
Story by Sorinkat on SoFurry

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By Sorin

I'm sure lots things go through the head of a guy when he's getting sucked off. Rapture, frustration at the lack of skill, amazement in the willingness to take some guys dick into one's mouth. My mind was on a phone call to my boyfriend, which strikes me as odd even when I think about it, especially since that blow job I was getting, was by the hottest rabbit in Nuvel. That's not to say that he wasn't a skilled boy, hardly. It's more that my meetings with him have been gnawing at me lately; in fact, I had come to his apartment to call the whole thing off. Ya right, there was no surprise at the situation I found myself in, on Friday night after work. The bunny's name is Mi, and he is the cutest boy I have ever seen; white as the fallen snow, piercing jade green eyes, lean like a school girl, and with a smile that would melt ice in the middle of winter. And crafty, he had me wrapped around his finger, and we both knew it.

== <*> ==

How cliche is it that everything started at a party? I showed up, a little late, with Trevor, he's my Boyfriend, by the way. The party was at a trendy condo, up on the bluff over the city, owned by our host. Anton was a wolf, a minor socialite, and an Ex. He throws fabulous parties, and socially speaking, missing one of Anton's parties was tantamount to committing social suicide. Breaking up with Anton could have been the same, thankfully it was congenial.

When someone thinks of a social gathering, a few images probably come to mind. Fancy drinks soft music, and people wandering pretending to be more compelling than they actually are. All of it was all present tonight. Perhaps it was fate that Trevor left early claiming a headache, we had been together long enough that I knew that was a lie. Trevor is not terribly into the social scene, in fact, he hates it. He has gotten used to making an appearance for appearance sake, mostly due to my insistence and then drift off home before getting too involved. Sometimes when I actually sit down and think back on the events of this night, I blame him for the situation I'm in. It's not fair, but my mind drifts there any way especially when I'm in a funk.

"Marc, there's my favorite tiger, I want you to meet someone" Anton's words are burned into my brain, they started all of it. Listen to me, here I am again trying to blame someone else. I know this mess is all because of me and my dick. No matter how I write it, or say it or think it, I know the truth. Regardless, it still amazes me how such basic words can start a chain reaction that leads you down paths you would not have considered before. Anton took my arm leading me gently, but insistently through a small group of people to the foyer. That was the first time I saw Mi. He was just taking off his coat. The bunny was dressed in a cute little outfit of pinks and purples that would normally be beyond my threshold of gay stereotype, except that he wore it so well. I'm sure I stared for a moment because I noticed Anton's slight smirk as he nudged my arm and made introductions.

"Mi, this is Marc" my paw was out to shake before I even thought of it "Marc owns a small advertising firm in the downtown area." His shake is just what I would imagine, soft, effeminate, but there is some strength there, enough firmness so show he's involved in the social gesture, but not committed to it. As his hand drops and the introduction seems to sink in I see an immediate change in his demeanor and I know immediately that Anton is networking for him the young male, not that I mind. "Mi is a model, just recently moved here from Los Estrellas. " We made small talk, had a few drinks with Anton, and a few more after Anton wandered off to visit with his other guests, and we ended up in Anton's guestroom.

The first time is always most memorable. I remember Mi's scent as I drew his shirt off. The moonlight coming in through the window caught the white fur of his chest. I remember leaning in trying to catch moon beams with my teeth. All I actually caught was the softness of his fur and his moans as my tongue explored his lean chest. His hands were hesitant, I don't know to this day how much was an act, but he seemed vulnerable.

His paws explored my chest, down to my pants, he undid them slowly. I almost stopped him, I swear I did, my brain was screaming at for me to stop, to zip up my pants and go home to Trevor. I thought that up until he started to lick me, gods he had a skillful tongue, teasing, caressing, playful and yet with a purpose.

"Am I your first feline...?" I asked with a huff and a growl as his tongue continued carefully exploring the barbs on my penis. He looked up at me and nodded. He might have been lying, but it was just the right lie. I throbbed when his tongue touched me next. He continued teasing, coaxing slippery trickles of pre out of my length and onto his eager tongue. I stroked his ears something that made him shiver intensely.

It was almost torture to pull him away, but I drew his muzzle from my arousal and our eyes met. It was a long moment before I picked him up in my arms and carried him over to the bed, pausing to kiss him as I reached the edge. I dropped him on the bed, a little squeak escaping his muzzle, and a soft giggle as he wriggled out of his pants leaving them in a pool on the floor. From someone else, that giggle might have killed the mood, from MI... I crawled onto the bed panting softly, arousal throbbing gently and growled softly. The room smelled of our musk making my head buzz. The condom was such an afterthought as hot as I was I'm genuinely amazed that I even remember putting it on now that I look back.

I pinned him to the bed, pushing my muzzle into the crook of his neck and my cock into the tight heat under his tail. I'm sure I was rough with eagerness; I faintly remember his gasp of surprised pain. But what I remember most was hot tight he was, how hot. I clutched him to me starting to move inside him panting. A soft growl started to build in my chest. His voice rose in pleasure, and I started to believe that I might be his first feline. Even though the rubber he clenched on me. His fingers pressed through my fur. Soft, restrained gasps of pleasure turning into cries as my thrusts grew longer drawing my barbs over his my insides stretching him. I could feel him hard against my stomach, throbbing each time I pushed into him. Mi's cries grew in urgency, in tandem with my soft grunting growls.

Pleasure grew and with a roar I pushed into him, hips trembling jerking and I came inside him. The haze of bliss took longer than usual to clear. When it did, I found myself panting and licking him. His little coos of pleasure were probably the cutest sound I've ever heard. I drew back, surprised to find my tummy fur slick and matted. I don't even remember him cumming. I drew out of him slowly and kissed him, relaxing with him until the sounds from the party below started to filter back into our ears.

When we finally rejoined the party Anton didn't say a thing, though I could see his understanding in his eyes and I would be surprised if he didn't hear us. I seem to have this reputation as a player which I suppose is supported by the number of boyfriends I've had. Up until now it actually was undeserved I have been with Trevor now for over a year. And contrary to rumor I've never cheated on a single one of my Ex's until now. I don't think that realization actually hit me that night; I was pretty drunk, and floating on post-orgasmic bliss. I don't think I was in love, but I was certainly in lust with Mi.

I got home that night late, thankfully smelling more of Booze than Mi, mostly due to the shower that me and Mi had shared before rejoining the party. Climbing into bed with Trevor, I felt a little pang of guilt as he snuggled back up against me. He is so trusting thankfully the booze carried me away.

== <*> ==

Mi looks up at me with curious eyes; I know he wants to ask why I don't seem to be into the blowjob he's giving me. Thankfully he doesn't ask, because I'm not sure if I could answer him right now. Mi has a skilled mouth, and can usually get me off quickly, which is saying something because I tend to be hard to get off orally, Anton commented about it just before we broke up and said it probably has to do with my desire get under the tail of my partner, fuck all the four play figuratively speaking. I don't think that's it, I like oral sex well enough. It's just that so few people genuinely know how to do it right. Mi knows how to do it right, the first time he sucked me off I came in quick; I still remember how shocked I was.

== <*> ==

I signed Mi to a modeling contract the following Monday. My motivations were not all selfish. Mi is an exceptionally talented model. I had him audition for two of my talent scouts. He could have gotten a job at any agency in the city. The selfish part came in my desire to have him work for mine. That evening was the first time he sucked me off to completion.

It was after hours, most of the employees had gone home. A knock at the door drew my attention in time to watch Mi's entrance, all hips and happy smiles. Believe it or not I honestly thought he had come to talk to me about some aspect of his contract. I continued to believe this until he reached my desk. I turned my chair away from my desk to talk to him, as I would with any of my staff. I hate talking over a desk it feels more personal to talk to them without anything between me and them. Without a word, he knelt undoing my pants with deft movements. He was so confident as though he knew I wanted this. By the time, he hand my pants open I couldn't have convinced him otherwise. My scent was strong musky and excited. His eyes closed as he brought his nose to my tip a breathy puff of warm air drew in my scent. His tongue slipped out and over the barbed head of my dick. He licked me with much more confidence than at the party and took me into his mouth. His hands gripped the base of my dick as his muzzle began to move on me. Just the head at first making me growl softly, tense and relax claws flexing on his shoulder. I arched my hips as his muzzle slide down my length, bobbing, licking the tip when he drew back. Heat, wetness movement, and before I realized it, I was stifling a snarl into my arm as I throbbed pulses of my musky heat splashing over his tongue. It was the most intense climax I've ever had from a guy's muzzle and probably ever will have. After that he almost shyly tucked me back in kissing me on the cheek and left.

I spent 20 minutes in the office afterwards trying to clear my head before heading home to Trevor. My husky had dinner all ready for me, which caused another pang of guilt at his caring.

== <*> ==

Mi lowered lowers his head to resume his work. I reach out to stop him. The memories coming back to me has me hard again. I'm panting just a little my mouth open to say something. I have a brief inkling to stop him. I want to come to my senses about all this, but I don't. The words wont come so I lean down to kiss him instead.

"I don't want to finish in your mouth tonight sweetie..." My words trail off, part of my brain screaming at me, that this isn't why I came over to his apartment; I came to talk to him. But he just smiles and nods.

"Ok" a soft little half word, half sound and he stands up straddling my lap to let me kiss him more which I do. The guilty part of my brain pushed back by the lust Mi fans in my gut just by being who he is.

== <*> ==

"Put Mi on the Spencer ad pitch" everyone stares at me for a moment and then back to the meeting at hand. Ok, it's strange perhaps. Mi has been here two weeks. The Spencer account is huge. Like I said before, he is an excellent model. Add to that, he has an ass that will Sell Jeans, I know. He also fits the market demographic not that I would tell Mr. Spencer that his major clientele are twinky little faggots.

Mi's head shots go to the client along with a few mock-ups. They love it. I call him into my office to tell him. He's ecstatic. I take him out to lunch to celebrate. It's something I do with all my models when they sign a contract. Where the lunch date diverges from my normal client boss celebrations are when I go to wash my hands. I hear the door open, this is normal so I don't look over until I hear the lock snap into place. I turn curiously before I realize who it is Mi is kissing me. My first urge is to stop him, push him away were in a public restroom. I don't though. The kiss deepens my tongue pushed into his muzzle his own caressing mine in return.

"What am I going to do with you Mi" I growl softly pushing him away slightly against the skink. It's one of those granite deals. I push him over the counter reaching down to and undo Mi's pants pushing them down below the curve of his rump. His tail twitches invitingly and I can't help but lick a finger and push it under that cute little twitching invitation. He squeals muffling the sound in his arm pushing back on my finger with a groan. I work my finger inside him a few times before unzipping my pants. I am hard already and holding the base of my dick pushing the head against his tail hole. I push up into him nothing but a bit of spit I rubbed onto my length and the pre drooling from my tip. Mi grips the counter groaning taking my length in deep and clenching on me. I lean over his back starting to roll my hips firmly, deeply moving inside him bringing my hand up to help muffle his cries as I thrust deeply inside him.

I press my muzzle against his back to muffle my snarl as I cum in him hips jerking slightly. I want to stay there inside him feeling him clench gently around me. The knock at the door starts us back to reality.

"Are you ok sir?" I'm pretty sure it's one of the waiters, his voice muffled through the door.

"Yes, just a moment." I call out, hoping my voice sounds normal. I pull out of Mi as quietly as I can I use a towel to clean us up. We leave the bathroom. I can see the waiter, a collie, wrinkle his nose at the heavy musk of sex. Sardonically my last thoughts before we leave the restaurant are how I probably wont be able to come back to this place. It's a shame; I truly did like their Ceviche.

== <*> ==

Mi rubs himself against me as my mind wanders again, and I come back to his hand wrapped around me. I pull his hand away. He pouts cutely slipping out of my lap. Mi walks over to his bedroom door, pausing, green eyes half lidded. He looks back at me before slipping into the darkness of his bedroom his lovely white tail almost flashing as it flicks in the darkness catching the hall lights.

== <*> ==

Trevor is away on business which is something that happens to rarely that I'm rather at a loss about how to occupy myself. I'm so used to coming home to my husky that it's actually rather jarring when he's not around. I'm so distracted that I almost walk into Mi as he's stepping out of the changing room late last Friday. He smells of strawberry soap and, I have to grab his arm to keep from knocking him down.

"Sorry" he murmurs, lowering his eyes. It's a ploy, I know it is. His coy act is so predictable and yet I'm happy to let myself fall for it.

"It's ok; I should have been looking where I was going." Such a frank statement but we hold there for a longer moment. I finally release his arm, almost awkwardly and wish him a good night making my way to my car. I'm on the road back home before it strikes me, the solution to my problem, and I have my phone out calling Mi. I don't even think about the strangeness of inviting him over for dinner when my boyfriend is away. Ok, that's not precisely true. I push the strangeness of the situation aside as the phone rings. He answers pretty quickly Of course he would like to come over for dinner, he's just happy to keep me company while Trevor is away. I call a restaurant that I like and order food for us. It's true I can't cook it's not among my skills Trevor is the cook. I'm just putting on some music when the doorbell rings. He is there, standing on the porch, lit by the overhead light like a runway model.

Mi comes in. I open a bottle of wine. We talk casually like we do this every weekend until the food I ordered arrives. He makes a joke about all the work I've done slaving in the kitchen. I swat him on the butt as I set out plates. We eat, finishing the bottle of wine and starting another. We end up on the couch. He's pressed closed to me, and I can smell him. We try to keep talking, the conversation slowly dying into silence.

His lips press to mine almost causing my wine glass to slip from my fingers before I set it on the table my arms wrapping around him drawing him close. He's hot and eager and so am I. I can feel him, he is hard against my stomach pressing close straining. His tongue brushes my muzzle, curling lightly against my lips as my hands find the taught curve of his rump rubbing. My fingers slip up under his tail, which makes him shiver, with a soft groan. I feel his tail twitches against my fingers his paws slipping down my stomach and into the front of my slacks closing lightly on my erection squeezing my hard length in his small soft paws. I'm already leaking into his fingers as he strokes me in the tight confines of my pants. His other paw moving to undo my pants to free my cock as I growl softly in his ear a low, rumbling sound. I feel him shiver against me in response to my growl, a primal reaction 'prey' tends to have to the sounds of a predator. I feel the kiss of cool air on my slick flesh and his hand moves more freely along me now. Mi's sounds are always adorable, especially the little squeak he makes as I grab his shoulders and roll him out of my lap and onto his back on the couch. He looks up at me as I loom over him on my knees looking timid and so frightfully cute. I grab the ankles of his loose trousers pulling them off over his bare feet, taking a moment to nibble his instep, something he loves. I grip his hips and pull him close his legs wrapping around my waist, rump sliding over the couch until I feel his warmth against my bare flesh. I lean over him and growl softly again "You are incorrigible Mi" before I enter him, deeply and fully in one thrust. We moved together his voice rising with his excitement, mine dropping into lower growls until I serge inside him faintly registering the warm spatters of his own release on my stomach fur.

The morning is chaotic. We wake up on the couch to a phone call from Trevor saying that he just landed. Mi and I scramble to hide the evidence of our love making opening windows against the scents of sex and it's than I notice the stain on the couch cushion. I finally settle for flipping the cushion hoping Trevor doesn't notice until I can get it washed. Mi cleans up from dinner. He kisses me goodbye, and I comment that we probably shouldn't do this again. I don't know if I mean the Sex or the location I honestly don't even know looking back but he assumes the latter and says we can meet at his place next time. I am just stepping into the shower to wash his scent off when Trevor gets home. He's so happy to see me and happy to have a shower with me which turns quickly enough into a close, intimate time. I'm pretty sure he didn't smell Mi in the living room or on the couch. Which is a relief to me.

== <*> ==

I slip into Mi's bedroom my eyes adjusting to the darkness and I pad slowly towards his bed. He's a lighter form in the dark room. Even though if I couldn't see him, I can smell him the scent of his arousal is like an addiction. As I reach the bed he rises up, taking me into his mouth again. My arousal returns returning with a surge of desire stronger than when we were out in his living room. He caresses my balls, which I like, and fingers under my tail, which is new. I growl softly swatting his paw away and pushing him back on the bed looking over him, a dark shadow, eyes glowing yellow in the moonlight that comes in from the windows over his bed. I enter him slowly deep but with urgency brought on by the slow simmer of teasing. I hold him close starting to move inside him brushing the soft fur of his back his belly. I lift Mi rising to my knees hips rolling under the moonlight playing sultry tricks on our eyes. My need grows; his soft cries are music to my ears as his paws fall to my hips squeezing me gently. I place a paw on the wall steadying myself, thrusting faster. I lower him back down to the bed slowly. I take him harder, deeper how we both like.

He comes before me, but not by much his body trembling. The strong scent of bunny hits my nose even as I snarl and throb leaving my essence deep inside him. I take my time pulling out, lounging in the pleasure of licking his ears and feeling him clench and moan on me as I do so. I consider going again, but it's late. Finally, I draw out of him. He cuddles up to me and we kiss for a little before finally making our way to the shower. When I come out of the shower and start to dress, I see I have missed a text message. I curse softly knowing it might seem suspicious if it's been waiting long. Flipping my phone open I look and see it's from Trevor.

"Hope you're not running too late. Dinner is ready, and I miss my tiger." I look at the message for a long moment swallowing the sudden lump in my throat as I text back. "I was at the Gym on my way home, Love you". I finish dress and leave Mi's. That last text in my mind as I get into the car. I want to tell Mi it's over as I leave. But I don't. I want to tell him that I only Love Trevor. The words die in my throat even as I try and tell myself that in the quiet of the car. I should have told Mi it was over. I came to his house tonight to do just that. I will tell him though I convince myself as I pull out onto the freeway towards home; it's all in the timing.