Nothin' Else I Can Say

Story by Meruk777 on SoFurry

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#1 of Judas

Hello everyone! :D I'm starting to get back into the swing of writing since I got a new...

DISCLAIMER: So, apparently, I need to add a disclaimer telling people that this content contains M/M, Kissing, They are both under 18, and almost sex situation, so if any of this offends you or you're under 18, please go away. Also, there is no yiff in here. Those of you who are over 18 or don't listen to this and aren't offended by this content, enjoy :D

Nothin' Else I Can Say

~There's Nothin' Else I Can Say, Eh Eh, Eh Eh, There's Nothin' Else I Can Say~

Another Friday night: some kind of action or horror movie on the big screen TV in the basement, furs outside talking about whatever they please, and the shower turns on and off every once in a while, usually meaning a certain couple of furs were having sex and didn't want others to know. I was usually the basement, which was also my older brother's room, watching the movie. In my lap, a 17 year-old white wolf trying to cuddle up to me. I don't know why Rock took such a liking to me, but I didn't care 'cause when something loud happened on the movie, I could hold on to him like a giant stuffed toy. That's truly a pathetic site: a 15 year-old wolf/husky mix holding onto my brother's friend for protection from a PG-13 movie.

"Koga! Can I see you for a second!?" My brother had yelled for me from upstairs. This either meant I was in trouble or mom and dad wouldn't be back this weekend... again.

Rock lifted his head from my lap and I ran up the stairs on all fours. "How can I help you, Sir?" I said to my older brother in a very sarcastic voice.

"Ah, shut up." He punctuated his remark with a playful shove. "But seriously, 2 things: 1. Mom and dad won't be back until Sunday night. 2. Make sure you take a shower now before Kim and Todd get in there. We don't want your beautiful silver fur to stay dirty and greasy." He loves making fun of my obsession with fashion and beauty. To this day, I can't understand why it was a shock to him that I was gay. "One more thing, you need to find away to stop your eyes from changing colors"

He was talking about a special genetic disorder I have. My eyes start off every morning as an ice blue color and change between that and a lavender purple randomly throughout the day or whenever my mood quickly changes. When I'm happy, mad, or embarrassed, they turn the purple. When I'm sad, bored, scared, or nervous, they go into the blue color.

"But it's so cool to have mood ring eyes." I said.

"Whatever. Oh yeah! Do you think it's weird that Rock always lies in your lap whenever he's here?"

"Um... a little. I personally don't care 'cause he's soft and warm."

"If your okay with it then I won't say anything." Did he have a problem with Rock cuddling up to me? I didn't give a second thought after he went back downstairs. I jumped into the shower and let the warm torrent wash all of my worries away as I listen to Born This Way by Lady GaGa on my iPhone.

After I got out and dried off. I heard a knock at the door, "Hey, Koga. Can you hurry up so me and Kim can use the shower."

Ew. That was the only word that came to mind "Yeah. Just let me get my clothes on and I'll be out." After putting on my heart-covered silky pants and a loose T-shirt, I exited the bathroom and the horny couple entered and started making out. Gee, I wonder what's gonna happen in there.

I went back downstairs and took my spot back on the couch next to Rock and he continued to cuddle into me as the next movie began. It was a comedy called Fired Up, a movie I had seen many times before so it wasn't as funny anymore. I lied myself down on my back sometime in the movie and Rock repositioned himself so his head rested on my chest. It was close to the end of the movie I dowsed off.

I woke up the next morning, hearing a light snore coming from something putting pressure on my lungs. I groggily look down and see Rock slightly drooling on my shirt. I must admit, I do have a crush on him, but anyone would have thought that he looked extremely cute. It wasn't until a couple seconds later that I felt a problem. My wolfhood was pressed against his stomach and was painfully hard. I would be screwed if he woke up and felt that against his chest. I don't know if he is gay or not, but either way, I wouldn't want to risk losing my warm, white, fuzzy pillow.

Well, the only way out was if I could slip up and out from his grip around my chest. I began to slowly raise my body. After 30 seconds of ever-so-slightly moving, his head was now on my stomach. Another problem arose: If I continue to try and escape this way, then the only thing between Rock and my 6-inch cock would be and very thin silk fabric. I needed to get up though so I had to take that risk, it was either stay there and wait for him to wake up and feel my throbbing dick or maybe waking up with it next to his muzzle. So I began to move again and everything was going smoothly.

Well until a little after his muzzle was near my crotch when he began to stir. My heart was about to jump out of my chest. But then the weirdest thing happened. He started murring and nuzzling my hardened wolfhood. Then, to make matters worse, he began lick at it. As much as I enjoyed the attention my member was getting, I knew this would end badly if I came. I scurried to get away and accidentally left a claw mark on his cheek. I thought I was dead but he is such a heavy sleeper, it didn't faze him. I ran to the stairs as fast as I could, praying that no one was sleeping on the cold tile floor. I jumped to the top of the stairs and quietly shut the door behind me. My heart was beating too fast for it to be humanly possible. I can't believe what just happened. But what I wanted to know was: Did he do that consciously? I mean, did he do it on purpose and just use the excuse he was asleep or was that really just a dream to him.

I...I guess I'll ask him when he wakes up. I growled at myself. God, that's gonna be such an awkward conversation. "Hey, this morning were you basically giving me head?"

"Who was giving you head?" My brother said to what I thought was something I hadn't said out loud.

"Huh? Oh, no! I was just trying to remember a joke a comedian told."

"Mhmm. I'm not buying that, pup."

I sighed. "Alright. But Skyler, please don't get mad."

"We'll see if I do." Why couldn't he just lie and say yes.

"Well, this morning, I woke up after I fell asleep during that movie, and when I woke up I had a hardon and Rock was still sleeping on me. So, I tried to get up without him knowing and when my crotch got to his face, he began to nuzzle and lick at it." I didn't need to look in a mirror to tell my eyes changed colors due to how embarrassed I was from telling my own brother what had happened.

"Do you want me to kick his ass?" He asked like Rock was a random stranger had stepped on my foot.

"No! Of course not! He's your friend. Besides, I kinda enjoyed it. And I don't wanna make a big deal about it, 'cause what if he's not gay and he hates me or finds it awkward to be around me."

"Fine. I don't like the idea of you too being so close to each other. I don't know if he's gay or straight either and I'm afraid you're gonna get your feelings hurt." It was really weird to hear him actually care so much about me.

"Wait, you don't know if he's gay either?" I said, kind of disappointed he couldn't tell me. It's one thing if Rock is likes me or not, it's a different thing if he's even gay.

"Nope, he's never had a girlfriend or boyfriend. I just thought he was unlucky that no one even gave him the time of day. Though, it isn't like he's a bad looking wolf. I just never gave it a second thought. Fortunately, he didn't complain about being single like all my other friends."

My ears flattened to my skull. "Well, I was hoping he was gay anyway... He's really hot and makes for a perfect stuffed animal." I began to play with my fingers.

"Well, I guess I can ask him later. Everyone is staying tonight again, so I can just bring it up in casual conversation, I guess."

"Thank you so much." I lunged toward him and gave him a big hug. He returned the hug and patted my back.

"No prob, bro." He walked downstairs and I went to my room and just played my favorite music and drifted into a nice nap.

When I woke up, it was 6:30pm. I can't believe I slept through the entire day. When I looked outside, there was a white plain that seemed to glow from the moon's light. I heard a loud boom coming from downstairs. That usually meant there was an action movie blaring from the entertainment center. I got into a pair of sleek and silky black pajama pants and headed downstairs. I got to the door to the basement before I was pulled away. My brother was the one who dragged me into the kitchen.

"Hey, so I talked to Rock." When he said that, my heart was racing with anticipation of what Rock could have said. "He said that he didn't notice how clingy he was to you and just never thought about it too much. He didn't say anything about if he likes you or not." My eyes should have now been blue; a slight depression had overtaken me. What I heard was that he didn't like me more than just a comfortable pillow.

I headed downstairs and found my spot on the couch with Rock sitting up, probably waiting for me. He saw me headed toward him and he smiled. "Hey! There's my favorite snuggle buddy!" I think I blushed a little and smiled back. I took my seat and he put his head in my lap and looked up at me. "I missed you." I definitely felt a rush of blood go to my cheeks. I hoped to the heavens he didn't see my eyes change color again.

"Oh, why's that?" I asked, curious of what his answer would be.

"'Cause I get so cold when I don't have my fluffy wusky to warm me up." His answer was said in a teasing voice, so I couldn't tell if he was being serious or not. Either way, I began murr at the compliment and watched the movie that was currently playing.

After 2 movies later, Rock said he needed to go outside for a second. A few seconds after he left, I got up and followed him. He slowly walked toward the backdoor, where all that was out there was a giant field with a forest surrounding it. With the snow and moonlight, it was truly majestic. As he walked out, I made sure the door stayed open by wedging a pencil between it and the frame. Rock stepped out into the cold barefoot wearing only some jeans and a long sleeve shirt. He walked out to the middle of the snowy field and fell backwards so he was completely hidden in the snow. I stood behind one of the trees and watched him. Part of me was afraid a feral animal would attack me but I tried to concentrate on Rock.

I heard something faint but I recognized what it was. Rock was crying. I never thought in my life that Rock would ever cry. He seemed too strong and masculine to do something that made him seem vulnerable. But there it was! I heard him say something between the cries. "Why...*sob* why do I have to be attracted to you...*sob* Maybe... *sniffle* Maybe it's my fault. With all the snuggling and laying on you and being near you." Was he talking about me? Did he just say he was attracted to me? I ran back to the house as quietly as I could.

I ran downstairs and jumped back to my spot on the couch. Nobody even noticed that I had left. Rock came back a few minutes later and it was too dark to tell if his eyes were puffy from crying so much. He put his head on my lap again and we went back to watching the movie.

After the movie was over, it was 12:30 and everyone was asleep, except for me that is. I was lying like I was last night and Rock was lying on my stomach again. I thought to myself that if Rock was crying over me, that he did, in fact, like me. I let my emotions take over and I shook Rock so that he would wake up. I could tell that he was stirring a bit, but I the tribal tattoo on his face move around. The design was the coolest I'd ever seen; it was a bunch of mystic runes or symbols that went from his left eye down to the bottom of his face. And it also changed colors, a lot like my eyes, only his changed from a seafoam green to an ice blue.

He groaned a little and asked "Do you need something, Koga?"

I felt my heart race. "Yeah, um, can I ask you something?"

"Anything. What's up?"

"Well, um, do you... er... have you ever liked someone but was afraid that they didn't like you back." I tried to keep it as simple as I could.

"Yeah, I guess you could say that I have. Well, I should say I do like someone right now." Perfect, he was making this way too easy.

"Who is it?" I asked, making the question as innocent as possible.

"I don't think I should tell you."

"Why not? Is it bad?"

He sighed heavily. "Kinda. I mean, you don't mind gays, do you?"

Jackpot! "Of course I don't. I'm gay after all." I didn't mean to say that; it was completely impulsive.

"You are?" His voice had a hint of hopefulness behind it.

I guess I'll just roll with my slip-up. I thought to myself. "Yeah. That doesn't bother you, does it?"

I heard a stifled laugh come from him. "Not one bit. Now, why were you asking about liking someone?"

Dammit... he stole my next line. "Um... I... kinda l-like you." I said it as fast as I could and felt my heart speed up. My palms were sweating. My face was a dark red. I thought I was going to die!

"Oh really?" He put such a heart stopping affliction on the end of that sentence.

"Y-yeah... D-do you hate me?"

He laughed quietly, trying not to wake anyone else up. He moved up closer to my face and said "Koga, I don't hate you. Actually, I very much like you." He then gave me a quick peck on my muzzle. I began to cry. My dream came true.

"Does this mean if I asked you to be my mate, you would say yes?" I asked while trying to hold back the tears.

He wiped some tears away from my eyes. "Definitely." He moved his arms and embraced me. I nuzzled his chest and began to murr.

"Rock, you make me so happy." He breathed in sharply and got a good whiff of his scent.

He moved back and looked me in the eyes. "Then there's Nothin' Else I Can Say." He brought his muzzle to mine and explored the inside of mine with his tongue.

After our extended make out session, which was heaven even though we just took turns sucking on each other's tongues, we drifted off to sleep, safe in each other's arms.

Maybe I'll add a sequel later, but I think I'll keep it as a one part story. Hope you enjoyed and please leave comments and criticism is welcome but be warned, if its brutal, I might go into a fit of rage :3 I think I might recycle these characters for other stories I may write.