Hope and Dreams part 20

Story by Crownedclown13 on SoFurry

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#20 of h+D

And here we are.

Vincent waited in the hospitals hallway as Isaac went into see his mom. She had awoken, but the doctors were too dark about it for the rest to be good. Vincent was left in the hall, watched by nurses who were told not to let him in until Isaac was comfortable with it, and even then, not for long.

At first Vincent didn't think it was going to be a big deal having to wait. He sat patiently for a few minutes, but then he could hear Isaac starting to cry hysterically, and the voice of who could only be his mother yelling at the doctors to leave.

The doctors came out of the room, never telling the nurses to leave their posts. Vincent switched his vision between the door beside his chair, and the floor, but his thoughts never wavered. He wanted to be in there desperately. To tell Issac it would be okay. To embrace him in his time of need. To be his rock. Vincent was the knight in armor, supposed to protect Isaac from everything, but a few hours after he received that title and he failed already.

Vincent pouted, not being let in. His claws taped away on the too small chair's metallic arm, letting off a BRiiiiing that echoed and threatened his own sanity. He stopped, lying as far back as the chair would allow, huffing too himself. He knew Isaac deserved his alone time with his mom, but still.....

Failure never sat well with Vincent without a reason. Now that he had one, it took all his willpower to sit still, and even that wasn't going well. The nurses, a leopard and a goose, were small, Vincent could easily get past any resistance they would have put up if he charged now. But Vincent swallowed his passion and sat there in silence. He only hoped Issac was okay.


Issac looked down at his mother, a grin on his face, but tears in his eyes. She had awoken from her coma not even an hour ago, the doctors had tried to run tests to see if she was fine, but apparently she had only resisted and screamed that her son was to get there now.

After they called she had taken the tests, and an X-ray. She had a brain tumour. She'd had it for years, 3 years. Three years to drink her way through until her son left. Three years of knowing she would die. Three years of knowing her son would hate her. Three long agonizing years just to keep her son in the dark and way from knowledge of another lost parent.

It was benign so the doctors allowed her to leave the hospital when they first found it, and had requested that she come in for tests bi-annually which she'd ignored entirely.

Isaac was just about out of tears, she had refused to go to the appointments in order to keep him in the dark, she didn't want him to worry. But shockingly enough Issac had skipped angry at her and when straight to pity. She was a wreck. Too thin with deep set eyes and an I.V. in her arm. They had spoken just a little, and she waited while it all set in.

She was dying. If the tumour hadn't become malignant then the liver problems would have killed her eventually. She wasn't scared. She had resigned to this end, her son at her side and a long talk before she passed.

"Issac, I love you. Please don't think ill of my decision. I wanted you to be happy. To get out of town and live your life". She started as his hysteria passed and Issac settled down. She was resigned, but not emotionless. Her face was pained with the look of an unfortunate messenger, but still, the first thing Isaac noticed was her voice.

It was like a memory. A sweet dream long forgotten. It was kind, calm, controlled, sober. It brought more of the persistent tears back to his face, a new pocket of them apparently discovered.

"So you could die without me here to feel the pain". Issac said coldly, not meeting her gaze. "That's not right mom".

She took his paw in hers, the few days of detox via I.V. had done wonders for her coherency. "I know it isn't sweetie, but before we get to the pity party I need to tell you a few things". She took a deep breath. "Important things".

"About what?. Mom can't it wait a moment?!. This could be the last time......". He couldn't choke out the words. "There's someone I want you to meet".

She shook her head. "I'll be fast I promise Issac. It's about your father".


Vincent practically leapt out of the chair when Isaac left the room. The nurse's almost had a heart attack, but the leopard still managed to get her arms around him, even if it did nothing.

Issac looked shocked for a moment, but waved down the nurse. "Umm, I want you to meet my mom". Issac said, his voice hushed, whatever was going on was bad.

The nurses left, and Issac shut the door. "Issac.....are you okay?". Vincent asked, coming in for a sort of embrace.

Isaac waved him off. "I'm fine, but......". He took a deep breath. "She's umm, got a brain tumor". He was sniffling as most would expect, trying to keep it together, and to swallow the information he had just been told. In fact, if it wasn't Vincent out here in the hall, he wouldn't have left the room at all. He would have hid away in his dark space. Alone and empty.

"The doctors don't know how long she has, but umm, its been a while and just become........".

He couldn't say malignant. Even thinking IT felt like a sin. Saying it would make it official. It felt like the simple act of saying..... THAT word, would somehow kill his mother sooner. And either way it would be all his fault.

An overwhelming sense of the world crashed on Isaacs shoulder's. All the good and the bad, a complete understanding. His mother, the one who brought him into this world, would only be remembered properly by him and her precious few friends. Everyone else may glance at her obituary, seeing the drunk who drank herself to death. They would call her scum and maybe pity the son who was probably a druggy or of the bent. Some may come to the funeral, not seeing her for what she was but feeling obligated.

Isaac could practically feel his legs creaking with the strain of the world's weight, and now grief. He had thought of her as such himself. Her own damn son and he couldn't see she was dying quietly for him. She wanted the last gift she gave him to be the ability to stand on his own and never look back. To not feel grief over her impending death and to live his life. It sadly would have worked too, given more time.

Isaac felt like he was looking at the world through a stranger's eyes, he saw Vincent, his beauty and care. His massive, careful paws reach for the owner of the visions he was borrowing. He didn't feel a thing as he hit the floor, the world like a blur, unfocused, and seemingly un-important.

Vincent helped him up, yelling by the look on his face, but the words flew by Isaac's ears un-noticed. He tried to remember how to speak, muscle memory returning. He could feel himself mouth. "I'm fine". But he wasn't sure if he actually spoke. He saw his vision get blurry with tears, and he looked up at his bear. There was so much care and love in those deep eyes. His face so soft.

Isaac slowly pulled himself into reality, his senses returning, a depression crashing on him. He threw his arms around Vincent's neck and sobbed. "It's Malignant!". He managed. "Oh God Vincent". His body wracked with sobs, but he didn't care, and neither did Vincent who was scared of the momentary absence of soul he saw in Isaac. He was empty, resigned to surrender. He was empty, and done with all the struggle.

"She's dying. She's dying and she knew. That's why she was drunk all the time. To protect me!". He paused for the tears. "I'm such a horrible person......I.....*sniff*.....I don't deserve.....".

Vincent pushed him off of him a moment to look him in the eyes. "No, you're not Isaac, don't ever say that. You're caring and sweet and funny and loved. You said she knew?. That means she chose this and knew the consequences, it was very brave and you know what?. I'm sure to her it was worth it". He got quieter, and pulled him back into the hug. "To see you happier for these years, to see a face not filled with pity for a dying soul". It felt good to cheer up the dog, to finally be doing his job as guardian angel. Vincent brought Isaac in closer for a stereotypical bear bug, holding him tight. "She wants you to be happy, remember that. And so do I".

They sat on the floor of the hospital for a good three minutes, calming down. The Nurses returned with two bottled waters, three cookies and an approved clean glass of water for the patient. They also brought dinner for the three on a dolly. "Take as long as you need in there. No amount of stress will make her condition worse". She paused. "But a lack of stress can't hurt either".

Vincent nodded, standing up and helping Issac to his feet. "Are you sure you're okay?". He asked in a little voice, trying to be delicate.

Isaac looked up, his red eyes disappearing but thankfully not returning to the empty pools. "No, but I'm putting on a brave face; it's the least I can do to return hers".

They walked in with the dolly of food, Isaac taking a tray over to his mothers bedside. "Mom, this is Vincent; Vincent, my mom".

Vincent looked over at the woman in the bed. She looked quite the opposite of her son, the irony nowhere close to funny that the one to die was being proud and strong, while the one left to live was quiet and giving up. She was so thin, the sight even more shocking to a bear who is used to so much more....everything. Her fur was ragged, her bones showing through her arms. Her face was bony but her posture was chin up, back straight, and shoulders wide. She was a natural alpha. Very strong, and very respectable even in her condition.

She sat up more in the bed if it was possible, not the least bit in pain to shake his paw. "You look familiar, have we met before?". She asked, her voice clear, and equally strong, her lack of weakness making Vincent a bit in awe.

"I don't think so maam". Vincent responded, looking over at Issac, wishing he would make it clear if it was okay to tell her about them.

"Charmed anyway". She said, turning to Isaac, and taking the tray of food. "Thanks Isaac".

"Mom". Isaac said, demanding attention. "Vincent and I are together". It sounded sudden and stressed, so Vincent guessed he hadn't told her before, but she knew he was bi. "I love him, and he loves me". He continued, tears coming too his eyes. "I want you to know I'm happy. I...I want you to know that what you did....".

She put her plastic fork down and gave Isaac a hug and kiss, she was equally as nurturing apparently. "Sweetie, I'm so happy you're happy". She looked at Vincent with questioning eyes from his shoulder that just screamed her unspoken question. 'It's true right?'. The severity on the face making Vincent swallow.

Vincent nodded, not really sure how to react to any of this.

"Issac, could I talk to Vincent alone for a minute?". She asked. Issac knew if she had asked him to jump off a cliff he would have. He nodded and left, trying to take in as much of her not hung over voice as possible. But he understood the plan.....


Nathan grumbled to himself. The two decided to skip today?!. Really?! And then not respond to texts. Needless to say he was a bit agitated, but not in a bad mood. He had wanted to tell Isaac last night, but he sounded so tired over the phone. Nathan beamed, his smile next to literally making him glow with the recollection of the previous day.

He was sitting in the back of the shop, doing his homework to keep his mind off of Isaac, the revolutionary war not doing much to make him want to work either. He had thrown the book away, staring up at the ceiling of the room and groaning allowed.

It was a still......four hours from the midnight of the day they would call the station, the previous nights flashbacks of his crappy childhood still leaving him in a bad mood. "life is grand". He had said, turning over in his bed, and oddly enough, managing to sleep. Looking back on it, it was probably pure sleep deprivation. He had slept about.....three hours in the past two nights?. Maybe four if you count the in school naps.

It was a dreamless sleep, like his mind was too tired to even project thought, it just sent him picture flashes. There was no theme, mostly some bands he met, the ocean, his old car, the stoning circle. But none of the thoughts went anywhere, so it couldn't be classified as a nightmare. The cause of him being woken up?. His dad, knocking at his door.

Nathan remembered groaning aloud and attempting to mutter muffled curses.

"Hey kiddo. You mind if we have a guest sleep in here tonight?". His dad asked, slipping open the door a crack.

Nathan in his stupor didn't think twice about it. "Sure, just....just night". He wanted the intrusion to end, his ability to immediately return to sleep, slipping away by the second.

But that was not going to happen. His dad kicked in the door, light shining in, and the bang, making Nathan sit up in aggravation, looking at the clock, and back to his dad. "WHAT!?. It's two a.m.!. What is it?".

Nathan couldn't see his dad's expression in the light, but he saw the guest come in, or at least the shadow of their guest. "Don't be rude, greet your guest properly". His dad instructed. "I'm going to bed".

This time Nathan did swear under his breath, his dad flicking the lights on, blinding him. "What the hell.....". He groaned, throwing his covers over his eyes.

"I'll just set up over here then". The intruder spoke.

Wait a moment......Nathan knew that voice.

Nathan smiled again at seeing the new guest, he remembered the tears, the news, and the shock. A paw reached over to him at the lunch table, rubbing his back gently. Nathan looked up at Anthony with a big smile, the sea otter returned it.

He was still lanky, still the same brown, still the same smile. The only difference was the scar he had on the left side of his face. To be honest, Nathan shed tears over that scar. That line that would never heal, where fur would never return. But Anthony was Anthony, and he couldn't stand seeing the wolf in pain. "It's okay, besides, now I look more bad ass then you". He teased, expecting Nathan to just laugh and move on, returning a kiss long awaited.

It worked.


Isaac left the hospital with a nod, leaving Vincent with his mom for the usual. "He trusts you, don't let him down". "He needs you now more than ever" spiel. But he left, his mother's car keys in his pocket and left the hospital to confront his father once and for all. He knew this may be the last time he ever saw his mother, but they had said their goodbyes and prayed they met a few more times before she passed.

For now, Squall's home was his target. This was going to end. Tonight.

Hope and Dreams part 21

Vincent stormed out of the hospital, angry with Issac's mother for being the distraction, but even angrier at the fact that she wouldn't tell him where Issac had gone. He angrily hit the wheel of the car, careful not to beep the horn. Every damn turn...

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Hope and Dreams part 19

here we go with the speedy release. now just to be clear. NO MORE PUPPY DOG EYES FROM ANY OF YOU!!!! lol It was strange getting up for school the next day. Even though it had only been a few days, so much had happened...

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Hope and Dreams part 18

well, here we are, hope you like it. :) "And fucking your son makes you feel better?". Squall noticeably flinched, any strength he had fading fast. Arron knew that his actions put to words, that would sting more then if they were left...

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