A Shepherd's Touch - part 3

Story by Briggswolf on SoFurry

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A Shepherd's Touch

by: Briggswolf

--part 3--

I hadn't seen Cameron at all Thursday night or Friday morning, and I pondered not even going to the Political Science class since I didn't have the data. All of the data we collected at Walmart I had left in Cameron's car, and frankly, it was the least of my worries. I was still concerned that I had gone too far.

I decided it was best that I go at least for the lecture, and so I reluctantly dragged my tail to class. I arrived a few minutes early and sat down in my usual seat - 3rd row back, first seat nearest the door. I looked over at Cameron's seat, empty. He was usually very punctual. I stared at the doorway, watching students walk in. Still no shepherd. I started to worry even more now. Then, when he finally entered alongside the professor, I became both relieved and worried, but worried about what I had done again.

Cameron took the seat next to me, and nodded at me as he sat down, not saying a word. And for the rest of the class, he didn't look at me.

I felt like such a jerk. It really was pointless for me to attend the class, since I didn't focus at all on the professor the entire period, but rather kept wondering if I could make it up to the shepherd, if I could apologize, if I could do something to fix things. By the end of the class period, I had myself worked up to the point where I was ready to cry. As the professor dismissed us, I grabbed my backpack almost immediately, only to find a paw on my shoulder before I could get up.

"Hey wolf, I turned in the data before class," Cameron said as he motioned towards the professor. "So don't worry about it, okay?"

I stared at him for a minute before nodding. I'm sure he could see my eyes welling up. I knew if I said anything, my voice would crack and it would be painfully obvious that I was on the verge of breakdown, so I just nodded another time, picked up my things, and walked out the door, hanging my head all the way back to the dorms.

I secluded myself to my room for most of the weekend, surviving on ramen noodles and pizza rolls, and drinking every last bit of my soda. Sunday night, I found myself craving caffeine, and ran downstairs to the pop machine.

As I pressed the Dr. Pepper button on the machine, I heard voices and footsteps coming down the stairs. I pulled the soda from the machine, and was immediately greeted by a few familiar faces and a few individuals calling out my name.

"Hey wolf," came Cameron's voice from the crowd, the only voice I could actually distinguish though I could see Christian, Bernie, and another fox that I did not know. "We're going to Rosco's for a quick bite, you want to come?"

I'm not sure if it was my annoyance with eating ramen, or just an urge to reconcile with my best friend that made me nod and agree, but I did so.

Rosco's was a 24-hour coffee and pancake house, though they served plenty of other things as well. We decided to get two of their infamous 'Ultra Nachos' and split four ways. These nacho meals were so large, no customer in the history of Rosco's existence had ever finished one alone at the restaurant, at least that's what the sign in the entrance said.

We all gnawed our way through tortilla chips, hamburger, cheese, and whatever other things were thrown onto the food by the cooks, laughing, joking around, ribbing eachother. It was five friends hanging out. Though things were a bit awkward, Cameron and I shared a few good laughs, and by the end of the evening, we all parted, said our goodnights, and I went to bed feeling much better than I had been all weekend. And things seemed somewhat normal again.

For weeks, the 'normality' continued. During this time, Cameron and I never hung out alone, but rather with other friends. The awkwardness was still evident, but at least we were still friends. I liked him just as much as ever, if not more now, but I knew something had to be done about how things felt.

I knew I had to say something to him.

The weekend before Thanksgiving I approached Fuller in our dorm room with a great deal of uncertainty, seeking out his advice. "Hey bear, I've got a question for ya."

Fuller looked up from behind his Calculus book. "Sure, what's on your mind?"

"Well..." I paused for a few moments, trying to grasp just the right words, knowing I had to be slick about it. "Well I like this girl..." I brushed a paw over my headfur and ears nervously.

"Ah, the wolf's got a crush!" He laughed and closed his book, focusing on me.

"Yeah yeah, laugh it up fuzzball. Anyway, I really like...her," I had to really bite my tongue to say that, but I figured it was best that he didn't know everything. "And I'm not sure, but I think she likes me back."

He looked at me and shrugged. "So what's the problem? Ask her out then."

I shook my head. "It's not that easy. I think I screwed things up a few weeks ago."

"How so?" The bear tilted his maw.

"Well," I again paused and searched for the words. I couldn't really tell him what happened in Cameron's truck that one morning, I didn't want him knowing I was gay. I didn't want anyone knowing I was gay, for that matter.

"Well what?"

"I kind of grabbed her tail one day out of the blue, not thinking straight." It was pretty corny, but I figured it just might work. My creativity was pretty much worthless when it came to trying to lie; I was absolutely horrible at it.

Fuller burst out into laughter. "Grabbed her tail?! Haha! What the hell possessed you to do that?"

"Well it was just there," I paused, swallowing hard before continuing. "And it was like she was wagging it in front of me. It wasn't as though I made this huge effort to go out of my way to do it. It just happened. She didn't take it too well."

Once Fuller calmed his laughter and caught his breath he looked at me again, grinning. "I'd imagine she wouldn't. Well that's not good. Hmm, maybe you should talk to her and tell her you're sorry? I find honesty and the willingness to humble yourself is the key to winning a girl's heart."

I nodded and shrugged, sitting down on my bed and resting my muzzle in my paw. "I don't think I can do that, things are just so awkward now. Don't get me wrong, she's still as cool as ever, and we occasionally hang out together, but things just aren't the same. I like her just as much today as I ever have."

"Then tell her wolf, tell her that. Tell her that you screwed up, that you just had such strong feelings for her and wanted to express them somehow, but that you just grabbed her tail out of frustration since you couldn't think straight."

Fuller and I talked for a few more minutes about girls and girl trouble. He told me a few stories about how he apologized to women. And he even opened up to me about how he was planning on proposing to his girlfriend.

Fuller finally wrapped up the conversation with this statement. "So go now, don't wait, don't put it off. Now is the time." He flashed those ursine pearly whites to me and motioned with a nod toward the door. "Do it."

I puzzled there for a moment until I realized: he was serious. "You're right, I should do it. I should go now." The bear's words had worked and I felt ready for the apology, ready to start that conversation with the shepherd. "I'm going to do it, wish me luck."

I left the room with confidence, but every step I took towards Cameron's door made me more and more tense. And finally, when I approached his open door, all that confidence had dripped away and was replaced with sheer panic. The shepherd had his back to me when I stopped in the doorway. I clammed up, unable to think straight, my paws tensing and my head whirling. Immediately, I turned around and started to walk back the other way.

"Wolf?" Cameron said as he poked his head out of his dorm room. I stopped and turned around to face him. "Manny, come on in, I'm just folding some clothes."

I followed the shepherd back into his room where I settled deliberately into his computer chair, swiveling to face him. We were alone in his room, though the door was open to the hallway. He kept glancing up at me as he folded his clothes, as if waiting for me to say something.

Finally, after sitting there in quiet for about 10 minutes, something deep inside of me pushed the words to my lips. "I'm sorry." Cameron stopped folding clothes, but kept staring at the shirt in his paws. As he opened his muzzle to speak, I interrupted him, the torrent of inspiration and courage building within me. "Just don't talk for a minute, let me get this off my chest.

"I'm sorry I did what I did that one morning. I had no right to do that, no right at all. And you have every right to be upset. The minute you left your truck, I had this feeling of utter hatred for myself, and of complete worry that I had killed our friendship." I paused as he finally looked up from his clothes, his eyes meeting mine. I could see no anger, nor fear in his eyes as I continued. "I'm sorry I did it. I'm sorry, Cameron. Right now there's nothing more I want in this world than your...friendship." I wanted to say a different word, but it wouldn't come out, it couldn't. I didn't feel right about saying it, but the word I did use brought the apology the sentiment it needed.

It was now me who couldn't look up, and I found myself staring down at the ground as I leaned my head against my paw. With my peripheral vision, I saw him stand up, and a second later I felt the shepherd's paw on my shoulder.

"Manny, no worries." He patted my shoulder gently. "I'm the one who should be apologizing since I'm the one who screwed up. I made it out to be more than it was. I overreacted and made things weird."

"No, it's not your fault, it's mine," I retorted, feeling my throat clenching up on me. I continued looking at the ground.

I felt the big shepherd's paw rubbing my shoulder, his digits giving a few kneading squeezes up along the side of my neck. "Hmmmm, I'll tell you what, wolf," he said as he held his free paw in front of me, palm up, as though waiting for me to take it and stand up. "I'll forgive you if you do one thing for me."

I looked up in hesitation. "What's that?"

He grinned evilly. "Let me kick your tail in a game of Halo." He motioned with a small head gesture towards the TV and the game system.

I couldn't help but smile and chuckle as I took his paw. He pulled me up to a stance and gave me a half-hug, the kind of platonic hug where you're shaking paws and hugging at the same time. It felt wonderful just to feel his body against mine, even for just that second. Even if the hug didn't quite feel like the romantic embrace I craved from him, I was ecstatic to feel it, to know that we were still friends.

That evening we played games, just the two of us, for a good four hours. I even let him win the first game, though when he asked if I had lost on purpose I lied and blamed the controller.

* * * * *

The week before Thanksgiving we were inseparable. Every night we'd be hanging out with each other, either playing pool, playing video games, or just hanging around campus.

Cameron had a lot on his mind. His mother wanted him to return home for Thanksgiving, but he didn't want to bother making the eight hour drive. The Wednesday before Thanksgiving was the most depressed I had ever seen him. It was around 11pm when he knocked on my door and invited me out for a walk. I obliged, seeing the concerned look on his muzzle.

"So I argued with my mom on the phone tonight." He looked off into the distance as he spoke, a chilly November breeze stinging us both even through our winter coats.

"About why you aren't going home this weekend?" I asked.

He shook his head. "No, I told her I was changing majors. Law was never my thing, I only ever declared prelaw as my major just to appease her. I knew I'd change it somewhere down the line."

I looked over at him. "So you are going into computers then?" He nodded in response, before I continued. "That's great! You have to do what'll make you happiest in life, Cam."

"She blew up at me. She kept telling me about how I'm so much better than computers, how law is my life, how I'd lose my scholarship, and she even threw in how Grandpa was so proud that I was going into law before he died. That was the last straw." We stopped walking in the middle of the courtyard as he looked over at me. "I told her I wasn't my father, and that changing majors didn't mean I was a quitter. She didn't like that too well."

For the first time ever, I could see tears welling up in his eyes. He looked away from me as he spoke again. "I don't know why the conversation bothered me so much. I mean, we talked things over and hung up on good terms again. But for some reason...for some reason I can't help but feel lost in life. Where am I going? What am I doing? There's part of me that's missing, and I don't know if it's because dad's not around, or if it's because deep down inside..." His voice trailed off into a whimper, still facing away from me.

It was the first time I'd really seen the shepherd in a weak moment, and I wasn't about to abandon my friend. I put a paw on his shoulder, and sighed empathetically. "Cam, whatever you do in your life, those who care about you will always be there. Whether you become a lawyer, a programmer, a janitor, it doesn't matter. And do you know why?" Cameron turned around to face me, a tear falling from his left eye as he shook his head. I grabbed his paw and pointed to his palm as I continued, "because we don't care about what's in here. It's what's in here that matters." I pressed my paw gently against his chest.

He tilted his head ever so slightly. And, as the wind picked up, it seemed to blow away the tears off his face and the frown off his muzzle, replacing it with a smile. The shepherd threw his paws around me and pulled me into a tight hug - not the half-hug I was used to, but a full-on, both-paws-around-you type of hug. I put my paws around him and hugged him back, rubbing my pawfingers against his back as I squeezed him.

We hugged for a few minutes, oblivious to the cold winter chill, to the lamppost's flickering glow, to the entire world around us. Before breaking our embrace, he whispered in my ear, "Wolf, I...I'm grateful to have someone like you in my life." Hearing that, I immediately squeezed him tighter.

When finally we ended the hug, we continued our walk around campus. Conversation was much more cheery after that, including a few jokes. The walk ended in front of the entrance to Columbia Hall, and we both stood there in the yellowish glow of the lamplight.

"Hey wolf, thanks, for everything."

I smiled. "No, thank you Cam."

Cameron held out his paw, and I grabbed it. He half-hugged me briefly, then released my paw and gave me that full embrace once more. After a minute, I felt him tugging on my tail and chuckling while still hugging me. "You know wolf, you're the only college guy in this side of the world that wears a tail warmer," he said as he broke off the hug. He pulled my tail in front of me, holding out my down-filled tail pocket that I had slipped over my tail to keep it warm.

I laughed. "Yeah, well, it works, not all of us have naturally warm tails like you." I giggled and grabbed his tail playfully. He waggled it while I had hold of it, making both of us snicker. It was great to see him smiling. "Are you going to be alright tonight?"

The winter breeze ceased blowing as he nodded. "Better than I have been in years, I think. Say, wolf, what do you say we grab some Thanksgiving dinner tomorrow afternoon?"

I nodded and grinned. "Definitely sounds good to me. I'm getting sick of ramen noodles and pizza myself."

* * * * *

Cameron and I drove around from restaurant to restaurant, only to find "Closed Thanksgiving Day" signs on nearly every door but the Chinese Buffet and the fast food place. We both agreed to hit the fast food restaurant since neither one of us liked Chinese.

There was no line at the burger joint. Who would possibly be at a fast food restaurant on Thanksgiving other than us? We walked immediately up to the cashier. I reached my paw into my pocket for my wallet, only to realize it wasn't there. I had left it on my dresser.

"What's wrong?" Cameron asked, a puzzled look on his muzzle.

"I forgot my wallet." I responded, sighing deeply. I looked back at him curiously. "How did you know something was wrong?"

"You had that look on your face. I've seen it a million times." He chuckled, and in his corniest imitation of a valley girl, he teasingly added, "It's so kee-yooooooooot!" I laughed and put my paws over my face. He must have been able to see me blush underneath my fur, because he grinned from ear to ear. "Hey, what do you want to eat? I'll buy."

I lowered my paws and shook my head. "It's cool, I'll just eat chips or something when we get back." I could still feel myself blushing.

"Nah, I got it, just tell the guy what you want. It's Thanksgiving, wolf. Have something."

After going back and forth like that for a couple minutes, I gave in and ordered a cheeseburger and a soda. As he was ordering for himself, I excused myself to go to the restroom and put some cold water on my face. I needed to catch a breath.

In the restroom, I stared at myself in the mirror. Everything seemed different. I looked hard, but I could see nothing on my physical appearance that had changed, yet I felt more alive than ever. Had college truly changed me that much? I shrugged and dried my face and muzzle, then went back out to the dining area.

Cameron was already seated, his back to me, a tray of food settled on the table in front of him. I stopped and stared - he sat there with one paw resting on the table and his other paw rubbing his forehead. He was lost staring out the window, and hadn't started eating yet.

As I sat down in front of him, I noticed he had gotten me a deluxe burger. "I ordered a cheeseburger, how'd I end up with this?"

"I changed your order. I know you like the deluxe, and I had them make it without onions like you always order." He grabbed a cup and placed it next to my burger. "And, I also got you a chocolate shake."

My heart raced as I smiled, though it wasn't just a smile, it was something more. My eyes focused on his, and he looked back with a sort-of you-don't-have-to-say-anything look on his face, a look I had never seen from him in the past. But I had to, no, I wanted to say something. "Thank you, Cam," is what I ended up saying, though that's not what I meant. And though my muzzle said the wrong thing, my eyes must have said the right thing as the shepherd grinned from cheek to cheek.

We ate slowly, talking about class, friends, and finals, which were just a few weeks away now. We talked about Christmas gifts, what we were probably going to get for our family, and about gifts of the past. Finally, when we finished eating, we deposited our trash in the bin and walked out the door.

I still had half the shake left in the cup I was holding when we got into his truck. He started the engine, then looked over at me. "Manny, mind if I have a taste of your shake?"

"I thought you didn't like chocolate shakes?"

"It's been a while since I've had one," he replied, tilting his muzzle with a smile. "I'm willing to give it another shot."

I nodded and held the shake out for him, the straw sticking out of the plastic cover. He reached his paw out, but instead of grabbing the cup, he wrapped his paw around my paw and held the cup with me. He leaned his head over towards the cup, but stopped short and looked at me, a glow in his eyes. "You have a little bit on your muzzle." It was the last thing I expected. Cameron leaned over and lapped his tongue across the front of my muzzle, then looked at me again. As I started to smile, he pressed his muzzle to mine, and we kissed. His lips parted, pressing lightly against mine. I felt his soft muzzlefur, smelled his hot shepherd breath huffing out of his nose, and could hear him murring softly. It felt like an eternity passed before he sat back in his chair again, our lips parting ways. I closed my eyes and licked my muzzle, murring loudly without meaning to do so, attempting to taste more of that shepherd's handsome muzzle on my lips.

When I finally opened my eyes, he was still staring at me. "I think I'm going to have to change my opinion about chocolate shakes."

I nodded and grinned from ear to ear, still entranced by his eyes. I didn't know what to say. My mind was devoid of thought. Finally he put the truck in reverse, backed up and pulled out of the lot. Neither of us spoke as he drove back to campus.

Once he pulled into the college lot, I took the last sip of my milkshake, and it made that little gurgling noise like a shake does when you finish it off. As he turned the truck off and unbuckled his seatbelt, he looked over at me. "So do I get to taste the shake for real or what?"

I chuckled and shook the cup to show him it was empty. "You're a sip too late, bud." Bud? Had I really said bud? I cringed inside wishing I had said something else, anything else but bud.

It didn't matter though, his eyes once again staring into mine. "Well, I guess I have to settle for this again..." He leaned over and kissed me again, this time much deeper, much more passionate than the last. This time I also kissed back, my paw reaching up and brushing across his cheekfur as our muzzles locked. Those German Shepherd whiskers tangled with my own as our lips drew against one another, our nosepads dodging in alongside one-another's. I could feel my ears splay back, completely taken, completely dominated by the emotions I was feeling...

...The emotions I was feeling for him.

* * * * *

"I can't believe how empty campus is." Cameron commented as we made our way up to his room.

"I guess everyone goes back home for Thanksgiving." I replied, noticing how every door was closed, most with post-it notes and dry erase boards stating when the residents will be returning. We were trying to act as normal as possible while walking through the hallway, though we both had an awkward grin on our face, that guilty I've-done-something-but-I-can't-tell-you-what-it-is smirk.

Cam opened the door to his room for me, and I stepped inside. He shut the door behind us. I walked over the window and lifted the blinds with my paws, watching nothing in particular outside, but just wanting to make it look like I was interested in something out there. I was feeling a bit awkward and didn't want to show it.

"So I have a couple movies I rented from the library." He grabbed the three DVDs from his desk and handed them to me. "Feel like watching one?"

I pawed through the movies. "Let's watch Gladiator. Haven't seen that in a while." I handed him the video, selected perhaps by a subconscious thought in the back of my mind about how attractive I thought that avian actor Russell Crow was. He put the DVD into his computer then sat down on his futon and motioned for me to do the same. I eagerly joined him, flopping in alongside of him on the sofa.

We leaned against eachother for over two hours, watching the movie, nibbling on popcorn, making fun of some of the lines. It was like we were hanging out as friends again.

By the time the movie ended, it was dark outside. The monitor was giving us the only light in the room, and when the movie stopped, the monitor went dark. And I felt him wrap a paw around my shoulder and pull me close as he kissed my cheek gently.

I'm not sure what it was, but something was going through my mind that had me preoccupied. I smiled as he kissed me, but it was a worried smile, and he caught it, even in the darkness. "Manny, if I'm making you uncomfortable let me know, this is all new to me."

"No, no, no, I'm not uncomfortable, just...thinking." I looked at him and smiled. "Just thinking about how two years ago I would have never thought about any of this, but now...now everything's different." I paused and rested a paw on his thigh, giving it a squeeze. "Different in a good way." With a soft contented sigh, I leaned my muzzle in, drawing my nose in against the soft fur of his cheek and brushing it side to side with my nosepad. I then wrapped my paws around his waist, resting my head on his chest.

We sat there like that for a few minutes, just holding eachother, saying nothing. I could feel him breathing, slow and deliberate. His paw caressed my shoulder gently.

"Christian once tried to tell me Columbia Hall was haunted." Cameron said, running his other paw through my cheekfur.

I nodded and sat up, the darkness still surrounding us both as we had yet to turn on a light. "I heard about that too. Apparently some freshman got locked in the broom closet one year. It was some frat prank or initiation or something like that. I guess he spilled bleach or some chemical, and ended up coughing himself to death."

The shepherd quirked his muzzle to the side. "Really?"

"Well, that's the rumor anyway," I replied, my paw rubbing his leg side to side. I could feel him tensing a bit, my wicked mind devising a plan to scare the poor dog - I knew about his fear of the supernatural from going to see horror flicks together numerous times. "As a matter of fact, I think it was Thanksgiving weekend because nobody was around to hear him scream." I paused, drawing my eyes open, trying to prolong the suspense by looking around his room. "Did you hear that?"

Cameron looked around and then down at me. "You're pulling my leg."

"You didn't hear it? It sounded like someone was next door." I was only kidding about the noise of course, but I was enjoying the way Cam's paws were pulling me in a little tighter the more I teased him.

"You're a terrible liar, Manny." The dog laughed as he tapped the end of my nose with his pawdigit. "But you know, I wouldn't mind having a silly wuff around tonight to protect me in case the rumor is true."

I looked up at him. I so wanted to say yes, but I was afraid. "What if people find out?"

"Who's going to know? Christian's gone until Sunday night. It's Thanksgiving weekend, and I don't think anyone else is even on campus today. The other RAs told me they were driving out of town tonight to party." He smiled and ruffled my headfur. "Besides, if anyone finds out, we can just say you got drunk and fell asleep here."

I relaxed and rested my head on his chest again as my paw found its way underneath his t-shirt, rubbing his bellyfur directly. It was so soft to the touch, and the way each strand of fur splayed around my fingers, it made me shiver. His belly, though fit, wasn't ripped and contoured with his abdominal muscles. My heart was pounding as my paw continued to explore his tummy, brushing slowly up across his chest, knowing he was awaiting for a response from me. "I don't mind if you don't mind," I finally mumbled out to him, drawing my muzzle up to gently nuzzle the side of his shoulder. I could feel his muzzle brushing over my ear, teasing the thinly furred-flesh with a graze of his fangs.

"So do you want to watch another movie?" I eventually posed to him, worried any further silence might bring back that awkwardness.

Cameron licked my ear and muffled a soft giggle. "We could do that." His muzzle found my headfur, brushing through it as I could hear him inhale my scent. "But FIRST, I need to get you back for lying to me about that ghost!" He growled teasingly as his paws drew to my sides, tickling and prodding at them before diving to my tummy and doing the same. I laughed and collapsed off the futon to the floor at his feet, curling up into a ball while trying to fend off his attacking paws.

And then he groped me.

I thought it was an accident because I was wriggling around so much, but the second time that paw drew in against my groin and squeezed my sheath through my pants. He stopped tickling me and just held his paw there, gently drawing his pawdigits back and forth in a soft petting. I pushed myself against his paw, my sheath growing with excitement, swelling from all the teasing. He slid his paw underneath my waistband and wrapped it around my expanding sheath, the tip of my wolfhood slipping out from the sheath and pressing to his wrist. He stopped and looked me in the eyes through the darkness, his paw still in my boxerbriefs, as if he was awaiting my approval. I leaned against his legs and nuzzled his knee, nosing him on...

I was so lost in the feel of that warm paw against my sheath that I didn't realize it when his other paw undid my pants. I had never felt another male's touch against my erection, and it didn't take long before my six-inches of lupine meat was throbbing hard against his wrist and arm, his paw urging down my underwear to gently tease my balls. I very nearly came right then and there, at least it felt like I was about to orgasm, but instead a trickle of pre found its way down the side of my member, that shepherd paw drawing up the length to massage it in.

The dog's denim-clad knee was receiving lots of attention from my nose and muzzle as I nuzzled against it over and over. It wasn't until Cameron's paw drew my own paw up and placed it upon his groin that I realized I was neglecting the poor dog. He was already rock-hard and tenting up in those jeans. I drew in my breath, holding it for a moment as my paw shivered nervously and flicked open the flap of those pants, withdrawing that shepherdcock from those tight confines soon after. Even in the dim light it was a thing of beauty, the silhouette of light tracing around the outer edge of it, reminding me of how well-endowed the dog was. He was probably an inch or more larger than myself. And girth? He had me beat there too.

My paw wrapped gingerly around that canine shaft, squeezing the base and stroking up to the tip before returning gently down. I urged his pants and underwear down a bit further with the help of a wriggle from his hips. It was then that I got the whiff of his scent - that familiar aromatic shepherd musk I had scented in his truck a few weeks prior. My eyes closed and my nose lifted over his knee, my paw giving another healthy stroke along that length of his.

I wanted to taste it.

With a murr, I pressed my paws to his knees, drawing myself to face him more aptly, his knees and legs splayed around my sides. The shift in position left his paws with nowhere to go, and they ended up brushing over my headfur, petting over my ears. I heard him release a soft whimper as my paw returned to his erection, giving it another massaging caress, coaxing a dollop of shepherd-pre to coat the fur on the side of my paw.

It was at this point that I felt his paw give my head a gently pull - he wanted this as badly as I did.

My muzzle drew in towards his tummy as I pressed my knees to the floor, my left paw coaxing along his thigh and hip while my right gently squeezed around that thickly canine knot at the base of his erection. The accompanied murr escaping his muzzle gave me the signal, and my tongue lashed out, drawing in along the underside of that smooth firmness. I drew my maw up, swirling my lupine tongue around the tip of his shepherdmeat. A gentle buck of his hips later, and my lips ended up pursed around the first inch or so of his maleness.

I was giving my first muzzlejob, and it was for the dog I absolutely adored.

Moments later I got into it, my lupine lips pursed around his shaft and suckled down to the base of that erection, feeling that sheath pooling in against my whiskers. I could feel that dogcock prodding gently in against the back of my throat, my tongue dancing around that girth - I hadn't expected to take it all in like that, but Cam wasn't one to sit still, and he kept giving gentle bucks of his hips. My nose ended up pressed into his groinfur, inhaling that subtly sweaty-but-enticing scent, reminding me of where my muzzle was.

A lustful whimper escaped the dog's throat as I started to roll my muzzle up and down on that smoothly-contoured erection, feeling the tip press in against my cheek every now and then as my muzzle shifting and stroked over him. I didn't exactly know what I was doing, but I had seen enough videos to know what it should look like, and I just kept trying to mimic what I thought was appropriate.

And the sexy black and tan dog sitting in the futon ate up every second of it.

My tongue swirled, my muzzle pursed, and I started to work that shaft with a healthy up and down suckle of my maw. It drove Cameron crazy, his hips shifting in to meet my strokes, his paw rubbing the back of my head, and his whimpering moans letting me know I was doing something right. Every so often I got a rewarding flavor of pre coating my tongue, invading my senses, urging me to work my muzzle more intensely over that canine cock.

My own paw was already kneading over my lupine cock, working myself closer and closer as well. I knew it wouldn't be long before I came, but I didn't care, I was enthralled by the pleasure I was giving Cameron, by the taste of his erection.

I could hear the dog's excited panting, my eyes closing tight, my ears splaying back. His knot was swelling rapidly as his paw began to grip more firmly at the back of my head, clawtips coaxing past my fur and digging more securely in against my flesh. His hips began to shiver and buck into my maw rapidly. The dog was using my muzzle and I was enjoying every second of it. Finally, I heard him inhale a gasping breath, that swollen canine cock giving a heavy throb, spurting a thick jet of cum into my yearning maw. It was followed by another throb, and another, each throb accompanied by another spurt of shepherd seed. I kept my muzzle pursed around his girth, trying not to break the seal, every hot jet of his orgasm filling my waiting maw, every shift of his hips and purse of my lips coaxing more of that dogcum out of him.

Of course, my own excitement became too much. I didn't even notice my own knot swelling until I felt that familiar tensing, that building orgasm burning in my loins. I drew my muzzle off of the dog's pulsing erection to gasp out, but before I could gasp, I ended up swallowing - that muzzleful of dogcum draining down the back of my throat. His erection continued throbbing in front of me as I received another spurt; this time the jet splattered across my nose and muzzle. My orgasm soon took hold, my wolfmeat jerking and spasming as I bucked my hips, my cock erupting, thick lupine cum coating over Cameron's pantleg and onto the front edge of the futon.

The two of us rode out our climaxes, the dog's finishing first as he began to stroke my cheekfur with his paw, my own finally waning enough that I could catch my breath. I slumped my elbow over his knee and murred loudly, looking up at him.

"Thanks puppy," came his whisper in the dark. I could do nothing but smile up at him, his paw rubbing over the bridge of my muzzle and spreading that spurt of cum he'd left there into my fur. "Next time, you can have my muzzle, wolfy."

--end of part 3--