I pod love... Part 1

Story by mydjet on SoFurry

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IPod love part 1

It was A sunny day in Mobius as the 19 year old fox got on the train iPod blasting sublime what I got.

He knew that summer would be over in 12 hours.

Back at that school for his senior year....


.....Without his friends.....

....without her.

Well at least that last part would be good.

He dated Cream for most of his senior year last year....

She passed her classes while I skipped one class constantly to be with her. Then she left.... Bitch doesn't even have the courtesy to tell me we aren't dating... But I only have a single regret. I pull out a pack of reds and light one taking a long drag. I just wish the bitch gave me back my fucking jacket. Can you believe how stupid I was... I let her fool me into believing her... "I promise baby lie never hurt you" ha a fucking load of bullshit. Never believe a beautiful face... No never believe in love. To make it worse I also turned off my heart... I am writing this for a friend. She thinks it will make me better like I used to be. Fuck the old me is dead. I just wish I had my jacket. Well this is the first and hopefully last time I have to do this... So what if I am always pissed off....so what if i am depressed... I know you're going to read this now that u know why I have that knife and all these wristbands but I guess I can play along for now and even though u already asked no I haven't today. Shit... A cop is coming up to me maybe smoking on the train wasn't a good idea.

End entry 1

Amy was still frowning when she finally finished reading then she looked at my wrists without saying anything I take off all 8 wristbands showing her the scars. No fresh ones today. I give her a fuck you very much look. I want my knife. It was my carelessness that got taken from me.

Flash back

I was in my room the parents were gone and I had just made the first cut... Amy knew of that I was home alone and still depressed so she came to check up on me... Just like her and all my friends she just came in. She heard the music from my room and just as I was thinking of getting up and making a few more cuts. she comes in and notices the blood on my arm as I lay there in bliss just as I get ready to cut again she grabs my knife closing it slowly (rite now all I can think is this is going to suck...) finally I hear the metallic click of it closing. My head explodes in waves of pain then I hear a rib crack then...that's it? I open up an eye feeling the sting of blood in my eyes and the taste of blood in my mouth. Then there was Amy...with no hammer instead gloves crimson with my blood I try to take a deep breath.....extreme amount of pain hits my chest I cough up more blood. (a broken rib... good job Amy) I finally am able to take a breath " wow!" is all I can gasp she finally turns back to me this time with her big hammer in hand... I don't even fight it. After the hammer hits I hear her say "you fucking dumbass"


My only regret is she couldn't come sooner to cure my insomnia....

Then there were the nightmares.....

Of her...

No you dumbass her as in Cream..

Of the joy...

The happiness...

Dare I say it... the love...

And then the pain.....

It was a bad dream because I knew that I would have to wake up.

But as always life has a funny way of kicking you in the ass just as u find a moment of even a haunting peace by waking you up in as crude a way as possible.

A bright white light hits my eyes....

Finally now life can't fuck with me sense there was none anymore.....

I feel a couch underneath me.....

.......Fuck you life.

My eyes finally clear. Great I'm in Amy's house.

I try to reach into my pocket but stop when I see my phone iPod and.....shit... wristbands. I finally turn my head just enough to see the white glove balancing my black knife by the tip. I slowly try to reach for my knife... And before you ask no it wasn't to cut it was for the fact that it has sentimental value to me. Then the glove drops it in her other hand and closes it again putting it out of reach.... "Sun of a bitch". Smack!! I must of said that out loud. I finally manage to get up... More pain... I reach for my ribs gasping through the pain feeling the wrap holding it tight Amy holds out something black and look away. I finally notice that my 6 pack is a little cold...I pause then snatch the shirt and start pulling it on gasping again as the shirt pushes on my ribs. I say nothing just stare at the ground she holds my knife in front of me and asks me again "why". This time I think before I do something to cause more pain I already have enough of that. I can't think of a reason why. I tell her I don't know. She grabs my I pod and halve punches half pushes it into my ribs I clutch it to my ribs in pain she growls "write your reason by the end of the week or else I tell your parents". I nod and she kicks me out of the house shortly after that.

End flash back

I hung my head as I thought.

Suddenly she hugs me tightly I grunt. She notices and looks under my shirt.

The same wrapping is still on me.

It's been only a week.

She lets go realizing I am still not fully healed I hung my head she put my knife she still had down the one place I wouldn't go. Write down her panties. She just tells me to keep on writing and tell to tell her when I do but no schedule.

I walk back home listing to my iPod

I hope she didn't tell sonic.

Speak of the devil

Just as I think that he shoes up.


I feel a sudden pain in my face.

Once I recover I just turn up my I pod... He tries yelling at me.

(Max volume you bastard) He is about to swing again.

(He wants me to defend myself) I see the fist coming at me then Amy grabs it and then kisses him.

The anger is gone in his eyes melts to sadness.

Shit reminds me of me and cream when I got mad....

God I wish I had something sharp..............

Entry 2

I dye my hair black. It covers my right eye and kind of just hangs there. I also use a few rubber bands to tie my tails together.

The first 6 periods of the day I was a teacher's assistant...





I just sigh as I go into my one class...government. Yea I failed government and passed pre cal. Government is 7th so I skipped a lot last year.

3 weeks into school... I don't know why I am continuing this....

At lunch Amy and sonic tries to get me to sit with them... I like being alone... They sum times try to sit next to me. Those days I find myself not hungry and sit in my secret spot to smoke and relax. God this place sucks.....

A month had passed like this. I let my hair change back but I decided to keep my tails tied together. One day I was sitting on the office desk. I decided to start singing "Weezer the angel and the one" I close my eyes using my memory to sing each word perfectly. When the song is over I look up a bit happy. I open my eyes...

I see a snow white Wolfe starring at me... She wore a light grey zip up hoodie with grey fur inside, a black t shirt with a big W on the front, blue jeans, and a pair of black skater shoes.... (Fuck it why not) I start taking off my head phones and say "you know it's not polite to stare." She finally blinks snapping herself out of it and blushes madly

I pretend not to notice. "Hi my name is miles powers but just call me tails" I say hopping off the desk.

She finally speaks " um hi"

I give her a questioning look finally I give up "what's your name?"

She blushes again (it's cute When she blushes) "oh um I'm Samantha" still blushing madly I hear the bell ring. Noticing she is late before she douse I ask her "Wears your next class?"

She looks at her phone "FUCK"

"relax lie just make u a pass" I grab the yellow pad of paper.

"Thank you... Umm could you walk me to room 308" blushes again

I shrug "sure why not"

We start heading to her class I ask "so u a senior"

"yup" she says "you?"

"yup what kind of music do u listen to" I ask pretending not to notice the w stretched across her big breasts. I look away as I feel my cheeks get hot.

She pretends to not to notice and plays around with me knowing full well that I already knew. "Just good music u?"

(Well she wins that round) I stretch out a bit reveling my mussels lines even more sense I was warring a tight under armor shirt I notice her starring at my abs. (maybe a new game) I put a hand down by my abs to get her attention "well as u already know I like Weezer"

She blushes a lot as she thinks (well that was a dirty trick.. My turn) she says "cool I like them too" she stops in front of me pulling the already tight shirt against her Brest her nipples showing a bit through her bra "see look"

Nose bleed. I run to the restroom I hear her laughing hard.... "I know how to win" I go out my shirt with a blood stain on it. Acting defeated I ask "hey do u mind if we stop at my locker"

"Sure" she says while thinking (I can't believe that it was that easy).

(She has no clue) When we arrived I went into my locker handed her tissue box "hold this for a second"

The moment she grabs it I pull my shirt off showing off my abs not even looking at her. I know I already won. I put on my spare white t suddenly she reaches around me and gropes me with sharp claws one on my back the other on my...

She growls "You are mine now pet"

All I can do is gulp at this and think over and over again. (oh shit oh shit oh shit)

"after school meet me by your locker.... You don't want to skip out on me" she grabs on harder then bites my ear hard enough to make her permanent mark then walks away.

I feel a small amount blood and sweat roll down the side of my face as I watch her walk away.... Maybe I shouldn't of played with her.

That day I skip lunch... I really don't want to talk plus I am absolutely sure she is there. Instead I head to my secret place....dam they locked the latter up...

Fuck it.

I take the Bands off my 2 tails letting them unwrap from each-other.

Samantha is sitting next to a blue hedge hog talking then she notices. An orange and yellow blur fly up to fast for her to know what it is. The hedge hog just shakes head

when he sees the blur. Maybe a friend?...

Tails pulls out his first red and lights it. Who is she... He finds his every thought revolving around her.

The rest of the day goes as normal except when he bumps into sonic and Amy.

Sonic says" hey little bro what happens to your ear"

Amy says with a concerned tone in her voice "yeah... U don't have a knife again do u?

I completely ignore Amy's harsh statement and say rather shyly "I had a run in with a wolf"

Amy gasps and asks the obvious question "are you ok"

"yup just my ear" I said as I blush a bit remembering the way it happens.

Sonic laughs "I told you playing those games will get u hurt"

Amy slaps him... "be nice"

As they argue I walk to my 7th period class iPod already blaring "crazy bitch" I tune it all out until she sits next to me

I sigh as I take off the iPod

"Hey Samantha"

"Hey tails"

We go the rest of the period without talking much though there is a lot of stuff we could talk about the words won't come...

She suddenly pecks me on the cheek.

I break my pencil in halve and get very red.

I look at the clock less than a minute...

Fuck this... I stand up and just walk out the door the work being done in the first 5 min of class.

Samantha just stares at him for the class he tries to not notice it but every now and then he looks out the corner of his eye. With one minute left...she gives a small Kiss on his cheek... Snap she giggles at how surprised he is... (Shy and cute...what luck) suddenly he bolts out of the class she runs after.

Tails thinks to himself "why am I running"

She follows him to a ladder to the roof

Tails sighs "thank god it's unlocked" he climbed to the roof. She climbs up rite after him.

She finds tails sitting on the roof his feet dangling off the edge.

He grabs a smoke to try to light it... Schh Schh Schh Schh he throws the sig and lighter behind him... "Fuck why am I so shy I mean it's obvious she likes me"

She hears and sees this display of emotion then she grabs the lighter and sig lights it and takes a drag.

He finally calms down and goes to light a new one... Shit. He stands up and turns around looking at the ground for it his lighter...

Then all of the sudden seemingly out of nowhere she grabs his head and forces her tong in his mouth he gasps taking in the smoke that she was breathing into him calming him down... After a minute they break off the kiss tails breaths out the smoke slowly

Samantha smiles a sly smile "hey foxy"

As he is about to say sum thing she puts the sig in my mouth and says "the next words better be good fuzzy" she reaches into my pocket and grabs a sig and lights it with the one in mouth being sure to remain sexy.

I finally regain my composure and instantly knowing what to say... "hey sugar fur"

She smiles and kisses me "good job"

We end up talking allot asking where we are from, favorite food, and a lot of other stuff.

Then I finally ask her "why did you bite me earlier"

"Um well I wanted you to be mine and not another Wolfs... property" she says while blushing madly.

I blush too. Wow first day I meet her and she already likes me enough to claim me. Then all the sudden a thought of cream forces its way up. God damn it... I put down my sig and start to walk away she grabs me by my arm with the wristbands on it they all slide off... She sees the scars then looks at me confused.

The tension is too thick to move... then my phone goes off.... It was Amy's song.

"Fucking great this couldn't get better" I give her a peck on the cheek asking for forgiveness for having to leave her like this and i run back home to beat Amy. Once I get there I realize I left my wrist bands damn it I quickly go inside and grab a sweater then meet Amy at my door. I show her my arms and toss my iPod to her waiting patiently for my iPod back.

Amy realizes I don't have my wrist bands and points to where they shod be

"I left them at school"

"So people know"

"Only one"


I point to my ear "same Woolf that gave me this tried to stop me from leaving and tore them off but I had to beet u here so I never got explain"

Amy continues reading.

Once she is dun she hands my IPod back and back hands me.

"What the hell was that for!?"

"For leaving your wrist bands"

Then she hugs me tight.

"And that?" I say as she let's go.

"For relieving me of this burden"

She reaches into her pocket and grabs my knife.

"I don't think you are going to hurt yourself now"

"With a sexy Woolf watching me I don't think so either"

I take my bands off my tails and let them unwrap...

"I got to get back and try to explain... Thanks Ames"

"No problem" she starts to walk away "and tails"


She looks at me with love and rage filled eyes

"if you do that again....I will destroy your life"


"I promise I won't"

"Good now go get your girl"

"Yes mam"

I fly off back towards the school as fast as possible.

Samantha finishes up his sig that she was left with... Why did he just go? And the scars...I am so confused so many questions and no way to get a ancer

She sighs out the final drag of the sig and stands up and there I am my 2 tails flicking side to side she goes to ask me a question obviously freaking out a bit. So with a sig in hand still holding my breath I push my tong into her mouth and I give her the same treatment as she gave me.

I spend a few hours explaining first the tails then the call and the scars last. When I finish I hang my head in shame.

She growls clenching her hands into fists. "I am going to have to kill that fucking rabbit"

At this I am surprised but nowhere near as surprised as When I see a tear drop form on her chin and fall down.

I kiss her stopping the tiers then licking up the streams on her cheeks which tickles her a bit.

"Why would you want to waste your time on her?"

Sniff sniff "because she hurt you so bad..."

"She hurt me but that hurt led me to u and if I had a choice I would gladly go thru it again to be with you"

I nip her ear the way she nipped mine earlier tasting the blood in my mouth at first she groans in pain but it quickly turns into a moan of pleasure.

I still like the taste of blood I suck on her wound and she moans again. Finally I break from my treat.

She bites my neck making me feel.....good. She draws a little blood with her sharp k9's. I shutter a bit feeling very my member rising. After a while she stops sucking on my blood and kisses me very passionately... Then I feel the darkness coming. Fuck not again. Then I fall back and pass out before I hit the ground. Darkness.......

I moan into his neck tasting his sweet blood. Once I feel his member poking against my inner thigh I go up to kiss him deeply. It all happened to fast ... He first stopped moving his tong... Then the rest of his body goes slack. I catch him and lye him down. "Shit Samantha you too much too fast to soon" I silently reprimanded myself feeling for a pulse I straddle him putting my ear by heart... *da da... Da da* sleeping? I then notice that I am sitting on his.......member. I instantly go beat red. Maybe I should get off now. Through a lot of willpower I manage to crawl off of him. I start starring at him... Curiosity might have killed the cat...But not the Woolf. I slowly start to unzip his jeans.... He grumbles sum thing in his sleep. All I can hear is his steady breathing and my heart going 1000000 mph... Ok let's see I pull his boxer strap up a bit to revile something very big. I only stare for a moment when he starts to turn in his sleep I quickly zip him up and am sitting on the opposite side of him pretending to be starring at the sunset taking a shaky drag of the sig....

Just before I wake up I feel a tugging on my pants and a zipper being zipped. I turn on my back. Now I remember what happened. I smile at her back then sitting up and stretching I accidentally let out a little whining Yuan. I stop as soon as it happens. Well there goes my plan of being sexy. She takes another drag and turns to kiss me.

"Hi fuzzy sleep well?"

"He sorry about that"

"What the passing out or the very sexy Yuan?"

I blush madly "um both"

"Well I liked the Yuan" she says as she kisses me.

"But no more doing that passing out thing..."

"I am so sorry baby...this happened before"

"With who? "

I gesture to my wrist.

She growls "what did that bitch do!"

I show her my rope burns on my wrist then I turn around and pull up my shirt showing her my scars.

She is shocked at the sight she lightly touches a huge scare where it looks like sum one cut a hole into my back. I jerk away and put my shirt down and face her horrified eyes.

In shock she asks "wha-what happened"

My eyes go wide as I bring the painful memory to the front of my mind

Flash back

A month into mine and creams relationship I went to her house we sit on the couch and start doing the normal couples thing. She goes to get us drinks. She comes out with 2 opened cokes I drink mine. Then blackness...

I wake up only to find my arms tied to a steal anchoring hook In the sealing no shirt on and Cream standing in front of me...


"Yes my fox"

"Why am I tied up?"

"Cause baby I want to have fun"

She circles around me and rolls a stand with a water melon on it while holding a whip.

"See tails I wanted to have some fun last week but u never made your move. I gave you tons of signals. So now we do it my way first some punishment... What I do to this water Mellon I am going to do to you"

She whips the melon multiple times leaving huge gashes in it.

"Cream you don't want to do this. "

Once she is done demonstrating she cups my face with her hand.

"O but baby I do I want to so badly"

She then goes behind me.

I hear the thud of the whip hit the ground I am blind to what she is doing.

My heart is beating way to fast... I try to break the rope by jumping up and down.

The rope only cuts into my wrist.

I suddenly feel the bight of the whip


"Oh I forgot to tell u the rule oops. Each time you try to get away I add 10 lashes and you tried to break the rope 5 times so that's 50 starting..."



This went on for a long time. She decided to double my punishment halve way thru the first set.

After she is tiers of the whip she counts the lashes pushing each one hard with a finger only counting when I yell in pain

"101 very good baby"

I try to catch my breath pant pant pant

"Pleas cr..."


"I am your mistress now"

I find myself yelling "yes mistress sorry mistress"

I want the pain to end.

"Good pet"


She then reaches under the table and grabs a stool and pushes it to my feet "stand on it pet"

I follow her every order

"Yes mistress"

She makes my ropes tight again then kicks out the stool. I yelp in pain as all of my weight goes onto my wrists. I am hanging there now with even less control she grabs a blow torch and branding iron.... Her name is on it.

She heats it up and puts it to the watermelon I hear a sick hissing sound as she leaves her name in it.

"You get 10 seconds of it after I heat it for a minute" I try to struggle no use. I have no control in my life.

It is a long minute but nowhere near as long as the 10 seconds...I howl in pain as she puts the iron to my skin....

After it is dun I hang their panting.

Sweat and tears rolling down my face

She pulls off my pants

She spends the rest of the night with tools that don't cause scars but still hurt

Flash back end

A tear roles down my face

"Each time after that she tried to play with me I fainted. At one point it got so bad that if she surprised me with a kiss I fainted."

"After she left me I took my knife and dug out her name...."

She just stares in disbelief of what I went thru she throws herself on me and cries I hold her as she balls into my shirt like a little girl that just woke up from her worst nightmare ever...

"It's ok baby I promise that rabbit won't hurt me ever again"

I rub her back with my hand until she is dun

She has pure rage in her eyes

"I'm going to rip out her throat "

I look at her with sad eyes... "No."

"But why!!!?"

"Because I don't want you to go to jail."

She sits up.

"Then you're going to have to hold me back if we see her."

"I will baby."

Then she kisses me very passionately.

"Why didn't you leave her after she did that?"

"Because I feared the pain she would cause me for my disobedience..."

The rest of the night we just talk until it is late then I flew her home.

And I kissed her one last time before going home myself....

Buzz buzz

I look at my phone and my eyes go wide in shock


End part 1

i pod love part 2

iPod love part 2 "God am I one lucky bastard" After taking Samantha home I decide to fly straight home. About halve way through I hear nirvanas song rape me playing through my phone. I take it out of my pocket to see who it is. New text...

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