Chapter 3.txt

Story by Iona Itova on SoFurry

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#3 of Werewolf Village

I guess people heard the argument and agreed with Saheli. I was shunned by everyone except that one kid and Saheli. Lessons went on as normal but I only got token efforts, so I decided to stop them for a while. However the daytime lessons were taking their toll. I was always half-awake, edgy and meaner than normal.

I got to know the kid better than anyone else but he didnt give anyone his name, not even Saheli. So everyone just called him kid.

WHAT? he yelled.

S. wants me to convert you. I explained sadly.

Arent you going to? he asked confused.

Not without your permission. I maybe a werewolf, but I do have morals. As hard as it is to believe, I said, hopeful he would decline.

Is that the only way you can teach me? he asked saddened.

No, but it is the only way either of us will get any sleep, I said still hopeful he would decline.

The do it. But I want you to teach me everything.

He gave me his permission, so I turned him. I did my best to teach him and he learned, slowly, but he learned. However I was still shunned by everyone else. My only guess was that they didnt like me turning a slayer. He confronted me one day.

People dont like me do they? He asked angrily.

I cant tell if they do or dont, I responded.

Just tell me one thing why do you like me so much that youre defending me even though no one else will? He asked.

You have a rare skill to learn anything paralleled only by myself, I said.

He walked away muttering, Rare skill my arse.

He obviously didnt trust my word. Later in his lesson he gave up halfway through. That was about the same time Saheli called me down to the lounge. As I walked in I said, Why call this a lounge, you use it more like an office.

When Im not using it for official matters, I let the others come and go as they please. However the reason I called you down is to let you know that your bond to me is finished and you no longer need to live in this house, she said in a commanding tone. Free at last! I could finally leave, but this was a bittersweet moment for me.

If and when I leave Im taking the kid with me. He still has skills only match by me, and he needs me to help him hone them. I said defensively.

He may have been a slayer, but I will not let an untrained werewolf leave this house, and I will fight to keep him here, she said angrily.

Im sorry to hear that because Im taking him with me with or without your permission. I said with an evil grin. I saw her shiver. She knew she could win but it would cost her much and thats if she won.

Im not saying Id kill her, but she would be healing for a while. Shed also lose me as a friend forever. Thankfully she stepped aside only saying, I hope you know what youre doing, because I sure as hell dont.

I started moving out right away but I guess they didnt use my leaving as an excuse to throw a party, and they love to party. They liked that I was taking our my turned slayer with me. Guess they didnt like the fact that he used to hunt and try to kill out kind.

The only people who were sad we were leaving were the other purebloods and Saheli. I never knew that even people drawn together for a common bond could be so prejudice.

As we approached my house, her eyes showed that she was surprised. Did I forget to mention that my house is a mansion? I asked. She just nodded. As I directed her to the door she looked around my front yard. Let me explain why she was shocked. It wasnt just a mansion, it was the biggest structure second only to the Roman Coliseum. However considering how big Sahelis house is it may no longer be the biggest structure inhabited. As we entered my butler showed up.

You have been away for far longer than I expected my lord. You also seem to have acquired a ward. May I ask what happened that took you 3 years to return? He asked.

I did return earlier this year but I didnt stay long. As to my ward she is under my protection from a gang of sorts. Also you know how werewolves are myths well I know a truth that I didnt care to know, however I guess that was a risk in my line of work. Anyway she will be staying with us for a while. I explained while my ward wandered.

I kept the kitchen, living room, bedroom and dining room clean but, you may wish to have a guest room cleaned. Also would you be requiring a transition for the staff as well? He asked. He must have been scared that hed be killed or endangered.

No, the guest room can wait another month or so. For now clean the cells for protection. However put some of the guest furniture into the cell. Again, no, I will not require the staff to make a transition they may ask and I might be willing to, however I would have to ask my mentor. He nodded as he started to look around.

Sir, do you know where your ward wandered off to? He asked concerned. I looked at him and walked off to the kitchen. I knew she would find her way here because of an excellent sense of smell and the extreme hunger that follows for days after the first waking. Just as I suspected, she was eating every last slab of meat. Good thing I stocked the fridge with meat on my last visit. I thought as I watched. I raised my hand just before my cook took the step towards her.

When a werewolf goes on an eating frenzy its best to just walk away or do nothing. As it is shes gonna be like that for a little while. Just back-up slowly and walk away. I told my cook. She did as I suggested and my ward took a long look at me. I just shrugged and she went back to devouring the meat. Halfway through my fridge she sighed and just sat back. I walked over to the fridge and took a pound of hamburger out. I started eating it and she growled. I picked her up by the scruff and yelled Take control! She blinked and looked around. As she looked around, I told her, good now if you can keep your control youd be good. Thats why Im having a cell prepared to keep you and ourselves safe. Its gonna be the biggest we have and itll be furnished with some decent furniture.

Sir, you have a visitor. She says her name is Saheli. My butler interrupted. She started growling again and I shook her. What did I just say? All she did was whimper. Saheli may have used different techniques on me but mine will work just as well.

Let her in, Ill meet her in the dining room. I told my butler. I turned to my ward, As for you, until you get that temper under control youre gonna be in that cell. I told her as I dragged her to the cell. I placed her in the largest cell we have and said, It may not be much now, but it will be better with the furniture. As I walked back to the dining room I thought Im gonna have to reinforce those bars for safety.

As I entered the dining room Saheli turned and smiled at me, Its not often that the host keeps the guest waiting. Anyway the reason Im here is because I was wondering if you wanted to keep the teaching up or if you were gonna stop to teach the newest wolf, and if you were gonna teach the new wolf if you wanted help.

Dont you have a house to run? Either way Ive only got one to deal with, youve got a whole mansion to deal with. Or would you be sending someone else over to help?

I would be sending someone else over to help. As to me running the house, its not that bad without me for a few days. Ill help for now and when I get back to the house Ill send someone else over. Just dont forget to go and visit her every so often to help her with the urges. She reminded me.

Ill work her butt off during the violence urge and Ill mate with her during the other urges. Im guessing that shell be insatiable as shes female instead of male.