Its Tough To Be A Queen/King

Story by kylr23 on SoFurry

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Its tough to be the king/queen!

Disclaimor:This story contians some Incest but no sexual encounters, Onviposition,egg sac,transformation,kidnapping and last but not lest Masterbastion!

Its all started with a 13 year old Fox, this fox had redish fur,brown eyes,hair and furn along his hands and elbows like gloves and brown socks on his feet, unlike most furs, he was flat footed aka plantgrated. His name was Baron, he was wearing a nice tight pair of jeans which need to be git rid of, and a gamer t shirt saying, master chief. With a green helmet on it.

Now life was very repetitive, sleep, school,eat,home,eat,home work,computer,sleep. And to top it off, he was discovering the fact that pawing off feels very good. Baron doesn't know why he cant stop masturbating to the air, but he didn't care. What he did care about is the sight he came to when he entered the bedroom, the window was open and there was some kinda goo on the wall he closed the door as a shadow like figure comes from behind the door and wam. All Baron saw was stars.

Baron slowly woke up in some off place the ground felt of dirt, he looks around seeing nothing that took notice other then he was inside a large cave. He looks at the bug like being in front of him, it had a brown skin, red armor, four arms, small atenas, those mandibles and wings and the hair seemed to move to like they where tentacles. then him self, his arms and legs where bounded by what seems to be tentacles. Baron whimpers slightly as he feels something being pushed up his ear, it was big,huge and shaped like a squishy egg. It was long to it got slimmer but the tip was big as it pushed into him as he moans in pain and pleasure, the thing just skittered off.

Baron whimpers, "Don t go!" He whines a bit but the thing came back with a mirror showing the blue tendril in his behind starts to pump something into him it felt warm and tingly. He watched the tentacle pull out as some goo spills out and something throbs inside he read, he groans a bit his balls felt strange to, he watched as his cock begins to grow erect his balls suddenly growing as something push out of his rear end, he moans slightly as he tugs against the tentacles restricting his movement. His cock gets a bit bigger as he sees something large pushing out he grunts as it slowp pushs out the tip impossible by his standards, but out came a egg with a wet slop, some of the redish goo squrted up and onto the egg, the critter the some of the goo and smear some on baron, taking the egg and, shoving it up his rear, he moans loudly as the object was pushed back into him feeling the thing grow and form melting his rear closed as he looks in the mirror he see, and feels it, it was throbbing, growing bulbous getting larger, taller,wider, it was a growing egg sac! And slowly and soon his first egg was being pushed out.

Age 18:

Baron had gotten much older, he found out each egg took a few weak to hatch, not the hive was thriving He was sitting down against his huge egg sac, and by huge it was 10 ft long and 20ish feet at its highest point, it left him immobile, but he took a liking to it, even the one that kidnapped him. Every day it would cater to his need, catering in some language he couldn't understand at the time. Though it would tease him from time to time, today he turned into a official adult, his cock was already throbbing as he slowly stokes it until the bug walks over to him and places his talon on his paw. Baron stop as surprisingly the thing actual moves to sit on his cock! He moans softly as the bug begins to bounce up and down unknowingly the red tentacles appeared again from the roof as he slowly pored red goo all over baron, the insect rubbing the goo all over Baron. He moans softly his balls gurgling as he get larger still his seed spewing out of his cock into the insect, Slowly the red goo begins to harden, slowly changing his hair to black, his skin black as well as red armor begins to covers his back and upper arms,legs and feet, His hind paws beginning to merge slowly into two clawed digets, his paws going a three clawed digit transformation, on the middle of his body he felt his new arms grow until the form the same talons he had on his normal arms, slowly the head plates formed a atenas begin to form having a fethery like texture to them as he grunts a bit he felt wings sprot from his back as his cock begins to throb and spew out small eggs. ~My king you like?~ Came the voice, the insect who is on him still looked at him amusing it was him talking telepathically, ~mmm why?~ Baron asked, ~needed a king to serve, old one was murdered, but now you helped the hive, Its great gratitude that you accepted the changes, for that I wanna be your servant.~ The insect said. Baron nods a bit, ~Some breeders would be nice and you letting me fuck you and fill you with my eggs.~ He smirks as the insect bplushs and gets off as his newly formed egg sac forms, ~more then servant, my mate.~ Baorn says, ~by the ways Im davin, and you?~ The insect looks at him, ~Baron.~

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