TLoS: Challenge of Hearts (Chapter 24)

Story by Path Unknown on SoFurry

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Chapter 24:... But it gets worse

All four dragons landed in the entryway of the dragon temple. The sun setting down beyond the horizon, bathing the two couple's backs in the waning sunlight, signalling that another day was drawing to a close yet again.

"Looks like we'll have to wait until tomorrow to get our freedom." Flame broke the silence.

"It's not like the night will go on forever." Cynder responded. "I'm sure you can live another night alone."

"Y'know, I've been thinking, what would the others think if they knew?" Spyro asked as the four walked through the corridors.

"If they knew we could sleep together?" Ember questioned in return, receiving a nod from Spyro. "I guess we have to try and keep it from them. Instead of just walking through the door, we might just have to take the window."

"I suppose that's a good idea." Spyro replied, stopping at his door. "I'll see you guys later sometime." He said towards Flame and Ember, receiving a farewell from the two, leaving himself and Cynder at Spyro's room. "It's nice that they fixed my door so quickly. Looks brand new." He joked, admiring the framework.

"At least they fixed it I guess. Although you're not going to be staying long."

"So we're going to be sleeping in your room then?"

"Not all the time, but, I like my room. It's quiet and out-of-the-way."

"Meaning that we're more alone." Spyro clarified, causing Cynder to nod slowly, a sly grin forming. "Cynder, you know that I don't want to risk us becoming parents."

"There are other things we can do you know Spyro."

"I know." Spyro turned around and faced back down the corridor they came through. "But right now, I'm starved. Let's get something to eat."

* * *

Dawn broke and the sun's light streamed through Cynder's curtains bathing her in a soft light. Specks of light caused by the dragoness' scales danced around the room as she shifted her face out of the direct sunlight. As the sun had risen though, Cynder's attempt to continue her sleep was swept away by the increasingly powerful rays of light, heating her scales above what was considered a comfortable temperature to the black dragon.

Forcing herself up onto her legs, Cynder stretched out her forelegs and tail, taking a step forward and mirroring the motions with her hind legs. The female dragon walked to her window and moved the curtain out of her way, allowing her to look out the window and scan to see if anything had changed from yesterday.

Nothing had, yet, anyway.

Cynder leapt out her window and flew over the dragon temple to the other side of the building to see if Spyro was awake. She knew the answer was no as Spyro seemed to enjoy sleep much more than herself.

Drifting over the roof of the temple, Cynder descended to the other side and swooped around and pulled up at Spyro's room, perching herself on the windowsill looking in to her purple mate.

Spyro had himself curled tightly, his head resting atop his four legs, and tail wrapping around the limbs holding them in place. Cynder considered waking him, but he looked so cute. Maybe he's cold. Cynder thought, stepping into Spyro's room, she silently stepped onto his bed, and lay behind him, draping one of her wings over her mate.

There was no reaction at all from Spyro, Cynder watched him to make sure he didn't wake up. But all she could see was the rise and fall of his body. Cynder curled her head around, laying it over her wing, closing her eyes and resting, if not just for a short while. Although she has known Spyro for sleeping in often.

* * *

"So that's why Cyril has been acting so strangely." Volteer spoke towards Terrador who were standing before Ember, whom had just informed the two guardians of her relationship status with Flame. "That at least explains his actions, so how do you explain yours?"

"I can't. I acted against the rules because I wanted to. Because I hated being alone as myself, and I didn't want to lose-"

"Alright, your reasons don't matter. What's done is done." Terrador cut off the pink dragoness. "Why are you telling us this if you had somehow managed to convince Cyril to not inform us?"

"I am telling you both because an agreement has been made between Flame, myself and Cyril. If I was to inform you both, and adhere to the consequences that each of you deemed necessary, then Flame and I would be allowed to share a room."

Both Volteer and Terrador exchanged glances. Questioning the reason that Ember had come before them. A door behind the two guardians opened, revealing the third guardian to be revealed. "Ah, Cyril. Good that you're here." Volteer started.

"So Ember has told you both?"

"That she has, but we both refuse to believe that you would allow her and Flame to share a room if this meeting had taken place."

"That is correct." Cyril confirmed, continuing to speak at a volume Ember couldn't make out.

"Are you sure?" Terrador asked, as if not believing what his fellow guardian had explained to him. Cyril nodded once, then turned around and left the two remaining to consider what they should do about the issue.

"Ember, I want you and Flame to meet me in the training room when Volteer is finished." Terrador started. "I shall be there until midday." He turned his attention to Volteer. "That is all I have decided so far."

Terrador then turned around and left the same way Cyril had moments ago. "Now, Ember. Tell me. When did this happen?"

"About three days ago."

"Hmm, that means we need to run a few tests." She knew from Cyril that this is what Volteer would've come up with. "Follow me please." Volteer turned to his right, and headed out a different door to the one both Cyril and Terrador had taken.

The two walked down a corridor and ended up in another room almost on the exact opposite side of the building to where the dragon's quarters were. "It has been many years since I've had to do one of these." Volteer muttered to himself, searching the cupboards and cabinets lining the walls of the room. Several beds lay on the far side of the room, with a bare table centralised in the room. "Just take a seat Ember, I just need to find a few things."

Ember followed instruction, moving over to the middle bed on the far side, finding it almost twice as comfortable as the bed in her room. Immediately lying down and relaxing.

"Ah, there we are." He let out a sigh of relief for a reason unknown to Ember. Turning around while holding a fairly large jar, placing it on the centre table. Lifting off the lid, the electric guardian pulled out what looked to Ember like a short, yet slightly wide, rod. "Now, these are fairly fragile so you must be careful when handling it."

Volteer stepped forward to where Ember was laying down. "What am I supposed to do with it?"

"Well," The electric guardian flicked off a cap covering one end of the device. "See how this is clear now?" He motioned to the other end of the rod, receiving a nod from Ember. "About five minutes after you insert the other end into your vagina, it should change colour. If it turns blue, you are going to be a parent, if it turns red, then you're clean." Volteer handed the rod to Ember and turned around, picking up the jar and placing it back in the cupboard. "I'll leave you for ten minutes and be back to check the results."

"But won't I be able to tell what colour it is?"

"Why of course, yes, you would. But there are other tests I wish to run before you must be off to see Terrador. I shall inform Flame of the happenings and bring him here. Seeing as he's probably wondering where you are right now."

Volteer exited the room while Ember considered what choice she had. And that was none. Rolling onto her back she prepared to get herself tested, without becoming over stimulated.

* * *

"Ah, Cynder. We were wondering if you were ever going to turn up." Terrador started, looking upon the young black dragoness. "Why did you wish to arrange a meeting with Volteer and myself?"

Midday had passed, and Cynder had arranged with both Terrador and Volteer to meet them at this time. Spyro was standing outside the door, as per Cynder's request, as Cyril had stated that she had to inform them, not Spyro. "I'm actually here because of Cyril." The two guardians spoke a few words between themselves.

"Go on." Volteer motioned with one of his forepaws.

"And because I'm here, I actually have to tell you both that I haven't entirely followed the rules. There-"

"Stop there Cynder." Volteer interrupted the young dragoness. "Does this, by any chance, have anything to do with the reason that Ember was here earlier today?"

"Ember has already seen you both about it?"

"See? I told you." Terrador rolled his eyes as Volteer continued. "So if this is for the same reason that Ember was here, that means you and Spyro are mated, correct?" Cynder simply nodded. "So you have the same agreement with Cyril?"


"Very well, both you and Spyro shall follow me as there are some things we need to sort out."

"And when you're finished you both can find me in the training room." Terrador added, who immediately turned around and left the room.

Cynder moved back to the entryway and waved Spyro inside, both dragons following Volteer down the same passage Ember had many hours ago. Entering the same room as before, Volteer immediately went to the right cupboard and pulled out the same jar.

"I remember when I had to do this several times a day." The electric guardian observed of himself. "Just like before the war." He pulled out one of the rods and passed it to Cynder. "Alright, now, within about five minutes we'll know if you're both to become parents or not."

"Wait, so Ember did this test earlier today?" Spyro asked.

"Yes, she did. Now-"

"Are her and Flame to be parents?"

"Fortunately, no. Not this time at least. Thankfully though no-one was at fault. But that's not of any concern to you." Volteer returned his attention to Cynder. "See how there is a cap on one end? If you take that off, and insert the end into your vagina, it should tell us whether or not you're to become parents." Volteer turned around to leave the room. "Spyro, it is advised that you are not in the room during this process. Instead there is something you must do."

Spyro followed Volteer and left Cynder alone in the room, moving across the hall, a different room was entered, this one almost a mirror opposite to the one Cynder was left in. "Why is this room the same as the other one?"

"But it's not the same Spyro."

"It looks the same to me."

"Ah, Spyro you are so naïve."

"Then what is it for?"

"At the moment, it's to keep you away from Cynder. But it might have a use depending on what the result is."

Spyro moved to the end of the room and laid down on one of the beds. "Can you tell me what Terrador is planning?"

"I could, if I knew what he had waiting for you myself. But unfortunately, I don't. Although you could ask Ember or Flame if they were around, they both spent all morning in the training room."

"Which would explain why I never saw them." Spyro took a nervous glance to the floor.

"Relax Spyro. It can't be any worse than what Cyril put both you and Cynder through the other day."

Images of the event flooded back to Spyro, mostly the ones he wished to remain suppressed. Unfortunately for Spyro though, Volteer ceased his contribution to the conversation, leaving Spyro to his thoughts for the rest of the time they had spent waiting. "Alright, that should be more than enough time."

Both Spyro and the electric guardian crossed the corridor, alerting Cynder to their presence at the door before proceeding inwards. Spyro immediately looked for Cynder, who had a look of relief upon her. Holding up the rod a clear red filling the centre of it. Indicating that they too were safe from parenthood. Spyro immediately bounded across the room and nuzzled against Cynder, who returned his affection. "Alright, enough you two." Volteer's voice forced separation between the two young dragons, however Volteer took a more solemn tone, lowering his voice to whispers entirely. "But it could be what I feared."

"So we can go to Terrador now?"

Volteer returned his attention to the two young dragons before him. "Yes, yes. He shall be waiting for you." Volteer watched as the two dragons left the room and headed down the corridor towards the training room.

Volteer cleared the table of the remaining testing rods and headed back to the guardian's quarters, finding Cyril at his desk, which was unusual as of late. "I'm glad to report that both Ember and Cynder have avoided parenthood."

"That is good then. We don't want hatchlings running around again, it was hard enough all those years ago."

"Yes, but, I am worried about both Spyro and Cynder."

"Why is that?" Cyril sounding genuinely concerned, as Volteer always took matters seriously.

"As you and I both well know, it is the purple dragon genes that get passed down through generations until the next one is born."

"Yes, go on."

"Well, if my theory's prove true, then we may never have another purple dragon after Spyro if Cynder is unable to conceive."

"How are you sure?"

"Many of the tests I had run on Cynder during, and just after, the war, led me to several conclusions that indicated that some form of magic was at work on her body still. But I could never figure out why. Now I believe I understand that Malefor knew that Spyro would fall for Cynder, and, eventually, take her as a mate."

"What does this all mean?"

"It means that, well, I believe it means that somehow the magic Malefor cast on her then is still working now, rendering Cynder unable to bear young. Although the source is still unknown to me, I believe I might still be able to undo what has been done."

"If what you're telling me is true, then we may have to deliver some bad news to those two, and I'm sure they won't take too kindly to it."

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TLoS: Challenge of Hearts (Chapter 25)

**Chapter 25:** **Mateship Rivalry** "So, what do you want to do for the rest of the day?" Ember asked Flame who both were walking down the corridor away from their now shared room. "I don't care as long as it's not what Volteer got me...

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TLoS: Challenge of Hearts (Chapter 23)

**Chapter 23: **** The Deal** "Ember, Flame, what are you hiding from me?" Cyril looked down at the two young dragons, attempting to get information from them. "What do you mean what are we hiding? It's nothing, really." Ember tried to...

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TLoS: Challenge of Hearts (Chapter 22)

**Chapter 22:**** A Find in the Forest** "It says here that you should know after six days." Flame spoke silently under his breath to Ember. The two dragons found themselves in the library, flipping through books on mating, under the cover of...

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