Late night programming

Story by Leon Alexander on SoFurry

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Authors notes: This story contains graphic sex between two male characters. This time, there's also Watersports / Piss play. If you are offended by such things, please look elsewhere. If you are underage, I'm sorry but come back in a couple years. And lastly, if such material is considered illegal in your area, I'm not forcing you to read it. This is my fourth completed story, written late one night when I was just too restless to sleep. I wanted a story with a rabbit character and I've been trying to write in a doberman for a while, so lo and behold, they were born. Initially, there was no plot behind this one. I don't quite think this is my best work. It feels so disjointed, but really, I only write to get furs off, not win awards for character development. Comments and ratings appreciated. Any comments, questions, and capricious compliments can be directed to [email protected]


Cray sat at his computer, watching the last of his programs compiling. So dull, so simple, and yet the stress and agony of work prevented him from averting his eyes. The poor rabbit knew that the moment he allowed his attention to meander, something terrible would happen, and without warning, a night's worth of work would be gone. A head crash, a critical failure, one of the fans could stop and the entire system could catch fire. He gripped his head in his hands, feebly attempting to shake the thoughts from himself.

"Bunbun!" a voice growled happily in his ear, sending the rabbit's fur to bristle on end.

"Tim!" he yelped, turning around to face the doberman. "Don't scare me like that! I nearly wet myself."

"I don't see how that would be so much of a problem," the dobie cooed with a coy charm as he leaned toward the screen. "I don't understand how you can spend all your time working on stuff like this. I mean, are you even doing anything right now other than watching the little percentage bar go up?" The computer gave a soft tick as it moved up to 16% complete.

"I worked all night on this program. This is just the last part and then I'll quit," Cray said, taking his glasses off to rub his bloodshot eyes. "I swear." Tim wrapped his arms around the overworked rabbit and planted a soft kiss at the base of his neck.

"Will you come to bed after you're done?"

"Of course."

"I love you, Bunbun."

Cray gave a quiet smile, putting his glasses back on as he turned in his computer chair to look up at his dobie. "I love-" He was silenced as the doberman quickly grabbed him by the shoulders and pushed his tongue into the bunny's maw. Struggling against the grip of his lover's firm arms, Cray squirmed, trying to turn back toward his work. His lips worked sloppily against the doberman's as he broke off to gasp for breath.

"I can't, honey. I have work. Let me finish up here, and then we can play."

"No, I've waited long enough. We're going to do it right here on the office floor if we have to," Tim growled, stripping off his shirt to reveal his firm muscular body. While Cray spent every waking moment hacking away in front of a screen, Tim worked and toned each muscle in his perfectly sculpted body. Had he only a bit more vanity and the doberman could have easily become a model. His paws popped the button off of the front of his pants before gripping the bunny by the cheeks. "Now, I've been a loving and patient mate. I've waited up for you to come to bed. I've rubbed your back when you were stressed. I held you and tended to you when you had an emotional break down. And whenever you were in the mood, you were so worn out that you just laid there and barely moved. Now bunny," he pressed his face harder against Cray's cheek, making sure he could feel the heat of his ravenous breath. "I want you to try and dominate me."

"But, it's at 34% now. Once I finish . . . "


"Well, even if I did, you know I'm terrible at being dominant. Besides, you're the dom, why do you want me to . . . "

"Because I want to see you put effort into this," Tim said as he slid down to his knees, pulling the bunny's pants and briefs from him. Cray wasn't fat by any means, but his body lacked muscular definition, especially when compared to his ripped mate. Out of shape from all the hours logged at the office, his body remained scrawny other than a small pad of fat over his belly. He gave a weak glance back at the monitor before looking down to see Tim pressing his cold nose up against his already exposed pink cock.

"Ok . . . for you, I'll try," Cray smiled and touched Tim's cheek before the dog wrapped his warm mouth around the torrid shaft. Cray's toes curled as he gave a shuddering sigh of pleasure. The dobie rolled his broad tongue around the head over and over again, dragging his lips up and down the shaft with expert precision. Whimpers of pleasure grew louder from the bunny as he stripped off his shirt and kicked the pants from off his ankles, leaving him naked in the leather office chair. "Right there . . . Yes, Alpha, sir . . . Th-that feels so good."

Tim slid off slowly and shot a fangy grin up at his mate. "I told you to take me and muzzlefuck me like a bitch, and here you are calling me Alpha and sir! Are you that much of a tailraiser, Bunbun?" Cray's cheeks burned bright pink under his white fur. Slowly, steadily, his paws slid his glasses up to their proper place atop his nose.

"Did I tell you to quit licking?" he said lowly. "Get to it. Now!" The moment Tim's soft lips touched his dripping member, Cray's paw gripped the back of his head and forced him down. "If you fucking dare touch those teeth to my cock, I'm going to make you watch me jack off without letting you touch me at all. Tongue the underside." He trilled a bit, trying to get as close to a manly growl as possible. "I said, fucking tongue the underside of the head. Don't act like this is your first blowjob, bitchpup. You're a little cocksucker and you should know what you're doing."

Tim's eyes rolled back, almost overwhelmed by the sudden forceful change in the boy's behavior. Panting through his nose, he sucked as obediently as possible, bobbing faster and taking the thick rabbit cock deeper into his throat. "Hmm, should I cum on your face or down your throat," Cray said wistfully, rubbing his chin as he looked down at the dobie. Tim pulled off quickly.

"Use me however you please, sir!" he yelped.

"Of course I'll use you however I please!" Cray shouted as he jumped to his feet, his paw working his meat in a lusty fervor. "Because you're . . ." He yelped and threw his head back. "MINE!" Hot splashs of cum splattered across the dobie's face. Hot thick bunny seed marked the dog, leaving opal white streaks through his black fur. The bunny drove his cock forward, depositing the last of his load in his mate's muzzle. Both panted for breath, the room reeking of sweat as the computer fans hummed louder. Cray slid down to his knees, glancing back at the monitor. 61%.

"Ummm, did I do ok?" Cray said nervously, looking up at the cum-soaked doberman.

"Yes, dear. That was quite nice. I had no idea you had such a mean streak in you."

"Oh, gosh, I wasn't trying to be mean!" Cray yelped, flailing his paws in a panic.

"No, I meant it in a good way, silly."

"Well, don't ask me to do it too often. I was running out of stuff to say." He gave a warm laugh as he covered his cheeks in embarrassment as he moved back up into the soft leather deskchair. "Play acting is kind of fun when you really get into it!"

"You fucking cum marked me, and you're giggling like a schoolboy. You really are just a silly bunny."

"Well, now that I was the dom, it's your turn, Mr. Alpha!" he giggled a bit. The doberman wasted no time as he yanked the bunny from out of his chair and onto the floor, his knotted cock resting near the rabbit's muzzle. The bunny's hot wet lips enveloped the shaft, holding still as the dobie grabbed his cheeks and began to rock his hips back and forward. Pre splashed against the back of his throat, and each swallow only enticed the doberman to push deeper. Cray folded his long ears back, tilting and adjusting his position so the tip of his lover's shaft rubbing along the roof of his mouth; his paws slid up and down Tim's firm thighs, giving affectionate squeezes.

Tim yanked his cock away. "Bathtub. Now."

"But I have to keep an eye on my program."

"Then you're getting a pissbath right here in the office."

"Really, Tim, can't we skip it tonight?"

"This is your last chance, bunny. Get up and get into the bathroom or you're getting it right here and now."

Cray stared up at him. He could always safeword out. He could use their sacred words and end the roleplaying, bring everything back to an equal level. He could finish up the program--which had just ticked up to 73%--and then see if Tim still wanted to play. But something was stopping him. He continued to playfully protest as he purposely slid his white briefs back up his hips, tucking his shrinking cock away. "Honestly, Tim. I need to get back to my work." Cray had put in a plastic floor mat so he could slide his computer chair without having to struggle across the carpet. He never dreamed that it would come in handy like this. "Now, put it away, Dobie. I'm going to work."

"Bitch bunny."

"Beta mutt."


"Ear-cropped, piss-loving hound!"

It was all too much. Tim grabbed his aching flesh and gritted his teeth. Hot musky piss rushed from his thick length, nailing the bunny right in the heart. Tim growled as he marked his property, the yellow staining into Cray's soft white fur. The bunny gave weak gasps of protest as he writhed, making sure the stream covered his chest and ran down over his belly. The musky torrent ebbed as the doberman began to stroke faster, tongue lolling out the side of his mouth as the pissed-soaked little rabbit looked up at his with such a deviant angelic beauty. He stepped forward and pressed his footpaw down on the bunny's stomach. "Wet, bunny."

"No, I can't . . . "

"Alpha said Wet, bitchbunny," he growled as he pressed his paw down harder on his lower abdomen, kneading Cray's bladder underneath.

"No, not there! it's too embarrassing, sir! I, I can't hold it! Ahhh!" Cray moaned shrilly as bunny piss flooded his tight white briefs, leaving them entirely see-through with his pink member tightly outlined. His body heaved as the puddle under him grew and spread across the plastic office mat.

"Open wide," Tim snapped in a husky voice. Entirely broken and willing to serve, Cray's maw sprang open as the doberman pushed inside. He threw his head back and gave a might howl as wave after wave, gush after gush of seed filled the bunny's muzzle, mixed with the last of the piss left in him. He gripped the bunny's head, watching his cheeks swelling with seed. "Don't swallow yet. I want you to savor the taste of your alpha dog." Slowly, Tim slid his veiny dog cock from his mate's muzzle, giving his own knot a squeeze to send one last spurt of cum onto Cray's cheek. "That's the problem with bunnies. They're white, so they always look like they're covered in spooge. Now, be a good boy and swallow it all." Cray nodded obediently and tilted his head back, letting all of the hot, sweet seed slide down his throat.

A heavy silence hung between them, broken only by gentle gasps and the whirl of computer fans. Wobbling as he slid up to his feet, Cray dropped his briefs with a wet plop into the puddle that covered most of the office mat. He turned back to the monitor. 98%

"You smell like a bus station men's room," Tim said playfully as he wrapped his arms around the bunny's shoulders.

"Then you better wash my back in the shower."

"But what about your precious little program?"

"I'll worry about it later. For now, I only want to be with you," Cray said tenderly, giving the doberman's paw a firm squeeze. "I'm sorry I was so distant. You're more important than anything else in this life of mine. Come on." He reached over and turned off the computer monitor. "Right now, let's go take a shower." Tim's smile grew as he leaned in to kiss Cray's lips before throwing the bunny over his shoulder and carrying him off to the bathroom.