Chapter 1

Story by Red XIII on SoFurry

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Chapter 1---

Ver. 3

Once the phone call was over, Zack, a single male kangaroo, hung up and walked to the kitchen. Nothing sounded good, so he got a Coke and sat in his living room. Zack turned on his TV and sighed, "I'm never gonna find anyone..." He'd been single for a while, and ever since his girlfriend Cassie left him, he'd grown tired of it. Maybe he'd find a new girl sometime? Or one of his friends could hook him up? Who knew. "Not me," he mumbled. Then his cell rang. He flipped it open and checked the caller ID. It was Kevin, his lupine wolf friend from high school. "Eyllo," he said into the receiver. "Heyyy! Wassup!" Kevin said.

"Cassie left me."

"Oh? Since when?"

"About a week ago, where the hell have you been?"

"I dunno, you were supposed to call when shit like that happened."

"Well pardon fucking me, okay??" he yelled.

Kevin said over the phone, "Okay, okay, take it easy, man. You'll work it out, I'm sure."

Zack sighed. "I gotta go. You comin' over or what?"

Kevin laughed, "Yeah, gimmie a couple," then hung up. Zack grinned as he closed his black Razr. Kevin was funny, and fun to be around too. He was cool, calm, always telling funny-ass shit, and was kinda hot too. Zack thought he even had a couple daydreams about the two of them...

"This ain't the time to be thinkin' about sex, retard," he told himself. Kevin wasn't gay, he knew that for sure, but he could be Bisexual. Zack ran his fingers through his short brown hair and rubbed his eyes. He hadn't had sex in a long time, and he wanted it like he never had it before.


"Shit, the door," he said. He ran over and opened the door to see Kevin's grinning face.

"Hey bud," he said as he gave Zack a hug, "how've ya been?" Zack looked at him. Tall, muscular, cute, his black hair covering his eyes sometimes, oh yeah, he was HOT. Kevin stared back, then looked over his shoulder, then back at Zack.

"The hell you lookin' at man?" He walked past him and sat on the couch. Zack sighed and sat next to him. Kevin turned on the TV and turned it to sports.

Zack said, "Have you ever had sex before?"


"Really? With who?"

"Sarah, you know her, the tiger chick from high school."

"Didja like it?"

"Ah, it was okay..."

Zack half-smiled, "She didn't like it?" Kevin shook his head.

"I haven't had sex for about a week," Zack said. Kevin nodded in acknowledgement.

Then he said, "You want to?" Zack's eyes widened at him.

"WHAT?" Kevin turned off the tube and looked at him.

"I said if you want, we could, you know..." Dustyn knew. He hadn't had sex with another male before, but he was willing to give it a whirl.

"Uh, well, do YOU??" Kevin smirked and nodded. Then, he reached over and kissed Zack's lips. His lips were warm and inviting. They made out on the couch for five whole minutes and then, they got up and headed for the master bedroom. Kevin pushed Zack onto the bed and removed Zack's shirt. Zack smiled and kissed Kevin again. Kevin unbuttoned Zack's jeans and soon, they were both naked together, making out and holding each other on the bed. Zack rubbed Kevin's gray furred back and legs, and Kevin stroked Zack's face.

"I love you, man," Kevin said, "and I have for a long time, I just didn't know how you'd react." Zack grinned.

"Well, the same goes for me." Then they kissed again, and Zack got on his knees and bent Kevin over.

Kevin looked over his shoulder at him and said, "Don't go too rough." Zack nodded and kissed his back.

"I'll try."

Then, Zack lifted Kevin's furry wolf-tail and sheathed his hard member inside Kevin's rump. He yelped at the intrusion, then nodded for him to go on. Zack slowly moved his cock back and forth in Kevin's ass and began to stroke Kevin's manhood, moaning as he slowly fucked his best friend. Soon, Kevin joined in and he let out occasional "Ooh"s and "Ahh"s. Then, Zack began to fuck faster, and started to jack off Kevin faster too.

"Can you handle a quicker pace?" he asked as he slowly felt he was getting to his climax. Kevin nodded and "Oooh"ed and Zack fucked faster, in and out, back and forth. He could feel it, the cum climbing his shaft, the orgasm inching closer. He jerked his hand and Kevin came onto the sheets, his wolf-cum fresh and white. Then at last, Zack orgamsed and came inside Kevin, and his lupine lover threw his head back, and exclaimed, "Ahh!!" Then, they fell onto the sheets and Zack pulled his cock out of Kevin, leaving a small trail of cum as he went. They held each other and kissed.

"I love you, man," Kevin said. Zack nodded and stroked Kevin's black hair.

"I love you too." Then the two lovers pulled the covers over them and they held each other as they slept the day through.

The next morning, Zack woke up being held. Someone was behind him and their warm arms were wrapped around him. He looked over his shoulder and saw Kevin's peaceful face as he slept, holding Zack to him. Zack smiled and turned around so he could kiss Kevin's cheek. His friend slightly smiled, but continued to sleep. Zack wrapped his arms around Kevin and they slept for hours.

Zack woke up again to see Kevin was gone. He heard running water, but didn't know where. He got out of bed, still naked, and walked to the bathroom. Steam rolled out as he opened the door and saw Kevin through the glass shower door. "Hey, mornin'," Kevin said with a smile. He had a bottle of half-empty shampoo and was washing his chest fur. Zack smiled and said, "So how'd you sleep?"

"Pretty good, you?"

"Same...You didn't bother to wake me up?"

"Well, you looked pretty damn tired. And after two nights ago, I bet you'd be."

Zack blinked.

"We slept for two whole days??" Kevin nodded, still washing his fur.

"Yup, two whole days." Zack sighed and leaned on the counter. They talked some more for a while, and Kevin said,

"You need in here?" Zack looked at his arms and saw his tan fur needed washing.

"Yeah, I could use a few minutes." Kevin started to get out, but Zack stopped him.

"You don't need to leave. We've seen each other naked already." Kevin smiled and moved over some. Zack walked into the shower and closed the shower door with a clicky sound. Kevin put his arms around Zack and gave him a kiss on the cheek. Zack looked at him and kissed his lips. The two kissed for some time until they felt their members get stiff.

Kevin looked at him and said, "You up for something new?" Zack smirked and nodded. When he did, Kevin rubbed their cocks together and Zack moaned as he did so. Then Kevin moaned with him and they made sweet music together. Zack felt his cum climbing his shaft, begging to burst, but Kevin stopped rubbing, and Zack gave him a puzzled look. Kevin turned Zacl around and rubbed his back.

"We'll save it for later, okay?" Zack sighed and nodded and Kevin loosened his tense muscles.

Then once he was finished, Kevin gave Zack a hug from behind and said, "I love you." Zack smiled and reached back to rub Kevin's cheek.

"And I love you." Kevin rubbed Zack's furry chest and abs occasionally and they let the warm water fall over their bodies. Then Kevin shut off the warm water and they both wrapped towels around their waists. They went into separate rooms and dried off and got dressed. Zack looked out the window and saw snow falling onto the street. He shrugged and put on some underwear and white pajama bottoms, then headed downstairs. Kevin had beat him there, wearing a red tee and some black pj's. Zack walked over to the fireplace under the mounted 50" and soon, a crackling fire warmed up the cold room. Kevin smiled and turned on the TV, flipping through channels. Zack sat next to him and rubbed his shoulder. They looked at each other and Kevin kissed Zack again. He lay his head on Zack's shirtless shoulder. They watched TV, kissed occasionally, talked, and then hours later, Kevin was asleep on Zack's shoulder. He smiled and kissed his head. He sat on the couch, thinking about what had happened the past three days.

'Well, I had sex, slept with my best friend, took a shower, and now he's more or less living here.' He could live with that. If Kevin needed clothes, he could drive to his house and get some. He could sleep in the master suite with Zack in the big fluffy bed. All the possibilities flowed into his head.

"Mmm...I wanna go to...bed..." Kevin mumbled.

Zack laughed and said, "All right, wake up, you." Kevin woke up and stretched. Zack put out the fire, turned off the TV, then motioned for the stairs. They both walked up into the master suite and lay under the soft covers, holding each other close for warmth. They kissed again and exchanged "I love you"s. Then they both fell asleep in each other's arms.