Love in the Reich: Chapter 2

Story by Grim Vedra the Wise on SoFurry

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Chapter 2: The Uprising

By the time the rest of the camp had awoken, Gustav and Elric were already long gone. It took a few hours for it to sink in that there were two personal unaccounted for during roll call, after that... well things descended from there. The German troops began to scramble, panicking frantically; a lot of the soldiers were tripping over themselves in panic. Who'd a thought that the missing presence of a Captain and his lieutenant would create such an up roar.

"Everyvun... Shut up!" At that moment a lowly Sergeant fired his carbine into the air, in a sign that he had taken charge. He lifted himself onto a crate and began to calm the others surrounding him. He was a border Collie pure bread. He had all the distinct markings of one, all the way down to the ears. His eyes were brown in colour, and had jet black hair shooting out from under his helmet. His name was Clyde Von Brestrew, but everyone that knew him called him Bre for short.

"It is my duty to inform you all zat, as ve speak the Capitan and his "First mate" sort a speak have... become traitors and have defected to ze ally scum." As the Collie spoke the crowd of German soldiers began to speak amongst each other in disgust.

"And how do you know of zis Sgt. Bre?" The Rottweiler from many hours earlier in Elric tent spoke out in mid-hangover. The collie quickly lifted up his carbine, took aim at the Rottweiler and fired one shot that landed directly into in his skull. After that he lowered his weapon and gave off a smug grin.

"Anyvun else vanna know how I came to know of zis information? Good, let's move on to another matter. The matter of me being in second command." The Collie blurted out smugly, knowing that it would bring about retorts and questioning attitudes.

"Eh-eh, if I may speak. As Second-lieutenant, I believe it is I zat is in command at this time." A lone Saint Bernard began saying as he stood beside the Collie and began to tug him down from his pedestal/crate. The Collie again gave off a smug grin and raised the barrel of his carbine to meet against the Saint Bernard's forehead, and without any warning at all he pulled the trigger, sending a single bullet into his head, blowing the back off his skull.

"I hate it vhen somevun must alvays rain on ouver parade. Vell any who, I vill be commanding zis outpost from zis point on. If anyvun has a problem vith me being in power, zen by all means come and ask me to kill you." With that the troops all clicked their heels together and gave off the standard Nazi salute. The Collie doing the exact same back to them.

"Patrol team Vun, you vill begin searching the forest to the east for the traitorous scum. Patrol team Two, you vill scour the north. As for patrol team three, explore the due west." That being said, the Collie stepped down off of his metaphorical high horse and into the officers tent. After raking in the fearful respect he thought he deserved the tent reserved for those with power.


About twenty kilometers due southeast of the camp, after non-stop trudging through the harsh snow covered forests of eastern france, the love struck couple were in midst copulation, meaning they were in midst of sharing an intimate moment, one they had not been able to share for months on end. We see Gustav, mounted over Elric's back, bucking back and forth softly, his stiff manhood steadily penetrating Elric tight ass. Moaning and love tuned groans could be heard from two hundred yards away. Gustav's knot growing gradually with each passing moment until it reached a size that when it entered it did not come back. As it entered, Elric arched his back and groaned loudly, bumping backwards in hopes in taking him in deeper.

"Oh god... god I-I missed z-zis feeling for so l-long," said an increasingly pleasured Gustav into the ear of the moaning lieutenant. The pleasure only increased exponentially as time passed, Gustav's thrusting become more shallow and rough. His partner huffing and puffing the whole way through; their bodies entangled in endless motions and movements of pure lust and love, until finally Gustav's breathing became erratic as he began shooting load after load deep within his loves bowels. Both of them shouted aloud as they both climaxed at the same time, both reaching a feeling neither of them had felt ever.

Gustav waited a few minutes before pulling out, some of his hot semen seeping out of Elric and slowly creeping down his left thigh. They began cuddling with each other. Holding each other as if it were the end of the world, looking into each others eyes for comfort. They stayed like this for hours on end, until they fell asleep, their coats of fur keeping them slightly warm in the harsh temperature.

The next morning...

"Elric... Elric, vake up." Gustav softly shook the Sheppard from his deep slumber, groaning in annoyance for being awoken. Gustav was already dressed and ready to go, to continue their trek through the forest.

"Elric, get dressed, it's time to go." Elric sat right up with that comment, frantically getting dressed, almost forgetting his pants. As stood there, dressed improperly while Gustav just laughed. After that he helped Elric get redressed properly. They got all of their stuff repacked and headed out, through the forest covered in snow. Their prints trailing behind them, their tails swaying with each and every step they take.

They traveled for what seemed to be another the kilometers before reaching a road, they knew traveling along it would prove dangerous, for they would be seen in a heartbeat. However, if they were to travel along the road while remaining within the forest about one hundred yards, they would be able to see where the road leads, for it was not on the map. Trouble was... they had to decided which way to go.

Elric said to go right, while Gustav said to go left. Soon he changed his mind after thinking it might take them back to the camp, or somewhere near it. After having decided to go right, Elric pointed at Gustav and gave off a smug snicker, soon after Gustav gave him a friendly but mindful smack across the cheek.

They traveled along the road before coming to an off the beaten path town. The building had already been beaten down by either ally or German artillery or ally bombing raids. They knew they either had to turn around and head back or head straight into the town. Elric, without any thought or warning, ran from the safety of the forest and off towards the town. Gustav sighed and gave chase after him. Just after Elric entered the town did he know he had made a terrible choice, and soon Gustav found out why as well. It was a Nazi occupied town, one crawling with German soldiers and officers.

"Oh Elric, vhat have you done?"

To be continued...