Race for Life Ch. 2

Story by Shippku on SoFurry

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#2 of Race for life

Part 2 of my race story line :D if you didn't read the first one, would probably help for you to go read before this one just sayin. And thanks to my friend for helping me figure out how to add the link :D


I kept my breath steady as I got into the racing position. I couldn't maintain my composer though. I felt my chest heaving as I took deeper and deeper breaths. Every muscle tensed as I kept trying to calm myself. It isn't wise to get worked up before a race. Me loosing, it couldn't happen. I couldn't let it happen.

The gates opened and the racers took off out of their stalls! It only took half of a second to win or loose, and no one was wasting any time. It was just a one lap race. Just had to make it around the track one time in order to beat everyone else, and be guaranteed life. I made the first turn and could see that most of the other racers were a comfortable distance behind me, but I wasn't going to get cocky, that was when you would make that one mistake that could cost you everything.

I did notice that one of the other racers wasn't with the ones I left behind, and I knew she was right on my tail. Mimi, she was a friend of Zeke's and mine and belonged to the Geeof family. She was a very pretty lion and an amazing racer. She was one of the few that I considered competition. But, I wasn't going to loose to her. I made the second curve and saw the streak of red I had to cross in order to win. I looked into the audience and caught Zeke's eye. I gained all the energy and momentum I had and felt the ribbon break as I rushed through it. I had won. As I hunched over to catch my breath I saw all the other racers catch up to me. A lot of them though, didn't stop to catch their breath. Many were grabbed on the spot and thrown into a van to be "undone", or they collapsed to the ground and unleashed their frustration on the earth by slamming their fists on the dirt below.

I went back into my locker room to wait for the Burmans. I didn't have to wait long, but I could tell that something was wrong. Zeke was keeping his head down, a symptom of him being upset. I couldn't go over and hold him though; his parents would question such signs of affection.

"What is wrong?" I questioned while I looked up at them from the bench I was sitting on. Aiden, my legal owner and Zeke's father, coughed deliberately while Zeke's mom, Marian, shifted around uncomfortably.

It was Zeke who finally spoke up and told me about what happened. In his soft voice, he told me "Mimi had an accident during the race. She was right behind you, and we were all so certain you would both be safe. But then... On the final curve, she fell; we think she twisted her ankle. It doesn't matter though, because no matter the reason, the fact remains that, she didn't finish the race. So, she is being undone." The entire time he couldn't look me in the eye.

I couldn't say anything. I couldn't believe she, of all racers would make such an obvious mistake. We train for years and sure, we have all had accidents, but never during a race. She knew that just as well as I did. She must have been distracted by something. But, by what?

Aiden, in his stern voice then said, "Being the Geeof's friends, we are encouraged to witness Mimi being undone. It would be rude for us to not do so. And hopefully, this will remind you to never make the same mistake she did, Joey."

"Mimi's undoing is going to be in just 2 hours, I've already spoken with Casey about making preparations for us to witness the event. So please hurry and shower up Joey." Marian told me. "Aiden and I are going to the house to get ready. Zeke insisted on staying and waiting here with you. So we will get both of your formal clothes and be back in an hour. Understand?" I nodded my head to show I accepted the schedule and after Aiden and Marian said good by to Zeke, they left us.

After I made sure they were out of the building, I got up and walked towards Zeke, who stayed in place with his head down. He was really affected by what was happening with Mimi. While he wasn't as close to her as he was to me, him and her were still close friends, and she was the only person he trusted enough to tell about our relationship. It also made something neither of us ever wanted to think about that much more of a reality. If it could happen to her, it could certainly happen to me.

"Zeke?" I placed a hand on his shoulder, trying to comfort him. But I could tell that he was out of it. So I wrapped my arms around him and held him tightly against my chest. I was a couple of inches taller than him, so he came up to about my shoulder, which he buried his face into as he gripped onto my fur.

I petted his soft, perfectly straight, brown hair. I knew he enjoyed having his hair played with. It was all I could think to do to help him come back from his deep thoughts. I heard him let out a light, fake, chuckle. "You smell like sweat." He looked up at me and smiled softly. "Go take a shower alright? I'll stay here. I promise." He stood on his toes and gave me a peck on the lips.

"Yes master."

"Don't call me that."

"Yes.... Zeke." I gave him another kiss before going to the shower, leaving him to his thoughts.

I always preferred my showers cold. Which annoyed Zeke when we would shower together, but I always took it as an opportunity to hold him and share my heat with him. This time, it was just me. By the time I was done, I couldn't remember lathering up my fur or cleaning off my paws or anything. All I could remember was thinking about Mimi, and how much I didn't want to witness her die. There was always a chance for the ones being "undone" to survive, but it rarely happened, especially the further away a species was from humans. Monkeys and Apes were most likely to live, with birds and amphibians being least likely, which put Mimi and me somewhere in the middle.

As I dried off and brushed my fur, I noticed there was still thirty minutes till Zeke's parents came back. So, I wrapped a towel around my waist and went back to Zeke. He sat on one of the benches with his legs pulled up to his chest. As I walked up to him, he looked at me and I could see tears in his eyes.

"Zeke, don't cry so much. Mimi is strong. She will be ok." I couldn't even convince myself of that lie, but I couldn't see him like this. It was killing me. It felt like needles going into my chest, like ice cold needles inside of me.

"That isn't what I am worried about. Joey, you could have been the one to fall. It wasn't her fault she had the accident. I heard mom and dad talking about it. They believe, along with some of the other prominent racing families, that someone is paying off people to sabotage races to put their racer in the top tier. Racers have always had accidents, but it seems like there has been an increased amount of accidents recently. But, not enough consistency in the furs racing to raise any legal intervention." My mind instantly was filled with thoughts of anger and distrust. Which family could it be? Obviously not the Geeofs and the Atkins were too stupid to come up with this kind of plan; all their money came from inheritance. It could be the Urbinks or even the Pfazors. But, I didn't know any of the families well enough to be able to place the blame on a single one of them. "I went out to the track while you were showering. It's true, where Mimi fell; there was an area where someone had put some kind of slick substance. Whatever it is, they chose it very deliberately, it was almost entirely dried out by the time I found it. The only way I knew it was even there was because I felt my foot slip a tiny bit while I was walking off the field" This, angered me further; someone just murdered one of the few friends I had. But, I knew getting angry wasn't going to help and so I tried to calm myself. I looked into Zeke's eyes and could see the same inner struggle. We both wanted to make whoever did this pay, but there was no way for us to figure out who did this. So, I just sat down next to him and held him as he let all his anger out through his tears.

We only had a few minutes to express our frustration, however. Zeke was quick to compose himself when he realized there was only about ten more minutes until his parents came back for us. We exchanged a few kisses while we had the time, but when I heard the doors to the building open, we quickly put distance between us.

Aiden and Marian walked into the locker room and handed me my formal clothes. I was then ordered to go into the shower area to change. When I returned, Zeke was in a pair of fitted black slacks, a white button down shirt, and a black vest that I knew his mother had him button up. Aiden was already back in the car and Marian was quick to rush us out there as well.

On the ride there, no one spoke. Like always really, but it was a more somber silence. I sat in the back of the car with Zeke. He just stared down at his hands for the entire ride. It wasn't that far to The Facility, where they performed the undoings. Just a plane, grey, square building.

There was a guard at the door, a bull, who also served as our escort from the entrance to the visitors' room. The Geeofs were already in the room, sitting in front of the window which let us see the room where Mimi was being prepped. We all took our seats, Marian sat next to Casey Geeof, the matriarch or the family, while Aiden sat next to Marian, and Zeke and I sat behind them. I could see Mimi's face. Her eyes were closed and I could tell she was trying to keep her composer as they strapped her down. The machine that would be used to "undo" her was visible to all of us. It was spherical in shape and was large enough to fit even the bull that led us here. It was made of about 6 different circles that, when activated, would all be rotating at different speeds and directions. I heard a door close and could see a doctor, a human with balding grey hair and tight lips. He was the supervisor for the event.

"Start the machine," He ordered his assistants, more humans. As it came on, Mimi's eyes shot open. The table she was on began to retract back. Zeke's hand reached over and grasped onto my own hand. I could see tears coming out of Mimi's eyes as she entered the machine. Soon enough, her whole body was in, and the assistants were all watching the different machines monitoring her vitals and the different stages the machine was at.

In just three minutes. The machine's varying circles began slowing down and coming to a halt. The doctor walked up to the machine and peered inside. Then he did something I never saw before. He reached inside the machine, like he was going to grab something. And he did. He pulled out a tiny baby lion. This is what "undoing" meant. They were taking all of the DNA that they infused us with when they made us, and ripping it out.

And Mimi had survived it.

"Do you want to keep her?" The doctor asked the Geeofs. Casey looked at her husband, Harold, and they both nodded. I could see Zeke smiling and wiping away his tears. As we left the building, the Geeofs let Zeke and I hold and pet Mimi. She was asleep, but it was amazing to see that she was really alive.

Back at the mansion, Zeke and I got ready to go to bed in our respective rooms. But, he had slipped me a note while on the way back home in the car, telling me to come to his room after everyone else had retired to their rooms. And I obeyed him. It was late, but he was still awake sitting on the side of his bed waiting for me. He was just wearing his pajama bottoms. He was always so skinny that you could see his rib cage, but it didn't bother me too much. I knew he ate healthy. When he saw me enter his room, he jumped up off his bed and ran up to hug me.

"Joey! You came! Come on, you are sleeping with me tonight!" He grabbed my arm and pulled me towards his bed. He was happy and full of energy tonight. It made me smile. I got into bed with him and he snuggled up against me. I could feel his body shifting restlessly. I knew what was about to come. He rolled over on top of me and started kissing me. It wasn't a sweet kiss or a soft kiss like earlier on in the day, but passionate, and filled with lust. I found myself kissing him back in the same manner. My hands began roaming his back, feeling the various bones and muscles shifting as he moved on top of me. I moved my hand further down his back and as a reaction, he arched his back. A little quirk I learned about during our first sexual exploration of each other. He reached down and snuck his hand underneath the waistband of my running shorts. I let out a sexual growl as he began fondling my member. He then sat up and pulled down my shorts just enough to expose my now, semi-hard, member. He stared down it like he was in a trance, and then lowered his body and placed his face right next to my shaft. I leaned my head back and bit my lip as he licked from my shaft all the way to the head. He took my member into his mouth and sucked on the head. He was a natural at this, and the more we did this, the better he got. He sunk his head down further onto my crotch until he reached my knot. For all his natural talent, that was one of the few challenges he faced. He could never reach past my knot. It frustrated him, but it was fun to watch him try to take it into his mouth. I took his chin into my hand and lifted him up off of my member. We looked at each other with complete lust in our eyes. He sat up and removed his pajama pants. He was totally erect. He climbed on top of me and held my crotch in place at the base. He then lowered himself closer and closer to my member. I watched him closely, in anticipation for the moment where I would feel myself enter him. And it happened. I heard him let out a gasp of excitement as I felt his warmth enwrap my head, and then my shaft, finally down to where my knot had formed. He began to ride me. Moving up and down and in all sorts of patterns. I felt my urges growing stronger and stronger until my animal instincts finally took full hold. I pulled him off of me and flipped him onto his stomach. I was quick to mount him and, without warning, slammed my entire length, up to the knot, into him in one thrust. He let out a pleasure-filled moan as I leaned over him and started thrusting harder and harder, and faster and faster into him. I lost all control of myself in that moment. I could hear him moaning and saying my name, but even if he was trying to tell me to slow down, I wouldn't.

But, I doubt he wanted me to stop. He enjoyed this kind of rough assault on his body. I bit down onto his shoulder and heard his moan being muffled by bed sheets. My knot slammed against his hole with every thrust. I was determined to force it into him. And sure enough, after I gained enough momentum and force, I heard him moan louder into the sheets as my knot plugged into him. I felt his body contort underneath me as he reached his orgasm. And with the feeling of his orgasm pressing against my entire member, I unloaded all of my seed inside of him.

I felt a warmth pool onto my face. My eyes opened and I registered that it was the morning. I looked in front of me and saw Zeke, huddled into my arms. I had woken up before him this time, and his face was beautiful as he slept. Like always. But something disturbed me. I could hear voices. Someone else was in this wing of the house, but not a maid, who would keep her mouth shut, but someone else. Not Zeke's parents, who slept on the other wing of the house. But someone else.