S.P.D Gay time

Story by Leonardo199 on SoFurry

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S.P.D. Yaoi

Doggie Cruger/ Sky T.

The Favor:

Hey Jack can i ask you something, "Jack" sure thing man what do you need. Well i was wondering if you know a lot about our commander Doggie Cruger.

Well I know a little bit about him Sky. Well what do you know about him that i don't other than picking you as the leader of our squad. Their you go again Sky. What do you mean Jack?

Well you still getting on me because i got picked as the Red Ranger. I did not Jack. Then what do you mean when you said other than picking me as the leader of our squad?

I don't know but you were a fugitive and the Commader picked you cause you did not have any training and you became our leader. Maybe Sky he picked me cause i have some potential than you.

Never mind. What did you want to know about the commander Cruger. Well i was wondering if you ever saw him na...... Hello Cadets. Hello commander. What were you going to tell jack, Sky?

I was just saying that you never told us anything about you or your life and all. Well I lived in a good time period so it was pretty decent. Anyways can i speak with Sky alone for a second.

Sure Commander. What do u want to tell me commander. You can call me Doggie when your squad leaves. Okay Doggie. I was wondering what you were going to tell Jack before i interrupted you.

Well I was telling jack what he knows about you. Well I lived in a good world back then before S.P.D. My parents drove me to the brink of exhaustion. How was you parent Doggie? Well they were a crazy bunch of people and they taught me stuff that i did not know.

Alarm Ringing.

We have to go. Rangers to the command center. What do we have on our suspect Kat Manx. Well Doggie we have a code 402. Okay Rangers suite up. Yes Sir.

Rangers- S.P.D Emergency.

Okay our Guy is not to far away. Lets go. Well well well, isn't my lovely rangers. Whoa who is that. My name is "Mind Reader". What a pathetic name is that.

Well you will not think its pathetic when i read your guys mind and tell it back to you. Lets see who will i start out with first. How about the Blue Ranger.

No don't think of anything Sky. I am not Jack. Well well isn't this interesting, your father died in saving the world when you were a little kid and he did not stop and say goodbye to you. How sad.

Stop it Mind Reader. Oh their is another thing that you have on your mind. You did not met your mother and she left you. Quit it. Those are not to be spoken out loud like that Mind Reader.

Quit making Sky feel upset. I have to go guys. No Sky wait.

How dare you Mind Reader. I will kill you or what you just done. Lets go guys. Swat Mode.

Whoa wait. To bad Mind Reader. We are going to see if your guilty or innocent. "Judgment"

You are guilty. "Rick."

Meanwhile back at the command center. Whats wrong Sky. I got something to tell you Doggie. What is it Sky. I am in love with you. How so Sky. Well I was telling Jack if he ever saw you naked, and that's when you came in and I did not finish my sentence cause i got scared of what you will say.

Well I love you to Sky cause you are a great cadet. No not in a friend way but in a gay way. Your Gay Sky. Yes I am Doggie. Well if you would have told me that earlier, you did not need to hold on to that. Its good to let things come out.

What do you have to say about me, do you love me in a gay way to Doggie. Well come to my office later and we will talk about it. Okay I will. If you find me in a shower, there is no need to not look at me cause i would love to see someone looking at my sheath and balls.

Doggie Cruger opened his coat a little. Wow that is a nice pair that you have going their and a nice looking big sheath. Thanks, I used it only the times i get horny and feel like jacking off to it.

Why the shower. Its not only the shower but also in my office and bedroom as well. Hey Sky. Well i will see you Sky in my office later to talk about what happened out there today okay. Yes Commander. Alright see ya later Cadets. Goodbye Commander.

Hey Sky we just want to tell you that we took out the Mind Reader for you so you do not have to be upset anymore. Thanks guys. He Jack can I talk to you privately if you can. Sure i can Sky.

"Out in the Hallway." What is it Sky. I told the commander the truth about what you and me talked about. So what did he say. He said that he was gay and he opened his coat up a little and i saw his pair of Testicles and his Sheath.

So how big were they. Well his sheath was about 13 inches over his flesh and his balls were about the size of softballs. Wow that is Huge. Yep he gave me an invite at the office and he will be taking a shower in there, and i was invited to watch him take one. Wow will he show you his sheath and all. Yes he said that.

Your lucky Sky. What do you mean Jack. Well what I mean that its rare that the Commander want you to come to his office so you can see his Huge Sheath and Balls. Well I am lucky. Why is that?

Well he is one sexy anthro dog.

Well thanks for saying that and I can't wait to meet him in his office later on today.

"Meanwhile in Doggie Crugers Office"

"Knock" "Knock". Whose there. I am commander, its Sky.

Hold on I will let you in when i say it. "While Doggie Cruger goes in the Bathroom."

Okay you can come on in. "Shower Running" Hey are you in their Doggie Cruger. Yeah Come on in. "Door opens." Hey whats up Commander. Hey how is it going. I am doing good you. Good Commander.

Hey Sky can you do me a favor. Sure what is it Doggie. Can you wash my privates off. sure where is the wash cloth. I do not use wash cloths, can you do it with your hand. Sure.

So Sky went over to the side of the shower and he started to take his hand and started to message Doggie Crugers Sheath and started to rub the suds off of it. That feels nice. Yes it does Doggie. I need you to massage my testicles if you can. Sure thing Commander.

"So Sky went to his commanders testicles and started to rub them and cup them with ease." That feels so good Sky. It does to me as well. You know what that makes me horny Sky. "So Doggie Crugers cock started to peak out of its Sheath.

It looks like my friend is happy to see you Sky. I guess so Commander.

Why don't you do a little thing to it. Like what commander. How about sucking the life out of it. Okay, "So Doggie Cruger turned around to face Sky." Go ahead and wrap your mouth around it and give me a nice Blow Job.

What is a Blow Job? A Blow Job is when you put your mouth over someones cock and start to lick it and suck it as well. To make it easier its what you do when you bob your head back and fourth.

Ah okay. "So Sky went down on his knees and he started to take Crugers cock in his mouth and was sucking on it." Oh yeah that feels so good, suck on that dog cock. Mmm that taste so good I like that do spunk from your cock head.

Lick those fucking testicles as well. "So Sky licked Crugers Testicles and he then put his mouth over his testicles, and then he sucked the testicles in his mouth." Oh yeah that is a good boy, keep sucking those golden jewels of mine.

"After Sky was done, Commander Cruger ordered him to get into his bedroom." Okay Sky I want you to go in my bedroom and get undress, and I will meet you in there in a second. Okay Commander.

"So Sky went into Commander Crugers bedroom and he got undress like the Commander told him to." Well well don't you look sexy. Thanks Commander. "Commander Cruger was wrapped in a towel when he saw Sky with only his underwear on."

What do you want me to do Commander. Well Sky I want you to lay on the front of the bed so i can take your underwear off by my teeth. Be careful that you do not bite my balls or cock off. I won't unless you tell me to. Okay good to hear Commander.

"So When Sky laid down in front of the bed, the Commander was nose forward to his underwear." "When The commander opened his mouth, Sky was scared because he saw his Commanders teeth and they were razor sharp."

Whoa those are one big maulers you have their Commander. Well these don't stay dull all the time Sky. "So Commander Cruger opened his mouth and bit down on the elastic waist band of his underwear and he ripped them off like a piece of newspaper."

Whoa is that Foreskin i see covering your Cock head Sky. Yes I never got that foreskin cut off so it is covering my penis like an extra pair of skin. I can see that, so you are like me with a sheath but instead its smooth skin. Yep that's right.

"So Commander Cruger took the foreskin penis in his mouth and he started to suck on it." Oh yeah that feels so good Commander. Suck my cock and my testicles commander. As you wish Sky.

"So Commander Cruger put Sky whole package in his mouth and he started sucking on them."

Please relieve the pain from me and chew on those big daddies. Which one Sky. My testicles Commander. As you wish Sky. "So Commander Cruger then started to close his mouth and started to chew on Skys testicles."

Oh yeah Commander that is so nice. Bite them, bite them hard Commander. "So Commander Cruger said fine." "So He chomped Sky's testicles down as hard as he could, and he riped them off from the muscle." "Which was connected to his penis and taint."

Ahhhhh that was not what i meant Commander. Sorry Sky like i said, I only do those stuff to the people. That is if they told me to, and you just told me to chomp on them and ripped them off as well. I did not Commander. I said chomp on them, not ripping them off. Well sorry I was not paying what you just said their sorry.

Well their is one way to settle the score Commander. What is that may I ask Sky? Well get that towel off and you will see. "So Commander Cruger got his towel off and then Sky saw his golden jewels."

Lay on the bed Commander. Sure thing Sky. "When Commander Cruger laid on the bed, Sky took the Commanders testicles and started to lick the tissue area." Oh yes Sky that feels so good, put them in your mouth and suck on them. I will Commander, "so Sky started to suck on the Commanders testicles while it was in his mouth."

Ah that feels so good Sky. "Minutes later, Commander Cruger felt something he never felt before." What are you doing Sky? Well Commander I am going to take your testicles for myself since you ate mine. Okay Sky i deserved it.

Go ahead and take them. "Then all of a sudden Sky clamped Doggie Crugers testicles shut." That's a nice doggy. "After Sky was done, he then ripped the Commanders testicles right off of his sheath."

"Ahhhh the Commander said." Now you know how i feel. What do you want me to do next Commander? Well first i want you to suck on my cock. Okay Commander.

"So Sky got right in front of the Commander's sheath, and he saw it starting to appear." Wow that looks really huge. Well lick on it and suck on it. Okay Commander. "Sky then put his mouth over his Commanders Dog cock and started to suck on it."

Ah that is nice my young Cadet. Suck on that nice doggy cock of mine. "So Commander Cruger then face his head toward his Cadets penis, and started to lick it and suck it as well." "Then they were doing it for 2 hours strait."

Get on all fours Sky, "the Commander said." Yes sir. "So Sky went on his hands and knees, and then he saw his Commander went right behind him." Now I am going to Fuck you doggy style. Go ahead Commander, make me your Bitch.

I will do not worry about that my cadet. "So Commander licked Sky's pucker, and he then put his dog cock in Sky's ass." Ah that is so good Commander. "As Commander Cruger was thrusting in and out of Sky's ass." "He reached around and started to message Sky's cock in sequence to the thrusting."

"After a couple hours, they Switched places." Now I want you to get on all fours Commander. Okay Sky. "So Doggie Cruger got on all fours, and he saw Sky went right behind him." Lift up your tail Commander. Sure thing Sky. "So Commander Cruger lifted up his tail, and then sky started to lick the Commanders pucker."

"Then Sky put his cock in the Commander's ass, and he started to thrust back and fourth." Ah that feels so nice, you are my bitch Commander. Yes i am your bitch Sky. "So Sky then reached around in front of the Commander Dog Cock, and started messaging it." That feels so good Sky. "All if a sudden the Commander sprayed his dog spunk on his sheets."

"The Sky took his penis out of his Commanders ass, and they suddenly collapsed." That was a good time Commander. Yes it was Sky, Will we do this again Commander? Its up to you Sky.

I want to do this again sir. Then we will Sky.