Runaway Experiment Redux - Collie Rustlers

Story by StrikerSA on SoFurry

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It was early in the morning, but already the sun was well into the skies and shining upon the landscape. A range of mountains covered with pine and fir trees stretched from horizon to horizon, its one side eventually becoming gently rolling hills. Good rains had resulted in a green carpet of saplings and long grass, perfect for grazing. Nestled in a flat spot within the hills was a good-sized ranch where the buildings were built from logs. Aside from the main farm cabin there was a barn, a stable, a garage and a tool shed. The buildings were arranged in a neat crescent around a central courtyard connected to the road that led from the ranch.

Driving up that road was a light blue double-cab pickup truck, kicking up a trail of dust as it drove past the open gate and into the courtyard. The vehicle pulled up to the cabin and came to a stop. The driver turned off the engine and could be heard applying the handbrake. A few moments later the door swung open and the driver, Providence Belmont the female collie, climbed out, her cowboy boots crunching on the gravel.

While at first glance Providence appeared to look like the average collie, but slight variations in her coat hinted at mixed breeding. Her eyes were a deep green and the soft, long fur around her face were a medium brown with an array of white and tan leading down to her scruff. Long bangs dangled over her eyes while a long ponytail dyed red hung down her back. The white/tan fur continued down her tummy, where a silver ring glistened from her pierced belly button. Her slender legs ended in plantigrade hind paws slipped comfortably into the boots. Resting between her drooping ears was her favorite accessory: her white cowboy hat made of fine straw with a brown band that had a single topaz in it. Along with her hat she wore a white tank top whose bottom was rolled up and tied in a frontal knot to show off her tummy. The collie also wore tight blue jeans that gave her supple rear a more curved and sculpted look than normal.

As Providence locked the door of her pickup, the cabin's front door swung open and another female collie came walking down the steps. She was more purebred than Providence, having only a combination of white and deep brown fur. White fur covered her muzzle and front of her face, running down her neck and chest, continuing over her tummy to between her legs. She also had white fur on her lower arms and legs, her feet and paws, the tip of her tail and long hair that reached halfway down her back. She wore a short-sleeved shirt that was unbuttoned at the top to allow a view of the top of her round breasts, denim jeans with a studded belt that had a silver star on the buckle, cowboy boots and cowboy hat with a silver star in the middle. When the collie saw Providence she smiled and held out one paw in greeting.

"Hi there! You must be Providence Belmont?" The collie greeted Providence, taking her paw to shake it.

"Yup, that's me." Providence replied, shaking the paw back. "And you are?"

"I'm Cassie Collinwood." The collie answered, letting each other go. "I take it you're here about the job we advertised on the radio?"

"That's right." Providence nodded. Two days ago she had heard over the local radio station that the ranch was looking for a collie, male or female, to come and help with the rustling and branding of cattle. Seeing a chance to make some money, Providence dialed the number as it was broadcasted and after a few minutes the ranch had hired her on the spot. "It sounded like y'all needed some help around here." She added.

"No kidding!" Cassie said, shaking her head. "We got a bunch of cattle that need branding before the trucks pick them up, and just before we are to begin Candice goes up and disappears."

"Candice?" Providence asked curiously.

"One of my best rustlers." Cassie explained. "She had been working here for a couple of years and had never been late for work. Now, four days ago, she vanishes into thin air even though she had turned up for work that day."

"Aren't you looking for her?"

"Sure are. State troopers are searching the entire county for her, but since we have orders to fulfill we don't have time to look for her. That's why we asked for help."

"Well, I hope you find her soon." Providence said supportively. "Meanwhile, I'm ready to help out with your orders."

"Thanks, Providence." Cassie replied with obvious relief about the assistance. "We might as well get started right away. Unless you need to eat or attend to business."

"No, I did all that before I came here." Providence shook her head politely.

"Good, but if you do get hungry we'll be taking along some food too. Now, let's go and get ready." Cassie said as she turned and began to walk towards the building that served as the stable.

Providence followed Cassie towards the wooden building located between the barn and the main ranch house, their boots crunching on the gravel with each footfall. As they approached the stable doors, a female border collie came walking out towards Cassie.

"I got the horses saddled up and ready, Cassie." The border collie said in a voice that indicated she was still fresh into adulthood.

"Good work, Candy." Cassie replied. "What about our supplies and gear?"

"I got them all here. We just need to get them loaded up on the horses and we're good to go." The border collie called Candy replied.

"Great job." Cassie thanked Candy. The collie turned and indicated towards Providence. "Candy, this is Providence Belmont. She's come to help us out in Callie's place."

Providence stepped forward and held out her paw. "How do you do?"

"Howdy, Providence!" Candy said cheerfully, taking Providence's paw and shaking it. "I'm Candy Virginia. Pleased to meet you!"

"Same here, Candy." Providence returned the greeting. She took the moment to examine Candy more closely. The border collie female appeared to be just out of her teens and already she was looking full-figured and well-built. She had the traditional white fur on her face, neck, chest and tummy, the tips of her arms and legs and tail and between the legs. Deep black fur covered the rest of her body. Candy wore the same attire as Cassie with some differences. While Cassie wore a light blue shirt, Candy had a bright pink shirt. It was also unbuttoned a little more than Cassie's, showing off more of the border collie's round orbs that might be necessary. Candy also wore denim shorts instead of jeans, and they were indeed very short, stopping just slightly below her cute behind. Providence flustered a little bit, but luckily it was not noticed by either Cassie or Candy.

"Now that we have introduced ourselves..." Cassie started to speak, snapping Providence back to reality. "... we can get saddled up and go to work. The sooner we start, the sooner we'll be done."

Both Providence and Candy agreed with Cassie. The trio then went into the stables to saddle up their horses and load up the gear. It did not take them long before the three collies led their horses out of the stables. Cassie led the way as they headed into the countryside to begin their work.

It took a good hour's ride to eventually reach the area where the cattle were grazing. Cassie was out in front, followed by Candy and then Providence. For Providence the ride was rather pleasant. The skies were clear, the air was fresh and cool and the surrounding forests were filled with the sounds and scents of nature. They didn't need to travel far, and the collie only had to pull gently on the straps or nudge the horse's flanks with her boots. Her breasts gently bounced with each step the horse took, sometimes more when they were crossing over some rough terrain.

They came out from amongst the trees to a dip amongst the hills, where there wasn't any trees but rather grasslands. A good-sized heard of brown steers were grazing upon the lush greenery right in the middle of the dip. Cassie motioned everyone to a stop, and then turned her horse to Candy and Providence.

"Okay, this is the first herd we have to move." Cassie told them. "You gals know what to do, right?"

Providence and Candy nodded their heads. During the ride Cassie explained to them, most to Providence, how they were to guide the steers back to the ranch's cattle pen. Even though the herds consisted of very tame cattle, they were taught to handle them as wild to be on the safe side.

"Good." Cassie said, seemingly satisfied. "Let's get to work. Candy, you go around the left side."

"You got it, Cassie!" Candy replied enthusiastically, her black and white tail wagging eagerly. The border collie then dug her boots into her horse's flanks and headed for her position.

"Providence." Cassie turned to the collie. "You go around to the right opposite Candy. I'll go to the back and begin to urge the herd along. You and Candy keep them together and make sure not to let any of them break away from the group. Think you can handle it?"

"Sure will, sugar." Providence replied confidently.

"Great." Cassie said with a pleased look on her face. "And if you need help, don't hesitate to call me or Candy."

"No problem, Cassie." Providence nodded her head.

"Let's get to work, then." And with those words Cassie wheeled her horse and galloped towards the herd. Providence kicked her heels into her horse's flanks, and then she took off to take up her position on the right side of the herd.

As Providence approached the herd, some of the cattle looked up at her with disinterest, chewing the grass they had plucked from the ground. Once she was at her spot, Providence looked at the others. Candy was right opposite her on the left side, waving back at her. The collie waved at the border collie in reply. Cassie was now behind the herd, positioned an equal distance between Candy and Providence. She then gave a series of loud barks. The steers nearest to her began to bellow and move away from her, triggering the rest of the herd into action. Candy and Providence then joined in, barking at the herd while keeping their horses parallel with the cattle.

The cattle herd was now moving back the way the collies had came, proceeding onwards to the ranch. It was relatively easy and the collies stopped barking, though they continued to do so whenever the heard moved out of the course or a steer went astray. But overall they made good progress. Providence guessed they would back at the ranch within less than two hours.

It was about twenty minutes after they had begun moving the herd that Providence spotted it: a horse was grazing amongst the trees, not far from where they were. At first the collie though it was a wild horse, or perhaps one of Cassie's horses that she let roam free on the ranch. Those views quickly fell away, however, when Providence saw that the horse had a saddle on with stirrups, straps and some a backpack. This was definitely a horse with a rider missing.

Providence turned to where Cassie was and whistled loudly. Right away Cassie looked towards Providence. "Something wrong, Providence?" He asked aloud to be heard above the steers' bellows.

"I think so, Cassie." Providence replied, also speaking loudly to be heard. "There's a horse over there with no rider." The collie pointed towards the grazing horse.

Upon sighting the horse, Cassie immediately brought her horse to a halt. After staring at the rider-less steed, she turned towards Candy and whistled like Providence had. She immediately had the border collie's attention.

"Candy," Cassie asked, pointing at the horse. "You know all our horses. Is that horse over there one of ours?"

Candy pulled the straps and stopped her horse, looking towards the one amongst the trees. Providence then noticed a look of surprise on her face that formed after the border collie had been examining the horse. She then turned back to Cassie. "That's Candice's horse!"

Cassie immediately looked back at the rider-less horse, now looking just as surprised as Candy. Providence, however, was still confused as to what was going on. "Candice? Is that the missing rustler you told me about?" The collie asked Cassie.

Cassie turned back to Candy. "Go and get her horse, Candy. And keep your eyes peeled for any sign of Candice."

"Gotcha!" Candy replied, and then she wheeled her horse over and started to gallop around the cattle heard towards the stray horse.

Cassie then turned her attention back to answering her friend's questioning. "You're right, Providence. That's Candice's horse." The collie then swore loudly. "I should have used my head! We should have noticed her horse was gone!" Cassie was clearly upset at her own apparent stupidity.

Meanwhile, Candy had reached Candice's free roaming horse and was about to make a grab for the straps. By now she and the horse were on the crest of a hill. Candy then noticed something beyond the trees and stared at it for a few seconds. Then she turned back to Cassie. "Cass, there's something brightly-colored in the trees over there. I'm going to go and have a quick peek. Maybe it's Candice or one of her belongings."

"Be careful!" Cassie shouted back. The words had barely left her muzzle when Candy dug her boots into her horse and sent him galloping into the woods, quickly disappearing behind the hill. At the moment Cassie sent Providence over to the other side of the herd, where some of the cattle were breaking away from the group. Providence went over to and, using a series of barks, sent the stray steers back into the herd.

"Cassie! Help!" Candy's voice came back from the woods loud enough for both collies to hear her. Immediately both Providence and Cassie swung their heads towards the forest. "Something's got m...." Candy second cry for help was abruptly cut off, but both collies realized that the border collie was in serious trouble.

"Hold on, Candy!" Cassie shouted back, pulling on her horse's straps. "Keep an eye on the herd, Providence!" The collie told her, then she was off on a gallop into the forest to rescue Candy.

Providence could only watch as Cassie disappeared over the hill. She tried to listen to what was going on, but quickly found her paws full with keeping the herd from splitting apart. The collie had to circle the steers and bark at them a few times to bring them back in line. Once that was done, Providence found herself positioned at the bottom of the hill, with the grazing horse of Candice eating grass. The collie listened carefully for shouts or cries for help, but all she heard was the steers and the chirping of birds in the trees.

"What's going on over there?" Providence asked herself as she took her cowboy hat off to wipe her forward. She was following Cassie's instructions to stay with the herd, but the collie was becoming concerned about not hearing anything from beyond the hill. She didn't hear anything from Candy or Cassie for a long time, but Providence remained close to the steers. Finally, a horse came trotting over the hill to join the other horse in grazing. The collie immediately recognized the saddled-up steed as the belonging to Cassie.

Providence struggled to decide what to do next. She knew that Cassie and Candy were in trouble, but she had to take care of the steers. Plus, she was not sure if she was to go to the ranch and call the local authorities, because the collie didn't know if the others needed her help first.

After a few moments, Providence made up her mind. The steers weren't going to go very far and could take care of themselves for while. She would then go and check on the other collies and then decide whether to help or to call the police. Providence turned her horse around and urged it on towards the hill. The horse's hooves galloped across the ground, climbing up the hill. Once over the rise the collie brought her horse to a halt and stared, seeing what was going on about ten feet away.

In the middle of two large pines was the biggest flower Providence had ever seen. It's bright, purple petals had a circumference as big as that of a tractor tire and a stem as thick as the chimney of her own house. It stood about twice as high as Providence was tall. Several vines, each as thick as the collie's arms, rose around the plant's stem, moving in a manner that Providence never saw in any plant.

"Oh my." Providence said softly, edging her horse closer to get a better look at the bloom. As the horse got closer Province noticed some bright colors lying at the base of the plant's stem. That's when the collie realized what she was seeing: cowboy hats, boots, torn denim jeans, Candy's pink shirt. She quickly looked back up just in time to see a pair of feet, toes wiggling, slip through a closing sphincter in the centre of the flower. Finally Providence noticed the bulge in the plant's stem, shaped like that of a female canine. The collie put two and two together right there: the plant had eaten Candy and was now eating Cassie!

"Hold on, Cassie! I'm coming!" Providence shouted as she jumped out of the saddle and rushed up towards the plant without concern for her own safety. The collie reached out to grab Cassie's ankles, but she was too late. Cassie's feet disappeared into the folds of the plant's "mouth" and sealed up tightly. Providence missed them by barely a second. She tried to pry open the flower's mouth, but it was sealed up as tight as a drum. Providence could only watch in despair as Cassie slid down the plant's stem and disappeared into the earth. "Oh no." The collie muttered in shock.

Suddenly Providence saw something in the corner of her eye and quickly turned to look. The plant's vines were moving towards her, snaking through the air to the collie. She realized that she had put herself in great danger and that she needed to get away and call for help as quickly as possible. Providence turned around and started to run. The collie didn't get two feet when something grabbed her ankles, causing her to stumble and fall flat on the ground. Providence yelped in pain from the fall, but the pain quickly subsided. The next moment she found herself being dragged along the ground before being lifted into the air by her feet.

"Let go of me, you stupid blossom you!" Providence growled, seeing that the plant's vines have lassoed around her cowboy boots and were holding her tightly. She bent to try and reach those vines, but she could barely touch them with her fingertips. Two more vines then went and wrapped around her wrists, much to Providence's surprise. She tried to jerk them free, but it was the plant that pulled her arms down and straightened her. The collie could only watch as more vines were coming towards her with alarming speed. She also saw the flower's "mouth" opening again, revealing the hollow shoot from which three more vines were coming from.

Providence yelped out in surprise when she felt two of the vines slither in under her blue jeans' pipes and move up her legs. Before she could even look up at those vines, two others were up her shirt's sleeves and moving along her arms. The collie could feel their smooth skins slide over her fur as they made their way up her appendages. She then gasped when she felt the vines on her arms come to her chest and slide between her chest orbs, squeezing in. "What the heck are you doing, plant?" Providence growled, flustering from this kind of attention. At her hips the vines went up either side of her thigh until they came out from under the fabric.

And then they pulled. The vines yanked at Providence's shirt and blue jeans with surprising force. She could feel her clothes strain hard against her body. After a few second there came the sound of tearing as the jeans and the shirt tore at the seams and buttons. The vines keep pulling, ripping the collie's clothing into large shreds until they began to come off her body. She watched with surprise as first her jeans, then her shirt, was pulled off her body and dropped to the ground along with Candy and Cassie's clothes. Providence was now hanging there with only a bra and panties to help cover the essentials. Her fluster became more pronounced, forming a red hue on her cheeks through her fur.

The vines came at Providence again, this time sliding in under her bra and panties. They wrapped around the thinnest points of her underwear and pulled. Considering how easily the vines had torn the collie's other clothes off, the bra and panties were simply no match. Two quick snaps later and Providence felt her underwater come loose and fall to the ground. Her breasts bounced free from their bonds while a gently breeze now blew over the collie's nude body. She blushed furiously and shivered a little, using her furry tail to try and cover what she could. What have I gotten into, Providence thought to herself in embarrassment.

Suddenly she felt herself moving. Providence quickly looked to see the vines lift her a little higher, and then move her directly above the flower. The bloom turned upwards, and then the hole in the center opened up wide. Providence saw no trace of Cassie, but instead she found herself looking into the hollow shoot of the plant, the sides gleaming with moist and glowing with a faint fluorescent glow. The collie realized that she now next on the plant's menu! She immediately began to jerk and thrash around, hoping to get her limbs free before she suffered the same fate as Cassie and Candy. But the vines held on tightly despite Providence's attempts to break free from their grip. And while she struggled to escape, three more vines made their way from the flower's "mouth" up towards their new prey.

The first two vines wrapped around her arms and held firm while the other exterior vines that held her wrists unwrapped. This did not register with Providence, who was still trying to get free. Her efforts were making her tired, causing her to pant while her breasts bounced with each rapid breath. But her panting were quickly stopped when the first vine from the mouth, which had a tea cup-shaped end, slipped over her snout and lower jaw. The collie's yelp of surprise became muffled as the cup stretched and folded over Providence's entire muzzle and forced it shut. She tried to force her mouth open again while growling through clenched teeth, but the vine's skin was like rubber that barely stretched.

Then came the gas. Mixed in with life-giving oxygen the plant was beginning to spray Providence's nostrils with the odorless toxin. Almost immediately it began to have an effect on the collie. She felt her mind growing dumb and tired while her eyesight was becoming blurry, almost as if she was getting sleepy. Her struggles quickly ended as her muscled relaxed to the point where the female was dangling limply in the vines' grip. Providence tried to fight it, but it was a futile battle that she lost within a minute. Her green eyes were glazed, barely peeking between her eyelids, while her mind was almost asleep. Thus, the collie was only very vaguely aware of her being lowered arms-first into the flower's awaiting maw.

Providence's arms slid in easily into the flower opening, then came her head and shoulders. The rim of the collie's prized cowboy hat caught on the "lips" of the flower mouth and came off her head as it and her shoulders slipped into the void. As the hat fluttered down towards the ground, Providence's soft breasts were squished against her chest, her tits rubbing against the mouth rim and eliciting a soft moan from the collie before they bounced free once through. Once the collie's bellybutton slid past the lips, the mouth closed around her figure, leaving only the collie cowgirl's bare buttocks, legs, tail and booted feet in the air. At this point other vines came and began to work on getting the female's boots off. Inside the plant Providence was faintly aware of suction within the shoot that started to pull her nude body in. Outside, her curvy backside slipped in between the flower's lips, followed by her tail and upper legs. As her lower legs started to go in, the vines managed to get the boots off. Providence's toes were curling a little as the boots fell to the ground. The female's legs went into the plant, at which point the vines let go of her completely. Finally her plantigrade feet slid in between the closing lips. All that remained of Providence was a bulge in the flower's stem as her body squeezed into the shoot, her naked features visible on the outside. But even that view was fleeting as she was pulled down, her form slipping beneath the earth.

Satisfied that it had gotten its fill, and seeing there are no more potential preys within range, the plant folded up its flower's petals and began to head back into the ground. It took just a few seconds for the flower and the vines to vanish beneath the earth, leaving the pile of cowboy hats, boots and torn clothing as only evidence of its feasting.

Providence was so drugged by the toxins the plant was feeding her that she was barely aware of her journey down the plant's shoot. It was only after she came to a stop and the vines released her arms and face that she started to come to. What first registered in her mind was that she was lying on some kind of wet floor and that the air was pretty stale. Next her ears picked up a strange and yelp familiar noise all around her, but that quickly gave way to a migraine that made the collie curl up and groan, clutching her head. The headache only lasted a minute and when it subsided Providence's thoughts were much clearer.

"Oh golly. What a headache. Was I dreaming?" Providence asked herself, thinking she was probably waking up from a bad dream. However, as she rubbed her eyes the sound all around her became much clearer. The collie opened her eyes and looked around. What she saw made her jump to her feet in fright.

Providence found that she was inside some kind of pod with green walls that looked like transparent rubber. But it what she saw beyond those walls that shocked her. There were dozens of pods arranged across the floor of a huge chamber, much like her own. But inside nearly all those other pods were a female fur or elf and occasionally a male as well. Everyone was stark naked, a fact that made Providence blush. Even worse, vines inside the pods held their victims suspended within some kind of goo while they yiffed every private and sensitive sexual spot while also providing air and nourishment. Frequently one of those victims would shudder and thrash around in an apparent sexual climax. The sound the collie had heard was the victims' moans, murrs, groans and screams of pleasure.

"Wha... what is this place?" Providence asked, stunned and shocked by this perverted scene before her. She looked to her left and there were even more full pods that way. She looked right, but found herself looking at the chamber wall, which looked fleshy and had a fluorescent green glow to it. The collie spun around to look behind her and saw more pods. But it was when she looked at who was inside them that Providence gasped and ran to that side of her pod. Cassie and Candy were in two adjacent pods close to hers, both stripped naked and being yiffed by dozens of tentacles. Cassie was squirming and jerking about, her face contorted as she tried to fight the sensations from her violated holes and her suckled breasts. Candy, on the other hand, looked as if she had already given in and was actually enjoying it. The border collie danced her body around, murring loudly as she was yiffed. Providence blushed furiously and turned her eyes to the third collie. She too had given up the fight and was now a pleasure slave. Then it hit Providence that it was Candice, the collie Cassie said had gone missing days before.

Despite her predicament and herself Providence was becoming aroused by the scene before her. As she stared wide-eyed and breathed heavily while watching Cassie suddenly hit orgasm, her paws sliding between her legs to begin rubbing at her femalehood. As the collie did this she started to pant, her furry chest orbs rising and falling with each quick breath she took. Providence could not believe she was becoming so horny right now, yet she could not take her eyes off the nude collies in the other pods. She rubbed faster against her wet pussy opening, leaning against her pod's walls.

Providence's self-pleasuring was interrupted when two tentacles, similar to the ones that held the other females, wrapped around her wrists and pulled her arms above her head. At first the collie whined at being stopped from masturbating, but her senses quickly came back to her even as her ankles got ensnared. The tentacles pulled her upright and spread her arms and legs, preparing the collie for the inevitable. At the same time the pod began to fill up with a transparent liquid that came out of the walls, pooling at the bottom and quickly rising over her feet and up her legs. "No! This cannot happen to me! I'm not a fuck toy!" Providence whined in protest, jerking and thrashing around vainly. In response, another vine dropped from the ceiling and opened up, and then slid over Providence's muzzle until it became attached to her face. The collie's yelped in surprise, then shook her head left and right. Suddenly she smelled the same kind of toxins the flower had given her earlier. Right away she began to feel light-headed again and her muscles tired and weak. After a few seconds the collie was just hanging in the grip of the vines.

With Providence now at the mercy of the plant, other vines came out of the pod's ceiling and floor. Two of them had cup-like tips that came and planted themselves onto each of Providence's breasts, covering her erect tits and then stretching over her large mounds before sucking hard to attach firmly to her boobs. Providence groaned, her eyes glazed as she began to feel the suckling upon her globes and tits as if it was wanting her to breastfeed it. Down below the liquid was rising over her hips, flowing in between her butt cheeks and legs as it submerged her lower body. Swimming towards her hips were three more tentacles, two with blunt tips and a much thinner one with a small hole in the front. The blunt ones went first, going up to the collie's ass and pussy and prodding at them for entry. Providence shivered and moaned, then breathed in sharply as the first vine slipped easily into her moist vagina, sliding along her tunnel into its new home. The one at her ass at first had trouble when her anal ring tightened. But a combination of the liquid and constant pushing against that tightness was finally rewarded when it got just enough of its tip in to get her to open up. From then on there was no stopping the tentacle from worming into the collie's ass, squirming and wiggling as it made its way up her tight backspace. Providence yelped softly and shuddered from the sensations of being stuffed in both holes.

The liquid steadily filled up the pod, rising over Providence's pierced bellybutton at a good pace. Her breasts came next and became buoyant as they went under, the weightlessness making them look even more round and firm. Then came her shoulders, neck and the lower part of her face. The collie blinked once before her vision became a liquid blur. Her forehead and ears went under, then came her arms and finally paws as her pod filled up completely. The collie's long hair and her tail now floated about freely with in the transparent liquid. The vines holding her wrists and ankles relaxed the tension on their lengths to allow Providence to gently float inside the liquid, though their grips on her remained strong. And that's when the vines started their real work.

The tentacles in her ass started to pull back, sliding down her backside as if it was going to come out again. But just as it was about to come out, it thrust back in fast to its original position. Providence yiped, the thrust inwards making her bounce upward a little bit. At the same time, the length in her pussy also pulled back and, just before popping out it went right back in. The two tentacles then synchronized their motions, one pulling back while the other shot in. Providence moaned out, her ass and vaginal muscles relaxing as the pumping of her holes sent out pleasure sensations that weakened her body even further. At the same time, her mind switched over from resistance to submission and enjoyment. The collie began to dance her body, moving her hips in a circular hula-motion. She looked around, wondering if any of the others were watching.

While most of the other victims were too absorbed in their own rapture, Candy did notice Providence and her dancing movements. A smile was just barely visible on her tentacle-covered muzzle as the border collie watched Providence dance around. The two collies' eyes locked, with Candy giving Providence a wink before she started to move her hips forward and backwards, making the sight of her stuffed holes even more visible to her friend. At the same time her suckled breasts, which were as generous as her shirt top had suggested earlier, swayed around jiggled due to the movements. Providence blushed even more, becoming even hornier from both the physical and the visual stimulations. The collie took her dance rhythms up a notch, making even more provocative motions at Candy. The border collie responded by turning around and bending over, wiggling her black-furred ass with the white fur running along her inner buttocks at Providence. Providence wondered how Candy was able to move so much in the vines' grip, but she was too caught up in the growing pleasure in her body.

Suddenly the spike hit Providence like a train. The collie's muscled stiffened, her eyes shut tightly and let out a howl of pleasure around the tentacle in the mouth from her orgasm. Her love holes clenched tightly around the intruding lengths, her entire naked body shuddering in the liquid as the pod pulsed from her pleasure peak. Nearby came another muffled howl as Candy also orgasmed, the border collie thrashing and shivering in delight while the vines held both her and Providence tightly. Providence's mind was awash with the joy she was feeling even as her orgasm passed. Her body grew limp, now simply floating around in the pod like her long hair and tail. Slowly opened her eyes, spotting Candy as she too just relaxed in the tentacles' grip. The collie slowly turned her head to look at Cassie. Cassie also seemed to have recovered from an orgasm, but the look on her face was one of concern and realization that she, like Providence, Candy, Candice and all the others, were being yiffed and will be continuously yiffed by this plant monster.

A brief thought in Providence's mind told her that she should mirror Cassie's concern over their fates. But then Cassie closed her eyes and jostled as the vines resumed their work on her body. That thought vanished immediately as Providence watched her friend, wanting to join her in the fun. As if reading her head, the vines inside Providence began to thrust in and out of her ass and pussy again, making the collie close her eyes and whine with enjoyment. The collie cowgirl gave herself over to the plant, now just another yiff-slave to the creature's collection.

A few days later another unfortunately victim was dropped off into a newly-grown pod. This time it was a male rough collie whose fur was a mixture of brown and white colors. The toxins quickly wore off as he lay at the bottom of his cell, naked and covered in a thin film of slime that he gathered as he was swallowed down the tube. He opened his eyes, rubbing them in the hope of clearing his blurry vision. He then struggled to his feet, his strength slowly return to his muscled.

The male collie was a state trooper who was investigating some mysterious disappearances of several female cowgirls when he ran afoul of some huge flower. The rest of what happened was a blur of sensations, making it hard for him to recollect what happened. All he knew now was that he was inside some kind of fleshy cell through which he could see...

... other pods, filled mostly with females but also some males, floating in liquid and being yiffed silly by dozens of vines. The sight of the nude females left the male collie staring, his canine cock growing stiff again. Forgetting his role as law enforcer, the collie looked around and spotted four female collies nearby. The closest one had a long, red ponytail and a glittering piercing in her belly-button. With her back to him, the male had a good view of her shapely buttocks and the vine that went into her ass to yiff her. He didn't know who she was, but he didn't care. He reached down to grab himself while leaning against the pod, watching breathlessly as the collie danced around in her pod in total submissive enjoyment of the pleasure.

He never saw the vines coming up from behind him...


Story by: Gerhard "StrikerSA" Naudé

Providence copyright to: Her Player

Runaway Experiment Redux: Part 3 - Relocation

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Runaway Experiment Redux - Part 2: The Hunting

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