Dan x Kitty: Chapter One

Story by SpecOpsElite on SoFurry

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#1 of Dan x Kitty

Here's some gay mew stuff. Felt like writing this for fun and kinda liked it, so here it is with an accompanying second chapter and possibly a third that I'll upload later

Chapter One

Dan fumbled with his keys, trying to get his apartment key out of the mass without dropping the brown paper bag of groceries cradled in his arms. He finally managed to get the apartment key out and unlocked the door, swinging it open.


He was met with a bright pink cat/mouse floating slightly above eye level in the center of his living room. He was used to, and friends with, the mew, what caused the outcry was that the puff ball was curled in a tight ball, sucking off his own dick. What was worse was that just above its tail, he saw the purple base of one of its many vibrators poking out.

At the outburst, the mew opened its big blue eyes to look at his roommate, soft sucking noises still escaping his maw.

"What have I told you about doing that?" Dan reprimanded, closing the door and passing by mew to put the bags on the kitchen counter

Popping his head off his saliva coated organ, mew chirped a "sorry"

"Why are you always doing that Kitty?"

Kitty, named after his feline appearance and high pitched voice, uncurled and floated over to Dan. His roommate was dressed in simple clothing with short black hair and brown eyes.

"So, did you buy me anything?" the pokémon asked innocently

Dan sighed; he never did get an answer from him about that.

"Your birthday is tomorrow, you'll just have to wait and see"

"Aaaaw" Kitty whined, giving his best puppy dog look, pre running down his cock

Dan rummaged through the bag, getting a microwavable meal out. It only took thirty-seconds before the meal was heated and he was sitting down at the table in the dinning room.

"Come on," Kitty mewled, completely forgetting about the vibrator still tucked inside his anus, "what did you get me?"

Dan opened the package and began eating, "you'll find out after I get home tomorrow"

He floated over to the edge of the table so that only his head and hands were showing; giving him a pair of giant blue orbs of sadness, "come ooooooon!"

"If you keep begging, I won't get you anything," Dan said warningly, knowing that would get him to stop

Kitty growled and was about to fly away in an overdramatic huff. That was when he remembered the toy stuck in him, mostly because he suddenly started nearing his climax. He dug his claws into the table, his levitation giving out along with his muscle control while his brain was hit by waves of pleasure, steadily building into a pressure in his crotch.

Dan glanced over at the sudden groans from his friend, watching his eyes gloss over and his tongue roll out onto the table with a good amount of drool. Recognizing the usual signs, he quickly grabbed his food and jumped out of his chair.

Right on cue, Kitty's hips started jerking, driving his tapered red cock into a non -existent orifice, pre sputtering out onto the carpet. Just seconds later, he mewed loudly as his brain locked onto the bliss of orgasm and his cock spasmed, jet after jet of pearly cum blasting against the underside of the table, his claws only just keeping his shuddering body suspended.

Dan sighed when some of the cum stuck to the table's underside and some rebounded off and splattered onto the carpet.

With a final few jerks of both cock and body, Kitty slid off the table and collapsed onto the floor, penis quickly receding into his body, sheath only barely visible on the otherwise smooth underbelly.

"You're cleaning that up," Dan commented, nudging Kitty with his foot.

"Just*huff*give me*huh*a minute...ok?"

Leaving his panting roommate to his afterglow, Dan moved his dinner to the couch and turned on the TV.



Dan met Kitty three years ago while he was hiking the mountain just outside his home town, Maple City. The mew was under attack by some bunch of costumed freaks and their pokémon. He sprinted out of the tree line and grabbed the mew before it slammed into the ground in exhaustion

"What are you doing?" a grunt growled at him

"Why are half a dozen people attacking one mew?" Dan countered

"Just give us the pokémon and no one gets hurt," the grunt ordered

"Except the mew right?" Dan growled, though he had interrupted them without knowing what was going on

"That mew is a pokémon, pokémon are made so that man can use them. We have every right to do as we please with it," the grunt lectured

That did it for him; no way was he giving up. Dan looked around the area. Behind him was a very long drop into the trees below.

"You don't have anywhere to run, just hand it over," another grunt said like he just wanted to get home

Knowing that he'd immediately regret this, Dan ran and jumped off the cliff. Twisting his body to protect the mew, Dan slammed into the rock wall several times before he just started rolling down, curling up to shield the little puff of fur in his arms.

By the time he came to rest, slamming into the ground followed by a tree, he was bruised all over and bleeding, his clothes were torn and his left leg wouldn't respond quite right. All for some little pink cat thing.

He quickly stood up and ran as best as he could despite his leg and some cracked ribs to get away from the cliff where that group of freaks would undoubtedly start their search.

He ran until he couldn't anymore, his legs just giving out from under him after an hour or two. As he fell, he made sure not to land on mew. Once he was on the ground, he pulled himself along until he was laying under a tree and wrapped the mew in what was left of his jacket.

Mew passed in and out of consciousness while all this was going on, vaguely aware that the person holding him wasn't one of the people attacking him. He would have helped with a teleport or something, but lacked the strength to even send himself.

When the human finally collapsed, he noticed that the human continued to crawl through the grass and wrapped him in a cloth and curled around his body protectively. Why was this random human helping him when others were trying to kill him?

When the human's breathing, labored as it was, eventually evened out, he could tell the human was sleeping. Barely able to stay conscious as it was, he too fell asleep.

A few hours later

Dan woke up first, noticing that it was night and that mew was sleeping calmly against his chest. He carefully tried to move, his muscles screaming in retaliation, and slowly uncurled himself from the mew.



Mew opened his eyes and looked at Dan, "(huh?) mew?"

"You're awake too huh?"

"(Yup) Mew," it said happily

"You hurt anywhere?"

Mew uncurled himself and tested all of the muscles he could find. Most of his body hurt but he was more concerned with any serious injuries.

"Mew!" he cried when he tried to flex his left side

"Let me see"

Dan sat up and unwrapped mew from his jacket. There was a substantial amount of blood from both mew and himself soaking into it. He picked up mew and examined the gash in his side; the pink fur dyed bright red. It was pretty deep, probably caused by that seviper he saw.

"Give me a second okay", Dan went to reach into his pack, only to find it missing, "fuck"

"(What?) mew?"

"My packs gone and you need treatment for that"

"(You don't look to good yourself) mew mew"

"Wish I knew what that meant"

"(Really?) mew?" he asked, giving him a look

"I can guess what that meant, and yes, I don't spend much time around pokémon"

"(Give me a moment) mew mew mew"

"Again, no ide-AH!"

Dan nearly fell over at a sudden spike of pain that drove through his consciousness. Oddly enough, he imagined it as being bright pink.

"Sorry, I'm not very good at that" mew said, withdrawing from the human's language center

"What was that?" it took a moment for the statement to sink in, "did you just talk?"

"Technically I've been talking, you just didn't understand me"

"My point remains the same smart ass"

"Ya, I transferred a basic understanding of poké-tongue into your head"

"Thanks, I guess. But I do want to ask one thing, but I still need to get my pack, or at least a medical kit"

"Any idea where it is?"

"Somewhere that way," he said, pointing behind him, "or that way. Or, uh."

"Well that's great"

"Um, you wouldn't happen to know teleport would you?"

"I do, but it would just take us back to my den. You know, the place where I was almost killed"


"I could tap into your brain again and find somewhere you've been to go"

"That pain thing right?"

"Either that or we walk"

Dan rubbed his leg, it was definitely the most injured part of him and mew wouldn't last much longer despite his apparent strength, his blood loss combined with the exhaustion of a battle would kill him eventually and he had no idea which direction civilization was

"Alright fine, go ahead"

Mew reached back into Dan's mind, sifting around in his memories. It was just like before, a sharp pain like a spike was being driven into his brain, only now it lasted much longer and delved much deeper into his head.

Just as he was about to pass out, mew said "there, that should do. Hold on"

Dan grabbed ahold of mew, careful of the gash. Just as he got a grip, it felt like mew was being torn away. He strengthened his hold and, after a moment, felt himself being pulled along for the ride.

"Here they are!" a rocket grunt shouted, but by the time the group got closer the two vanished in a blur of light.

Crag Mt. Pokémon Center

Dan limped in the main door, mew cradled in his arms, to the shock of several nurses.

"This mew needs help," he stated the obvious

As soon as they'd materialized, mew passed out from loss of blood and exhaustion


Present time: rocket lair

"We've finally tracked down that annoying pest," one rocket said to another

"Finally, how long's it been? Three years?"

"Ya, and we've found a second target as well. Look," the rocket held up a handheld computer with a report opened on the target

"Is that what I think it is?" the other asked, pointed at one of the images displayed


"Let's get a team together; this is too good to pass up"

Maple City

Once he'd caught his breath and regained muscle control, Kitty pushed himself up and observed his handy work on the carpet and table. He chuckled to himself before floating away to get the cleaning supplies. Once he'd found them under sink, he floated back and got to work cleaning the carpet.

He scrubbed at the floor, his butt floating higher than his head, giving Dan a good view of the vibrator still stuck up his ass and the slowly reemerging cock below his fuzzy balls.

Of note was the fact that, as a mew, Kitty could, with a good amount of focus, use transform to semi-permanently alter the shape of his phallus to anything he'd seen or come into contact with similar to how a ditto changed its entire body. Theoretically he could have anything from a rapidash's giant rod to a magikarp's vent. Right now, he preferred only a slightly different design from its original form.

At first glance, it looked like a persian's tapered and slightly bowed penis. But, the normally small and sharp spines were less numerous, dull, and larger, but still very sensitive. Plus, at the base was the knot of an arcanine that would, if he were to ever mate someone, tie them together.

As for his testicles, he kept those up against his body so that they weren't flapping around all the time, usually only dropping the two small orbs when he was either really tired or distracted, such as when he had a vibrator stuck in him and was cleaning up his own cum.

"I really don't want to see that while I'm eating you know"

"Then you clean it up," Mew quipped

Dan gave a 'never mind' look and returned his attention to the TV, though couldn't help watch his friend out of the corner of his eye. It wasn't long before the three inches of cock, veined red flesh clashing with soft pink fur, was rock hard with an expanding knot at the base and pre drooling off.

Once he finished with the carpet, Kitty started to wash off the table, his hips bucking and his breathing quickening as he neared a second climax.

"You better find somewhere to put that, unless you want to be cleaning it up again"

Kitty was more than happy to stop his cleaning to curl back up and start sucking himself off again. He made sure that Dan could see what he was doing as he rapidly bobbed up and down on his length, repeatedly deep throating himself and working his tongue along the underside of his sensitive knot with loud squelches filling the air.

Just seconds later, he was letting out repeated muffled cries and fell to the floor as his body started to spasm. He forced his cock as deep as he could, his engorged knot popping into his mouth and his throat squeezing down systematically until he finally came. He mewled happily as his own creamy ejaculant was blasted down his throat and into his stomach while his mind was filled with pleasure. He giddily swallowed down mouthful after mouthful; he had to since his jaw was now tied to his crotch. But even so it quickly grew too much for him to handle. At first it was just afew drops, but soon it was oozing out around his knot and onto his crotch.

When he was just about to finish, Kitty forced his cock from his mouth with a loud pop and joint crack so that the last couple powerful jets coated his eager face and chest in gooey white.

Exhausted, Kitty dropped to the floor, switching off the vibrator psychically, and took a quick meowth-nap, jizz slowly dribbling down his face.

"I guess I'll finish cleaning up then," Dan groaned

He stood up, his dinner finished, and was about to walk over to Kitty. First though, he reached into his pants and readjusted so that his semi-hard penis wasn't as obvious.

Later that night

"Hey, um, Dan?" a small voice invaded his peaceful rest

"What?" came the groggy answer

"Have you ever, um, had sex?"

He opened his eyes, the room was dark and blurry but he could still make out his pink friend floating in the air above him. He looked at the clock on his bed stand, '1:48', then back to Kitty.

"What?" Dan groaned

"Have you ever had sex?"

"Ya, it's called high school, why?" Dan yawned

"Well, I never had 'high school'" Kitty said forlornly

"Is there a point to that statement?" he asked, his mind still cloudy

"...I've never mated"

"So why bring that up?"

"I'm a day away from being eight years old!" Kitty said like it was obvious

"Uh, ya, how's that important?"

"Pokémon mature faster than humans, we usually mate for the first time when we're one, maybe four at the latest"

"So, you're pretty behind I guess. But that's not exactly something too strange, at least among humans."

"Ya, I guess, but I've never even had anyone, let alone a mate"

"Couldn't you just transform into something and start humping it?"

"I could, I suppose, not that I want to do that"

"So, you want to mate, but not to fuck?"

"I guess, ya"

"Then you'll have to find someone, get to know them and let them get to know you, but it's never a sure thing. Trust me," Dan had had plenty of girl friends and even afew boyfriends through high school and college.

"It's not that easy, my species is nearly extinct, there're only a handful of us left. From that small number, how many do you think I could find? Then how many would talk to me? From that, how many would like me as a person? From that, how many could ever have a romantic interest in me? Then, how many trial and errors would I go through, could I go through? And, you've got how many trial and errors they would make."

"How much time have you spent thinking about this?"

"How often am I alone?"

"How are you not clinically depressed?"

"Well...I have you to look forward to"

"Um, what?"

The mew floated down to lay beside him, "I always look forward to seeing you come home. None of these thoughts show up when you're around, but whenever you leave I can't help but think about it."

"Um, what?"

Kitty sighed, "never mind"

Disheartened, the mew floated out of the room and back over to his own bedroom next door. He sighed as he curled up in the hammock that hung from the ceiling. Inside the loosely woven structure, it was lined with leaves, papers, and cloth that Kitty had collected to make a comfortable nest.

One piece in particular was special to him however, and that was the piece that he retrieved from where he kept it bundled up. It was Dan's jacket, the torn and bloody rag from when he'd first met his friend. He'd cleaned most of the blood off it of course

He carefully wrapped himself in the clothing, Dan's scent still lingering about it. Inhaling deeply, Kitty started to gently rub his emerging member, letting out soft 'mews' at the visions he played through his head until he drifted off to sleep.

Back in Dan's room, he laid awake in his bed, thinking over what his friend had told him, or had tried to anyway.

'Does he mean that he...wants to mate me? Is he gay? Granted that would explain his love of vibrators and auto-fellatio,' he reasoned

He mulled over what he'd gotten him for his birthday. It was laying in his closet under several boxes and a pile of old clothes. The device was a three inch, bright red, knotted dildo, something he hoped Kitty would like. Just finding out where to get that was embarrassing enough, let alone buying it.

'I guess I could try it. But what if I'm wrong about all this? Is it even legal to have sex with a pokémon?'

These thoughts accompanied Dan as he drifted off to sleep.