Love will always find a way

Story by Shingomera on SoFurry

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#1 of The Story of Zack´s kingdom

Discalmer: All Chars in this Story are free thoughts of mine so please don´t harm me when a Name is found in another Story or even they use attacks that they normaly not can.

Attention : If you are under 18 Years old you should stop reading here and close your Browser or go to another Side please.

Love will always find a way

It was early in the Morning somewhere in Hoehn. Zack an 18 Years old Zangoose Male, or at last his Body was looking 18 because he died 100 Years ago of an Accident, was travelling around looking for Lost Souls who needed a Guardian to travel to Heaven or Hell. The Day went on and he had a lot to do, but that was normal for him. When it was midday he decided that it was time for a special break. He wanted to look after a Female Zangoose named Tessa.She was 18 Years old, just like him in his world, and had a little Problem. She was not resistent to Poisen. So that´s why she was banned from her Village and now there was another problem for her. Shes going into her first Heat and yet she had not found a Male that would help her throu it.

Zack had found her a Few Days ago while he was traveling around on his search. Since that Day he looked everyday after her if she was alright. Not to mention that he was fall in Love for her. He wanted to be with her but the fact was he where already dead and she could not see him and reflect his feelings for Her. So He decided that he just stay by her Side from Time to Time.

Finding her was easy. As always she was by a little Lake, laying on a Rock to Sun herself. She just wanted to relax a little but her Heat made it a bit Hard for her. When Zack arrived at the Lake He saw her laying there.

Oh how beautiful she is._He thought to himself. _I wish that i can only spend one Day with her. Even if we just sit and Talk.

They both drifted of in thoughts but then suddenly they both heard a crack in the Bushes.

"Who´s there?" Tessa called. " Come out and show yourself."

Seconds passed. Then they saw a Pokemon that they both did not want to see. A Seviper.

" Well , well. What we got here. A Zangoose Female in Deep heat. " said the Seviper.

" Get away you little snake and get someone other on his Nervs." Tessa Replied.

" Why should I. You know that we both are Death Enemies. And besides, you ARE in Heat and I´m in the Mode to have a little Fun with you." The Seviper said in a Demonic Voice.

" Only over my Lifeless Body snakeass!" Tessa yelled.

"As you wish." The Seviper said and starts a Surprise attack with his Poisenrod.

Normaly Tessa was quick enough to dogde the attack but her Heat made it hard to even move so that´s why the Rod hit her right arm and left a deep cut in it.

"ARGH. One you get but that is all." She now screamed at him.

The Seviper just licks his Rod and then said " We´ll see."

The Fight went on and at first look Tessa take the upper Hand but then Zack recordnice that she was getting slower with each attack.

"Dammit. She must be Poisoned from that cut. When she not end this fight quickly she will .... DIE!" By the thought of that he starts to cry a littlebit. " No. I will never let this happen but what could I do from here for her. DAMMIT. Why I´m supposed to be Dead right now."

" AAAAHHHHH..." Suddenly he heard her scream and looked throu her but what he saw makes him feel even more angry and helpless. The Seviper had managed to take his Body compliedly around hers and was now holding her very tight.

" Let go of me you little snake !" She yelled.

"No. Just as I said. I WILL have some Fun with you and now I WILL get it." He said.

The Seviper moved his end up to her face and what she saw made her cry. His Member was already out and Full erectet.

"Well let´s see if we can find a hole to slid him in." The Seviper said with an Evil smile on his Face.

Tessa Tried to get free but instead the Seviper holding her more thight and places his fangs on her face.

" If you don´t stop moving I´ll bite." he said.

Tessa could nothing do but to look on the Sevipers Member slowly getting down to her pussie and placing it right in front of it.

" Now just relax. It will be all over soon. HEHEHEHE." The Seviper said laughing.

That was enough for Zack. He shouded out as loud as he could. " NO. LET GO OF HER YOU LITTLE JACKASS!!!"

The Seviper we´re suddenly shocked. "Who´s there?" He looked around but he can´t see anybody but for Tessas luck she manged to get her head and her left Paw free so that she dick her claws into the Skull of the Seviper.

Zack however was now very happy that she killed that asshole. He could see that the Life of the Seviper get away because his Body slowly went from Purple to dark Grey. A Sign for him that the Person was dead or already be.

" Now you get what you deserve Snakehead. " Zack said but then suddenly he looked over Tessa and saw that she was to getting dark Grey too. " No please, don´t Die." He said but it was to Late.

He saw they´re both Souls coming out of they´re Bodies and materialise right infront of him.

NO._Zack thought to himself. _Why HER!

" I´m sorry. Who are you and where am I?" Tessa asked Zack.

" Well my Name is Zack and you are both.... DEAD!"

"What?" they both said. " Say that again."

" You both are Dead. Sorry." Zack said in a Higher Voice.

" Bring me back to life!" The Seviper said.

" No. I can´t even if I will. " Zack replied.


" I CAN´T." Zack Yelled back.

" YOU LITTLE..MMPPFF.." The Seviper could not speak anymore because Zack used one of his Guardian Powers . SILENCE.

Zack turned his Head back to Tessa. " That they all may thing that they can command me." He said.

Tessa just smiled.

I´m wandering what he do here. Besides he looked so Strong and well very Powerful to me. She thought to herself.

"Well now come with me please. " He said.

" We´re are we going?" she asked.

" To the place we´re our Gods will judge over you." He said.

" Is it far from here?" she asked again.

"No. just a few Step´s away" he replied.

And so they go. They went to a Big Grass area we´re nothing was to see expect the Grass. Then with a Big Flash Three Pokemon appeared in front of them.

" Let me introduce you to them. To the left you see Hades the God of Hell. ( A Glorious Gengar). To your right you see Ho-Oh the God of Heaven. And in the Middle there is Arceus the God of Life and Death." Zack said.

" Well let´s see what you bring this time with you Zack." Arceus said. " HMM... a Seviper and a Zangoose, very interesting. "

"They must be killing themselves´s in a Fight." Hades said.

" Yeah. It looks so." Ho-oh added.

" Well then. " Arceus said. " Let just see what we judge the two right away."

A BIG and Tall Book appeared in Front of the Gods.

"What is that Book for?" Tessa whispered in Zack´s Ear.

" In this Book is all written what you have done in your lifetime. Good things and Bad things." He wisperd back.

" So let us begin with the Seviper. " Arceus said. " You we´re a really, really bad Boy. You killed several Pokemon Babies and Kits just to eat them or just for the Fun. Next Point. You Raped Many Girls,

"35 as I can count Right." Hades added

"not to mention that most of them we´re killed by your hand afterwards or Die by giving birth."Arceus went on. " So what is your point of defending,Seviper?"

" Why should I defend myself? " The Seviper said. " That is just the Way of Life."

" No it is NOT. " All three Gods say at ones.

" So will not defend yourself " Arceus said with a High Tone. " Now hear your judgement. As you have raped 35 Girls in your Life you will be sent to Hell we´re you will be Raped 35 Years in a row without no stop."

"NO PLEASE NO. " The Seviper pleaded.

" To Late." Zack said. " Just look to the ground."

A Dark open show´s up and many Dark Hands starts to grap the Seviper.

" LET ME GO." He pleaded again but with no efforts.

Half way in , the Seviper managed to say some last Words. " You will pay for that you little BITCH.AAAHHHH."Then he disappeared.

" Even with his last words he was still a Snakeass." Tessa said.

" I could not say it better." Zack said and they both laught.

" So, now to you young Zangoose." Arceus said.

The Gods wanted to read the Book but all they do was just looking Confused.

" Zack come here please." Ho-oh said.

Zack did what he was told but he also was wandering because no one was allowed to get near the Gods.

"Zack." Ho-Oh went on. " Tell me. Do you like that Girl?"

" Yes. " He replied.

" How much? " Ho-Oh asked with Telepathic.

" If I have had the choice I would be lovely to be in her State of Death." Zack answered in Thoughts.

" That´s enough." Arceus said. " Zack please go back to her."

" Tessa. Are you ready for your judgement?" Arceus asks.

" Yes I am. " She answered.

Zack. Who heard that was now more worrying about her.

" As Treatment to you we´ll sent you back to Life for one Day to end your life right." Hades said.

WHAT? Zack was thinking.

" And you Zack will follow her to be a Helping Hand. " Ho-Oh said.

WHAT??????????? Zack was now completely Confused.

" Is there Something wrong with it Zack ? " Ho-Oh ask.

" N..NO...! " Zack said.

" Good. Now Take this with you." Arceus said and handelt over Woodsemen.

" Go back to the place where she Died and then Eat it." Ho-Oh said

" We will " They both said.

" Oh ah, just one thing." Ho-Oh added. "Don´t cut it into two. If you do the Semen will lost it´s power and you will be staying here."

" OK." They both said and left.

" They will be a nice couple." Ho-Oh said.

" Yeah and they will be good Parents to." Arceus added with a smile on his Face.

"AH... Stop that. I hate it when things turn out Good." Hades said and disappeared.

" Still the same Badass." The Two other gods say and left.

In the meantime Zack and Tessa we´re going back to the place were she died.All the time she just looked at Zack and with a sudden she ask " Can you do me a fawer, Zack?"

" Sure. " Zack answered. "Just tell me what you want."

" Can I ..mmh... Hold your hand or your arm, please?" She asked.

Zack starts to blush a bit. " Well if you want to."

Said, Done. She holds his arm with both arms and start to cuddling him.

Zack now starts to blush more and more. She felt so soft and warm that he just bit on his lips to not start to moan or something else. When they arrived at the lake she noticed that only her Body was laying there.

" What happened to the Sevipers Body?" she ask.

" Other Pokemon must have taken it away to eat it, maybe." He answered.

"But why they did not take my body?" she asked again.

" It´s because they can´t see it until you we´re judged by the Gods." Ha said.

" I see. Well, how we can managed to get back to life with only one semen that can´t break into two?" she said.

" Actually there is only one way to do it but I ...." He stops blushing really red now.

" What?. Come on tell me. " She pleaded.

" Well. Close your eyes and open your Mouth please. " He said.

She did as she was told. He than open his mouth, put the semen on his Tongue and starts a passionate kiss. First she was shocked by this intruder Tongue in her mouth but then she kissed him back by wrestling with his Tongue instead. They we´re just standing there and kissed not mention that the Semen has start to glow bright white surrounding them with a white Aura around them. When the light was gone they both open they´re eye´s just to see that they we´re back to life somehow.

" We´ll here we are. Back to life." She said happily.

" Yeah but why and how I was send back to life? It can´t go because I died 100 Years ago?" he said loud.

" What ? A 100 Years ? " she said in shock.

" UPS. Did I said it out loud? " he ask in fear.

" Yeah you did." She replied with a smile on her Face.

" Oh man. I should be better take care of what I say. " He said in fear.

"Well for a 118 Years old Zangoose you look wonderful and nice." She said and hogs him a Bit.

" Really?" he asked and starts to blush again.

" Yeah. Definitely." She said and kisses him on his cheek.

" Thanks, but for now we just need to cure your woun...?" he could not finish.

The wound on her arm was completely healed by the Gods.

" OK. That make things easier for us." He starts again.

" So. Do you have a cave around here or a den maybe?" he ask.

" Yep. My cave is just in the Rocks you see down there." She answered.

" Well, why don´t we go there then, lead the way please, mylady." He said with a playfully voice.

" Ok but don´t call me mylady, please. I don´t like that." She answered with a little sad voice.

" As you wish, my Queen." Zack smiles .

" He stop that." Tessa said smiling back.

As soon as they arrived at the Cave entrance they both suddenly heard a loud growl.

" UPS. My Stomach tells me that it is Time for Lunch." Tessa said.

" My too. " Zack replied.

" I got an Idea. Why don´t you go and search for some berries and I will clean the cave a bit?" Tessa ask.

" Sounds like an good idea to me. I will be back soon." Zack said and ran away in the wood.

Tessa walks into the cave and find it a bit dirty. Well she was living here alone and don´t take things nessassary. Specialy the cleaning thing. But now she had a Gest. And a Special one because she felt in Love for him when she first saw him. Only the thought of him make her feel strange inside her Body. So strange that she blushed red when she only thought of him. His Body, his Size and all the other things. She was lost in her thoughts that she didn´t recordnize that someone had entered the cave right behind her.

" So here you are you little Bitch." A voice said from behind her.

She turned around in shock just to see another Seviper.

" You killed my Brother and now you will DIE for it!" The Seviper said and starts to attack her.

Meanwhile Zack was running throu the woods to find some Berries for them to eat. He came to a plane where many Bushes with Berries grow.Great. He thought. Now we can get our stomacks more than full and there Berries that can even cure Poisen how lucky I am Today. He Took a piece of Wood to carry Berries withim. Once it was half full he suddenly felt a sharp pain in his Heart. Tessa! Something must have happened to her. With this thought in his Head he take the Berries and ran as fast as he could back to the cave. Once he arrived he saw something that makes him very angry and full of Rage. Tessa laid on the ground with a another cut in her right arm and there was another Seviper to. His mind began to race back when she Died in the fisrt Fight. He was helpless then but now he was real and with all rage he has he trow the Berries to the side and tackels the Seviper. The Snake hit the wall face first and starts to cry.

"ARG. Who are you ?" he cried.

" My name is Zack and you are not welcome here. NOW leave and never come back!" he said in an angry tone.

The Seviper got up and then said " Never. She killed my brother and now she will Die for this!"

With this said the snake startet a new attack against her. She starts to defend herself but nothing happen. She opend her eyes and saw that Zack had catched the the Seviper in Midair and was now holding this Tail with only one Paw. Then she looked up in Zacks face and was shocked. His eyes were Fire Red glowing and his Voice was demonic that she starts a little bit to fear.

" You will never ever hit her again you worthless scum. "

With this said he rams his other Paw into the lower Body of the Seviper and starts to slam the Snake from Side to side and at last again Face first in the wall again. The Body of the Viper was now covered in his own Blood but the Viper didn´t gave up and tried to stand up again. Zack walked to the Viper and grapped his Head and tossed it up.

" I have given you the chance to leave. Now YOU will Die for injuring MY MATE. " with this said he strikes out and cuts the Seviper Head down from his Body.

After this he looks after her.

" Please let me see your arm please. " he said now more friendly then ever. " That is good. Not deep like last time but there is still the Poisen in you. Hold still,please. I will suck it out. "

He lowered his Head and starts to suck the Poisen out of her wound. She just could sit there and didn´t believe what she heard a few moments ago. He said MY Mate. Did he really Loves me that much ? Oh man I can´t believe it. I´ll have ask him if it was real or not.

" Zack. " She starts. " Do you really love me that much ? " she ask.

" Yes I do. From the first moment I saw you I could not other than to see you Day by Day just to get sure that you are ok. When you had Died at the Lake my Heart felt like it was going to Stop any moment. But now we are here and I didn´t want to lose you again. " He replied in a more than Lovely Voice.

That was enough for her. She takes his Head to hers and starts a Kiss that only the ones that are in love could do. After the Kiss she laid her Head on his shoulder and wispered in his Ear. " I love you two and I will gladly be your Mate. "

" Thanks." He said will a single Tear falls from his Eye.

They sit there for a minute or two just houlding each other close. Then Zack said: " I bring you to your bed over there and then I Bring you the Berries I Collected. OK? "

" Well If you can carry my Weight this far. OK. " she replied smiling.

" No Problem for me and HOPP. See you´re Weight is no Match for me. " He said smiling back.

He laid her down on the Bed and then he went outside to retake the Berries. He also looked for some Healgrasses and luckily he found some direktly in the near of the Cave. Once back in he first made a Bandage aroung her arm and then they both started to eat the Berries.

" Here. " he said. " This Berry can cure the Poisen if some rest is into you. "

" Thanks Honey. " she said and eats it in one blow.

" Well ? " She starts to talk. " Did you have something in Mind what we can do for the rest of the Day, Honey?"

" Me, No. But when you ask so you might have an Idea in your backhands, right Sweetie?" he replied.

" Actually yes but first I need something to ask you?"

" Then ask me "

" Do you want to have ... well.... KIDS? " she ask while her Heat was coming back in her Body.

" Definitely Yes. With you I will have many Kids as you will have but there´s one thing I must tell you."

" What? "

" Well. I´m still a Virgin and to my own regret I don´t know exaxtely how to have SEX. " he said and get´s a Fire red Head.

" Don´t be ashame. I´m a virgin to but I Know exatly what to do because I saw it many times in my village and we have Sex lessons in my school."she said while kissing him on his Neck.

" OK. That is very good. Well then for the rest of the Day see me as your slave, my love. "

With that said she lays him down on his back and get´s over him so that her mouth was right above his Member and her Pussy directely in front of his mouth. He could now smell that her Heat hat risen up again and he could not resist to fill his lungs with it. That was leading to the reaction that his member was coming out a bit. When it slowly comes out she was looking at it and wonders. His member was bright white with little points of red on it. In school they were tould that most Penises where only red but that makes her only more wanting to have him.

" Is there something wrong? " He asks.

" No. No. I was just a little bit wonderung about the Color of your member." She answered.

" Well. If you... MOAN:" He couldn´t end because she starts to lick it witch send a wonderful Feeling throw his Body. She lick him again only to get another Moan from him.

" OH GOD. That feels so good. Please, don´t stop. Moan."

" I will but you could do something to."

" What? I will everything do to you."

" Start licking my Pussy."

He did as he was told.

" MMMOOOAAANN. Now I know what you mean.Moan. That feels so great. " She moaned out when he starts to lick her to.

They liked each other until his member was fully out of his sheet. He was not very large but big in size and she was thinking that she maybe was not abel to take it into her but she didn´t matter because she only wanted to be with him.

" Now get ready for a new feeling my Love." She said.

" I will." He said but for the feeling that was about to come he was not ready. She takes a long lick from the base to the Tip of his member and then takes it slowly into her mouth and starts to slowly suck it.

" Howly SHIT. " He screamed out. " That feeling is awesome. MOOOAAANNNN:"

She fellt that bits of Pre land on her Tongue and she greatly swallowed all out. On the other Side Zack lost a littlebit of Controll and was slowly leaded by his instinct which told him to put his Tongue inside her pussy. As he did she Moaned out loud as he did before.

" MOOAANNNN. That is really good. "

They slowly got faster and faster and faster until Zack screamed out: " Tessa I feel something is.. iss.."

" I know...Moan. Just.. let .. it...happen.. "

"AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH" They both Had they´re first Climax of they´re Lifes Together and where now fully covered in each other Juicces.

" Pant... That was the best feeling i´ve .. Pant... ever had. " Zack say Panting heavily.

" For me.. Pant.. goes the same." She said.

" What should we do ... pant... now?" Zack asked.

" Well..pant... fisrt we will clean each other than... pant... you will see. " She answered.

They both cleaned theselfs then and when they where done they kissed each other again.

" Are you ready for the next step, my Mate?" Tessa asked.

" Yes, my Master." He answered.

" OK. "

Now she laid herself on her back and spread her Legs.

" Now come here my slave." She commended.

He did as he was told and lays himself over her.

" Now just relax and Kiss me again. "

" I will do whatever you wanted me to do:" and with this he kissed her again. They kissed each other until he recordnize that one of her Paws was sliding down his body to his Member, Softly grabs it, and was sloly pushed down into her pussy.

" MMOOOAAAANNN." They both said in rejunion. He slowly pushed himself more and more into her until he felt some resistence. He pulled a liitle back and goes this time a bit harder into her and with a little Blub her Virgini was broken and his Member was now fully into her.

" OOOOHHHH. You are so Tight." He wispered into her Ear.

" And you are so wonderful Big." She wispered back.

Seconds past but for them it was like hours had passed. They just laid there enyoing each other. Then Zack, going onto instinkt again, slowly goes out of her until only the Head of his Member was into her and stayes there. She felt empty and wanted to say something but interrupted because Zack goes into her again at low speed. He did that more and more again everytime with a little more speed until he was fucking her like there where no tommorrow. They we´re both in Heaven now, just enyoing the feeling they gave each other.

" OH God. " Zack panted out. " I can´t hold it back much longer."


When Zack heard that he starts fucking deep and Hard like a Jackhammer and with one hard deep Trust he slams his Penis complitely into her and shoots wave after wave of Seed into her virgina. The Feeling of his Seed let her come too and so they layed there Totally exhausted and lost in they´re feelings.Once Zack feld that there were no seed left in his Body he slowly retreats from here and laid aside holding here close.

" I love you Tessa. " He said to her.

" I love you two Zack " She answered and they both fall asleep.

In they ´re dream they saw Arceus looking at them.

" You made a nice work you two." He said smiling bright at the two.

" Well thanks. " They both said.

Zack then says sadly: " but for which price? We where only alowded to life just for one Day and night."

"Well," Arceus startet " forgive us but that was just a little trick."

" WHAT ?" They both asked.

" Did you really thing that we only send you back for just one day you little fouls. We know that you Love each other because you we´re Soulmates. And what Gods we are to kill or divide to soulmates. You two will stay alive for the rest of your Days. Which means we will see each other in 70 Years or more again. "

" Really ? " They both said happily.

" Really! Just Life and Raise your Kids well. That´s all we wanted from you." Arceus said and starts to vanish.

" Wait, please." Zack said.

" what is it?" Arceus asks.

" What had happened to the Seviper I killed?" Zack asks.

" He was Judged like his Brother but for his Goods he has 5 Years less because he raped only 30 Girls." Arceus answered. " Now sleep well and life good and Fair for the rest of your life. "

And with that Arceus disappeared and they both starts to dream of each other .

To be continued...