Life Goes On: Part 4 - Reunited
#4 of Life Goes On Series
DISCLAIMER: just a fair warning my stories contain strong language, adult themes and situations, violence, etc. if you don't like any of this don't read on, and if you do, don't complain about it, seeing as how I did warn you... enjoy.
April 15 15:37
Chad, James and Bill crept into the entrance of Home Depot, their shoes sopping up the blood that coated the cement floors so thickly. The lights flickered, dimmed and returned to their regular brightness, causing James and Chad to scan around with their guns at the ready.
"what the fuck happened here?" James whispered, disgusted by the smell of putrid flesh and gore.
"I dunno and I sure as hell don't want to stick around to find out." Chad answered, as Bill nodded his head furiously in agreement, his eyes darting back and forth.
The trio crept silently out of the pooling blood and into the hardware aisle. Halfway down the corridor they came upon a small hellish looking animal, resembling a bat with four feet and two heads, pierced and nailed to a rack of wood by several 7" nails shot from a nail gun.
"Careful, there could still be survivors in here, we don't want to kill anyone that's still living." James whispered.
Nearing the back wall of the building they stopped at the corners of their aisle. Chad shot James a glance then looked up and down the intersection as if to say 'which way?' James extended a finger to point left, as Chad and Bill craned their necks around the corner and saw a distinctive yellow "EMPLOYEES ONLY" sign on a set of double doors. Jackpot.
As they approached the doors one of them started to swing outward. James and Chad dove to the left into another aisle, while Bill slid to the right behind an I beam supporting the store. Peering through the gaps in the shelves they watched as a Fossa (cat/otterlike being) wearing a Home Depot smock emerged. As the two of them breathed a sigh of relief and began to stand they saw the Fossa whip its head around to reveal several rows of teeth and four eyes above its snout, and it was staring straight at them.
"Shit! RUN!" shouted Chad as the three stood and high tailed it back towards the front of the store.
The Fossa broke into a run, then hunched over and sprinted on all fours. Just as it was almost on top of them James wheeled around and aimed his pistol at it. Just as he did, it turned and ran up the wall, its claws digging into the steel like it were butter, for a few pounces then flipped onto a hanging light fixture, sung across onto the shelves and disappeared.
Once the Fossa was out of sight Chad signaled for them all to turn back to the employees section, as they still needed a forklift. Padding silently along they reached the doors and crept inside, locking them as they did. 'Great...' Chad thought as he eyed the employees section. 'its just as big as the store portion out there...' Glancing to the right, however, he spotted what they were looking for, the glorious scratched and rusted paint of a heavy duty forklift.
After making the short run over to it they all sighed a breath of relief. Bill climbed up into the seat and turned the key and pressed the ignition. The engine turned over, struggled, coughed and died out.
"No fuckin way..." Chad said as he climbed onto the back to uncap the gas tank. "EMPTY! GOD DAMN IT! CANT ANYTHING GO OUR WAY!?"
Suddenly the doors rattled. 'shit, my shouting must have alerted that Fossa.' Just as the thought was completed in his head a voice sounded from the other side of the doors.
"Fuck! I thought I left these doors unlocked, shit its coming!" said the disembodied voice.
James and Chad ran to the door, unbarring the latches. After the door swung open they caught the glimpse of the Fossa tailing a leopard around a corner into an aisle. They ran after them, guns drawn and rounded the corner to see the fossa pinning the leopard to the wall with one of its arms.
"Get back!" James shouted, firing a warning shot into the fossa's leg.
Yipping in pain the fossa released its grasp and limped quickly around the corner and once again vanished. Chad rushed over to the leopard who was now slouched unconscious onto the ground while James covered him.
"You ok?" Chad asked as he grabbed the panther by his shoulder, leaning him back against the shelving to reveal his face. "Bobby?!" Chad half shouted in surprise. "Shit man we gotta get him out of here, he's bleeding." he said turning to face James.
After hoisting Bobby in a firemen's carry over his shoulder so he could still fire the shotgun one armed, they walked their way back to the forklift. Once there Chad set bobby onto the back of it and laid him down. He then slid his knife out of his pocket and took off his hoodie. Flipping open the knife, he proceeded to cut the hoodie into several strips, then tied them around Bobby's bleeding arm. 'not exactly the cleanest of bandages but it will work for now, until we get back to walmart.'
After briefly searching, James found a gas can for the lift in a supply cabinet, which he promptly emptied into the lifts tank and capped it. Now that the lift was started the hard part was now upon them. Maneuver the lift out to the storefront, outside, and into walmart, all while fighting off any attackers.
"Alright, saddle up guys, we gotta get out of here." James said, climbing onto the back and crouched just behind the seat. Chad climbed onto the forks and braced himself against the lift so he could steady his shots.
Bill drove the lift to the doors and pressed the forks into them, swinging them outward. Waiting on the other side the fossa roared and lunged through the doors, grabbing Chad by the neck and tossing him off the lift, to land in a crumpled heap off to the left still inside the employees area. The fossa not waiting around to be attacked climbed up and over the lift and landed behind it as the doors closed and locked.
Chad just rolled over in time to see the back of the forklift disappear behind the heavy steel doors and the fossa lock them. 'fuck' he thought as he scrambled to his feet and leveled the shotgun at the fossa's head.
"so you fuckers gotta have a brain in there to be smart enough to lock doors. Lets see what it looks like when its splattered on the wall behind you." Chad spat at the fossa.
Suddenly the fossas eyes turned soft and he put an arm out towards Chad and yelled "NO DON'T!"
This, catching Chad off guard, caused a momentary lull in the action, long enough for the fossa to see its opportunity. His eyes flashing fierce again he pounced the 30 foot distance between them in one leap and landed on Chad's sternum.
"Kahuuuough!" Chad coughed as he was crushed under the fossa's full weight bearing down onto his chest. The shotgun skittered across the floor and, finally coming to a rest, clacked loudly against the wall twelve feet away to his right. Suddenly a tight force grasped his throat and he couldn't breathe at all. 'Son of a bitch, hes gonna strangle me!'
Just as his vision was darkening at the edges a telltale *TATATAT* of an H&K UMP 45 sounded through the holding bay. Three pockmarks pelted the fossa's face and his grip slackened as his lifeless body slumped forward onto Chad.
Kyle, kicked the fossa hard in the ribs, causing the corpse to roll off of Chad onto the floor.
"Miss me?" Kyle said sarcastically, shouldering his UMP in a heroic stance.
"...Fuck... you." Chad coughed.
"well your welcome, asshole." Kyle retorted.
"no, no" Chad said now being able to breathe. "WHERE THE fuck WERE you, is what I was trying to say, I just couldn't. we thought you were dead."
"yeah James is outside with a couple others, he was on that forklift." Chad said thumbing towards the door.
Just then the forklift smashed through the doors at full speed in reverse. James came bounding in gun drawn and as soon as he saw Kyle his eyes lit up.
"YEAH! YOU'RE NOT DEAD! Er, umm... not that I thought you were dead... uh." James stammered.
"Save it." Kyle said stepping over the dead fossa. "I knew you guys would be here... Chad remember that day we were talking about zombie plans, if there was ever a zombie outbreak. You told me all about your plan to come to walmart. So I knew id find you here if you were still alive. But bring that forklift out this way. I got some supplies I raided from a humvee I found." he laughed as he brandished the UMP.
Chad's ears twitched at the mention of the word "HUMVEE" as he had always wanted one. Kyle, seeing Chad's reaction, simply shook his head and said "sorry man, the humvee was totaled, completely disabled. Hearing this, Chad's ears flattened on his head and he looked down at his shoes.
Once outside, Kyle opened the back of his jeep as everyone gathered around to reveal a few M-16s, an M4A2 SOPMOD with a 4x acog scope and a grenade launcher, an MP5 and another UMP. Chad Snatched up the M4, quivering with excitement, while James grabbed the second UMP and Bill slung an M-16 over his shoulder.
They proceeded to convoy across the backs of the stores to walmart, when there was a large rustling in the field to their left. Several small creatures scuttled out of the weeds and onto the pavement. Each bearing rows of teeth and multiple eyes. Everyone opened fire, while Chad seized the opportunity to put his newfound weapon to use and climbed higher onto the forklift and cried "FIRE IN THE HOLE!"
The M4 kicked with a loud *thunk* as an M203 frag round sailed through the air, missing the center of the group that he was aiming for, but detonated by the right edge, effectively wiping out half the group and scaring off the rest.
"Not bad for a first-timer, huh?" Chad laughed.
Its been too long since they had something to laugh about. Even though it had only been roughly two days since the outbreak began, it seemed like it had been years. The laughter died down as they pulled into the loading dock of walmart. James continued with Bill to patch the hole in the front with shelves and anything else the forklift could uproot. Chad took Bobby to the pharmacy where he could treat his wounds. Kyle drove his jeep into the center of walmart and unloaded all of his 'borrowed' military gear.
Once everything was completed and Bobby had come to, they sat in some camp chairs they set up around the back of Kyle's Jeep, where a military radio sat. They left it on at all times in case something came over that hinted at a place to go for safety. So far though it had only crackled in unfriendly cold static. Suddenly a cell phone rang and everyone jumped. James slid his cell phone out of his pocket and checked a text he got. Suddenly he stood up and ran off without explaining anything. Chad reached for his arm but grabbed air as James sprinted down the aisle, got into his truck and drove through the window making a new hole in the wall.
"what the fuck was that about?" Chad shrugged looking around at everyone.
Suddenly Kyle's phone rang. Kyle glanced down and quickly read the screen.
"James just got a text from Sara. He's going to get her and bring her here." Kyle informed everyone.
"alright, we need to get this place set up to live in, Bill, you get the forklift, patch that hole that James just made, and then bring it back here and use it to push all these shelves out of the way to make a big open area. I'm going to the camping section to grab a bunch of tents, supplies and sleeping bags. Once the power stations go for so long without a staff the power will go out and we will need flashlights, generators, flares, fire starters and the like. Kyle, after Bill clears this area of shelves go with him to that wall over there... on the other side of it should be Dicks Sporting goods, break through the wall with the lift and make a hole so we can get through without going outside. We're gonna need guns and ammunition, which walmart doesn't sell anymore. Bobby, you just sit tight, don't move too much. We're gonna be here for a while, might as well dig in."
That was a tough write. Hahaha. So many distractions, ADHD does make it hard to write when your trying to reach a personal quota. Hope you enjoyed it, sorry for any grammatical errors, I am writing this at like, 2-3 AM. Good night everyone.