Crash and crunch

Story by The kicked puppy on SoFurry

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Crash sat up suddenly unaware that he had been knocked out. He found himself in his room lying on his bed. Crunch had probably hit him when he wasn't looking. Crunch always had that ill humor about him and it didn't surprise crash when he saw that crunch had left him a present. He always felt sorry afterwards. Crash opened the neatly wrapped gift to find a shirt. Crash rolled his eyes and threw it on the floor; crunch still persisted to annoy him because crunch knew crash never wore a shirt. It was weird that where ever crash went he never wore a shirt but it was just the way he was. Crunch didn't even wear a shirt. Crash was lean and skinny, but fit at the same time. He had a blue jeans and red shoes. He had lighter fur that went from his nose down over his chest and to his sheath. He considered himself hot and occasionally boasted around. Crunch on the other hand was ruthless and cared little about his well being or life. He wondered why crunch had even chosen to live with them.

"Hey crash" crunch said poking his head in the doorway of crash's room. "Can you come here a sec" he disappeared and crash jumped out of bed and out the door. Crunch stood at the forest edge and motioned him over. When crash got over to him crunch picked him up and carried him over to the river. Crunch being 3 times the size of crash pulled this off easily. He was a huge mass of muscle and didn't waste anytime reminding crash.

"So what'd you want" crash said impatiently.

"Umm can you.....................uhhhhhhhhh" crunch sputtered, he hesitated then said "Crash I want you to............" he looked at his feet then back at crash pleadingly "Ask coco out for me" Coco was crash's sister, she pretty much had the same attributes but had blonde hair strung up in a ponytail. She was smart and funny and crash could see why he liked her. But, coco didn't like people like crunch and in fact she had been trying to fuck crash. (O.o)

"Stand up like a man crunch" crash said, "Ask her out and get it over with" crash wouldn't usually care about such an affair but secretly he liked the jerk known as crunch. He seemed disappointed but smiled,

"Crash, I'll do that" he said more confidently. He turned and strolled off leaving crash to himself. His mind wandered and he sat down looking into the river. The fish darted this way and that oblivious to his presence. His mind was filled with serenity and he looked up at the clouds which drifted by slowly. Crash got up and ran back to the house. He needed to see this. When he got there coco had just said no, but crunch looked happy. Confused, he went to his room and closed the door. Walking to the window he looked at the clouds again, he wished he could have someone.

"I in trust my dreams to the breeze" crash whispered.

"Crash" crunch said opening his door, "She said no." His face reddened through his fur, "Will you go out with me" he said quickly. Crash looked at him,

"So I'm just the rebound huh. I didn't even know you were gay"

"Oh, about the coco thing; I asked her if you were straight" he said looking at the ground. Crash's face went blank,

"So why did you ask me to ask her out" he said confused

"She was going to ask you out for me" he said shyly.

"Clever" crash said. "And yes ill go out with you" Crunch looked up from the floor happily and hugged crash. Once again crash was reminded of how strong he was. When he stopped hugging him crunch rubbed crash's cheek.

"You're so cute" he said staring into crash's eyes. Having a crush on crunch, crash blushed through his fur and looked down. "What's wrong" crunch asked.

"I liked you too, but why were you so mean to me"

"Well I didn't think you were gay, so I had to make sure you didn't know I liked you" he said guiltily. Crash looked at crunch in the eyes now and smiled,

"Well, know that we're going out, whatcha gonna do" he said. Crunch picked crash up and carried him to the bed where he laid him down where he proceeded to pulling off crash's pants and boxers. Then he did the same to himself. He laid himself over crash and kissed him, they began to make out. Crunch toke full advantage of crash, his tongue invaded his mouth; crash could only lay there letting him. Soon there cocks touched, pulsating on each other and letting pre slid down the hard rods. Crunch released the kiss and positioned himself at crash's hole. Pushing in slowly first then sliding the rest in faster.

"MMMMmmm" crunch hummed pulling out and pushing in slowly. Crash gripped the cover taking in crunch's full length. Crunch pushed in once more then stopped, but not pulling out. He grabbed crash's needy cock and stroked it making crash moan for more. While pushing his hand up and down crash's length he began his slow grinding again sending waves of pleasure through both of them. Crash was taking this well for being a virgin in all.

"Crunch" crash moaned, "faaaaastEEeerrr". Crunch obeyed pulling out quicker and pushing in with force opening crash up more. Each thrust was more violent than the last and there was a distinct squish from crunch's pre that had lubed crash's hole. His hand worked crash's meat which was now soaked in pre. Crash was nearing orgasm so crunch let go and began pushing harder shoving his meat into crash's ass. To crunch's surprise, crash came spewing cum all over crunch's chest and face. The steamy fluid leaked off his fur landing in drips on crash's chest. Crash had let out a loud moan that coco could most likely hear. Crunch's body rocked onto crash's releasing the hot fluid into him, crunch had been unaware that his cum had filled crash and now as he still pumped in and out it squirted onto his legs and on the floor. He sank off crash and on the floor in the pool of cum exhausted.

"Wow" crash said laying on his bed nude. Crunch breathed out then sat up smiling,

"That was awesome" he said, "Cant wait to do it again"

"Looks like yall had fun" crunch looked toward the doorway which they didn't bother closing earlier. Coco had a video camera and some popcorn. She smirked evilly, "Wait till cortex sees this" she picked up the camera and skipped off. Crash who had now sat up looked at crunch, they were both naked and covered in cum.

"Your sister is evil" crunch said.

"Yeaaaah" crash said back, then they both laughed and laid back down

It had been a month since crash and crunch had begun going out. Already crunch had seemed to have grown tired of crash.

"UUUUUUUU" crash moaned as crunch pumped into him inattentively. Lately, crash thought, my ass becomes a toy whose sole purpose is to squeeze the juice out of him.

They had many different sex positions and like this time, it wasn't going to be over easily. Crunch shoved in over and over in a blinding fury, but with no passion. Unlike crash who rocked against the crunch's rod moaning in pleasure. Finally after 30 more minutes crunch came emotionlessly, crash exhausted lying over his chest.

Crunch pushed him off and left the room quietly, leaving him in a pool of cum. Crash handy lost all love for crunch, he really did love him, but he had to teach crunch a lessen

"Aka aka, what do I do about Crunch," crash asked. Aka aka didn't seem to car and looked at crash uncaring.

"Crash, you must handle him yourself.........go get tiny and your cousin ripper roo"

"Ripper roo isn't my cousin" crash protested.

"You were all created by cortex" aka aka said. Crash frowned and left. Ripper roo and tiny tiger lived on the other side of the forest, so crash had a long way to go. He walked out the door and past the river; he went on into the forest and through some rough thicket. When he thought he finally got there he found himself standing on the edge of a lake, a small house sat quietly on the other side. He ran around it and looked in the window, there sat tiny tiger and ripper roo talking casually. Crash knocked on the door and waited, tiny opened it.

"Well look what we have here" he said, "Crash bandicoot standing on my porch". Crash fidgeted and looked down. Ripper roo came over hopping, he laughed and licked crash.

"Long time no see cousin" he said crazily. Crash smiled weakly, usually he would stand up to such weak enemies that he had defeated many times but now he was having a hard time.

"Ripper roo, tiny............will you guys rape me." Crash sputtered. There eyes widened then they said,

"What for". Crash looked at them, tiny had a look of compassion instead of evil. Also ripper roo looked sane. Crash hesitated then said,

"What?" Ripper and tiny laughed then ripper said,

"It was all a show cousin" he laughed a little more, then took off the restraint jacket easily. "I'm not really crazy". His eyes didn't have the utterly crazy look to them, they looked kind of like crash's.

"So when is it supposed to go down" tiny asked, "I mean where do we have to be". Crash explained that he was going to reuse to have sex with crunch then storm into the forest. Soon as he got there they would rape him and crunch would love him more out of pity and jealousy.

"Brilliant" ripper said and crash left.

The plan happened almost flawlessly, crunch wanted to fuck but crash refused and stormed out. When he saw crunch not following he continued into the forest till he got to the river, crunch would soon be out to force it on him.

"Ripper roo, tiny.......where are you" crash whispered. They jumped out knocking him in the river, he found himself between two loin clothed men. He looked at them confused, "We only have to make it look like I was raped guys"

"I'm not missing an opportunity" tiny said. Ripper nodded. They pounced on him and ripped off his pants, tiny rubbed his cock while holding him still from behind. Ripper yanked his loin cloth off and already unsheathed was a long black cock. He shoved it in crash's mouth causing crash to gag. While he did this tiny had removed his lion cloth and pushed his barbed cock into crash's ass, this made crash scream in pain and pleasure.

"What was that" crunch said looking up. He got up and darted out the door.

"Ooooo, you have nice hole crash" tiny said moaning. Crash was pinned between two cocks, there was no escape so he bobbed his head up and down ripper's member. Ripper snickered and pushed in, thrusting on crash's face.

"You like that"

"Oh that's hot," tiny said while grinding on crash's backside. The barbs pocked and prodded up and down in his hole, but crash could only whimper softly as ripper's dick pushed down his throat. The water splashed around Tiny's feet, he held crash up, pushing in another inch or two.

"AAaaaaahh" crash moaned out in pleasure. Rippers dick shut his moth quick though. His dick was hard and needed release, tiny was still pumping it a little but it was screaming for more.

Crunch pushed through the brush faster as he heard another sound from crash. He burst into the clearing around the river to see tiny shoving his rod into crash and crash bobbing his head on ripper who was close to orgasm. Crunch couldn't move, he was frozen, his crash was being raped. Ripper squealed releasing waves of cum down crash's throat, he swallowed each wave but they seemed to keep coming. Crash could feel his stomach filling, crunch never came this much.

"Oh yeah" tiny yelled as he came in crash's ass. It filled crash to the brim, for a second he could swear he felt the two liquids fusing in him filling him with more pleasure he had ever felt before. He shot his load all over ripper, the cum covered him, it continued firing load after load as tiny pulled out exhausted. Ripper was bathing in Crash's cum now, finally it wore down to a drizzle, crash had literally emptied his balls. Crunch suddenly was unfrozen, he ran up and punched tiny who had just laid crash in the river. Ripper was laughing now; still bathing in the cum. Crunch looked at him and rolled his eyes. He turned back to tiny who had run then to crash's limp body.

"Oh crash" he said, "Why'd this happen." He carried crash home and laid him on the bed. He brushed some hair of crash's face then kissed his cheek. He began crying, "I'm so sorry crash, I'm sorry."

Crash opened his eyes and looked at crunch, he worked perfectly, he closed his eyes still smiling and went to sleep.

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