The Packlands

Story by DewBunny on SoFurry

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Okay so I know I've been kinda lazy about stories lately but I blame WoW and having a mate that I hang out with in real life. That said it hit me a little over a week ago. Why not just write in WoW? I'm fond of pack mentality and dominant submissive positions so I figure why not work with Blizzard's werewolves.

That said this story involve Transformations, blood, violence, yiff and semi-nc stuff so if that stuff bothers you leave

WoW world, factions and species are (c) Blizzard Entertainment and are used through the creative whatever license honestly I can't be bothered to copy it all down. Either way I'm not profiting from this so it shouldn't matter.


A low howl echoed through the frigid air of the Alterac Mountains, chilling the blood of animals and ogres alike. It was impossible to tell exactly where the noise originated, but if one looked closely at the top of a snowed over tower, one could see the distinct outline of a black furred creature. Surely this was the source of the ethereal howl that still lingered in the air around the dilapidated keep.

This territory once belonged to the humans of Lordaeron, a crumbling alliance of humans that had since been beaten out of the area, leaving the stone structures to wear on their own. The world was now in chaos, scrambled by the arriving wrath of Neltherion, the corrupted aspect of the earth. Now was the perfect time for the creature to take what he had become attached to.

Here there was food, abundantly, in the form of colossal rams and deer around the ruined city. A snarl spread across the muzzle of the creature as he watched the ogres. They ate anything that they crossed including their own and their hygiene left a lot to be desired. A pungent stench pervaded his nostrils, burning his senses until a growl built in his throat. It was time to take what he wanted, what he needed. His pack's land.

* * *

A sandy blonde staff clunked against the snow dusted rocks near the ruins of Alterac. Its owner, a young man by the name of Ruben Wolfbane. In the recent days the ogres of the ruined village fell silent, the stench of death wafting heavily down the hills, leaving the resisting Stormpike Guard to wonder what had transpired. Ruben was a knave, the slave boy of a knight, and as such was subject to anything his knight commanded him to do.

When the scouting mission came up Ruben was 'volunteered' by his knight for the task and was sent away, told not to return without news of what had transpired in the mountains. Still he trudged forward, not paying attention to anything around him. Still the creeping suspicion that he was being followed hung over him.

A snarl from behind the boy snapped him back to reality with a chill racing up his spine. Turning his head slowly Ruben's fears were confirmed. An ogre roared behind him, waving a club haphazardly as it charged at him. The boy yelled and ran, trying to pull his sword to defend himself. The knave's sword snagged against the fabric of his heavier cloak. "Shit!" he yelled as he fled. Behind him the thudding footsteps of the ogre grew closer, making the young man panic.

Out of the corner of his eye the boy would see a black blur speeding towards him. This only served to double the knave's anxiety. His legs slipped out from under him as the ogre behind him swung his enormous club. Ruben ended up on his rear, his cloak obscuring his vision as a burning pain tore through his ankle. A pained howl erupted behind him as the black blur met the lumbering oaf. What Ruben couldn't see was the claws of the furred creature gutting the ogre.

As the boy pulled himself together, the ogre's choked growls and yells died off, replaced with the gurgling rasps of all dieing creatures. Ruben's vision cleared as he looked to his attacker. "Worgen..." he whispered. Almost on cue the wolf's head whipped around to glare at him, a growl filling the chilled air as the worgen's hackles stood on end.

Ruben scooted back, whimpering fearfully as the worgen stepped forward, he rolled onto his hands and knees to flee but paused as he felt a crest fall from his shirt. The momentary hesitation on the human's part was opportunity enough for the worgen. He leaped forward, his arms spread as he vaulted through the air towards his prey.

Ruben yelped as a heavy weight landed on his back, his arms giving out as his face was pressed into the snowy ground. The worgen growled as his claws dug into the boy's clothing, ripping it away quickly. His nose pressed against the bare skin of the man beneath him. He smelled the lower forest's trees, the man's fear, the boy's weakness, his...exhilaration? His ears perked and his black furred tail raised with a light wag. Whoever this was wasn't with the ogres and was not a threat to him but at the same time he knew humans, if he let this one leave he would be hunted down and put down like a rabid animal.

Rub's breathing was erratic beneath the lupine above him. After several seconds of hearing nothing he finally moved, his head raising slightly from the cold snow. The wolf greeted his sight with reddened fangs, still shaded in the ogre's blood. When the wolf leaned forward suddenly his eyes snapped shut, his teeth gritted for the bite he knew was coming. The worgen above him sunk his fangs into the boy's shoulder.

Ruben's scream filled the air as a searing pain dug into his nerves, shooting down his spine and spreading across his body. Just as fast as the worgen's jaws clamped down they parted and released the boy. Ruben's instincts kicked in and he shoved the beast from him before running. To his relief and surprise the inhuman monster remained where he stood, watching him closely as he fled. His lips pulled back in an expression reminiscent of a sneer.

* * *

"Where is that incompetent fool?" James said while staring out his window towards the Alterac mountains. "A simple scouting mission to the old keep to gauge the ogres and he managed to get himself lost or killed", he said with a sigh. His knave, Ruben Wolfbane, had left at dawn and was supposed to return shortly after nightfall. Night had fallen four hours ago. Growling to himself he opened the door to his quarters and stepped into the corridor. "Guard!" he bellowed. In seconds 3 men materialized, running down the hall.

"Yes captain!" All three men barked in unison.

"Gather the knights. We set out to find my knave...." James said before heading to the armory.

* * *

Ruben shivered in a corner of a dimly lit room. What remained of his cloak was drawn tightly around his shoulders. Near the young man's neck a festering bite wound oozed blood slowly but steadily, despite the bloodied rags around the boy, each a failed attempt to stem the flow. Although he could not see it the wound he knew it was worsening, each passing hour he felt himself changing. He needed help in the next few hours to halt the transformation or he would end up just like the worgen that had bitten him.

Even as he sat there, the hair on his arms and legs thickened. His muscles ached as they began to adjust, to flex and grow. Ahead of him he heard the subtle creaking of old wooden boards, groaning under the weight of a body. Ruben let out a soft whine as he looked up to see the same worgen from before, standing before him. The beast took a step forward and Ruben quivered. "Go away...." he said weakly. The wolf growled softly at him and took another step. "Leave!" Ruben cried louder than before.

The worgen before him perked his ears forward and stared directly into the boy's eyes. He knew what he would become in only an hour or two. He stepped forward again, claws tapping the floor as he came within striking range of the boy. He leaned in close letting his rancid breath wash over the young man's face. Ruben went limp and shut his eyes, praying that it would be quick. He expected his throat to be bitten out, instead he felt the wolf's tongue wash over his bite wound.

Pain tore through his body anew, making him cry out as his muscles tensed and he arched off of the ground. The beast above him remained still for a moment, his tail flagged and motionless as he remained hunched over the boy. Ruben relaxed back against the ground and sobbed softly. The worgen above him moved once more, this time licking over his face instead. Ruben shook his head and pushed the wolf's head away earning another growl from the beast. It was now that he got a look at the creature's eyes clearly. One was pale blue and the other a deep brown. "Draug..." he whispered. There were rumors around his camp of a worgen with these eyes, said to be a blessing from the gods, and a curse to those who looked upon them.

The word came from one of the priestesses of Elune, the night elf goddess of the moon. He was told it meant 'wolf' but such a simple word to name such a blessed creature didn't make sense to him. Draug's ears perked at the word and he stood, slowly, his eyes never leaving Ruben's. His hackles raised as a growl built in his throat, he stepped back, seeming genuinely upset about something. The boy could not guess what until a burning pain ripped through him again.

He rolled on his hands and knees and screamed, his tattered clothes deforming as his spine raised and shifted. His ribs cracked and reset, barreling his chest as a savage growl rose in his throat. His arms flexed and cracked, lengthening and bulking out as fur surged across his flesh, sprouting and covering the boy's flesh in an instant. Newly grown claws dug into the wood beneath him, tearing grooves into the aged floor as his face began to distort.

His jaws lengthened, joining his nose to form a snout and a muzzle as fangs developed in place of teeth. His eyes snapped open, their irises relaxing before constricting as his once green eyes turned a vibrant yellow. Thick black fur now covered his body as his ears shifted to be above his head. His legs began to change as well, the bones cracking loudly as they reset into a more feral alignment. His pants shredded and fell away as his calves and thighs bulged then relaxed again. The last change was perhaps the most painful, his spine pushed out again, lengthening and dividing into new segments as his new tail formed.

Finally he threw his head back and howled, his whole body tensing before he finished and turned his gaze to Draug. Ruben brought his forepaw to his chest and ripped the remaining scraps of his clothing away with the exception of his crest. He fought his hardest to remain in control, to remain as human as possible but his feral instincts had taken over. He leaped forward, baring his fangs at Draug. The other wolf took the hit to the chest and was knocked back into the other room with Ruben above him.

Ruben growled viciously as he snapped at Draug's face, the elder wolf pushed him back and roared at him. He would not stand for his subordinate challenging him like this. Ruben slammed against the wall and slumped a bit, disorientated enough that he failed to realize Draug was reaching for him. He felt the wolf's paws grip his shoulders and throw him to the ground. The elder growled and pressed himself down over the boy, gripping the younger male's scruff with his fangs as he held him there.

Ruben yelped as he felt the larger, stronger worgen's fangs gripping his scruff. His ears splayed as he struggled beneath him, knowing exactly what Draug intended. There was a feral law that governed this sort of thing, and even if humans had advanced themselves past it the feral side of the worgens had not. Draug was an alpha male and he saw the younger, weaker Ruben as his beta. As if to confirm his suspicions, Draug ground his hips against Ruben's, pressing a thick sheath right between the boy's furred cheeks.

Ruben began to squirm but the wolf above him bit down and growled. Ruben was beaten and he knew it, to display his submission he lowered his ears and relaxed, pressing his hips up to meet Draug's. He was rewarded by a relaxed grip on his scruff from the wolf above him. He placed his forepaws on either side of the boy and pushed up, lifting the younger worgen to stand on his hands and knees. Ruben complied with Draug's subtle orders, even going so far as to hold his tail out of the way. Despite his human side fighting with him the feral side accepted Draug as his alpha.

Draug let out a pleased rumble as he positioned himself above Ruben and gripped his hips with his arms. His hips drew back and pushed forward as he began to hump against his beta's backside. His thick sheath brushed against Ruben's thigh before pulling back, the next thrust pushing it against the cleft of his rear. The third thrust Draug made found its mark in the boy's tightly drawn tailhole, the alpha's first few inches slipping in quickly and making Ruben growl softly as he dug his claws into the ground.

Draug rumbled to himself as he pulled back only a bit and thrust himself back in harder, using the boy's scruff to ram himself inside. His sheath was pushed back as his rod slid in under his subordinate's raised tail, exciting a pleased rumble from both worgens. Draug was done waiting now, his beta had had enough time to adjust to his girth. His hips pulled back and quickly slammed forward again, driving his unswollen knot past the tight ring of flesh he was thrusting into. He pulled back again, letting his knot pull free with a wet slurp before he pushed it back in and growled softly.

Ruben's ears splayed as he whined softly, his own member dripping pre against the aged floor as his alpha mated him. His back arched each time Draug's knot slipped in, it wasn't large but it was certainly thicker than his shaft. He let out a small bark as his alpha's next thrust pushed against his prostate. Draug continued thrusting, relishing in his mate's pleasure as he ground hips against the younger wolf's rump.

Both worgen were getting close to their respective peaks as what remained of the civilized Ruben began to fade into the pleasure of being a feral beast. The next thrust Draug made sent Ruben over the edge, his hole clenching down around his alpha's knot as his member pulsed his seed against the floor to pool with the rest of his fluids. Draug finally released Ruben's scruff, grinding his hips against Ruben's rump as his knot swelled out fully. He howled as he bred his mate, his member pulsing his spunk into his beta's rear. Little did he know his howl would be heard by others.

* * *

James led his horse up the winding path towards the ruins of his ancestor's city. The Alterac Mountains were particularly quiet this evening as he led his group of three guards up the hilly landscape. His horse began to slow, ears laid back as it chomped at its bite. James urged the horse forward with a few kicks but the stallion would have none of it. James' horse reared up and threw him to the ground, neighing before it ran from the mountains. Soon enough James would know why. An inhuman howl rang out through the mountains as James brought himself to stand. "Worgens..." he murmured.

The guards looked to each other fearfully before James began trudging up the mountain again, undeterred by this new development. Before long they came to see the walls of the once proud city. They silently made their way to the middle of the city and stopped. "Where are the ogres?" one of the soldiers asked quietly. James let out a soft sigh and turned to his men.

"Dead." he said simply.

"But where are the bodies?" another soldier asked.

James gave no reply, his arm came up and he pointed towards a nearby snow drift. At least, that was what it looked like at first glance. A closer look would make anyone notice the pinkish hue in the snow around the mound. "They've been killed by worgens and left to rot." James said simply. "My knave probably fell to the same beast. We will kill him and I'll have his pelt sprawled before my bed." he said in a low voice as he turned again. A nearby building had a pair of footprints leading into it that were untouched by the snow. "There..." James whispered in a deadly tone.

* * *

Ruben nosed against Draug's chest with a quiet rumble, his body curled to his alpha's side as the larger worgen licked over his headfur. The two were the beginning of a newly formed pack that would soon claim these hills again. But first they would need to be clear with the neighboring humans and orcs. This land was theirs. No one would change that.

Draug's lazy demeanor shifted as his nose caught an unfamiliar scent. Humans. His hackles rose as a soft growl alerted his slumbering mate. Ruben perked his ears and smelled the air before exhibiting the same response. But something nagged at the back of his clouded mind. He knew this scent...he wore it around his neck.

Ruben rose first, tearing out of the room and down the steps, Draug close on his heels. They burst from the building to catch sight of four men, one clad in heavy armor and the other three in vibrant cloth laid over hardened leather. While the three guards faltered, James did not. His sword left its sheath quickly as he bellowed at the wolves. "You will pay!" he yelled before charging Ruben. The guard drew their weapons a moment too late. Draug had leaped from the side and pinned two of them to the ground, his claws sinking into their chests as his weight and momentum crushed their ribs. He rose and growled at the third guard, blood still dripping from his claws before he roared and charged.

Ruben meanwhile clashed with James, his claws deflecting the knights sword and rending the metal armor the man wore. James drew his sword up, prepared to bring it down before a glint caught his eye. A golden crest with cobalt inlays upon it's surface hung around the worgen's neck. It was just like... James didn't have the time to finish his thought, his hesitance costing him and leaving him open to attack. Ruben lunged forward, tackling him to the ground and bringing his fangs inches from the knight's face.

"Ruben..." James said in a hoarse voice. The worgen's ears perked as he growled. It was the knight's knave, Ruben Wolfbane now stood over him, fangs bared and ready to kill him. "Heh, never figured you'd beat me kid..." he whispered before the wolf's paw slammed down on his cheek, literally spinning his head. The knight's body immediately went limp as his neck broke with a sickening snap. It was over now, Ruben was from this moment on, only a beast. Draug stepped forward as Ruben growled ferociously at his dead mentor.

His alpha lightly bumped him with his forehead, telling him through body language that it was over, he could relax. He let out a quiet rumble and pressed his head under his alpha's chin, showing his submission again before pulling back and splaying his ears. Draug gave him a lick over his nose and a pleased rumble before leading his subordinate away. They had much left to do to ensure their pack lands would remain safe.