Zoo Keeper - ch14 - Of Shopping Lists and Feline Needs

Story by Damaged on SoFurry

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#14 of Zoo Keeper

Again, the characters have claws, big sharp teeth, guns and grenades. Cats will not just get hurt by most of these things, they will get killed. You have been warned.

"How long will it take to reach the supermarket Mo?" I asked the girl.

She hummed, "Depends how fast you want me to drive, at this pace it will be about an hour, if I wind this thing up a little maybe forty five minutes?"

"Maybe just keep us slow and steady, there's no race to get there, it will already be overrun, lets just get there safely." I told her, leaning in to rub my muzzle against her leg.

Her arm reached down, rubbing at my ears and scratching around my neck, "Meant to say it earlier Dave, thanks for saving me and thanks for giving me a chance."

I was purring happily at the affection from one of my newest 'kittens', "I am just sorry I couldn't save more, at least it seems their minds are gone, I don't think the others will ever know just what happened."

One soft sob then her steel was back, "Its for the best then, I doubt we could have kept them safe from the pheromones forever, hell I can even smell them in this thing." she said, still scritching me around under my muzzle and rubbing at my jaw.

"We could open some windows maybe turn on th-" I began but she started rubbing with vigour under my muzzle and I was lost, raising my head up and stretching out at the caress, purring contentedly.

"Nah, I can deal with it later, just don't spray me and I should be able to keep on top of things." She told me and I whined a little in sympathy for her. "What's the matter queeny?" she asked softly.

I sighed, "Its just not fair on you Molly, your going to be spending a fair while, maybe the rest of your life, around us cats. Your going to be on edge and horny every second of every day." I said.

She smiled, risking a glance away from the road down into my eyes, "I am sure I will be able to find time to... enjoy, the feeling it leaves me with. The glass can always be half full Dave."

"Hmm, your right, of course. I better go back and check on my little ones, take it a bit easy ok Mo? And remember, you don't have to suffer alone, just ask around, I am sure someone will help fill your glass all the way up." I said with a purr and turned, padding down the aisle toward the rear and my smallest kittens.

Upon reaching them I found Sally had a mix of her own and mine, hungrily drinking at her belly. My heart melted at the sight of them.

Leaning down close to her ear I murmured, "You know there are union rules about this kind of thing."

Her reply was instant and satisfying as she turned her head, eyes closed and pressed our muzzles together. The feel of her lips on mine almost made me collapse on the spot with ache.

Pulling back she said, "You seemed busy, figured you could do with a break."

"Your speech is getting better and better babe, keep it up." I snaked out my tongue and scored a hit on her nose and I heard a sigh from her, "How are you doing?"

"Ired I guess, but i seems I have enough milk for all of our lil horde and you seemed a bi busy saving he day." she said with a sigh, her voice being very clear indeed.

Purring and laying down awkwardly in the cramped spot, I managed none the less to lean down and rest my head and neck on her shoulder, resting a while, feeling sleep poke at the edge of my conciousness.

"David, Molly says we are almost there." Jake told me, gently scritching my ears and rubbing behind the cartilage.

I murred, "Thanks Jake, guess we get some supplied then. How are you doing now?" I asked him sympathetically.

"Well, if nothing else that big males unwanted attention seems to have dried up my heat, much to Rough's relief I think." I stole a glance at my mate, and he did indeed look a bit more relaxed. "There's a few things I wouldn't mind grabbing myself while we are there. I used to be a bit of a delinquent when I was younger and I have some ideas that might be useful."

I grinned, "And here I thought we had a respectable soldier with us.".

"Ok ladies, cats and kittens, here we are, Woody's Supermarket, everything we could want but likely nothing any sane person needs." Molly called from the front of the now stationary bus. "Now, I don't mean to be a stick in the mud but this girl is going to need some more go go juice if we are going to make it more than about twenty clicks out of town so I need someone with me to keep an eye on me, any volunteers?"

I thought on this, we couldn't spare anyone with arms and I wanted to get a few things myself here...

After we had gotten off the bus I paced up to Rough and nuzzled him, "Our little kitten is going to need a big strong guard, not to mention keeping our kittens safe. You up for it?" he didn't understand my words but Molly had overheard and wandered closer.

Bending down closer to the male, but still being wary of touching him she said, "Big cat like this should be more than up to it. Besides, as our queen says, someone needs to look after Sally and the kittens."

Just then Sally herself poked her head out from inside the bus, "He going to be staying? Ok, come on back big guy." And she turned, swaying her rear toward the big male, who, being the good mate he is, trotted off after her back onto the bus.

I watched the big vehicle pull away, heading down the road toward a petrol station.

I turned and found the others already inside making selections. Grunting I padded off to find them.

"Shit, they have a hardware section?" I could hear Jake calling and thought I better go keep an eye on the over enthusiastic soldier.

I read the chemicals he was grabbing bottles of. "What exactly are you getting here Jake?" I asked him.

"When I was a kid we used to make all sorts of crazy things out of household chemicals, we even had a short course on home made improvised explosives and how to spot and disable some in training." the cat girl said, tapping his head, "Now lucky I actually paid attention and can remember some of the better ones...Ohhh sulphuric acid!" he exclaimed and grabbed two big bottles of that.

I was wandering around the hardware section when I saw a few curious things, "Hey, Jake, come check this." I called.

He wheeled his trolley over, "Yeah what's... oh... oh yes."

Looking at big drums of powdered metal of a lot of different types, "Why the hell would they have this here?" I pondered.

"Don't know, but I know something I can do with them." Jake said, setting about reading labels and gathering what he wanted.

I shrugged and padded to where I could hear Jenny, "Just me hun, how goes the food shopping?"

"Just getting the basic essentials, but making sure we have enough for a few weeks. There's no sense in only getting us enough to last till the army base if we get there and there's no one home." she said.

I nodded, "Good thinking." I said, padding away to the front of the supermarket again.

As I reached the front, I heard the roar from the direction of the petrol station.

Racing out I saw my mate, Rough, braced over a figure, already quite a ways gone to cat with bits of clothing scattered around that resembled what Molly had been wearing, with about a dozen other cats pacing around the pair.

"Jake!" I yelled, "Bring your gun!"

Molly must have heard me, she turned her head to the side and looked at me, and I knew at once that Rough wouldn't have instigated this, he was doing it for her sake.

Jake was running to me, "Shit, I didn't bring it in with me." he called.

I took off at a dead run.

Rough had seen me now and as I watched, he bent down and licked at the back of Molly's neck and dismounted her, stepping over her crumpled form taking swipes at the cats surrounding him but without leaving the prone form of his charge, he could not press the fight to any one male.

I cut a swath through the beasts, making a path for Jake, while Rough defended Molly.

All the cats around us were males, the smell of their combined musk was horrendous, only adrenalin was keeping me fighting when all my body wanted to do was lay down for them.

Jake had disappeared into the bus only to reappear a moment later.

I heard the gun shots start to ring out, as one after another of the creatures was cut down, until one particular cat, in a close in fight with Rough was all that was left.

The two broke apart and I knew Jake would be taking aim.

"NO!" Molly's voice screamed, a roar, "Give me a knife!" she yelled at us.

Jake reacted instantly, tossing his bayonet out to the girl, who deftly caught it and began stalking in beside Rough.

My big mate must have sensed her, moved with her. All of a sudden he laid out with his claws on one paw, knocking the other male to the ground where the girl pounced, bringing the knife down and into the neck of the cat, opening his throat fully half around his neck.

As quick as she had been on it she was off and crouched, standing easily on three limbs, one paw clutching the blade, claws dug into the handle of the weapon.

I padded up beside her, as she stood watching the big cat slowly pump all his blood out, "Mo, you wounded?" I asked her, I repeated it again and she turned her head to look at me.

"No queen, I am pretty not fucking ok." and with that she fell, dropping the long blade, reaching out.

Her arms caught on Rough's and my backs as we helped her up to the bus.

Concentrating on the smells, I could tell she had been raped first by the big male she had finished, the rest had been Rough, he had mated her, and seeded her well. I could smell the heat scent, what should still be getting produced by her were she not pregnant, fading.

"You still with us Molly?" I asked her as we dragged her along.

"Fuck'n cats." she snorted, "Guess I count in that lot now don't I?". She turned her head to look at Rough, "And you, I know you did what you had to, if you hadn't, one of them would have." She leaned over to my love and licked at a nasty gash just behind his ear, cleaning the wound.

She turned her head back to me, "So, this is going to keep happening right? I mean I might get some respite for a few weeks, maybe end up human again for a while, but then it will all start again, one will catch me and I will be lucky if all I do is carry his kittens. Hold on, David, queen, wait." I slowed, as did Rough sensing something was up. "What do I have to do, to go all the way over, but like you and Sally? I want to still be me."

I was prepared for a lot of things, but her asking that, most certainly was not one of them.

Sighing, "You need to spend a fair bit of time in one of the 'deep' forms, generally those forms past the pregnancy stage." I told her.

"So you mean, if I spend a few weeks like this, get in touch with my feline side, when I am taken all the way I will remember?" she asked me, leaning back now into Rough who, to his credit, was just standing there and being what she needed.

"May." I said, "You may remember what you were. There was some documentation to say, when we were working with these animals, that people had gone as far as pregnancy before and come back. But not often, and none of those remembered themselves that were then made fully cat. I was the first, I guess Sally the second." I paused, letting that sink in for her. "Why do you want to be the third?" I asked.

"I just." her arm reached out, paw working over Rough's ears, avoiding the wound though, "I want to feel safe. With Rough standing over me, his seed deep inside me, knowing I will be having his kittens, I just..." she paused, obviously knowing her mind but unable to think of the words that will convince me to help. "I just want to belong and be safe."

"Well, you're already part of my pride, now as a sister to me and Sally. Its not up to me to make up your mind. If after you have your kittens, when your body is ready for another heat and another litter to be gotten on you, if you want to go ahead, I won't stop you or Rough." I told her.

She surprised me, not saying a word, not crying or anything, she just lent forward and kissed me, softly.

The smell, my male lover nearby, Molly's own scent of arousal, all built and I leaned forward into her now embracing arms.

I began by running soft licks over her, then realised she had some wounds herself and applied myself orally to their care.

Working downwards, I finally came to her pelvic region, spying the prize she wanted me to. Dipping my tongue down to lap at her folds, I heard her mewl and whimper softly, the tender flesh obviously sensitive beyond usual at what she had been through.

I was just warming to my task, beginning to dip my muzzle down flush to her when Rough mounted me.

I flagged my tail for him and arched myself even as I continued working at the girl.

Rough was gentle, slow and very determined to have me while I pleasured his most recent mate. Sliding himself into my aroused entrance, the first thing I noticed was he was already very large and swollen, and why not, Molly had worked him up already.

As he brought his hips up to press against my rear, his balls gently banging just below my petals, I felt his barbs flare out. He roughly gripped my neck but didn't yank backwards, instead content to leave me to my task but none the less obviously wanting something to hold on to.

The driving pressure of him, the spines dragging back inside me, the feel of them pushing back in, soothing the flesh they had just tortured drove me to panting moans as I burrowed my muzzle into Molly's sweet folds, testing her depths with my sandpaper-like tongue.

I felt her hips tense and all of a sudden my whole muzzle was gripped by her muscles, cramping and gripping around me, riding her orgasm as far as she could.

My own excitement was rising, although not as quick as hers. Rough now released my neck, roaring his ownership of me to every animal within five kilometres.

All of the pleasure, the pain, the smells, the tastes and the sounds all combined as I felt Rough tense and begin to thrust in hard, maleness swollen beyond belief, spines digging deep into my flesh on every out-stroke.

The world turned electric and I yowled and roared, adding my own voice to the duet that Rough and Molly were already singing.

Panting, feeling Rough slowly, carefully, withdraw I crawled forward, resting my muzzle on Molly's shrunken breasts, "Now you are more than my sister." I breathed, "You are my mate.". And with that I leaned in pressing our muzzles together, working at her teeth with my tongue, eventually making it past the wall of blade-like enamel.

We lay there a while before I heard Jake say, "Hate to break this up, but, well, we got all the stuff packed. The bus is full of juice. And I have to say, as a member of this pride and a cat myself, that was quite possibly the hottest fucking thing I have ever seen. I mean, good golly miss Molly..."

I groaned, thankfully though, Molly still had fingers enough to find and throw some rocks at the soldier.

My muse and I had an arguement on this, she wanted Molly broken, wrecked, hell, the girl was never supposed to be this big a character in the first place, she was supposed to come in, do a few things, say a few lines and get bred and lost. I took up her cause, took everything my muse would throw at me for her, I think it was worth it.

Oh, and no, not putting an NC tag on, I don't go into detail about that part of the situation (one advantage of always using first person), so although its implied that she was taken against her will at first, she turned to Rough willingly by then.