Volcan and Tsume-Written version

Story by Volcan MacAingeal on SoFurry

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Volcan and Tsume (Written Version)

Volcan and Tsume spend an evening together, and make a shocking discovery about their pasts.

          Tsume was bored.

          With winter having rolled around, she was without her favorite job. She had enough money to last her for the winter, thanks to the Employment Insurance she had received from her boss; due to her only working 7-8 months out of the year with no other job to take its place, she was on a layoff and received insurance checks to live on, and she could easily live well for the winter so long as she didn't spend more than necessary. But that didn't make her any less bored; most of her friends held their jobs over the winter or lived elsewhere.

          She sat on the couch in her lonely apartment and sighed. She had just taken a shower, and at the moment was dressed in nothing but a pair of panties and a bathrobe. She was comfortable with being indecent while at home though; it wasn't like she lived with anyone. The complex held eight rooms, hers being on the third floor. Her upstairs neighbor was a young black woman who worked nights, though Tsume didn't know what she did. No one lived in the room across from her own, or at least not commonly, but the room above was apparently rented by a Rap singer; he and Tsumes' downstairs neighbor, right below her apartment, did not get along. The Rap singer, called only 'Dawg Man' by his peeps, and Volcan who lived in the room below Tsume, were in constant disagreement about their careers; Volcan had the mind set that Rap music required no talent whatsoever (though Tsume partly believed that to be true) while Dawg Man thought that Volcans' music was overrated.

          Tsume still remembered the night that she heard the two arguing outside. Headache as it was, she'd actually been getting tired of the Rap music that had been playing for hours and hours at a high volume, and since the Land Lord was on vacation in Arizona there was no one to complain to. She was thankful Volcan hadn't punched Dawg Man though, because that probably would've resulted in a trip to the hospital for Dawg, and a night in jail for Volcan. She chuckled to herself, remembering the kind of temper he had, being a fire phoenix.

          She sighed again. "Too bad Volcan's not home," she muttered to herself; he was always an interesting person to talk to, always having a story or two to tell about how his day went or what kind of songs he and Vinge were planning, or to tell about some of his tours across Canada, which were always interesting. He visited every major city possible, last time he traveled from Unity Falls to Edmonton, to Regina, to Winnipeg, to Toronto and to Ottawa, and on the way back he'd visit Saskatoon, Calgary and then return to Unity Falls until his next tour.

          Tsume leaned back on the sofa, waiting and thinking of something to occupy herself. But nothing came to mind; she'd already done yoga today, and she had already taken back a movie she'd rented a week ago. Go for a drive, perhaps? She shook her head at that thought; she wasn't an avid driver. Plus, it was raining and pitch-black; not much to enjoy in conditions like that.

          Just then, she heard a thump outside, coming from downstairs, along with someone cursing. Tsume got up from the couch, walked over to her front door and opened it, peering outside and down the stairs. She saw the familiar form of Volcan Skilerain coming up from the bottom floor, carrying a guitar case over his right shoulder and a briefcase under his left arm.

          She walked over to the railing and looked down to him . "Well you're back sooner than I thought," she called.

          The red and gold phoenix looked up. "Oh, hi Tsume," he called. "And yeah, our gig at the hall downtown was cut short by a power outage from the storm out there."

          "How'd you get in here without getting soaked?" asked Tsume, knowing that water could seriously hurt Volcan if it came into contact with his body, and even driving Volcan would still have to park a little ways from the door.

          "I took an umbrella with me," he replied.

          "Ah," she said. "Well um... did you have any plans for tonight?"

          Volcan shrugged. "Not really, why?"

          "Well, I haven't really been able to find any way to occupy myself all day today," replied Tsume. "So, if you aren't doing anything, you want to come up and hang out with me?"

          Volcan smiled. "Sure thing; just let me drop these things off in my place and I'll be right up," he replied.

          "See you in a moment then," she turned and headed back into her apartment as Volcan fished out his keys from his pocket to get into his room. When she was back inside, Tsume darted into the kitchen to fix a snack for the two of them; she went over everything she had, and recalled Volcan liked cheese quite a lot. She decided just some cheese and crackers would probably do, so she took some cheddar and mozzarella, his favorite, from the fridge and used one of her kitchen knives to cut the cheese into slices.

          A couple of moments later, she heard Volcan at the door. "Hello?"

          "Come on in," she called.

          She heard his footsteps come into the kitchen just as she finished plating the last of the crackers and cheese. "Hey there," he said.

          "Hi," she replied, and then showed him the plate. "Want a snack?"

          "Absolutely, but let's go sit on the couch; more comfortable there," he suggested.

          "Good idea," agreed Tsume, and followed him out to the sofa with the plate in her hands. She set the plate down on the coffee table and then sat down as he did. "So, how did the gig go, up until the power outage?"

          "Great; we were testing a new song that Vinge made a few weeks ago," replied Volcan. "He named it 'Sonata of the North'."

          "Reference to him, I'm betting?" asked Tsume, remembering that Vinge was an ice phoenix.

          "Not really," corrected Volcan. "Actually, I think it was more reference to his mother than him."

          "Oh? What's his mother like?" asked Tsume.

          "I haven't met her, actually," replied Volcan. "According to him, she's a sweet-hearted, supportive, encouraging lady. However, she's a bit frail and gets sick easily despite that phoenixes are supposed to have very strong immune systems. In fact, that's how I met him."

          "When his mother was sick?" asked Tsume.

          "She caught a very rare disease, so rare that there wasn't even a name for it yet," replied Volcan. "However, there was possible treatment for it, but it was too much for Vinge to afford and medical insurance couldn't cover it alone. So he resorted to robbing a bank to earn the money."

          Tsumes' eyes popped wide open and her feather crown curled somewhat. "Vinge, Mr. Calm and Collective at all times Samurai-code living ice boy, robbed a BANK?!"

          "He was desperate," replied Volcan. "After losing his father so many years ago he couldn't bear the thought of losing his mother; he was willing to go to ANY length, even to commit an act of theft. However, I was on his trail along with Obsidian and Tory; we caught up to him. He fought back, naturally, but we managed to subdue him. Between the three of us, we were able to convince the authorities to let him go, and to leave him in our responsibility. After that, I sponsored getting his mother the treatment, paying it off a little at a time. That's when Vinge joined my band, to toss in his own support to the sponsorship."

          "You went to that length for a total stranger?" asked Tsume. "You really think he'd do the same thing for you?"

          "I know what it's like to lose someone," replied Volcan. "And gods know that if I lost my mother I wouldn't be able to go on. She raised me by herself; my dad wasn't really my father. He chose Lighris to be his favorite son from birth, and all throughout the time we grew up Lighris always got his attention, his encouragement, and even his discipline, until Lighris became exactly like him. But I digress; I knew that Vinge was desperate, and after learning he would be alone without his mother since had had no other relatives, I had to do something. So I decided to fund the treatment to cure his mother myself."

          "That doesn't answer me though," reminded Tsume.

          "Yes, I do think that he'd have done the same for me, IF he could have," replied Volcan. "Remember, people only do as much as is possible for them. I was capable of raising the funds to save his mother, he wasn't."

          "That's true," agreed Tsume, nodding her head. "A few years back, I actually saved a young boy, my age, maybe a year or so older. He was being ambushed by these two jackasses; they'd just jumped him out of nowhere and he couldn't fight them off alone, so I stepped in and helped him; I kicked out one of the two guys but the other one jumped me, and then the very boy I saved punched his lights out. Even walked him home after that; never saw him again after that, but I knew he'd be okay."

          "Really?" asked Volcan. "That takes me back... at one point in my life, the same thing happened to me. I was just jumped out of nowhere by these two punks who hated me for being a phoenix so rare as it is. They'd caught me completely off guard, so I had no way to fight back, but then this young girl stepped in and clobbered one of them; I managed to jump back up and finish the other one as he went after her... and then she walked me home..." the two of them found their gaze traveling to meet the eyes of the other, very slowly; both of them had looks of astonishment on their faces.

          At the same time they both pointed at each other and shouted. "THAT WAS YOU!??!" And then their faces went blank and they burst out into a fit of laughter.

          "Holy cow, it never even crossed my mind that the girl who saved me all those years ago was you!" exclaimed Volcan.

          "The likelihood of it is like one and a BILLION, so I can't say I did either," returned Tsume. "I can hardly believe this; you're that same boy I saved all those years ago!"

          Volcan ran his hand down his face, still chuckling though. "Wow, life works in such strange ways, doesn't it? Seven years later, we meet up again! And we're neighbors to boot! Yanno, at the time I couldn't tell what kind of avian you were. I made a guess, but I couldn't confirm it."

          "What'd you think I was?" asked Tsume.

          Volcan seemed hesitant to reply to that question, but after a few seconds he spoke. "A parrot."

          "A PARROT?!" she exclaimed.

          "Can you blame me?! You have the color patterns of one after all!" retorted Volcan.

          "You thought I was a parrot!" she laughed, slapping him on the shoulder.

          "Hey!" he slapped her shoulder back.

          The two kept trading swings, slapping each other numerous times, until Tsume suddenly tackled him, sending him over the side of the couch and the two of them crashing to the floor in a tangle of feathers, laughing as both tried to get on top of the other to pin them. But they ended up rolling all over the place until they ran out of breath, and Volcan simply left Tsume to sit on top of him.

          But then he noticed that in the tangle, the belt for her robe had come loose, and the bathrobe now lay wide open in front, exposing her nearly naked form. "Um, Tsume?" he asked.

          She looked down, and then lunged off of him, holding the robe closed with embarrassment. "Oh, shit..."

          "I guess we should've seen that coming, huh?" asked Volcan. "I thought you were simply wearing it to keep warm; didn't realize you were... indecent."

          "I'm sorry; my fault," she said.

          "What are you sorry for? There's nothing to apologize about; it doesn't bother me. I mean, I'm not gay or anything..." he tried to reassure her.

          She looked back at him. "No, I suppose you wouldn't mind much... you probably get to see that quite often..."

          "Only if I have some bit of attraction towards the person, otherwise I won't do it," replied Volcan. "I believe in a boy and a girl who are friends having a one-nighter or something, but that's because both are already drawn to one another. If I don't know the person, at all... well, it's just not me to have one night stands with people I don't know."

          "I never said anything about sex," she remarked, arching an eyebrow at him.

          "Uh... whoops..." his face and body went beet red, and he shut his eyes. "Shitski! Now I feel like a pervert."

          Both were silent for a moment, until Volcan suddenly heard something go clink followed by a thump. He opened his eyes and looked up to see the couch had dropped out, and that it wasn't a couch after all, but rather, a futon. Tsume had already moved the coffee table to give the futon more room when she folded it down, and the laid down on it, posing artfully on the sheet. "Uh, what are you...?"

          "Well, are you just going to sit there on the carpet?" she asked.

          "Wait... what are you...?"

          "You start talking about sex, I'm lying here in nothing but my panties and a bathrobe, and you're just going to sit there?" she asked, irking an eyebrow at him again. He sat there, watching her, not sure what to think. She then stood up, and held the folds of the robe. "Maybe this will help you decide..." she then opened the robe, fully revealing her perfect form; the shapeliness of her body was so flawless that you'd think she was once a statue sculpted by a true master, and then brought to life to explore the world as a living woman.

          Tossing the bathrobe aside, she posed for him, in nothing but her undergarment covering her crotch and backside. "Still not sure?" she asked, stepping up to him. "Well, maybe you need a little bit more encouragement." She stepped over to him like a predatory animal after immobilizing its prey, and she leaned down to him, getting on her knees until she could reach his shirt. He sat there, immobilized, wondering what she was going to do.

          As though to taunt him, her arms slowly reached around him, opening the Velcro on his lower back that held his shirt on his torso, and then pulled it over his head, relieving him of his shirt and exposing his well-toned upper body. Then, her hands went down; Volcans' eyes widened as she fluidly removed his belt, holding it like a whip as though to scare him before tossing it aside, and then undoing the button of his jeans, then slowly pulling them off; he lifted himself instinctively as she pulled them down until they went over his feet, leaving him in just his boxer as she threw them aside as well.

          "Still just sitting there, huh?" she asked, looking disappointed as she stood up. "Perhaps you just simply aren't in the mood." And she turned her back to him, starting to reach for her bathrobe on the futon.

          But then she felt a hand, his hand, touch the side of her belly. She was half-bent over to reach for her robe when that had touched, and she smiled as she stood back upright, letting his hand travel around her side to massage her bare, feather stomach gently. She smiled and looked back at him. "Changed you mind?" she asked.

          "You came on rather suddenly," he replied; he was no longer blushing. In fact, his eyes showed he was quite eager. "I wasn't quite sure how to react, so when you gave me that look of disappointment, I just decided to follow my instincts."

          She smiled mischievously. "The eyes always work," she said, leaning back against, pressing her backside against his thighs. "Show me what you're made of, Volcan."

          "I'm going to give you the night of your life, Tsume," he promised as his free left hand came over, slipping under her arm and gently grasping her left breast, which his other hand held her around her middle, stroking her belly. The gentle touches brought a sigh out of her, making her turn her head and exposing her neck. Volcan ran his smooth, round tongue up her neck, making her shiver with the touches from his hands and from his tongue.

          Licking her a second time, he then bit her lightly on the neck, the sharp point of his beak not quite puncturing her skin, but the sudden tinge of pain made her shiver all over, her feathers ruffling slightly for only a brief second. Her free right hand was placed onto his, guiding it all over her belly, and her left held his head close to hers as he licked the spots he'd bitten, soothing them only to bite again.

          Finally, his hand traveled down to her underwear, slipping behind the thin fabric to stroke the nub of her warm, moistening slit between her legs; she almost lost her balance as she felt a wave of pleasure wash over her making her gasp sharply. And then she helped him to pull off her panties, slipping them past her thighs until they simply dropped to the floor, With both of her arms blocked by his, she couldn't reach his boxers, so she slowly gripped his left hand, pulling it from her breast and turning to him, wrapping her arms around his neck and pulling the large fire phoenix into a passionate kiss, hooking their beaks together.

          Volcan wrapped his broad arms around Tsume, holding her to his body as they shared the kiss, massaging her wing-less back and making her muscles go almost limp under his hands. She broke the kiss to breath, feeling like she was in heaven; all of her muscles and any tension that she had in them was gone in an instant from Volcans' warm, powerful hands. She felt almost helpless in his grasp, having made all of her body go into a state of ecstasy, but she knew he was simply pleasing his lover, not intending to do her harm.

          Her hands slipped down to his boxers, undoing the button that held them close and letting them fall; he stepped out of them and kicked them off without even looking down, and got back to making out with Tsume. They fell to the futon, with Tsume no longer able to stand up because of his touches, and she was pinned beneath him, but they simply lay there, kissing passionately and feeling each others' bodies against their own.

          After a while, Tsume turned them over, and slid off the futon. Volcan sat up, held up by his hands, and looked at her. "Need a rest?" he asked.

          "You joking?" she asked as she brought herself near his erect avionic member; the light-red cock was at its full length now, showing just how aroused their foreplay had made the male phoenix. "I'm not finished with you yet, pal. By the time I'm through with you, you'll be lucky to still be conscious."

          "Oh, I think I like the sound of that," he said, grinning widely.

          "Then get ready, big boy," she said. "I'm going to show you how much of an animal I can get to be when I get... mm... kinky." She then spread out his legs, moving forward and lifting up her two fleshy mounds, squishing them against Volcans' cock.

          Volcan leaned back his head and moaned with ecstasy as he felt those two feathery globes around his bird hood, and again when he felt Tsumes' tongue touch the tip and go in circles around it. She then started moving her whole body up and down with his member still between her globes, masturbating him with her c-cup breasts. She kept going for several moments, watching as he leaked pre-cum from his tip and licking it up with so light a touch it was driving him crazy.

          It wasn't long before he climaxed, even though it was only a light one, semen erupted from the tip of his cock, flowing down the sides, and Tsume lapped up all of it. "Oooohh my god," he said.

          "Well, how was that for a beginning?" she asked.

          "A perfect start... for me," he as he slipped his hands under her arms. "But now it's your turn, my lovely little bird." With that, he picked her up, lifting her off the floor effortlessly; no surprise, as Tsume was quite light but even if she wasn't, Volcan was incredibly strong, stronger than any mortal being could ever imagine.

          After lifting her high enough, he turned her over and laid her out onto her back, spreading her legs slightly as he crawled up until his beak reached her pussy, and then he rubbed the smooth tip of his beak against the opening of her vaginal canal, making waves of incredible pleasure wash over her body. She threw back her head and squealed lightly as he rubbed his beak against her opening, and louder as she felt it actually push into her, spreading out her passage farther than she thought it could actually go.

          Volcan slipped his arms under her thighs, holding up her legs as he pushed his beak deep, and then opened it slightly, letting his tongue writhe about inside of her. Tsume clenched the futon tightly, her nails almost puncturing the fabric. He kept this up until she screamed with her first orgasm of their evening.

          "Oh my god that was so exhilarating," she said.

          "Too much for you?" asked Volcan as he go up on his knees.

          She suddenly sprang up from her lying down position, though how Volcan didn't know, and then grabbed him with her arms and legs, trapping his own arms together. "If you think just that is enough to wear me out you've got another thing coming Volcan Skilerain."

          "Then bring it on, Tsume Mondiale," returned the Phoenix, pulling his hands free of their entrapment by her thighs and then placing his palms on her hips, helping her to position herself over his erect bird hood while she moved her hands up to his shoulders to balance herself.

          After she was in position, he gave a good thrust into her passage, making her gasp sharply with pleasure and making Volcan moan in ecstasy. The two began moving in rhythm with one another, driving Volcans' incredibly hot member deep into her. She held his shoulders tightly and her legs were around his stomach area in a vice-like grip as she threw back her head, shutting her eyes to take in as much of the feeling as possible.

          Volcans' arms held her around the mid-section of her torso, squishing her green-feather coated breasts against his thick, red-feather coated chest. The warmth of his body made her feel even hotter, but she remained energetic, bouncing up and down on his member. He couldn't resist but smile at the feelings coming over him, extending his legs below her to keep them from cramping.

          She pulled him into another kiss, gripping him tightly around the neck. He moved his left hand down to her backside and stroked over her round buttocks, while his other hand rested on the back of her head, holding her in the kiss. Both of them kept their eyes shut, enjoying the sensations with pure ecstasy; neither of them found it wrong to be fucking each other despite they weren't mates, and neither had any intention of becoming mated to the other. Tsumes' boredom was forgotten in the incredible sensations of Volcans' probing member in her love tunnel.

          After a few moments, she turned them over, lying Volcan onto his back and pinning him down while she started riding his cock. He lay there, letting her completely have her way with him. She threw back her head, squealing in glee as she felt her peak closing in; a blush appeared on her face beneath her feathers, and the smile on her face showed her eagerness. Her knees clenched his sides tightly as a wave of incredible pleasure struck her; the clenching of her vaginal muscles around Volcans' cock triggered the climax of the fire phoenix as well, filling her passage with his hot semen.

          Despite having already hit her climax, and Volcan had as well, Tsume kept going. She had enjoyed the first climax so much, she wanted another. Volcan made no argument, too lost in the pleasure of his previous climax having not faded yet and already on the way towards a second one.

          However, Volcan took charge now; he sat up, turning Tsume over and pinning her on her back. She opened her eyes and smiled at him with a very lusty expression as he pinned her down, bringing her legs up onto his shoulders, and putting his hands on her hips and thrusting his member deep into her passage; she whined with ecstasy at being taken like this. She removes her legs from his shoulders and slips them under his arms, holding him around the middle of his torso to pull him as he thrust to make it even harder.

          Before long, Volcan came into the Earth Phoenix once more, triggering Tsumes' climax at the same time. Spent, the two of them lay collapsed on the futon, gathering their breath. Volcan was the first to speak after a moment or so. "That was great..."

          "Oh yeah," agreed Tsume. "No shame in it either."

          "None at all," Volcan concurred.

          Tsume looked over. "Maybe sometime, when I can control plants, we can have some REAL fun," she grinned evilly.

          "Whoa... you can do that?" asked Volcan.

          "Sure can... well, not yet. Still too young," she sighed. "But, it'll come when it does, and I'll be sure to enjoy it."

          "How'd you know that I... you know..."

          "Liked tentacles?" interjected Tsume. "You left your computer on once when I was visiting; I saw 'Tentacle Hentai' in your search bar, you pervy bird."

          Volcans' whole body flushed; he preferred it to be kept secret that he was a fan of tentacle porn, but it seems he'd been caught. Tsume only laughed at his blushing. "Don't worry, I kinda like it too, so I guess we're both guilty on it." She rolled back on top of him. "Not that I feel guilty about it."

          "Ditto; to each his own, as the saying goes... or her," he quickly added. "As it happens, I know a great place where you can get a bit of... action."

          Tsume looked up at him, her crown twitching. "You mean for tentacle yiffing?" she asked.

          "Precisely; there's an island, not far off the coast of British Columbia, though far too secluded and difficult to spot for a lot of people, not to mention it has very high cliff walls and treacherous waves. The government assessed long ago that there's nothing of value there so they pretty much left it alone."

          "And there's tentacle yiffing to be found there?" Tsume asked, her curiosity piqued.

          "Oh yeah," said Volcan. "Want me to take you there sometime?"

          "Sometime, yes," replied Tsume as she rested her head on Volcans' chest. "Right now, all I want is to sleep." 

          Volcan pulled a blanket over the two of them; even though he didn't really need one, he knew Tsume might get cold. He rested his arms over her covered back and lay back his head, and the two soon drifted off to sleep.

Just a little branch off from my series, featuring two of my primary FA characters. Totally non-canon, but you may notice at the end, I left a spot for a sequel, perhaps? Wink

Anyway, enjoy!