Black Hell Part 3

Story by Skie Strife on SoFurry

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Black Hell Part 3 * * *

Hello furs and scalies alike, its been a very long time hasn't it? Well let me tell you something, while I already had this story finished, my computer got fried and I lost everything. So now I had to restart the whole Black Hell Part 3 project over from the beginning, so that explained the very long wait. Anyways, I have to say that this is my best work ever. The story line is most of the story, so for all of you horny ones who don't like storylines, just skip on down to the very bottom. For the rest of you who like storylines, Just start reading on down past this commentary thingy. One last thing before I go, I love to get e-mails from everyone. Please send me something so that I can improve on my stories, for all the people that e-mailed me with things that were constructive, I thank you personally. And another thing, if it wasn't for my good friend Wraith, then I wouldn't have ever restarted this story. So thank him the next time you see him if you liked this story...

  • * * It had been five years since my death. Even though it was that long, my dead carcass was still preserved as the cells struggled to maintain life. Once they did die out however, my spirit left my body and I had begun my undeniable accent to the heavens but seemed to be stopped when a voice rang in my ears. "Skie, no!!!" the voice cried out, "Not when it took me this long to find you..." I looked down from the sky seeing a lone figure too hidden in a dust cloud to see. Eventually the dust did settle, and the vision of another Skrizian was soon visible. It was holding my beaten and blood-soaked body in its arms, its face cuddling my lifeless face. "I looked too far and too long to lose you, even if you are only my ...half brother.." the Skrizian said as a tear dropped from his eye. He shook his head and started walking to his ship, which wasn't far away. He also picked up my sword and then got in, the ship blasting off into space as my accent back to the heavens began again. Unknown to me at the time, my brother had radioed in to Federation Hall and had requested that an emergency room be prepared right away. As soon as his ship reached Federation Hall and was docked, he ran in and placed my body on a stretcher in the E.R. The doctor gave my body a good look and then shook his head, "His condition is terminal, Skyth, there is no way that we can bring him back." My brother shook his head and pinned the doctor to the ground, "Then you better come up with a way to bring him back, I want to see him breathing again." he said as he left with disgust. I reached the clouds and was soon at a large gate, a small line already ahead of me as I over heard their causes of death. "Hmm, let me see here. Tohoka Rifol, cause of death was from the death penalty of Aires 2. You were innocent however, but still killed. Pass..." he said as he motioned for the gates to open. The figure walked in and the gates slammed shut behind him. I listened in to the next person... "Shiona Fidiro, cause of death was from your ship disintegrating by failed re-entry attempt of the planet Pols 9. Pass..." he said as the female also gained access to the gates. The last person ahead of me was now up for judgment... "Brutus Til, cause of death was from a bullet that ricocheted off of a wall that was originally aimed at an innocent by-stander during a bank heist. No Pass..." the angel said. The person was immediately engulfed in flames and pulled down to the underworld. "Next..." the angel said. I gulped and stepped up to the booth. "Skie Strife, cause of death was from a fight to avenge your lost comrades. No Pass..." he said. My eyes shot open, immediately getting ready for the flames but nothing happened. I looked back up to the angel and he smiled at me. "Don't worry, your not going to hell. To say it right, its not yet your time. Be ready, your life will soon be restored..." he said, a hand merging up from the clouds and grabbing me... At this point the doctors had come up with a cure to my death. The treatment was to infuse my body with micro-biological organisms that were correctly named the Adrenalin X. Skyth nodded to the application and the risk of what it could do and the serum was prepared immediately. The Adrenalin X were immediately injected into my body and they went straight to work. My scales changed from their jade green to a midnight black as my body adapted more muscular features, newer abilities, strengths and weaknesses alike. Then, my body began to spasm out, alive but uncontrollably as the doctors tried anxiously to restrain my thrashing limbs. Once my whole body was strapped down, they tied up my mouth as well to prevent any risk of biting... I was now in space, now hurdling to a space station I had never seen before. I closed my eyes as I sped through the hull and into the E.R. I now saw my body, thrashing about as it broke the restraints. It attacked the nearest doctor and ripped him to shreds, looking at everyone else as they ran. Everyone was gone except for the one who rescued my body in the first place. My body moved over to him and picked him up by the neck, throwing him up against the wall and preparing to crush him. Its at that point I was thrown into my body. I stopped next to it but then was immediately absorbed, a whole new battle for me was just starting to merge together... I regained control of my body and released my grip on the lone Skrizian. "Please, don't kill me..." he said. "Who, who are you?" I asked. "Skie? Is, is it you?" he asked. "Yes, but how do you know my name?" I asked him back. "I... I am Skyth, your younger half brother." he replied. My eyes shot open, "Half brother? I thought I was the only one who was born." He shook his head and gave me a hug. "No brother, there was one more born. I've been searching for you for about ten years now. When I found you, you were a bloody, lifeless mess. I brought you here to bring you back to life. It worked, but we had to infuse your body with some organisms." he said. I hugged him back but I looked down at him, "What organisms?" "They are called the Adrenalin X. They saved your life and have granted you more power, but also weaknesses. No more will you be able to touch the substance of NA4H2O, also known as Emerald Water on Skriziana. It will immediately start to dissolve the Adrenalin X within you, and your whole body will rot as the pain courses throughout your body." he said. I nodded and thought to myself, what was my destiny in life now? Then it happened, the hull of the station had been penetrated by a blast of some sort, leaking air and creating a vacuum that sucked 50 people out of it immediately. The sector was immediately cut off and Skyth pulled me by my arm. "Come! There isn't time to sit around here anymore. We must depart now!" he said pulling me harder. At this point, people were rushing throughout the hulls, getting to the escape pods. Our destination was Docking Port 5. The space ship was considered destroyed and it was set to self destruct in five minutes. We managed to navigate past the crowd and to the deck, the thing is though that all of the ships were destroyed. The vacuum was intense but we managed to pull ourselves out of the room and back into the hall. We gasped in breath, almost killed a few seconds ago. That's when I looked up and saw something, the main docking room. It was just five floors up and we were next to the stairs. "C'mon," I said pulling him up, "Well steal a ship." I said. He nodded and that's when we started clearing the stairs. We climbed four flights and stopped to gasp for breath. The timer was down to two minutes and thirty seconds now. We rested for thirty seconds and then progressed up high, reaching the final flight and running to the main deck. There was less than a minute left now, so I pushed on and pull Skyth behind me. I found a huge ship and busted the restraint lock on it, the tractor beam then pulling us in from the bottom of the ship. I ran in to the cock pit and started the ship up, blasting out of the deck just before the thing exploded, the shockwave sending us out of the area faster than we expected... Once we were far away enough of the area, I proceeded to Sector 129X. It was an unexplored sector to many, but to me and any other Skrizian, it was like knowing the back of your claw. I proceeded to a wormhole and we were soon just outside of Skriziana, in its orbit. I then put the ship on auto-pilot and stepped out of the pilot seat. Skyth followed me and soon we were at the resting station part of the ship. There were too resting stations, one for each of us. We said goodnight to each other and then went our separate ways... My door shut behind me and I began to strip down, dropping my shattered armor that I was still wearing, my clothes, and I then dropped my sword that I picked up earlier from Skyth. I scratched my neck, stretched, yawned, and then nuzzled into bed... The Next Day... I woke up the next morning, hitting the alarm clock as it went off. I looked around to see that Skyth was in the bed. I smiled at him and then got out, getting dressed and then heading to the cockpit to see where we had drifted too. We were still in orbit above the planet, only a few thousand miles from the planet's surface. I turned the auto pilot off and engaged the controls, bringing the ship out of its hibernation, and began to bring the ship down lower. It was about five minutes later that we had landed on Skriziana, near the city. I flipped a switch to put the ship in a hover state and then proceeded to wake up Skyth, but he was already awake and approaching the co-pilot seat. "So did you sleep well last night?" I said to him with a smirk. "Better than most nights I've had." he replied back to me. We joked around a little bit more and then proceeded to the soil that was Skriziana... Soon we were in the city, taking in the sites. I realized that the city had hardly changed since the last time I visited it, so many years ago. "I'm going to go looking around, you be careful alright?" I said to him. He nodded back and then headed off in the opposite direction I had. Once I was far enough away from him, I gave a sigh of relief. "Finally, time to myself." I said to myself. A grin grew wide on my face when the idea of going to a strip joint got my attention. I continued on my pace through the town, earlier on agreeing to the strip joint idea. Suddenly, I heard a click next to the building I was near and then, an explosion through me back, across the street, and into the living room of a building. I coughed up dust and then rubbed my head, pulling myself to stand. "Damn, that fucking hurt..." I said. Then I heard a scream and gun shots as two Skrizians ran out of the building with a few data disks in their hands. I growled and then ran after them, not wanting to retrieve and return the stolen disks but to get revenge on the explosion that jolted my body. Then I stopped, for a split second, and thought to myself. There would've been no way a normal Skrizian would've survived that kind of a close up explosion. I shook the idea from my head and then continued my pursuit. I got close enough and then jumped into the air, tackling one of the thieves. I reared back my fist and then slammed it into his face, hearing him scream a bit as I continued my assault on his face. Then, I was pulled off of him by his other two friends, held up against my will as I could not move. He got back up and then removed the blood on his lip and nose. "Siokloa Onlola wiols vlew noio uo olo wioa!" he said. It translated into, "Look at what you did to my face!". I replied to his stupid comment, "Why are you so concerned with your face right now? As soon as I'm free, your not going to have a face!" His friends tightened their grip around my arms and then held me up, the ass who commented about his face winding up his fist. I closed my eyes and braced for the impact, but felt only a light pressure as I heard a scream pierce my ears again. I looked up, the Skrizian on his legs screaming that he had broken his hand. The other two looked at me and then dropped me, running away and leaving me with their helpless friend. I stood back up and thought to myself. All of the marks added up and they pointed towards the Adrenalin X. I smirked and thanked them under my breath for modifying my body the way they did and then continued to the Skrizian criminal. I ran behind him and grabbed hold of his head, twisting hard and snapping his neck. He let out a small grunt before he went limp and dropped from my grasp. I smirked lightly and then walked off, leaving the local authorities to solve the recent crime... I continued walking down the street, seeing somewhat familiar faces of retired warriors and officer personnel. Then, something unexpected happened. I brushed on by a warrior, one with a very distinct face... I could've sworn it was Raif. As we crossed paths, he stopped and gave my face a good look over, then he shouted "Skie! Is that you?" I stopped and looked back, giving a faint nod. "The Skie that killed Skuz... Yeah. Skie Strife, Ex-General of the Legion of Skuz, registration number 402. But I doubt that I'm the one your looking for." I replied to him. He gasped lightly and then gripped my arm tightly and pulled me to an alley way and shot me a look. "Where in the hell have you been!? Well never mind that question. Skie, do you remember when our whole regiment was devastated in the Planet Corrona assault? We were indeed killed, but somehow we came back. All of us, including your sister in arms Tiff. When we were finally rescued by a drifting space freighter, we came back to Skriziana to hear that you gave your life to liberate this planet from Skuz's grip. Dude... you're a hero to us all." he said handing me a piece of paper with an address on it and a date and time. "What's this?" I asked him. "Be there at that time. All of us recruits are to rendezvous at this location for debriefing." he told me. I became furious. "Why should I go and rejoin Skuz's legion!?" I questioned him. He growled and gave me a punch to the face. "Sorry Skie but that was for your own good. We are not part of Skuz's Legion anymore. That branch of this sector was eliminated when Skuz was. We are now part of the E.C.S.D. (Elite Corps. of Skriziana's Defenses) and we serve to protect this land. Trust me, we get so much respect around here that the city throws a banquet in our honor every month. The Head Chief would greatly appreciate to see your face and shake your hand. Please Skie, just show up and you'll be glad you did." he said as he put his arm in a cross slant from his body. I smirked and nodded, proceeding to cross my arm in the opposite manner and push it hard against his arm, creating an "X" in a way. "Alright, I'll be there. Just don't tell Tiff, I want to surprise her." I said. He nodded and left, disappearing into a the large mass of the crowd that had formed around the entrance of the alley way. I was now there alone, each person staring in awe at their "Liberator". I was afraid that they would tear me limb from limb as they tried to get a piece of me for themselves so I unfolded my wings and took flight. Luckily I wasn't pursued as I scanned overhead to land in the center of the city. I landed and then looked at the large statue, expecting to see Skuz but then remained stunned. They replaced the statue with my sculpture as the words engraved at the bottom read... "A reminder to all who see this great Skrizian's face, our Liberator and Savior. He is to be remembered for all eternity..." Once again I was stunned, stepping back as I looked at the statue. They certainly did get my exact details down, down to the last scale. I smirked lightly and then walked on, barely going ten feet before I bumped into my brother again. "Skie, there you are. I've been looking all over for you." he said. I shook my head and pointed to my statue, "Look bro, this place sure has changed..." I replied. He nodded, "Indeed it has. You know, when I heard that my half brother was actually the Skrizian that liberated us, I didn't believe it at first, but a family tree review confirmed it. So I spent the next four to five years looking for you. Then the rest you should know." he said to me. I nodded, "But why all of this honor? So I killed Skuz, big deal... It was just one person." "Well Skie, it was the Supreme One that wanted all of this done. We both know that he hated Skuz, even though he was forced to work with him and supply him with troops. When he heard that Skuz was killed, he wanted to know the people that killed him and was immediately surprised when he heard that a lone Skrizian had killed him..." he said before I put a claw up to his mouth. "Alright, enough of that. If fate has seen it through that I shall be remembered then let me be remembered, I just don't want to be ripped limb from limb when people start to recognize me..." I said to him before walking in another direction. He, of course, followed behind. "So tell me, just why was it that you were looking for me in the beginning?" I asked him. "Well, you're our liberator. I wanted you back so that... well I wanted to be famous too. But it was an empty desire once I really met you..." he replied to me. "I see. Well brother, remain safe for the remainder of the time we are here. I have a meeting to attend to." I said to him as I started walking off. "Will do." I heard him reply... I walked onwards, knowing that I would need a change of clothes. So I stopped by the clothing shop that wasn't too far away. I opened the door and proceeded inside, only to be stared upon by all of the people in there. I ignored them and proceeded to the payment desk, looking the male straight in the eye... "I need something to wear to the E.C.S.D. but isn't something too special. Just something casual." He nodded and then made a hand motion, signaling over one of the female helpers to help me find some decent clothing. "Please follow me." she said as she grabbed hold of my arm and guided me to some clothing. She told me to stay where I was until she came back with some clothing. I nodded and waited for about four minutes before she came back. She was holding about three shirts, four pairs of pants, some boots, and some other accessories. "Here, take these and try them on in the dressing room and let me see you when you have a pair of each on. I'll tell you if you look fit enough for an E.C.S.D. meeting or not." she replied to me and gave me the clothing and accessories. I entered the dressing room and disrobed, putting on the first set of clothes and stepping outside afterwards. She took a look at me and then shook her head. "No no, that won't do. Try the next set of clothes" she continued to say. I tried on all of the clothes until I put on a tight, yet loose, black T-Shirt and some black pants followed by a set of boots. I walked out and she eyed up my body, starting to drool slightly. "That is perfect..." she replied to me. I chuckled lightly and crossed my arms and said, "So, where are the earrings then?" She pointed to a display not to far away and pulled me to it. I looked at them and then grabbed two golden loop earrings, proceeding to put them into the two pierce holes in my left ear. They fit perfectly. After testing the earrings, I proceeded to the counter where my eye then caught a vest on the wall with a sword holster in it. It looked just like my old vest so I grabbed it and put it on, finding it a perfect fit as well. I chuckled and paid for everything. After paying for my new clothes and accessories, I stepped out and looked at the piece of paper in my hand. The E.C.S.D. meeting wasn't too far away from where I was at so I quickly made my way to the location. Eventually I reached the gates of the meeting place, but it was being guarded by two Skrizians. From the look of the insignias on their attire, They were nothing but low ranked soldiers. I sighed and approached the two, looking at one straight in the eye. "May I please gain entry to the meeting?" I asked him. "You look familiar in a way, but regardless, you cannot gain entry to the meeting. I am sorry but civilians are not allowed in past this point." he replied to me. I snorted and grabbed ahold of his uniform, raising him five feet off of the ground. "Listen here you little maggot," I shouted at him, "Perhaps your not too good at recognizing faces. Take a good look, I am Skie Strife!" He glared at me and then took a good glance of myself, a grin appearing over his face. "Heh, well if your really 'the' Skie Strife, the perhaps you would have your dog tags from when you were part of the Legion of Skuz." he continued to say. I released him of my grip and dug around my pocket, thinking I forgot the dog tags in my other pants, but smirked when I felt them drop into my claws. "Joining that may have been the greatest mistake of my life, but at least these worthless dog tags came in handy for once." I said, bringing the dog tags to glimmer in front of his face. He squinted a bit and looked at them, his eyes getting wider as he looked at me. "You... you are 'him'." He said to me. I chuckled lightly and then nodded, proceeding to ask him again. "Now, may I please gain access to the meeting?" I finished up. He nodded, "Yes, you may sir." he said, slowly stepping towards the gates as he opened them. I proceeded to the door, looking at him one last time and then continuing inwards. After getting past the gates, I was in the Conference Hall. As I walked, I saw many soldiers, some with very familiar faces. It was then that I bumped into Raif. "There you are Skie," he said, "You were almost late." I looked at him in a confused a confused state. "Late? I thought I was early." I said to him. He laughed and then gripped ahold of my arm. "C'mon, there isn't much time left before the meeting starts." he said, dragging me along. Soon enough, we reached the Conference Room and the once talkative crowd quieted down and looked directly at me. After starring at me for a little less of twenty seconds, the crowd resumed talking, slightly overhearing my name spoken on several occasions. Only five minutes after resuming talking, the crowd was quickly silenced afterwards by the Commander-In-Chief. I heard Raif whisper to me lightly, still remaining face forward, "That's the Commander-In-Chief, Lagato." I looked at Raif, "yeah, but do you know where Tiff is seated?" I continued to stare onwards as I spoke. Raif chuckled and pointed in a direction, "There she is, sitting in a major officer's chair on stage." I followed Raif's claw, making direct eye contact with the love of my life, Tiff. I blinked and then stared again, starting to here Lagato beginning to speak. "Welcome everyone, I..." Lagato said before he was interrupted by another Skrizian, the lone male whispering in his ear. "Hmm," Lagato resumed to speak, "It has been brought to my attention that a very important person is located within our ranks today. Skie, would you please step up here." My eyes widened, "Well I'll be damned." I proceeded to say. I started to wade through the still suspicious crowd, approaching the stand where Lagato and Tiff were located. I tried not to stare at Tiff as I now was face-to-face with Lagato. "good evening solider. Its hard to believe that such a legendary one has showed up here. It appears that a lot of troops are in disbelief. Perhaps you could prove to them that you are indeed the real Skie Strife. You are aware of the numbering chip that was inserted into the palm of your hand when you enlisted in the Legion of Skuz right?" he said all at once. My eyes winced a little, from hearing Legion of Skuz, but I nodded. "Yes, Its still in my hand as we speak." I said to him. "Then will you allow us to scan the chip and see your number?" he asked. "Sure, go ahead. I've got nothing to hide." I replied, walking to the scanning machine. I put my hand in it an allowed I to scan, the number "153" appearing on one of the overhanging large screens. Lagato read off from the intelligence paper. "Well well, sure enough this man is Skie. 153 was his number in the ranks." Lagato finished. An unexpected upheaval of talking filled the room. I grasped my hand from the machine and stared at it, known it restored my name. I looked at Lagato and nodded, then I turned to where Tiff was seated. She wasn't there anymore, but a letter was placed where she used to be. It had my name on the front so I grabbed it and stashed it in my pocket. I then turned back to Lagato and said, "I must be going now." I rose my arm to him and allowed him to create the finished arm gesture to create the "Skrizian X" salute I previously did with Raif. it's a salute that shows both persons have great respect for one another. "Skie, I have a question that you must answer. Will you join the E.S.C.D.?" he asked me. I thought about it for a second and then shrugged. "I guess it couldn't hurt. So sure." I said to him. He smirked and nodded, "That's good to hear, please have Lieutenant Tiff Leynaker fill you in on our new schedule, and you two can also catch up on lost ground you two have missed together. He said with a chuckle at the end. My eyes got a little wider. "How did you know..." I said before I was cut off. "Everyone has read many biographies about yourself. Your journal documents were also discovered a long time ago too. So one can get a detailed look into your life during those years." he finished. I looked at him and nodded, "Well in any case, I must depart now." I said back to him. He gave a faint smirk. "Then may peace be with you Skie. I wish you good fortune." he finished. I made my way to the door and proceeded to head outside, breathing the fresh air, as I started to open the letter. It had a small note from her at the top and it also had a "time and place' note underneath it. I closed the note and then put it back into my pocket. I looked around and then thought o myself. The note Tiff gave me said to meet her at her house. I folded the note and looked into the night sky, watching the stars as they shined their light. I gave a sigh and then proceeded back into the heart of town, walking the now vacant streets. After fifteen minutes of walking, I eventually reached a large house on the outskirts of town. I gave a quick glance at the note again, thinking that there was a mistake in the address, but there wasn't. I shrugged to myself and then walked past the gates, eventually reaching the door. I knocked and waited, eventually hearing foot steps and the sound of an unlocking door. I gave a glance at the figure in the door, my eyes widening as Tiff stood before me, wearing nothing but a silk dress that only made her breasts and genital slit stand out more. I almost started to drool, still standing there and staring at her until she gripped my wrist and pulled me inside the house. She gave off a little giggle, "Well I see you missed me dearly." she finished. I slowly shook my head, snapping back to reality as I stared into her eyes. "It was almost like losing a piece of myself when I was separated from you so long ago." I said to her, stepping forward to caress her cheek as I kissed her. She murred into the kiss, our tongues entwining as we continued with the deep kiss. She broke away from me afterwards, lightly rubbing my shoulders. "I know, I missed you too. Perhaps you can express how much you missed me by allowing me to have a ride on that rock hard cock of yours." she said, giggling again as she pointed to my pants. I looked at her and then stared down, seeing that my cock was already stiff and pressing hard against my pants. I laughed and then nodded, "I was hoping you would say that." I replied back to her with a grin. She laughed a little and then gave my cheek a kiss, whispering into my ear, "Then follow me to my bedroom and we'll see just how experienced you still are." she said, beginning to walk away from me and into a hall. A large grin was now on my face as I followed behind her, readjusting my pants half way through the walk so that I was more comfortable. Eventually she stopped in front of a door and opened it, stepping inside and leaving it open for me. I stepped in, lightly shutting the door behind me as I watched Tiff again, seeing her take her silk evening dress off. She gave me a grin and then crawled up onto the bed, lying there and rubbing a spot for me. I immediately began to strip, leaving my clothes in a heaping mess near the wall as I jumped up onto the bed and laid next to Tiff. She gave a glance over my body and then brought her hand to feel my chest, her other hand lowering down to my crotch as she slowly stroked it. I couldn't help but moan, feeling her paw against my meat once again in a very long time. She grinned at me and then licked her lips, moving downwards as she positioned me to lay on my back. I propped myself up on a pillow and then watched her, knowing almost out of instinct what she was going to do. I felt her long and slick tongue lick up the shaft of my cock, shuddering a little bit as she gave the head a couple of strong licks. She glanced up at my face, giving a little wink as she then took my whole shaft into her mouth, suckling down all the way to the base as she worked it with her tongue. I was immediately over taken by this and it caused me to arch my back, immediately falling back to the mattress as she suckled greedily on my cock. Her tongue wrapped around my cock and created a tight tension as she continued to suck, lightly trailing her extended claws down my chest. After sucking on it for a few more minutes, she let her tongue unravel just to the point to where she could get her fist around my cock. She then continued her pleasurable ways, contracting her tongue around my cock as she also stroked with her hands. I continued to lean against the mattress, my back arching as she was just about to bring me over the edge. I was just seconds from release before she stopped all of her actions. She left me panting up on the bed before she looked at me and smiled. "Like I'm going to let you get off that easy." she smirked, jumping onto my chest. I laughed and looked at her, "I should've known." finishing up with a smirk. It was at that point she got off my chest and stood on all fours next to me, shaking her rump in the air. "C'mon big boy, show me that you haven't lost any experience." she said to me. I looked up at her and almost drooled, kneeling over to where she was as I pulled her ass closer to me. She gave one last look to me and then turned around, lying on her arms as she allowed me to take over. I grabbed my semi-hard cock and rubbed it until it was stiff again, proceeding to rub it up against her folds as I heard her talking. "C'mon Skie, don't tease me, fuck me hard!" she said. I laughed and knelt down to nibble at her neck lightly, giving a firm push as I penetrated her sex, making her gasp out in delight as I continued to slip in inch after inch of my cock. I gave another hard thrust as I pushed the rest of my length into her, readjusting my legs as I got into a more comfortable position. I nibbled at her neck one last time until I pulled away, starting to withdraw my cock as I exposed ten inches of it. She shuddered a little bit, about to say something when I thrusted back into her, making her gasp again and taking the words from her mouth... Raif stood outside of Tiff's house, knowing I was there as he looked at his watch and tapped his foot. He was wanting to discuss with me an important issue of which weapons I wanted in my barracks. Eventually he got fed up and decided to let himself in lightly closing the door behind him as he didn't want to make any noise. Just as he closed the door, he heard two loud moans coming from the bedroom. Thinking Tiff was in trouble, he rushed to the bedroom door, which was slightly cracked open. He peered in, making sure to keep out of sight, and his jaw immediately dropped as he saw Tiff and I screwing on her bed. He started to undo the belt buckle on his pants, slipping his hand into his pants as he gripped ahold of his length and started to masturbate. I continued to thrust into Tiff, creating a fast and rhythmic pace as I pumped into her. She would time her thrusts with mine and she would also continually clench her passage down on my cock, heightening the pleasure as my tongue draped from my mouth slightly... Suddenly Raif fell through the door and landed flat on his face, his hand inside his unbuckled pants. Tiff immediately jumped up and her head hit my chin, causing me to bite my tongue. My hands immediately held my mouth as I saw her hand start to rub her head. She looked at me and clenched down hard on my cock, saying, "Hey watch it, that hurt you know!" I managed to talk through my pain, "You think you got hurt!?" as I showed her the bite marks in my tongue. At this point, Raif was struggling to stand, falling head over heels on ever attempt. Eventually he managed to stand but he didn't move anywhere, knowing that he would fall over if he did. He just stared at us, an innocent look on his face as he said, "Uh oops, heh sorry for eavesdropping on you two." I laughed, Raif I know you've done this before. Like when were among the ranks of the Legion of Skuz. I heard the door's creak open lightly and I knew you were watching. I never really minded, and if Tiff doesn't mind, I'm sure you can join us." I said, directing Tiff's face to Raif's cock as it draped from his pants. Her eyes got a little big at first and she nodded, "Oh yes, I wouldn't mind sucking on that one there." she said to him with a wink, proceeding to look back up at me. I chuckled and made room for Raif, allowing him to lay on the bed as I moved Tiff over to him. She crawled up onto him and gripped ahold of her cock, soon after propping it into her mouth as I resumed my thrusting into her. I overheard Raif moan loudly, knowing that he must have been waiting for this event to occur in his life for a very long time. I smirked and starting thrusting even harder into Tiff, hissing in delight as she rewarded each thrust with an occasional clench of her passage. I continued with my pace and looked over at Raif, seeing his eyes clenched shut and his hands on Tiff's head, pushing her down on his cock as she continued to suck, moaning loudly from my thrusts but muffled by Raif's length in her mouth... Raif bucked into Tiff's mouth, his world filled with the pleasure he had dreamed of for years. He pushed down onto her head harder, having her take his whole cock into her mouth again, groaning loudly as she sucked more and used her tongue to massage his cock. After three more minutes of her expert mouth, Raif's virginic body couldn't take it anymore and he cummed, releasing burst after burst of his seed into Tiff's hungry mouth... At that same time, Tiff was unable to contain her orgasm from Skie's thrusting. She screamed out loud, being muffled by Raif's cock as he spilled forth his seed into her mouth, forcing her to swallow his warm gift as she went into a second orgasm a few seconds after her first. She screamed out again, withdrawing her mouth from Raif's cock as she let forth her half gurgled moan... At this point I couldn't contain myself, Tiff's clenching passage forcing me over the edge. I roared loudly and thrusted as hard as I could all the way into Tiff. I felt myself shudder as I collapsed onto her back, spilling forth my seed that had been locked up inside of me for so long. After our threesome, I attempted to pull myself from Tiff's vagina, feeling her clench down as if she didn't want me too. She looked up to me and said with a childish smirk, "Mine!" I chuckled and pushed back into her, kneeling down to nibble at her neck again. I whispered into her ear, "Alright then, its yours." She chuckled at me and laid on her side, forcing me to lay like that next to her as well. I didn't mind and I curled up next to her, my cock still embedded within her. Afterwards, I heard Raif jump off the bed and suit back up in his clothes. "Skie, I was here to tell you something but I'll tell you in the morning. If its alright, I'll sleep on the sofa in the den and allow you two to sleep comfortably by yourselves." he said to us. We both nodded in return and I covered us up with one of the blankets. I heard Raif shut the door on his way out; afterwards I slipped off to sleep... * * * So? What'd you think? I hope you enjoyed it because I've been working on it for a very long time. I know this yiffscene was short and all, like most of my previous ones have been, but I'll make it longer eventually. Don't worry, when I find the time to do part 4, it will have much more yiff in it. The main reason why I couldn't find the time to finish this up is that I'm going on a trip and I won't be able to access this computer for a very long time, although I'll have my laptop with me. Want to chat with the author? Chat with me on some of the popular based Instant messaging programs... Ridley19888 for yahoo (I'm on here on occasion) [email protected] for MSN Messenger. (I'm always on this) Ridley1988 for AIM (Also on here a lot) ICQ # 231968018 (I'm almost never on this thing) Or catch me at YiffChat! Well I must be going. Until next time...