My Story - Part 1

Story by inigo_fox on SoFurry

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#2 of My Story

This is my first posting on here, I'll try to reguarly keep posting this story. This story his heavily based on my own life and things that have happened to me. I hope you enjoy this, please leave any advice or suggestions you want, I'm open and welcome to criticism.

My Story

Part 1

I guess it shouldn't have surprised me, but it still hurt. Oh how it hurt. But I'm getting ahead of myself here, my name's Nathan, Nate for short. There's a time when I hated that name, "cute little Nate", or "silly little Nate", it drove me crazy. The towering white wolf that was my father would always call me that. I hated it, just like I hated him. I knew from a young age I was gay, and I knew that I could never tell him. If my mother still lived with us, maybe I could have told her, but she was long gone before I was old enough to realize I was different. My mother did manage to leave one lingering aspect of herself in my life though, she was a black wolf, and I inherited her deep black coloring, except for my paws and tip of my tail, they were white like my father's.

But that's the past, I'm in college now, and everything is supposed to be better, right? It's Christmas break of my sophomore year, and as usual, I tried to spend as much time away from home as possible. But I went home for the week of Christmas, my dad insisted on it, and I didn't mind spending time with his new wife, Kris. She was a sweet fox, a little plain if I'm being honest, but sweet nonetheless. I pulled into the driveway and parked my car by the garage. I sat and stared at the tiny ranch house, "Home", I thought, but it wasn't. I sighed and decided to go inside.

"Nathan!" Before I could react, I was in a tight hug from Kris, she smelled faintly of lavender, ''that's new, I thought''.

"Hey Kris, how are you?" I noticed my dad sitting at the counter reading his newspaper as usual.

"Hey dad, how've you been?" The next half hour was filled with my father and Kris catching me up with life at home, drama within my family and the stress from teaching at his high school. I was ready to drive back to my apartment after about five minutes, but I was here for the next 4 days.

"How's school going? Settled down with a pretty girl yet?" My dad inquired. I could only sigh and pretend to be disappointed that I hadn't found some cute vixen at college.

"Classes are okay so far, a little tougher than last year, but I'll manage. And no, sadly no girlfriend yet dad, been tied up with school work." I pulled out my phone and began texting a few friends from high school who still lived in the area; I was desperate for an excuse to get out of the house.

"Well, keep up the good work, and keep your eyes open for a girl, you need to find someone to settle down with and build a family." I had heard him say this more times than I can count, and every time it annoyed me.

"Yeah dad, I know I know, I'll keep looking". I laughed darkly to myself, one day I'll tell him. One day I'll waltz in here and make out with some guy just to shove it in his face that I'm not his perfect little son, and that he can't make me live my life how he wants. Granted, I need to get the boyfriend before I can do that, but one step at a time I told myself. If I were still dating Ayron, I know he'd be up for that. He had a similar relationship to his father, so he'd love doing it. Thinking about him made me pause, Ayron was a good boyfriend, but something about us just didn't work.

I met him online, my first and last experience with online dating. He was a handsome black panther, his 6'3'' to my 6' was perfect, I loved cuddling with him, wrapped up in his strong arms and his tail wrapping around my waist. Ayron was built, and I loved it. We would wrestle all the time, and he'd always win. Always. I wasn't weak or anything, my years of swimming had left me lithe, but I wasn't overly muscular. I still missed him sometimes, but like I said, we had problems. We both decided that "taking a break" over the summer would be best, and we both knew that that break would be permanent. We just didn't want to say it out loud.

My phone chirped loudly, breaking me out of my reminiscing. Skylar, a friend from my old work place wanted to hang out while I was home. I texted back and said that I'd definitely be up for that. Partly because I wanted out of this house, but also because when we worked together, I was crushing hard on him.

"I'm going to a friend's house for a bit, I'll be back later tonight" I yelled, not exactly sure where either of my parents were in the house. I grabbed my hoodie, I never wore a winter coat, regardless of how cold it was. A benefit of my thick fur, I loved the wintertime, the snow, the cold weather, all of it. I lived for winter. I jumped into my car and headed to Skylar's house. He still lived with his father, he graduated high school last year, but he was saving up money for college. I pulled into his driveway ten minutes later. I was excited to see him again, the fox had caught my interest as soon as he started working, and hanging out with him was always fun. His southern attitude had almost scared me off immediately, but I soon discovered that everything about him was infectious, his laugh, his good mood, everything. I knocked on the door and was greeted with the grinning face of Skylar.

"Hey buddy!" He said as he opened the door. His red tipped tail swooshing around excitedly. He wore his usual apparel, tight fitting jeans and an old t-shirt. He reddish orange fur was scruffy as usual, but I hardly noticed, he was gorgeous to me. His lopsided grin quickly spread to me,

"Hey Sky! How's it been going? I haven't seen you for months!" I followed him upstairs to his "room", aka, his bedroom plus his tv room.

"I've been doing alright, still trying to find a job, but I'll figure that out soon enough." He said as he climbed up the stairs. My eyes were glued to his ass all the way up, his jeans highlighted his perfect ass. I could feel my sheath stir a little as I gazed at it and imagined it without the clothes in the way. How many times had I had these thoughts about him? It's a pity he was straight though, especially since he'd been through a couple of girlfriends already since the summer. He always came to me for relationship advice, which always made me a little sad, because hearing about how girls were always cheating on him, I always wanted to yell at him. I'd never do that to him, god, if I could date him, I'd never even think about cheating on him with another fur. Alas, that was just a fantasy.

"Nate? You there man?" He was leaning in and staring at me closely.

"Uh, yeah" I laughed "Sorry, just got lost in a thought. Anyways, uh, how's the dating life been going?" I swore at myself, wow Nate, real smooth there, keep this up and he'll catch you staring at his ass.

"Eh, it's not right now, still trying to find the right girl. How about you? You found a cute guy yet?" He looked away and walked over to his wall of DVD's and started going through them.

"I don't know how someone as nice as you manages to stay single. The girls aught to be all over you" I grinned as he looked over his shoulder at me. "And no, haven't found the right wolf for me yet". Since college, I had been open to all my friends about being gay.

"Thanks bud, though the same goes for you, you're too cute to be single" He chuckled as he went back to looking for a movie. My heart did a weird little flip at his words. Did he call me cute? For the six months I've know Sky, he's never said something like that about a guy, let alone call me cute. My mind started racing with possibilities. He couldn't be gay, could he? No, not Sky. He's always on about girls. This was going to be an interesting evening I thought, but there's no way anything is going to come from this, right? I glanced down at his ass again, feeling the tingling in my sheath returning, damn, I wish it would though...

My Story - Part 2

Well, here's part number two, shorter than the first, but i wanted to get another part of the story out tonight because I had some free time. As always, feel free to comment, criticize, etc. Part 2 "So what do you wanna...

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