Thunder In Paradise (Character sheet)

Story by ThunderWuff on SoFurry

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Hey viewers, if you noticed I didn't really describe the characters all the well. I apologize, I just left that out completely unaware and I'm not sure how to squeeze them in there. >w< So, I just thought about making up a character sheet instead, pictures will come shortly. :3 Hope this helps.

Thunder Bravo- Female wolf/coyote mix, main fur is black and the under belly and such is a darker gray. Marking are all yellow. (pawpads, claws, tongue, nose, eyes, tips of ears, highlights in headfur.) Darker black headfur and will always have a dark green barbell in the tip of her right ear.

Viktor Federov- Male snow leopard, normally wears his red collar and he has brown eyes.

Henry Garcia- Male dark brown pitbull with white spots over his right eye, left front paw, both hind paws and the tip of his tail. Has a golden earing in his left ear and has green eyes.

Sandra Daniels- Female red fox with short, edgey (emo style) black headfur, a silver ring in her left ear with blue eyes.

Destiny Fincher- Female wolf, main fur is black and the under belly and such is purple. She has two silver rings at the tips of her ears and a scar up the side of her mouth on the left side with green eyes.

Leo Warner- Male purple tiger (still with black stripes) with blue eyes and spikes barbells in the middle of both ears and in the tip of his tail. He has a black mohawk like mane up his back and head and in front of his eyes. He also has black spiked snake bites and a black angel wings on his back as a birth mark.

Spencer Besset- Male gray coyote with decent sized gauges in each ear, a right eyebrow piercing and a scar straight down over his left eye, which is milky blue and the other eye is red.

Bryan Marks- Male all black lion, gray highlights at the tips of his mane and tail fur, with silver rounded snake bites and green eyes.

Thunder In Paradise (Chapter 1)

The tires start to roll against the dry, sanded ground of the Arizona desert. "Wait wait wait!" Thunder screamed after her mother, running to the truck. Thunder was a normal, 15 year old black wolf, on her way to her first day of freshman year at her...

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