. I loved our intelligent conversations, our debates, and out discussions. Sex for us would be something that neither of us have really had once we consummated our love. Neil had gone a long time without having sex, last thing I had heard was he had made love with Micah, Khris, and someone named Elijah. He felt bad because that was almost 2 years ago, and so he was really pent up.

I was naked under my dearest Neil, the brown and white mousling. He was wearing some white cotton FTL briefs, spooned to me. No, we didn't have sex yet obviously, not that it mattered.

"I don't want to get up yet sweetheart, I just want to lie here with you." I said with a tone of pure affection. Neil blushed and leaned over to his end table and grabbed his glasses and slipped them on.

"Whatever you desire; in bed or out of bed, I just want you awake. Now...how about I prepare the man of my dreams some breakfast?"

My eyebrow went up as I swished my tail tip a little. "Breakfast in bed? But Neil what if I mess up our bed? And another thing I thought you were just as much a neat-freak as I am?"

Neil shook his head and snickered before regaining his composure. "Naw, besides the bed is where I plan to get dirty." He said rather coyly.

"Neil! You fucking homo pervert! How dare you incenuate that I'm going to have sex with you in bed?"

He scoffed. "You mean you're not?"

"Hell no. I'm going to have sex with you in this bed, my bed, the shower, the floor, um..." I started to trail off playfully as Neil shook his head smiling, narrowing his eyes.

"We had better. Once we are on sexual terms I want no area to go untainted by our lovemaking."

"Heh. Well if you're offering to make me breakfast you go ahead and cook. I'll think over what I want in this wedding while you do that."

Neil kissed me as his answer and rolled out of bed, making the mattress move in a few waves. I watched him, next to naked, go into the kitchen and start cooking. He had his white hair on his head a little mussed, but otherwise alright. I looked at his completely brown back, and looked at his curves. He was a wonderful thing for me to look at. I was starting to lose my control a little, because I was slowly starting to entertain the idea of running into the kitchen and pulling those FTL's down and sucking him dry. My cock twitched inside of me, but really stirred no further after my mental disciplines started to take over. My groin would know a kind of sex it had never experienced before, but only after we had said "I do". However, how would we go about doing that? If I didn't get a clue, Neil and I might as well have never started dating in the first place.

The first thing that had to be figured out was an easy one; the acquisition of a marriage license. After that, planning became difficult.

I took everything into account. I factored my Satanic beliefs, Neil's Christian beliefs, and the semantics of both. It was troubling to think about to say the least. On top of that staring at the bulge in the front of Neil's underwear was a fairly hard distraction to overcome. I reached over to my end table (Yes, my end table. We had planned on that much at least.) and produced the TV remote. I switched it on. Neil and I had one of those awesome flat plasma something TV's. Now my cock almost shot straight through my blankets and through the roof when I saw the main character of the old 70's S.W.A.T. television show. The guy was cute, in a 70's gayish kind of way.

As I watched, the boys in blue were battling a Satanic cult, and trying to save the day. While I may have been biased, I actually had to root for Hondo and his men, it was classic TV.

"Sweetie? Is that S.W.A.T. you're watching on telly?" Called Neil from the kitchen.

"Yeah, how did you know?"

"It's that damned theme song. Hun I love ya lots but if you don't change that station I an going to have to run to the loo and vomit. There is another classic TV station on channel 53." Neil replied. I could sympathize with him, the theme song to S.W.A.T. was annoying, and was getting on my nerves as well. I tried channel 53 like he said...gosh Wally, it's Leave it to Beaver.

I sat through some of the juvenile and childish antics of young Beaver Cleaver while Neil, my underwear clad walked into the living room and turned off the TV to get my attention.

"Breakfast is served." He said in a mock French accent.

I smiled. "You get any cuter and I may have to rape you Neil." I said in false warning. Neil shrugged, as if it was a semi-invitation, and slipped into bed with a small platter of food, and shimmying against me. Aww, Neil had made me a pancake with bacon and eggs in smiley face. I kissed Neil in thanks. He took it up a level by Frenching me, but slapped my hand when I tried to touch his lower regions.

"No hun, you have to wait." He said matter-of-factually.

I scoffed. "I can play with others but not with the one I'm most in love with? That's twisted logic."

Neil wrapped his tail around my right leg and constricted it a little, squeezing me. "Sex is part of your job. You're a porn star, and a very free spirit sexually as well. It's just something your going to have to do for me."

I looked down at my food and started to cut it with my knife and fork. "Is this going to become a problem? My sex?"

Neil shook his head. "I honestly doubt it. I've watched Micah and Khris' marriage for years now. They have a sexually open relationship, and they're closer than salt and pepper. The only thing I want to convey to you is whereas you get laid quite often I hardly get any at all, and I am very pent up darling. I just want to wait, and I'm just saying that you can get your yiffs from anyone else, but not from me until we are married. Oh sure, I could throw that plate against the wall and say ?fuck me dry' right now, but where would all that magic be the night of our honeymoon?"

I pondered that. Neil had some really great points, and it was obvious that he had gone over this discussion in his head already. "Good point."

Neil cooed and then fondled my cock for a moment...his hands rather tender and soft. "Now baby, how about we stop this talk of sex, and get to business?" He asked.

"Ok, lets."

It took a while for me to eat, while Neil compiled a list of things on his palm pilot.

"Now first things first. Where should we get married?" Neil asked. I chewed on some spicy sausage that I had dipped in maple syrup and pondered that question. Where should it take place? Many places ran through my mind, but I finally came up with a plan. I swallowed and spoke.

"Well how about we get the license here in LA, but we do the ceremony in San Francisco?"

"Frisco? But wouldn't that be a bit cliché?"

"Well we have to decide on more than just the city Neil, we have to consider the religious impact of the ceremony as well."

Neil nodded. "Hey while we're on that subject, you can guess what kind of ceremony I want, and you know that I'll support you in what you want ? provided I don't get sacrificed or something. You know that my family and I are going to want a good ?oll Christian ceremony, and they wont support me doing a Satanic wedding, even though I'd be more than willing to do yours."

I rolled my eyes. "It figures your parents would want that."

"Well and now that the media is hyping you up to be this...gay action hero that American queers can look up to I honestly don't think the country as a whole would support a Satanic hero."

I pondered my boyfriend's wise words." There'll be press at the ceremony, wont there?"

Without missing a beat Neil closed his eyes and shook his head. "I don't doubt it."

I polished off breakfast and rolled onto my right side to face Neil, my tail wagging in long swishes curiously. "Just...how famous have I become Neil?"

Neil chuckled once and opened his eyes again. "Well, lets just say that when I proposed to you on New Years it kind of set up a chain reaction."

I put an arm across Neil's slightly pudgy tummy and looked into his eyes. "How famous?"

Neil paused, as he bit his lip and looked at me nervously. "They still talk about you on the Hollywood Gossip shows once or twice a week. The world knows..."

My face fell to a look of horror. I felt this cool dripping sensation of fear run down my spinal column. "They told?"

Neil nodded. "Yes. Everyone knows you're a porn star now."

Oh no. I could feel myself turning pale...my world was starting to collapse around me...I had to keep from fainting.

"Um ? oh..." I muttered.

"Darling I understand that that is bad news for you to hear, but you have to focus."

I snapped my face towards him and lept on top of him, my anger flashing over. Neil looked up at me in shock and complete fear, he had never seen me like this. "How can I concentrate? How? How can I concentrate now that my martial arts kids are going to be taken from me? How can I concentrate now that Felcher is going to evict me...oh Felcher will have a field day."

"Renee calm down!"

"I can't calm down!" I shouted...starting to pant. And suddenly, my face felt an impact. Neil...had slapped me. I was so shocked...Neil slapped me. I was so stunned my anger left me in a flash, and all that was left was me sitting naked on top of him...slightly out of breath. Neil then leaned forward, his own hand trembling as he kissed my cheek.

"I'm sorry I had to do that, but you were scaring me. Remember, I believe in you; we all believe in you. I still feel you to be that same wonderful man I met that day. I understand you've endured a lot of trauma lately; Boot Camp, the quake, and your parents, but now is the time for Renee Morningstar to step out of the shadows of obscurity, and into the light that is your new light. When one door closes, 3 more open."

I listened to every word he had to say, and soaked it in. Like always he was right. I was an actor after all, and I was about to become a full-time. I wouldn't really have time to teach my beloved martial arts classes anyway, and Gustov would just have to talk to Universal about my next porno. At that point in my life I had 43 hardcore porno movies under my belt, and 13 softcore. Now I was going to have a major motion picture...dude...

"You're right. Alright...how about this for a proposal. Lets do the big church thing for the media and for your family and you, and when we are done and things have died down that day we'll have Jicentia perform a satanic ceremony at the church of Satan sometime after midnight?"

Neil thought it over, and made an impressed face. "What about our friends?"

I waved a limp wrist. "They'll come to both."

Neil nodded, giving me his approval. "Alright, a date?"

I thought for just a second and then smiled a little, calming down, and starting to massage Neil's chest a little, my fanny poised on his soft tummy. "July 18th."

Neil made an odd face. "July 18th?"

I purred, as I laid myself flat on him now, resting my muzzle against the crook of his neck. "The day we met silly."

Neil slapped his forehead and nodded. "Oh, stupid me. That's a perfect day."

"-And I want Asher to be my maid of honor in your ceremony."

Neil shook his head. "Whatever you want to call him is gravy to me. Well, that's all we really need besides the mundane task of the buying of the drapes, the china, planning the reservations, tux rentals and all that nonsense."

"Whew..." I sighed. "Lets just take the rest slowly."

Suddenly there came a knock at the door. I groaned and suggested we not answer, but the constant pounding at the door was getting annoying. Neil slid out from under me, and grabbed a robe, throwing it around himself and walking to the door. He opened it cheerfully and spoke politely to the person behind the door.


"Mr. Simonsen? Is Renee here?" Came a young voice.

I called from the bed. "Yeah I'm here."

The voice inquired if he could enter. Neil stepped aside as an itallian greyhound about 12 setpped in. It was Vince Pesti, old man Pesti's son. He was wearing a Pesti's hat on backwards, no shirt and some skateboarding shorts and sneakers. He was so thin, a perfect boi. Sadly he was straight, but at least gay-friendly. He blinked at the sight of me naked and shook his head.

"Yo Ne-ne, some body wants to talk to you at my dad's shop."

I groaned, and in a complete lack of modesty rolled out of bed and walked over to him as Neil closed the door. Young Vince was not intimidated by me naked, and wasn't even outwardly affected really.

"What? Who?"

"Oh some studio guys, they want you to sign your paperwork." He said in his light Italian accent.

"Oh...damn! Fuck...um yeah. Run back over there, let me get my shorts back on and a shirt or something and I'll be right there."

Vince nodded, and he was gone in a flash. Neil shook his head, we all liked Vince, but usually when he came by it ruined your day. I walked over, not even bothering for any underwear and slipped on my BDU shorts. Neil tossed me an old tank top that didn't fit him, but fit me perfectly. It was black. I then was out the door and down the stairs faster than you could say canola.

The meeting was rather brief. I was given my costumes, my police uniforms, and I had signed about a phonebook stack of paper work. I had ran my clothes back to the apartment and ran back to Pesti's when I saw Asher walking into the bathroom. Where had he been. I followed him, and was shocked at what I saw. There, stood Asher in some Electric pink wrestling tights, and white boots. He was slipping on his Pesti's uniform.


Asher jumped, and span around. He was shocked to see me there none of the less. His face was one of a kid caught with his hand in the cookie jar.

"Um...hi!" He said.

I laughed. "So this is why you have been missing work. You're wrestling?"

He sighed and nodded. "I've been going to wrestling school at the arena where Rowdy has been playing. I wanted to follow my dreams. I go to school in the mornings, then I work days and nights." He said softly.

I checked him out. He looked cute in his getup. "Um...nice threads."

He scoffed. "Just...don't tell anyone yet, alright? I want it to be a surprise."

I nodded. "Sure."

I turned and walked out the door, and waved goodbye to Mr. Pesti, and walked out into the street to cross.

Then...without warning, I heard a screech, and a pain that I had never felt before. It all happened in a flash. A car had struck me, I knew it...this was the only thing that could have happened. I landed legs first, as they buckled and broke under me. I screamed in pain, and laid there as a second car swerved to miss me, running my already broken legs over. There was the sound of tires screeching all over, and screams. I simply laid, staring up at the sky...realizing that in these brief 10 minutes, my life had started, and ended.

I woke up in ICU. There were cards from all my friends around me. But it didn't matter to me. My legs were broken, and I had work to do! How could I work with no legs? Would I ever walk again? I was naked, with only my gown over me, and thick casts and braces on my legs. I looked about and there was Neil, sitting in a chair, asleep. Oh thank gods.

"NEIL!" I shouted. He snapped awake, and dropped the cup of coffee in his hand. He then moved over to me and pet my face.

"Shhh sweetie...what's the matter?"

I laughed manically. "What's the matter? LOOK AT ME!"

He soothed me even as I yelled at him. "Oh hun...don't worry...shhh..."

I couldn't take it anymore. I let all my frustrations over the last month come out. I cried. I cried and cried and cried.

"Don't ever leave me!" I cried into Neil. He shushed me as he handed me my painkiller pills. I swallowed them as I looked like a child into his eyes.

"Don't worry, none of us will ever leave you."

Tales From Apartment 232 - Part 9

BennettWorks The following is a work of original gay furotica by me David Bennett. Any characters with the exceptions of Real people, or the characters of Neil, Micah, Khris, Hillary, Lindsay, Collin, and Elijah are my characters. The aforementioned...

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Tales From Apartment 232 - Part 8

BennettWorks The following is a work of original gay furotica by me David Bennett. Any characters with the exceptions of Real people, or the characters of Neil, Micah, Khris, Hillary, Lindsay, Collin, and Elijah are my characters. The aforementioned...

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The Y Series

index BennettWorks (The Y Series) This story is an original work of Gay Furry fiction by David Bennett. Any characters mentioned in this story are my property and my creation unless otherwise noted. Some real names of Celebrities and places are...

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