Snow pt 1

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Hey guys now before you judge just want you to know this is my first attempt. It's been years since i put anything to paper(so to speak) and i'm just testing the waters, if you like or if you have any useful pointers( I.e. you suck is not useful).if it's not hated to much i'll revise this later and add the rest of stories.Thanks and happy fapping.


The wolf rushed to his wife's side, he was still wearing his uniform, his well polished badge shining in the pale hospital light. She was going into labor, at last he would have a son carry on his name, he would be strong and powerful everything drake dreamed. He was wrong. she was a beautiful healthy baby, she had thick fur, a mix of dark and light brown, she took after her father, they named her amber for the color of her eyes.

Then there had been complications. they didn't realize there were two pups In her womb, by the time timothy was birthed several hours had passed. he was no bigger then the size of your paw and he was a pale white, his eyes weren't open and he wasn't breathing. they believed he was dead, thankfully they were able to save him, but it would be a full month before he was healthy enough to be taken home. He was so small and sickly, Isis loved him anyway. They named him after the doctor who had saved his life.

It had been 15 years now, Isis had passed away 6 months after the twins were born. They had grown to be completely different, amber was strong and fierce with a personality to match. she had her fathers wide shoulders and she was in prefect shape. . .for a male. her body was tight and toned, she was athletic, a killer, she was stronger then most males but knew how to use her form better. in a fight no one could match her, not even her father these days, she everything the son of an alpha male should be.

Her brother was exactly the opposite in every way. When his fur finally grew in it was pure white, where amber's had been course, his was like his mothers with a silk like gloss that caught the light. his eyes had turned out to be cold stone gray . the boy stayed a runt, his features lithe and fragile with shapely curves. he didn't like sports and he hadn't made friends, all he ever did was study. Now they were in high school he was a complete disappointment.

"hey Tim, I'm going over to Jill's house, I'll be home later, remember it's your night to cook OK" he hadn't looked up but he heard his sister as he put his headphones on" yea OK" he shrugged lightly. it was actually her night to cook, but like their father, her cooking sucked. the only one who knew their way around the kitchen was him, again to his fathers dismay. "figures" he muttered to himself as he walked home alone again. Amber was poplar he was not.

He took a short cut thorough an ally he was just few blocks from home when he felt someone grab his bag from behind and yank it away."where ya goin snowflake?" That had been the name they used to mock him. He already knew who it was" leave me alone Griff" he sighed under his breath" you fucking ass" he muttered quietly. " what was that you little bitch?" He felt a hand slap him from behind.

Griff had been tormenting him since grade school, he was a black wolf who kept his fur trimmed low,it made his dark brown eyes look beady and black. Griff had a little gang, mostly those who followed so he wouldn't torment them. " You think your tough shit!" Tim heard the flick of a knife and then felt it push into his side "hey what the fuck man?!" Tim looked up at the black wolf "shut the fuck up you little cunt!" Griff growled "dude your fucking crazy!"

That was all he he could utter before Griff punched him hard and laid him out. He fell back against the wall and slid down holding his face. Griff held the knife to Tim's throat as he used his free hand to unzip his pants. Already the pink member was sliding free of his thick black sheath." You wanna be a bitch, now ya gonna to suck like one; and if I feel teeth your fucking dead" he shoved the tip of his cock against Tim's lips already he was leaking pre from his slit.

"yea ya little fruit" he heard them laugh at his sides and then heard two more zippers being pulled. To his right was the tiger jack, he was orange with black stripes, his hand was already sliding over his 7 in barbed cock. On the left was the tan shaggy looking husky Carl, his cock was still in it's sheath. He felt the a sharp pain shot through his left paw as it was stepped on hard. he opened his mouth to protest and felt 8 inch's of wolf cock slide inside gagging him.

Griff just grinned evilly as he hilted his cock in that warm mouth. He grabbed his new toy by the back of his head, he pulled back and felt as the runt started sucking ob his pole. They forced him up and got their bitch to his feet and bent over. Then there was a new cock filling his muzzle. The tiger wasn't as big and as he pulled back the barbs of his cock tickled the roof of Tim's mouth.

"damn this bitch knows how to suck" he heard the tiger gasp between moans, Tim was now licking over the barded cock in his mouth, he hated to admit it, but deep down he kind of liked it. The pre on his tongue had a kind of sweet bitter taste and he was starting to enjoy it "see I told you he was a cock sucker" the husky smirked as he stroked his pole, it was 7 Inch like the tigers, but slightly thicker. Carl let it fall in Tim's face. "looks like this sluts enjoying it, check out the hard on" he herd, as he felt his pants and boxers pulled down. it was true his own 6 in cock had slid free from it sheath, it was rock hard and begging for release. That was before he felt something slick and rigged under his tail.

He shook violently and felt tears running down his cheeks as Griff forced his cock in."damn she's tight" he said as he ripped and pushed into timothy's virgin hole,causing desperate cries of agony. jack and Carl we both fucking his mouth and throat now, muffling hid cries. Griff grunted his cock slick with blood from the abused hole, it felt like forever, then Tim felt a warm flood in his ass. He felt full, and despite himself was hard again. then the dog and tiger came in his mouth and across his face. They let him fall the ground" fuck you ya fucking homo" then they started to beat and kick him. He was bleeding badly and unable to see out of his right eye he as felt the hot streams and smelled urine as it washed over him, staining his clothing and his fur. Then a hand grabbed his head and slammed it against the wall, he felt the blade against his throat again" you tell anyone who did this and your fucking dead,you hear me?" He felt a slight nick and nodded, then he heard them run. He just laid there for awhile until it hurt less.

It was dark when he got to his feet, his stuff was gone so he just staggered through the door heading to the stairs, he saw the clock on the far wall as he shut the door. it had been about three hours and his father and sister would be home soon. He hurt everywhere, he sat on the stairs unable to see clearly when he heard amber's voice, she sounded angry" is that you you little runt, I owe you such an ass kicking" as she rounded the corner there was the sound of something drop, all he saw was a look of horror on his sisters face " oh my god Tim?!" And then he blacked out

To be continued.