Sarah's Day

Story by titanvicegrip101 on SoFurry

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It was a good day for Sarah. She smiled as she swayed her hips back and forth as she walked down the halls in school. She was happy: She had a wonderful boyfriend, she was a sexy girl and she had good grades. Today, she was wearing a sweater and blue jeans with her belly showing and her purple bra strap is shown over one shoulder where the neck is rolled down and her thong is showing, the straps on her hips and belly. She was looking for her boyfriend, and finally found him just leaving the boys bathroom. Chaos. She batted her eyelashes and licked her lips. Chaos made her wild! Soon, an idea was forming in her head. She grinned and walked over to Chaos. He didn't even get a chance to say "Hi" before Sarah started making out with him. He kissed her back, getting very excited. Sarah then pushed Chaos back into the bathroom and walked in after him. Sarah pushed Chaos into a bathroom stall and started to take off her pants and thong.

Chaos, whispering and blushing hard: "S-Sarah!!! What are you doing?!"

Sarah, now with her vagina exposed: "Oh shut up and get inside me baby."

Sarah then shoved Chaos's paw in her vagina and she moaned loud. Chaos blushes even harder and started to get horny. The, Sarah started to suck Chaos up through her vag and Sarah moans louder. Chaos could feel Sarah's wall's tightening around his arm, then his shoulder and soon his head was inside. Chaos could taste Sarah's cum as her vagina walls squeezed tighter around him. He couldn't resist and he licks her walls. Sarah screamed louldy at this, trying with all her might not to cum. She sucked Chaos up faster and soon her womb was bulging with him inside. Chaos looked around, although, there was really nothing to look at. All he really could see was his arms and legs being bent in positions that looked unatural, but he was used to this so it didn't hurt him. A whole lot. Sarah smiled and panted and pated her swollen womb.

Sarah: "Have fun in there baby."

She kissed her stomach/womb and put her pants and thing back on. She walked out of the bathroom and fixed her sweatshirt sho just the right amount of clevege was showing. She patted and rubbed her swollen belly, then walked off to class. Even though she enjoyed having Chaos inside her, she was already having problems. She kept bumping into other students. Some where nice and said "Excuse me" and "I'm sorry". But then there were th kids who were asses.

Student 1: "Watch it!"

Student: "Lose some weight!"

But Sarah just flipped them off and kept walking. She didn't care what they said about her. She was happy, and that's all that mattered. But there were those worse then those boys. Yes, the ditzy girls.

Girl 1: "OMG, SOOO CUTE! Do you know if it's a boy or girl?!"

Girl 2: "Does it hurt?"

Girl 3: "Can I feel it kicking?!"

Again, Sarah just ignores them. Finally she got to class. She got a couple of stares, even from the teacher, but she ignored them still and set her things next to her desk. She eyed her desk, then her stomach.

Sarah: "This is going to be...Diffucult."

She tried sitting down, but her belly became squished up to her face, so she got up. She eyed the desk again and tried again, but with the same results. As she stood up again, she noticed that some of the kids were snickering at her. So, she smacked the kid behind her hard with her tail. He fell over and the kids stopped snickering. The teacher, and old skunk, walked up to Sarah.

Teacher: "Sarah, would you like to use the spare desk?"

The spare desk ws a table and a chair that wasn't attached to the desk. Sarah nodded and went to the desk. After first period, Sarah secretly went inside an abandonmed boys bathroom. Chaos was getting restless, and knew exactly what would calm him down. She lifted up her shirt and bra so her huge boobs were exposed. She was about to pull down her pants and thong when she heard a voice.

?????: "Jackie?"

Sarah stood up surprised to hear Trent's voice. Trent was a white Serval with black spots and stripes. He was looking for his girlfriend Jackie, a blue cockerspainel with breasts bigger than Sarah's. Sarah just froze as Trent entered the bathroom.

Trent: "Jackie?"

Trent opened the stall door to see Sarah, topless. Both blushed really hard and Trent stumbled back, his legs feeling like jello.

Trent: "S-S-Sarah?! Why are you naked?!"

Sarah didn't get a chance to answer as Trent slipped in a water puddle from a leaking sink. Trent accidentaly fell over, on top of Sarah. Sarah moaned a little bit as Trent accidentaly groped her breast. Then Sarah noticed something wrong. She couldn't feel Trent's weight on her. She looked and she was able to see Trent's tail being sucked into her breast. Then the tail was gone. Sarah gasped and her hands went to her mouth. She had just accidentaly boob-vored Trent! Jackie is going to kill her! She was about to leave when she remembered Chaos. He was still restless. Sarah had to calm him down now.

Inside her womb, Chaos started freaking out when he saw and umbilical cord started to attach to him. Chaos has been trying desperatly to get out ever since a force pushed against him an hour ago.

Sarah pulled down her pants and thong and started to masturbate herself. She started off slowly, still little scared from what happened to Trent. But soon she became aroused and went faster. She moaned as she fingers herself deeper and harder. She soon starts to play with her huge breasts, still exposed. Sarah noticed that he boobs were bigger. She fingers harder and pinches her nipples, making her moan loud and blush a deep red. Chaos notices this and starts to masturbate as well. Both of them moaned as they neared their climax.

Sarah was extremely horny. She put her entire paw inside of her and thrusted hard and deep. She moaned louder and started to drool out of her mouth. She squeezed her breasts harder and harder, milk starting to leak out of them. Sarah could here her juices drip on the floor. This made her go deeper and harder. Sarah blushed harder and got an idea.

Sarah took her hand out of her vag and used her tail to thrust inside her harder and deeper then ever before. Chaos saw her tail and jacked off harder. He pictured Sarah's epic breasts bouncing in front of his face. He also pictured himself on top of Sarah, humping her brains out as she screamed out his name in extreme pleasure. Sarah's fantasy was almost as similar. She pictured herself riding on Chaos, he breasts bouncing and his hot seed shooting inside of her in an orgasm so great, the world itself would shake. Sarah continued to go deeper and harder with her tail as she squeezes and sucked her breasts.

Chaos was the first to cum, stroking his penis fast and hard, shooting out jets of cum. Sarah was next, she moaned louder than ever before. Milk squirted out of her breasts and she came all over the floor. Chaos was finally calm and went to sleep, the umbilical cord getting bigger and longer. Sarah gave one final moan in pleasure as she slowly took her fingers out of her. Sarah then put her clothes back on and looked into the mirror. Yep, her boobs were bigger.

Sarah: "Trent must have already turned into milk...Ohhhh! Trent, wherever you are, I'm sorry!!!"

Sarah left the bathroom and went to the gym. Unfortunatly, she met the meanest person at school. Steve. He's a lion, a bully and an idiot. But he also got things his way in school. He's steal money, bag, girlfriend's, you name it. Now, he was eyeing Sarah in a bad way. A sexual way. He started walking towards Sarah. Sarah tried to move out of his way, but he kept at her.

Steve: "Hey baby. You looking sexy today."

Sarah: "Get away from me Steve."

Steve: "Whaaat? Can't take a complement?"

Before Sarah could answer, Steve grabbed her breast hard which made her yelp in pain. Steve then shoved Sarah to the ground and lifted up her shirt and ripped off her bra. He growled in pleasure, but Sarah was scared.

Steve: "Mmmm, I've been waiting to do this for a while!"

Sarah growled and when Steve went to suck her breast, she shoved his head in her mouth and started to gulp him down. Steve saw her insides, her throat walls tightening around him as she quickly swallows him. Soon, Steve splashed in Sarah's stomach acids and he immediatly felt the burning. Sarah just patted her tummy, it's now 7 times it's size, pulled down her shirt, got what was left of her ruined bra and left for second class.

Through out the day she had problems with her huge stomach. She couldn't fit into desks, people laughed then asked her if she got knocked up and all the teachers looked at her like some freak. She gave everyone except the teachers the finger. She still didn't answer and care for them. Meanwhile, Chaos's Umbilical cord was fully attached to him now. He just sighed and accepted his fate. It was up to Sarah now. Also, Steve watched in horror as the flesh from his arm sizzled off of him. He screamed and paniced, but he couldn't escape Sarah's acids. He could feel his flesh and bone dizzolving, slowly dieing. Soon, there was nothing left of him. Sarah patted her tummy and burped loudly.

After the day, Sarah was still pretty big. He breasts had also grown because of Trent. Sarah's friend Jackie, Trent's girlfriend, wouldn't be here for another hour or so, so Sarah decided to talk to Chaos and Trent. She wanted to make sure they were okay.

Sarah: "Chaos? Trent? You guy's there?"

There wasn't an answer for a minute, but Chaos broke the scilence.

Chaos: "Hi Sarah. Looks like I'm your "baby"."

Sarah, clapping her hands and giggling: "Yay!"

Chaos: "Yeah, yay. By the way, what did you do to Trent."

Sarah: "Accidentaly boob-vored him. Don't know how I'm gonna tell Jackie about it. She might kill me."

Chaos: "As long as it was an accident she'll understand. What, how did Trent see you-"

Sarah: "He was looking for Jackie, looked in the abandonded bathroom, saw me topless, tried to get away but tripped, and I accidentaly sucked him in."


Trent: "Shut up Chaos!! Once I'm outta here, I'm gonna-"

Sarah: "Trent! Yay, you're okay!"

Trent: "Yay, I guess so."

Sarah: "Sooo, what's it like being my milk."

Trent: "Sarah, I love you sis, but I'd rather not be your milk. But, I did make your boobs bigger, so Chaos, you're welcome."

Sarah: "Ha! Miss Jackie?"

Trent: "Yes. She's gonna kill me..."

Sarah: "I'll handle everything. Chaos, what's it like in there?"

Chaos: "Well, it's hot. I saw you...Play with yourself. And well...Needless to say, my "boys" are swimming aroung me."

Sarah: "Hahahahaha!!! Couldn't resist?"

Chaos: "No."

All three of them laughed, enjoying themselves. All in all, Sarah thought, it was a pretty good day.

Chaos and Sarah's Wedding DIRTY VERSION

Chaos and Sarah had a big day a head of them. Chaos, trying to get used to the uncomfortable and hot tuxedo that he's wearing. Sarah, making sure her make up was just right to the last detail. Yes, both were getting married to each other today. Chaos...

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Chaos and Sarah's Wedding CLEAN VERSION

Chaos and Sarah had a big day a head of them. Chaos, trying to get used to the uncomfortable and hot tuxedo that he's wearing. Sarah, making sure her make up was just right to the last detail. Yes, both were getting married to each other today. Chaos...

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