Another Rawnsfield Morning

Story by Kikonojo on SoFurry

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Warning, this story contains the usual stuff: Sex. No underage readers, as if I can stop you, or care to for that matter ^^. I'd like to say that this is a sequal to the story 'Rawnsfield Morning', so, it would be in your best interest to read the first, that way this will make more sense. In case you're wondering, I'm reposting this because of a mistaken fact flaw (I'm sorry, I'll do more research next time) and also for this beautiful warning in which you see before you... ^^; Anyway, I hope you enjoy and mail me, if you like, [email protected]


Smooth fur gliding over smooth fur, the feeling of passion thickened in the air. As he slid in effortlessly, the otter shuddered; sliding out, he looked down to see the loving grin on his wolf partner's face. Lust and love were in combat raging inside. Those deep brown eyes seemed to engulf him completely, sending him to a world where the troubles of life were devoured, as they did when the two had first met. His partner's tail leisurely stroked his leg, tracing up his thigh, ears folding to the back of the head in a pleasured sensation, overriding any thought of pain. Their lives where complete, entwined as one.

"Fuck me you bitch!" Jason yelled as he rammed his cock in harder, shaking the bed. His girlfriend, Carmina, moaned in a sexy, pleasurable growl: pleasure heightening music to his sharply pointed ears. "Hell yea!" He said, pushing harder, in and out, the bed quaking with each thrust as Jason continued driving himself into the tigress under him, massaging her breasts with his paws none to gently.

Kevin smiled lovingly at the face just under his, each slow push causing him to grip the bed as always. As if wrapped in bonds of silk, each movement seemed only to delight them both. It was as though the room was filled with gentleness, unmatched by the world around them. Mael, his wolf lover, draped his arms around the otter, caressing his muscular back and kissing his neck slowly as he was hilted; it was a feeling soaked in by each muscle in his body, enveloping him in a feeling of bliss. The waxing moon in the distance, seemingly within reach, illuminated the two as they became one, shining its pearl beams into the room. Time seemed to slow, each second screaming out with passionate delight as they continued. The steady flowing movements of their bodies joined and parted, but always kept a connection. Parting muzzles, Mael traced a paw down the Kevin's built chest, slowly, luxuriously, swallowed in fervour.

Filled with lusty desire, Jason continued pile driving his tigress. Carmina moaned again, embedding her claws in his shoulders. He only shook his head in excitement, beads of sweat dripping off his face as he kept on, the bed rocking with anxiety. Finally, to the delight of the bed, after countless minutes of rocking, Carmina let out a long, lavishing moan, arching her back, as her fluids flooded outwards at Jason's spasming cock. He gripped the bed intensely; his penis erupted, his thick cum battling for entry like wave crashing against wave. Jason let back his head lazily as he filled the tigress, puncturing his shoulders, more so as she emptied herself onto him. "Ah damn," was all he could muster as the two lay there to catch their breaths, an invisible, hot, steamy air seemed to emitting from them.

Reeling under sensations he'd not yet grown accustomed to, Kevin began to quiver, his paw still stroking Mael's stiff member slowly and gently, already awarded with a full length to rub. Then, without warning, he began to massage faster and faster, upping the intensity. Mael bucked a bit in pleasure surprise as Kevin's strength overwhelmed him. Beginning to let out a small howl - of which was steadily growing - , Mael stifled himself as he pushed his muzzle into Kevin's built chest, the pressure rising with each loving second, slow as they may be. His eyes squinted and body grew stiff as he felt himself unable last any longer. Kevin's paw, racing up and down, began to slide effortlessly, Mael's warm cum covering it, lubricating his hand and spurting up, creaming his thick chest fur. Overcome with feeling, Kevin stifled both their pleasurable moans in a passionate kiss as his own seed began to fill his partner with a thick, warm sensation deep within, beginning to drip onto the sheets as they clung together, grappling for reality as the ecstasy became too much to handle. Mael lay flat as he could, the warmth shooting from his tailhole up into his bowls, his jaws locked shut.

The two lay together in Kevin's bed, as the pleasure ebbed, joined as one. Mael lay beside him, an outstretched arm over Kevin's chest, and a secure smile on his face as he sunk out of consciousness. Kevin looked on at the wolf beside him, never feeling more love for someone than the one cuddling up to him. Laying there, the stars above shining through the window as gems of a shadow sky, Kevin kissed Mael lightly on his muzzle. Before he was taken into an approaching world of dreams, the only sounds in the room were the soft breaths of the two, only outdone by a faint: "I love you."

The light shone through the window, just another radiant day in Rawnsfield. The graceful, white cloud sky, a picture of loveliness only met by the beauty of the clean cut grass below, and tall standing trees. Rawnsfield College, magnificent on the outside, shone with splendour not quite its usual own. The sun had reached halfway to noon; classes were just beginning and many furries filled the halls. Inside a dormitory, and none too messy, yet neither very clean at the same time, a young squirrel was overcome with thoughts. Things that were, things that are, and some things yet to come, everything circled his head, dizzying him. The magnificence of the day was lost to him as he sat in deep thought.

Jason sat on his bed with his head in his hands, overcome with emptiness after what had happened between him and Kevin only a week ago. Being who he was, however, he was too proud to apologize, and too self centered to give way. As he continued to think about the recent days past, the squirrel couldn't help but feel he might have been wrong. The thought stung like a splinter in his mind. Daanin and Bruno had never taken sides or left either of them, and had been trying desperately to get the group back together. The squirrel's mind was wracked at the decisions enveloping him. Should he be friends with a... gay? As a shudder passed through him his light brown fur shook all the way down to his betraying fluffy tail, lying gloomily on the floor. 'But we've been friends since we were kids.' He thought aloud to himself sullenly. Jason kept on thinking, trying to keep a clear mind, but to no avail; it began to make him angry. The tension boiling in his mind, he could hold it no longer. In his fury he leaped up and threw a textbook at the glass clock on the wall. He could only stand there, staring at the sight of one beautiful whole being broken into thousands of pieces of shimmering crystals, a symbol of his friendship. The clock shattered loudly, falling to the floor; he felt his heart do the same.

Regretting what he did, Jason walked to the bathroom and looked into the mirror, standing for a minute to stare at the wise fool mocking him: A short, lightly built squirrel with a bushy tail, light brown, smooth fur and neatly pointed ears, rising past his head. It was as if he could hear his enemy speaking to him, no longer a mesh of entangled thoughts, but a smart, strong voice, piercing his mind. "Well, you've done it now moron. You've gone and let everyone down. Never thinking of anyone but yourself are you?" The voice mocked him.

"Shut up!" Jason yelled at the hideous reflection in the mirror.

"You know its true," it continued hauntingly, "that's why you're pissed. That's why you've lost your best friend, because you're always right and no one can ever tell you otherwise."

"The hell do you know?!" He yelled again, raising his fist to the lying, distrustful face in front of him.

"Like I said, you're always right, Jason high and mighty." The voice echoed inside him in a hundred mocking tones. "Of course, his royal highness is too proud to admit when he's wrong." Standing it no longer, Jason brought back his fist to deliver a fatal blow, but then, staring at the one in front of him, he hesitated. He couldn't bear to see this image of his own hatred any longer and he trudged out of the bathroom in a haze of salty droplets, falling down his face.

Daanin, a raccoon of no more than 19, looked up at the ceiling; whoever was above sure was causing a lot of noise. He could swear he even heard something that sounded like breaking glass. Oh well, I've got bigger problems. He thought to himself.

It had been a week since the whole crew had been together, one week too long. He lay down on his bed, thinking to himself as the sounds upstairs subsided. The golden crystal in the sky threw its rays upon the raccoon willingly through his open window, glistening off his clean, black, white, and grey fur. He'd already gone to Kevin's dormitory yesterday, but no one was there. He would have gone to Jason's, but he didn't know which room the squirrel resided in. Trying to get those two back together was like, "Mixing oil with water, they'll never make a solution." He said aloud with a reluctant sigh.

The racoon always was the brainiest of the group.

He and Bruno, a badger friend, tried everything: from secret meetings, to almost getting the two to sit together, but nothing worked. He and Bruno had even made friends with Mael. "That Mael's not such a bad guy. I guess I see why Kev would..." He trailed off with a heavy gulp. A memory flashed into his mind.


Kevin and Mael came walking over to the table where Daanin, Bruno and Jason were sitting there already, everything had been fine. Kevin and Mael however, were walking paw-in-paw. Though Daanin was a quick thinker he was beaten to the punch by Jason. "So that's it now, huh?" He questioned Kevin heatedly. "You've gone gay." Bruno instantly turned his head away and Daanin flinched at the rude remark.

Kevin's normally smooth and collected features shook with rage. "For years I had to listen to you put people like me down." He almost spat the words at Jason's opposing face. "Since high school you had to keep insulting others, never taking into consideration their feelings or mine. I never liked your insults; you knew that, now here's another reason why: I am one!" He slammed his fist down on the table. "I've stayed your friend for years and for years I've put up with that bullshit for one reason, I hoped you'd change mate. But no, yore just the same prejudice bastard I've always known!"

"Psh, whatever f-man." Jason said as he got up and took his leave.

"So," Daanin started up a new conversation with Kevin after the squirrel had left, trying to lighten the mood. "You two, uh... you know... done... anything...together?"

Mael smiled and Kevin laughed, his entire mood changing in an instant. "Wot's with the sudden interest mate?"

The poor raccoon tried to keep his eyes on the otter's, failing miserably. "Oh hah, you know me, always looking- waiting- uh, to study that is, something new." Daanin's face betrayed his thoughts as he went red, noticeably even through his fur.


Still sitting and reflecting on his bed, the raccoon noticed his hand moving towards his sheath. He froze, feeling his fur stand on end, and breathed deeply to calm down. Daanin got up and got dressed, then made his way to the door to take a walk. A good walk to think some more about these recent events and formulate a plan. "I'll outfox them, heh." He sniggered to himself before glancing at the clock. "Noon already?! Damn, I'm late for physics!"

Mael looked over at the gentle figure beside him. For someone so big and strong, that otter certainly had a gentle side. The attractive young wolf smiled at his fortune, gently stroking the long, brown fur of his lover. It was so smooth, so neat; he felt as though he could do this all day. The figure lying beside him stirred and opened his eyes slowly. "Good morning, handsome." The otter spoke.

Mael smiled and laughed quietly. "Morning? It's noon. We've missed first period and we're an hour late for second." He said with a cute, slight accent- almost as though it was English-; Kevin didn't exactly scramble to get up.

"Ah well, I'll make up for it tomorrow." He sighed with a yawn.

"Isn't Bruno in that class?" Mael looked at him, his face entangled with feelings for the only one he'd dared to love. "Why don't you ask him what you've missed later?"

Kevin failed to keep himself from laughing aloud. "If 'e's even there! He's prob'ly sleepin' or working on 'is car. That striped skipper'll prob'ly ask me what he missed!"

Mael began to laugh. "Skipper yourself!"

"Why didn't you wake me up?" Kevin asked slowly, his tone sounded not at all mad, but more casually interested.

The grey wolf smiled and caressed the otter's cheek. "You looked so peaceful, I couldn't bear to wake you. You looked like you were having a good dream."

"Who wouldn't, sleeping next to you?" Kevin smiled and got up, stretching life back into his muscles, his lean body making quite the sight.

Mael threw a pillow at him jokingly. "Stop that you great, sexy bastard!" He laughed.

"Wha-hat?" Kevin flexed his arm, but pulled a most innocent look on his face. Looking up into the emerald eyes the otter so possessed in his neat head, Mael felt light and carefree; it was as though the essence of his other half consumed his troubles and rid him of any strife, turning lead into gold. He felt as though, in an instant, all the passion of the world lifted him into the pillow clouds above. Then it was that the clouds shrank form view, growing smaller as he fell; the love that carried him all but shattered in a brief moment.

Pools overflowed his deep brown eyes, gently falling down his cheek and staining his fur. He turned his head from Kevin's view, as if to save face, but the otter noticed in an instant and was at his side before a single droplet fell to the floor beneath them, speckling the carpet. Great anxiety growing on his face, Kevin put a soothing, caring paw on his love's shoulder. "Mael," said Kevin, his voice beset with worry, "what's wrong, mate?" Kevin's eyebrows were creased with fret.

As if on cue, before Mael could manage a word, the phone rang. "Please," Mael sobbed, "answer it." Kevin stood dumbfounded for a moment, then, solemnly nodding his head, he picked up the phone; silencing the ringing, he pressed it to a short, round ear.

"Hello?" He said slowly.

"Hey, Kevin," a familiar voice rang through, "it's me, Daanin." The voice of the raccoon was slower than usual. "Can you meet me at the caf at lunch?"

Kevin looked to Mael; standing beside him, who had heard as well. Mael nodded and Kevin spoke in turn, "Alright, see you there." Hanging up the phone, Kevin's pleading face turned back to the wolf. "Wot's the matter?"

"Nothing," Mael swallowed heavily.

Great worry creasing his brow, Kevin embraced his shattered partner. "Please," he implored, "tell me wot's wrong."

It took everything the wolf had to manage a smile, as fake and forbidden as it was. Holding back his tears, he continued his charade. "C'mon, let's take a walk and have some lunch." Kevin was a bit hesitant at first, but agreed. They got dressed and headed out the door. It doesn't matter what anyone else says, Mael began to truly smile as he followed his lover, I love him, and that's all that matters. Knowing that with Kevin by his side, the pains of the world could finally find a new target. But it wasn't that which had brought him to tears, it was something else, an approaching darkness. The thought drifted in the back of his mind, now deep beneath the waves of subconscious.

Stepping outside, the otter took a breath, allowing the cool, refreshing air to enter his lungs. It all seemed so perfect: Soft, white clouds hugging the sapphire sky. As the sun poured its golden light on the newly cut grass, even the cracked pave stones gave way to the tall trees basking in the beauty of the day. Kevin took his lover's paws and pressed his muzzle to Mael's gentle face, illuminated brilliantly by the golden light surrounding them. They shared the moment together in a passionate kiss that could have lasted forever. After what seemed to be an eternity, they parted mouths and walked together paw-in-paw in the solitude of peace.

Daanin walked down the hall, the stench of fellow students filling his nostrils as he neared the cafeteria with every step. The raccoon poked his head inside the large opening and was lucky not to have it taken off from the lines of students entering; lunch time would be starting soon. He had decided to skip class, "I've got more important things to worry about, like my friends." He paused before entering; this wasn't his usual way of thinking. Shrugging it off, he entered the gaping cesspool that was the social section of the school. "Daanin!" A clear, feminine voice called out to him, amidst the endless chatter. "There you are."

"Cindy, hi." He greeted his beautiful girlfriend. She was a popular leopard, with creamy white chest fur, showing all too freely, especially around her cleavage. She had an even back, splashed with silky smooth orange-brown fur and tons of nice dots that popped up around her. Crimson lips and a flawless muzzle, she was truly a vision of loveliness... on the outside. "What's going on?" He asked in a distracted tone, his eyes suddenly glued to the mouse just sitting behind her. The mouse was about his height with short brown fur. From the neat ears to a lightly furred, smooth, long tail, Daanin found he couldn't take his eyes away.

"Well, we need to talk. It's about... us." She began, but her words drifted through his ears into nothingness. He continued staring and thinking. That mouse is so... so good looking. He...He? He's a guy! He stopped thinking about it for a moment, and then tried pushing the thoughts out of his head, but to no avail. "-and plus my friends, they're all like 'whoa, he's sooo not cool' and so like, yah, I'm sorry but they're totally right. You're just not-" The raccoon was flustered with ideas, both his heart and mind were racing. He held his sides achingly, this was a feeling he hadn't felt before: confusion. He began his normal analytical thinking. Okay, surely there's a rational explanation for this. He's not good looking! He's not good looking. He's sexy. Oh god... "So I'm sorry Daanin, but like, it's over and stuff. I can't see you anymore, k?"

The raccoon's head still swam from his thoughts. "Oh god." He was weak in the knees.

"I know," She nodded her head knowingly, "but you'll just have to learn to live without me."

Still thinking about the male mouse, one that took his breath away, he held his aching sides. "Oh man, I gotta go!" Racing out of the cafeteria, he lost his balance a few times, stumbling on the way to his room light years away. Opening the door and quickly locking it, he jumped onto the bed. He began to reflect apprehensively on what had happened. "Okay," He talked aloud to himself in the solitude of his room, "l-lets see." He gave a gulp. "Problem: I was staring at that mouse... he was a guy... I thought he was... sex- good looking." He swallowed heavily. "Okay, now about Cindy: Still beautiful and sexy as ever." He stopped for a minute but regretted it, his head was flooded with images of Kevin and Mael, and then of his girlfriend, or ex, though he didn't know it. "Diagnosis:" He said with a grimace, gloom and fear wreathing his voice and shrouding his face. "I'm... I'm..." Just then, there was a knock at the door. "C-come in!" Daanin spoke on instinct, startled at the sudden sound. His thinking was interrupted.

It was Jason. Entering the room, the squirrel took a seat on the chair in the corner. "Hey man," he smiled. "Alright, I bin thinkin' about what you said, you know, about Kev and all that." Memories released him from his current thoughts, engulfing him, sparing him from reality, but only for a moment.


"Look man," Daanin sighed as he put down his French vanilla, "I don't even see why it's such a big deal. Okay, so he'll be lookin' at a different kind of porn, there isn't much of a proble-"

"I'll tell you the problem," Jason interrupted, "homos are wrong! Who the hell do they think they are, choosing guys to go stick up the ass?"

Daanin shook his head, lifting the cup to take another sip. "Who says that being gay is wrong? Why?"

"Because it is!" Jason was growing more agitated.

"Look, Jase," Daanin said, looking the harsh squirrel in the eyes, "it may not their choice," he sat back "research is being conducted as to why people are gay. So far, it is theorised that people just don't turn gay; they're born that way from the start. Possibly, the only choice they have is whether they'll accept themselves for who they are. I'm not sure on this exactly though," he said, looking down and crossing his arms. "Anyway, who are you to say that he can't be gay?What right do you have?

"Bullshit, how can you be born gay?" He asked, unable to answer the second question.

Daanin simply sighed. "Alright, look. It might have been his choice to be gay, it might not. He may have born like that; I don't know, why does it matter? For some people, it takes a long time to figure it out. Before I go, let me ask you a couple questions. Don't answer now, just think about it." He stared straight into Jason's eyes. "What would you do, if the touch of a female no longer pleased you? How would you be, if you no longer felt attracted to them, and found yourself looking at males?" Finally, just before he left, he asked Jason one more wracking question. "How would you feel, if you felt you had no control over it, and you couldn't accept yourself for who you are because of what others say?" And with that, Daanin was gone and Jason was left with questions, questions that would plague him for the rest of the week.


"I guess what I mean to say," Jason continued, the flashes from Daanin's mind past, "is that... I'm sorry."

Daanin was overjoyed. "Well, why're you telling me? Tell Kevin and maybe we can get this mess solved." Then he paused, "He'll be meeting me at lunch, we'll all talk then." Jason brightened up; Daanin was looking at a new squirrel.

Mael and Kevin continued walking together, showered in feeling of love emanating from them both. The hall they passed through was empty, save for a lion, a fox, a wolf and weasel, all of them male. Huddling together, a couple whispers and chuckles reached the ears of the affectionate pair. The lion, named Neil, dressed in a jersey and oversized slacks, stepped forward. "Yo, check this out," he spoke to Kevin and Mael, "we were wondering something, think you might have the answer." Some quiet chuckles came from the other three. Neil looked at Mael, who was a bit smaller and less brawny than Kevin. "How's your ass?" Neil started laughing.

"Yea, did it hurt the first time?" Called another voice, the fox.

"Or are you used to it?" The weasel taunted.

Mael smiled as usual. "Actually, it was good." He looked up at Kevin, "Was it good for you too?"

Kevin looked down and smiled back. "First time for everything, and certainly not the last."

The laughs stopped and the lion became iritated. "The fuck you talkin' 'bout foo? Think you're fuckin' funny? Wanna fuckin' piece o' m-ugh"

Kevin grabbed him by the collar and slammed the lion up against a locker, the slamming noise commanding a jump from anyone near. "You wanna be funny, mate?" Kevin started squeezing his neck. "Coz that might make me angry and we don't want that, eh?" The gang didn't move. Kevin looked to them, and then the neck-braced lion. "I don't want to see you again. If I do, I'll throttle you. If my mate, Mael, does, I'll throttle you, we clear... homey?" The lion could only nod slightly. Kevin let him go and began walking with Mael. "Hope we don't meet again. Oh, and watch who you try to push around, you never know who you might run into!" He called back to the gang mockingly.

"We'll meet again." Neil murmured quietly to himself.

The bell rang for lunch as Kevin and Mael walked through a montage of furries, still paw-in-paw, finding the cafeteria. Kevin took a look around, scanning the swarm for Daanin. Spotting him out, the two made their way to the table and sat down beside Bruno, a large badger, opposite of Daanin and Jason. To the otter's surprise, Jason remained seated. Bruno sat there, stolidly eating a tuna sandwich while Daanin sat in his usual thinking stance, but with a light smirk creasing his black muzzle. "Kevin, Mael," said the raccoon slowly, a hint of satisfaction harmonizing his voice. "Thank you for coming." Kevin nodded his head and Mael, his sadness forgotten and put into his normally gleeful mood, gave a bow with his head, his endearing smile once again present.

Daanin nodded to Jason, who slowly began to speak, taking a deep breath at first. "Look, Kev, and you too, Mael," he said, with a nervous swallow as if unsure how to convey his thoughts. "I, uh, bin thinkin', and stuff..." he paused. Kevin nodded and Jason continued; "I, uh, bin sayin' some bad shit lately, stuff that you two don't deserve. But I was, well, given some advice from a smart guy... and well... I was a real fuckin' asshole, 'specially to you, Mael. I know you heard that shit from me," he looked at Kevin, "for all these years, and, well, I'm... I'm sorry man. I'm sorry both o' you." At this, Kevin sat shocked; Jason continued. "It's just that yer my best friend, and well, we're best friends... we used to get in tons o' shit together," he managed a small laugh, "with Daanin always ridin' are asses tellin' us not to." At that Kevin gave a small laugh. "What I'm gettin' at is that I'm sorry man."

Kevin sat there a moment, his eyes watering; the very sight brought a distressed expression Mael's features.

"Jason," Kevin began slowly, sorrowfully, "you hurt me, you scarred me deep, mate." He gave a sobbed sigh; "I've stayed your friend for all this time; I've stood by your side, even as you abused me without thought. You hurt me with every insult you threw. You beat me inside every time you told me how you hated gays, and that they should be gotten rid of. You were always right, no matter what anyone else said. I've known you all this time," he sighed, "and I know yore not the type to 'pologise easily." He tossed his look to Mael. "Well, wot say you?"

Jason looked to Mael, hoping against hope that the wolf would forgive his cruelty. "I say..." he paused for effect, gaining the look of all four. "He sounds sincere, I believe him."

Kevin smiled, his glance turning back to Jason. "We forgive you." At that, the group cheered up and smiles were seen all around. They sat there, cracking jokes and eating lunch, all in good spirits. While they were eating, Daanin looked up to see that mouse, he recognised instantly from before, walk by. He followed the tail with his eyes, his gaze magnetized to the mouse it belonged to.

Kevin, happening to see Daanin's stare, cocked an eyebrow. The raccoon turned his head back to the group quick enough to see Kevin's expression. Knuckling the side of his muzzle, Daanin hid his blushing face from Kevin's expectant fix. Nodding his head, the otter turned to Mael and kissed him on the cheek. Jason, still adjusting to his new self, looked down and shoved an apple in his mouth, taking a deeper bite than necessary. Bruno laughed and filled his mouth with some spicy chips. "Uhm, yea..." Daanin began, "I guess, while we're all fine here, I've, uh, got something to say too."

"Well, out with it," Jason laughed, removing the apple. "After me apologising, I don't think anything'll surprise me now." He shook his head and began to take another bite. The chips crunched loudly in anticipation from Bruno, all ears fixed to listen.

"Well, uh," the raccoon scratched the back of his furry head nervously. "I'm bi."

Bruno coughed up a few chips as the apple fell from Jason's mouth.

"Well," Kevin blinked, "that was pretty direct."

Mael, ever the merry furry, smiled and spoke happily: "That's cool, Daanin, looks like you get the best of both worlds!"

Bruno and Kevin smirked at Mael's joyfulness. "You guys're tryin' ta kill me, I fuckin' swear it!" Jason laughed, slapping a paw to his head. "What a crew we are: two gays, two straights and a bi. Geezis!" The bell rang as the cafeteria buzzed with the busy droning of moving furries, fated to their classrooms. Getting up, the crew parted ways happily for the first time in a week.

The days past by like the hours on a clock, quickly and surely. The fluid of time drifted lazily, a matter of two weeks had passed and the end of a third was rapidly approaching. It was another Rawnsfield morning, the birds sang a savoury sweet song, warbling their tunes upon a few open ears of many; the multicoloured leaves of the trees began their descent to the soft ground below, meeting the delicate blades of grass in a soft kiss. The azure sky above shone cloudless with the golden light of a new day being soaked up by the world below.

Kevin stepped into his dorm room after class, and was surprised to see it empty. Strange, he thought to himself as he scratched the back of his head, Mael always beats me back. He sat down on the bed for a moment, looking up at the clock. Effortless time seemed to flow by, the minutes becoming seconds in a liquid transformation, melting down before his face. An hour, two hours, three... Picking up the phone, Kevin called each of his friends; none could give an answer that satisfied his question as to where Mael was. Grabbing his leather coat, hanging up on the chair, he made his way outside into the darkness of night.

The otter's keen eyes scanned the outside as he looked around, worry for Mael and the shadows around played tricks with his mind. Noting the large tree that stood in the yard, he made his way to it, the grass muffling any sounds of his movements. Leaning on the big tree, he hung his head. Where's 'e gone to? His ears, though small, picked up the sound of a light sob nearby. The sound was coming from the other side of the tree. Peeking to the other side of the great tree, he saw a wolf with his head in his hands, sobbing to himself sorrowfully. It was Mael!

"Mael!" Kevin embraced him heavily, "Where were you? Wot's wrong?" He didn't know what it was, but it felt as though it had struck a blow to his stomach.

Mael, feeling he had no other choice, began: "Oh, Kevin, I'm so sorry! Can you ever forgive me?... I'm so sorry it had to be like this!" The repentant look on his face was hard for Kevin to bear. "You're the most wonderful person I've ever met in my life, I'm so sorry!"

Kevin, bewildered and confused, held him tightly, searching for an answer. "Sorry fer wot, mate? Its coz of you that I've learned wot love really is. Wot's the matter, please, you have to tell me?"

His imploring voice seemed to bring Mael to even more tears, his fur already heavily stained. "Kevin... I... I can't stay here..."

Kevin blinked and cocked his head to the side, "I don't understand."

"My application," he admirably continued through the evident pain, "they've rejected it. I'm an exchange student here..." he broke off. Kevin shook his head, completely taken aback. "I got to come here and stay a month, and-" he sobbed, "if I was accepted, I could stay. But, the college is filled!"

"I... I don't know what... to say." Kevin said, his face appeared puzzled but his insides felt as though they'd been ripped out; the blow from before seemed like nothing now. He felt his stomach could burst and grabbed it as though it would at any second.

"Kevin, I'm so sorry! I forgot completely while I was with you... you're love caused me to forget all my troubles... its all my fault, I'm so sorry!" Mael wept shamelessly. The otter stood stunned and they remained there, minutes floating by once again, with not a word passed save for the sobs and sniffles from Mael.

"Come," was all Kevin could muster, ten minutes later, as he led them back to his room by instinct, his vision clouded and blurred from a mist forming at his eyes. Reaching the door, the walked inside and Kevin lay down on the bed, the pools that formed escaped down the sides of his face, dampening the sheets beneath him. Mael sat down on the bed, finally collapsing into Kevin's heaving chest. He stifled his cries by digging in his muzzle as if he was drilling a hole, trying to get as close as he could, wanting never to let go.

Kevin lay there, gently stroking Mael's head, as the minutes became hours once again, as if time itself was working against them. The gentle ticking of the clock began to drown out Mael's sobs as he cried himself to sleep in Kevin's arms. In a trance, there was nothing the otter could do but simply stroke Mael's head; it lasted for an hour after the wolf had fallen asleep. The darkness around him seemed to consume him; all feelings were numb. It was midnight before he finally fell asleep, ultimately allowing the darkness to swallow him.

The sun's blond head rose above the hills in the distance in a vain attempt to break the overhanging clouds. There was no sweet music from the birds, no falling golden leaves, and no dainty blades of grass to comfort them. The rain poured heavily from an angry sky, as lightning split the clouds, the booming sound of thunder awakening a heavy-eyed squirrel. Jason jolted upright, the blood rushing to his head causing him some nauseating dizziness. After waiting a few minutes to regain his composure, he looked at the clock and picked up the phone. "Come on, Kev, pick up, its 1:10..." he rushed quietly to himself. Not hearing from him after he'd called about Mael had made the squirrel worried. No answer, he must already be in class... he stopped and looked at the calendar on his wall. Saturday... Getting dressed in his sleeveless shirt and jeans, he made his way out, set to find Kevin's room.

Meeting Daanin in the hall, he stopped and waved him over. "Hey, Daanin, sup?"

"I was just coming over, now that I know where your dorm is," the raccoon laughed. "Say, where were you going?"

"I was going to see Kev," Jason said, scratching his head. "He never called me back."

Daanin shook his head, "me neither. It's not like him to keep us waiting."

"He didn't answer the phone this mornin' so I thought I'd go over."

"Good idea," Daanin nodded, "I'll come too." Jason agreed and they made their way to Kevin's room. The halls were empty, as usual on a weekend. The only sounds were the echoing footsteps, sounding throughout the halls. Knocking on the door, Jason called in, "hello, Kev, you there?"

Daanin stopped for a moment, "Wait, what if he's just sleeping in?"

"Well, he should have called us back then." Jason laughed. Pulling back his aching fist, he stopped knocking. "Huh, imagine that, he's prob'ly gone out to some party with Mael." A smile grew on his face, then as suddenly as it had appeared the smile was gone in a flash, his brow wrinkled in suspicion.

"What?" Daanin asked, seeing the squirrel's ear twitch.

"I think... no..." he stuck his ear against the door. "It sounds like someone's cryin' in there." He kept his ear sternly pressed, examining every sound leaking through the white, wooden door. "There is."

"Hello?" Daanin began knocking loudly. "Hey, let us in, its Daanin and Jason! Come on!"

Jason winked at Daanin and reached into a pocket, producing a tension wrench and pick. "You're such a juvi!" Daanin said in a loud whisper, "what are you doing with lock picking gear?!"

"Shadap!" Jason carefully went to work on the door lock. "Ah man, this shitty lock's an easy fucker." After twiddling around with the pick for a minute, he slowly twisted the wrench, unlocking the door, and replaced his tools back in his pocket, opening the door thereafter.

Kevin sat on his bed, weeping openly. "Yo, Kev, the hell man?"

Daanin looked around the tidy, neatly made room. "Hey, where's Mael?"


The airport was in contrast to the cloud-filled sky above: mostly empty. A couple nameless janitors cleaned and swept; the ticket holders lazed around stolidly, awaiting the appearance of travellers; flight attendants relaxed in the empty craft left on the ground. Three figures stood in the hall: A large, adult rat, a younger wolf, and a similar otter.

The rat looked at the wolf, a look of sympathy on his face. "I'm sorry they didn't accept you, Mael, we didn't think they'd fill up so fast." There was not a sound from the other two. The rat sighed, "made some good friends pretty quickly I'll bet, I'm sorry." Still the echoes of his voice were all that remained. "This otter, he's a new friend of yours?" The rat asked, looking down to the clipboard in his paws.

Kevin and Mael, unable to contain their feelings any longer, launched into a passionate kiss. Probing the inside of Mael's muzzle with his tongue, Kevin held in him in his arms. Mael draped his arms around the otter's neck lovingly as they kissed adoringly, each not missing an inside part of the other. The rat's eyebrows rose up high on his brow in surprise. "Right, well, I'll just wait on the plane..." he said, walking onto the plane. They continued kissing, time leaving one last bittersweet moment for them, drawing out the minutes they spent locking muzzles, a last touch.

"Last call for flight 294 to London." The monotonous voice of the announcer could be heard through the P.A. system. Parting muzzles, they had few words they could manage.

"I'll never love another like I love you, Mael." Kevin choked out, tears wetting the sides of his cheeks. There was little Mael could do, the agony plain on his face, but walk towards his deceitful destiny. "Good...bye..." he managed quietly, as if strangled.

The sun shone forbiddingly, reflecting in the shiny metallic plane that was taking off with Kevin's heart. His senses numbed as he stood dumbfounded, watching the plane sink into the distance; all the while Mael watched on from the plane window, salty tears and warm, ragged breath fogging it up. "I love you..." he said from the window, willing it to his lover's ears. The clouds consumed the shrinking plane, leaving a gaping hole where Kevin felt his heart should be. He watched the sky, watched the plane, as his last view of his completeness shrank into the distance, swallowed by the treacherous destinies of life, his open heart bleeding, the mosquitoes, fate and time, hand in hand, drinking happily. Turning his back to the window, he left the airport; one last drop fell to the floor where the two once stood together. One last tear of many to come.

Well, see that one coming? Mail me at [email protected] and tell me what you thought of it.

Sorry, I'm no good at happy endings...