
Story by Tazo on SoFurry

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Gaudy neon lights streamed through the smog-laden streets, the light green haze visible even through the thick goggles he wore. The re-breather hummed softly, ionizing the surrounding particles and shunting them to the scrubbers on either side. It did little good for the tattered trenchcoat and ragged clothes beneath, however. He moved smoothly through the thick smoke, gathering the coat around him as he stepped up the stairs of the dank building. Four flights later, the smog hung low enough that the breather was not needed. Slowly he slid the mouthpiece off his snout, the last few whiffs of over-sanitized air striking his nostrils.

A deep breath out a couple of coughs later, his lungs readjusted to the unfiltered air. He turned the doorknob before him, stepping into the box he called home. Discarded cartons and the rags of previous clothes were scattered across the floor, his feet kicking them away as he shuffled through to the flat mattress that served as a bed. Sloughing off the coat, he sank into the bed, coughing again before falling back across the hard surface.

It has been three years in this roach motel of an apartment. The smog had withered away at his scales, and his eyes were bloodshot even beneath the glasses. This was all the street could offer however, and little else was available when he was already this deep. He rubbed his dusty gray cheek, sagging over himself for a moment. Doesn't get much worse than this, he thought.

The sleek keypad on the only empty space in the room blinked a steady green, signifying a message. Likely it was another scummer wanting some cheap work on a system. He reached over and pressed the key.

"Incoming Message 24563374-H. Audio only." The machine whurred and clicked as a crackly voice came over the microscopic speakers.

"Jacob. It's been a while. I'd heard you were still in town and, I wanted to talk to you. I left the softkey for the hotel room in the message. It's encrypted, but that was never a problem for you."

The voice clicked away as Jacob raised an eyeridge. The voice was familiar, but he couldn't place it. Sounded like a nice guy though. Now, curiosity was starting to lift him out of the slump. His talontips flickered across the keyboard swiftly. The softkey was encrypted and quite well. He smiled and cracked his knuckles, fingertips dancing along the keys steadily. Forty layers of tri-lateral encryption. Whoever it was certainly knew he liked a puzzle. It wasn't long before he managed to get through the first three layers, discovering a dummy encryption routine that was the cause of the multi-layered system. Rapidly reproducing junk layers, it shielded the actual code itself. A quick delete and five minute later, he had a softkey and the address.

It was downtown in the subdomes.

"Swank..." He muttered to himself, downloading the softkey into a datachip. He threw the breather back on, tossing the coat back over himself as he rushed down the stairs.


The softkey granted him access to the subdomes as well, and probably the only naturally breathable air for fifty miles. He almost tore the breather off as the fresh, filtered air struck his lungs. He coughed heavily for a moment, body adjusting to the scrubbed atmosphere. He felt the whole body ache he'd been told about going from nine atmospheres to eight. It felt like coming down from a hard workout. He shuffled off to the hotel's front lobby, dusting away his coat and clothes as the awkwardness began to set in.

The borg behind the counter winked to life, it's red LED eyes flashing as sensors scanned over Jacob's body.

"Clothes contain high levels of contaminants. Subject must report to DECON."

Jacob frowned, so much for the high life. He followed the glowing walkway into the DECON section. Without a new set of clothes, there would be no way to enter the hotel. After disposing of the contaminated outfit, the system prompted him for a softkey. He blinked and punched the number in. A chute opened next to him, a full set of clothes resting in vacuum-sealed packages. He barely had time to blink again before the decon blast flooded the room. A full ten seconds passed before the decon streams shut-off. Jacob gathered up the packages, tearing them open and sliding the clothes on.

He stepped out of the DECON chamber, blushing a little as he adjusted to the new outfit. The lightpanel bodysuit clung tightly to his body, shimmering as the surrounding colors reflected off the specialized optiweave panels. The coat was thick, but lightweight on his shoulders, the insleeve watch blinking a steady 6:59 PM. He strolled up to the front desk once more, grinning from ear to ear as the sensors scanned over him once more.

"DECON complete. Subject: Jacob granted access. Follow the lighted panels to room 469."


His brow furrowed outside the hotel room door. He'd been worried about this since he stepped foot out of the apartment. While the new threads were great, the thought of meeting someone who knew his old name and his old habits made him worried. Who knows who hacked into some antiquated mainframe so they could find some victim to gut and sell parts on the bodymart. By now, he'd made up his mind to walk away, The door opened before he got the chance.


Jacob turned, his eyes agog at the figure in the doorway.

"Zeke? Is... that you?"

The dragon in the doorway smiled and nodded.

"Boy, did YOU grow up..."

Zeke blushed a little and waved his old friend into the room. The entryway was the size of his box back home. He was still stunned, seeing Zeke like this. He was well over a foot taller, and at least sixty pounds heavier, all of it muscle. The years had been exceedingly kind to Zeke. Of course, it had been five years since they last saw each other.

"Have a seat, Jacob. Coffee?"

"Real stuff?"

"Of course." Zeke poured out a cup, handing the Styrofoam cup over to his friend.

Jacob stared down into the cup for a moment. "What happened to you Zeke?"

The dragon raised an eyebrow, "What do you mean?"

Jacob sipped the coffee, closing his eyes for a moment as he felt the warmth rush through him. "Four years ago, you graduate and vanish. I haven't heard from you until yesterday and now you're in a subdome hotel."

Zeke leaned back against the wall, "I had some success, I suppose."

"Some success? This room is five-hundred credits a night. That's the bare minimum for a reservation." Jacob glanced up from the coffee, his bloodshot eyes devoid of emotion. "You waltz out of my life, my only real friend in that hellhole of a school, and the show up later to rub my nose in all this?"


The gray lizardman threw the coffee down on the floor, standing up stock straight. His eyes still had to trail up another good foot before they met Zeke's.

"Don't Jacob me."

Zeke set a hand down on Jacob's shoulder, "I came back to help you out."

"I don't need charity."

"No, but you're the reason I'm here. Not just in this room, but why I am doing so well."

Jacob brushed the hand off his shoulder and began to walk to the door.

"Jacob. Don't you remember the nanite resequences we developed."

The grey dragon stopped. It had been just as long since he considered that little hobby project.

"I got them to work. That's why I left. I knew that in that school, if any of our research got out, we'd be fucked. So I went public." He set a hand on Jacob's shoulder. "It took two years to get the prototypes functioning and by that time, I'd lost track of you."

Jacob hung his head and sighed, "After you left... I dropped out. I couldn't deal with it. I ran away and ended up here, scraping by."

"I'm sorry."

"It's done, there's not much you can do to undo it."

Zeke smiled, "You'd be surprised." He leaned down and kissed Jacob gently on the cheek. The gray lizard prrred softly, blushing a little.

"Guess I'm still rather transparent, eh, Zeke?"

Jacob turned slowly and kissed Zeke gently on the lips, trailing a paw over the dragon's chest lightly.

Zeke smiled, "No, you aren't."

Jacob blinked as Zeke trailed a clawtip over the gray lizard's chest softly. Gingerly, he pressed the release button on the bodysuit, a soft hiss rising from the collar as the seal opened. Jacob blushed as Zeke moved smoothly and rapidly, stripping off the coat and bodysuit. Jacob shivered a little in the room, his cheeks red from falling under the gaze of his old friend.

Zeke touched the greyed, rough scales, trailing his finger over Jacob's chest. "What happened to your scales, love?"

Jacob cast his eyes down and off to the side, "Years of living in the slums. After the first year, I just... gave up."

Zeke nodded and kissed Jacob softly on the lips once more, "We'll see what we can do."

Jacob blinked.

Zeke gently drew the gray lizard to the bed, laying him down over soft sheets. It had been ages since Jacob felt cotton, or even the softness of a padded mattress under his back. Even if this was some one night stand, it was the best night he'd had so far.

Gentle kisses touched across his rough chest, paws trailing down over his pudgy belly. He whimpered softly at Zeke's delicate caresses, his body quivering as it began to respond. His mostly forgotten slit began to part, the tip of his milky white shaft already cresting past the delicate flesh. Zeke smiled to himself, prring as he kissed his way slowly down along Jacob's belly, nuzzling into the rougher scales.

Jacob felt quite self-conscious, blushing constantly. Zeke had changed quite a bit, mostly for the better, in the time he'd been away. He, on the other hand... He felt a little ashamed, whimpering softly before he pulled away from Zeke, coiling his tail around his feet as he hugged his legs to his chest. Zeke touched his shoulder softly.

"I'm sorry, it's just..."

"Just what, Jake? Are you not..."

"I... it's been a while since anyone's touched me..." Jacob shook his head, "I'm fat and ugly."

"No you're not."

"Yes. I am." Jacob turned, "Look at you. Toned, tight, tall... You're beautiful. Me I'm just some street lizard who's loosing his scales."

Zeke smiled a little, "Well, if you won't do it willingly..."

Jacob started as he felt the dragon's paw on his wrist, the sudden jerk forward pulling him towards the headboard. A leather cuff dangled from the post and Zeke quickly secured it around Jacob's forearm, taking it's partner and lashing it around the lizard's left arm. Jacob struggled a little, blushing as he stared at the mirrored headboard, seeing himself bound from behind as well, his legs spread open wide with a bar. Zeke was already behind him, quite naked as well now.

Jacob tugged more as his brow furrowed, "What are you doing?"

Zeke prred and nipped Jacob's shoulder softly, trailing a paw down to rub gently at his own slit. "I want this, Jacob, and you're going to give it to me and I know you're going to enjoy it."

The lizardman blushed a little, shivering as he could feel his cocktip rising further from it's slit, his body tensed beneath the bondage. The thrill was certainly there, but staring at his body in the mirror, he couldn't look. His eyes shut tightly as he felt the gentle, probing fingertip at his tight tailring. Jacob gasped, feeling the taliontip tease and caress over the taut ring of muscle. His body shivered as he felt Zeke's warm body against his own, a blunt, moist cocktip nudging against Jacob's inner thigh.

He blushed a little at how aroused Zeke seemed to be, relaxing as he felt more comfortable with his old friend. Zeke had figured out Jake was gay before he even knew it himself. Though the two of them never knew each other that way, Jacob had secretly hopes Zeke desired him as well. His memories faded as he felt the warmth of the dragon's length against his flexing ring. Zeke's cock was ridged, finely scaled and sculpted. It felt so perfect against his backside, and then Zeke slipped smoothly within his friend.

Jacob cried out in one long moan, his body arching as that perfect cock pierced his tailring, pressing in so easily, yet filling him so very full. He could feel every ridge and bump against his velvety insides, his muscles clenching around the length as it invaded him. Gentle prickles ran up his spine as more of it sank inside, Zeke's arms clutching Jacob close to his broad chest as the last of his heavy shaft sunk within the gray lizard's backside.

Jacob could feel it move within him, Zeke's hips adjusting and shifting the meaty length inside. His eyes opened as he felt it begin to swell as well, thickening and pushing his tight backside open even wider. His claws dug into the headboard as it continued to harden within him, pushing deeper. Zeke's muzzle rested against Jacob's neck, his tongue flickering over the rough scales there.

"You like it, Jake?"

Jacob could only moan, feeling himself stretched even wider by his friend's length.

"You see..." Zeke whispered, "I found other ways of using the nanites to enhance biological forms as well. I made these just for us. That's part of why I called you here."

"E-e-enhance?" Jacob whispered, his mouth dry as he felt his insides shift to accommodate his friend's still swelling length.

"I sold the recombiant nanites to get funding as well as set myself up, but what I really sought was a way to make a life for us. Then I perfected them." He nipped firmly at Jacob's neck, sending the lizard into paroxysms of pleasure. Jacob's own length was rigid, bobbing between his legs at it's full five milky-white inches. "I can give you your life back, love, and so much more...."

"But... you never said... UUUGH!" He groaned, shuddering as he felt Zeke's length settle against his belly, making the scales bulge even through the layer of fat.

"I always desired you, but... I knew I wasn't perfect. I wanted to be, for you." He reached forward and ran his fingertips along the vague bulge beneath Jacob's bellyscales. "I want to be able to make you be as perfect as you wanted to be too."

Zeke licked softly over Jacob's cheek, "Didn't you always want an ebon cock?"

Jacob gasped, his eyes snapping open as his body convulsed around the massive length now buried within him. In the haze, he could make himself out in the headboard mirror. Between his thighs, he watched as his milky white shaft slowly faded into a healthy ebon, glistening with his over-stimulated slit fluids. His hips twitched as a tingle ran along his length, the mottled color becoming solid until his cock was solid jet.


"Bio-enhancing, remember... That's why there's so much of me in you. I remembered you liked them big." Zeke smiled and nibbled down along Jacob's neck softly. "Keep watching, love."

Slowly, the ring of fat around Jacob's belly began to melt away, his whole body burning now as he felt his temperature rise. Tingles shot all along his skin as his pudgy form gave way to a sleeker, more defined physique. His pectorals rose from his once flat chest, the cut visible even through his dull scales. Small ridges of muscle became visible along his belly, inching out as the years of abuse and neglect began to fade away. Zeke flexed his massive length within Jacob, eliciting another drawn out moan. Jacob's arms began to tense as well, filling out in the cuffs and swelling with new chords of muscle. His spine crackled as the hunch he'd gained was realigned, his body settling into it's new physique.

Jacob panted, whimpering as he saw himself in the reflection. He was beautiful, or at least approaching it. He tensed against the cuffs, loving the sight of his muscles flexing, seeing himself in Zeke's arms. It was the first he'd smiled in a long while.

Zeke slowly begin to move within Jacob, shifting that heavy cock and threading it gently in and out of the lizard's tailhole. Jacob whimpered, moaning as he felt his body on fire, his now taut backside clenching hard around the ribbed shaft within him. Zeke nuzzled along his spine before lifting his snout again.

"There's more, love..." He whispered.

Jacob grunted and gasped, his teeth clenching as he felt another tingle up along his sensitive shaft. Looking down, he saw himself swelling further, his length arching upwards along his belly. The jet black length filled out smoothly, tip arching up to follow the ridges in his newly trimmed belly. It nearly doubled in size as Zeke thrust within him, bucking that huge cock into Jake's backside.

Zeke reached around as squeezed the lizard's massive length, stroking it softly. Jacob groaned as shut his eyes as he raised his muzzle to the ceiling.

"Morrrreeee." He purred, bucking into Zeke's paw. "Please..."

Zeke thrust in hard once more, burying his cock with Jacob as the lizardman's cock swelled further, tracing up far enough to touch the base of his pectorals, thick around as his old forearm used to be. Zeke squeezed it again softly, feeling it pulse under his touch.

"Adapting well, I see, love." Zeke nuzzled softly, leaning forward to trace a tounge over the tip of Jacob's new length. "One last thing."

Jacob opened his eyes again, shivering as he gazed again into the mirror. The gray was gone. His scales shimmered like quicksilver, shimmering and reflective even in the mirror. His ocean blue eyes were the only steady color on him, his whole body now looking as though it were made of metal. He flexed again, shuddering as a thick stream of hot seed sprayed across the bed from his oversized length. The sight was too much to bare, and his insides convulsed around Zeke's length as he climaxed, howling into the open air of the room. Zeke drew slowly out of Jacob, shuddering as his own massive length was exposed to the air.

Jacob purrred softly and seductively. "Not yet, love." He gazed over his shoulder at Zeke, smiling broadly, "You still have much to give, and I have much to take."

Zeke smiled and pressed forward again, hilting himself within Jacob in a single swift movement. Jacob growled in pleasure, clenching hard around Zeke as the dragon began to slowly ride his new lizardman. Each stroke nudged deep within Jacob, pressing against his firm belly from the inside. He rode back against the dragon eagerly, bucking upwards as he strained against the restraints. He had never felt such strength, such raw passion in his life. He roared out simply to hear himself, urging Zeke to take him all the more roughly.

Jacob bared his claws, grunting as he massive length pounded into his backside, his mirrored body shifting to best accommodate the dragon's monster length. Soon the thrusts became more impassioned, his body undulating around Zeke's cock as his own throbbed steadily against his belly, recovered from the first orgasm. Zeke grunted, growling as he fucked deeper and harder, snarling under his breath as he felt the pressure begin to build.

The both of them roared out as Zeke emptied himself within Jacob's taut backside, flooding the lizardman with his hot cum. He pressed Jacob against the bed, forcing all of it deep within his lover until the last few drops oozed from his tip. Slowly, they disentangled, Zeke releasing Jacob from the bonadge. They kissed passionately for a moment before Jacob stood to see himself in the full-length closet mirror.

His form was sleek now, toned and cut. His monster cock hung low as it began to retreat into his slit once more. All trace of the slums and his life before were gone and the smile on his lips would not leave.

Zeke touched his shoulder softly, "I know your life was hard..."

Jacob looked down, "Hard or not, you came back for me. You gave me this. Even if I wake up my dumpy self tommorow, at least I'd have the memories."

Zeke kissed Jacob's cheek softly, "I loved you even as your dumpy self, Jake. I just wanted you to be what you wanted to be finally."

Jacob took Zeke's hand softly and squeezed it. "Thank you."

Sweet Revenge

"Have you seen my mesh shirt?" "No." "C'mon, I know you did the laundry today!" The young lizardman sighed and picked himself up out of the chair. Grumbling, he dug through the laundry basket, fishing around until he extracted it. The...

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