Holiday Homecoming

Story by Raust on SoFurry

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Holiday Homecoming

Winter, a time of holidays for many of the various faiths across the plains of Titania. It was a time of joy and unity for the peoples of the ancient nation and a window of opportunity for her enemies. While the families awaited the arrival of Christmas day, or the Tamar, the day when the great goddess Arsiel gave birth to the first gryphons, or even the winter solace; their beloved soldiers fought off the latest attack on weaker allied worlds. They had come on strong and forced the defenders to stand just as strong. The battle was fierce and many families would not be enjoying their holiday this year, but far less had fallen than was expected. The crisis was averted and peace restored to the allied worlds and nations just in time to bring families together for the warm festivities.

This home coming is where the master of the StarTalons mercenaries found himself simply wanting to return home for some well deserved rest. The huge deep brown feathered gryphon had fought hard along side his mercs for days. Every muscle in his powerful form ached and burned with the strains and bruises of the battles. His scout commander and closest friend walked beside him with a small grin.

The gryphon looked down at the red fox, "What are you smiling about Diaz?"

"Oh nothing much, just thinking how little rest you are likely to get, oh landless king of the StarTalons," the scout raised a hand to pat his commander on the shoulder, which was at the level of his own head.

Raust gave a soft chuckle, "I could say the same of you, Trixie has gotten her leave for the holiday. With the family spending so much time together, we wont need her help during this time."

"Now don't you act like either of us are displeased with the strains of what lays ahead of us when we each reach our respective homes," the lean and handsome vulpine laughed at his old friend.

The merc lord gave a bump with his wing, "Pshh, I will certainly enjoy my return, although I have already paid Trixie to make sure you do not enjoy your use."

Diaz gave a playful punch to his shoulder in return as they walked together down the main street of the base city of the StarTalons' county. Both males paused as a bright glow caught their attention. There, at the end of the road where Raust's home was located, was a garish mass of decorations for all three of the major cultures of the nation and strands upon strands of silver wire bearing glowing crystals of a multitude of colors. Baby Jesus lay in his manger, located next to the nest that held the great puma and her winged litter, which lay next to the kind druids who brought food and clothing to the first humans to settle around the plains.

The scout commander stared at the ever changing colored glow on his black uniform for a moment, "I am uncertain if this was your mothers or your darling mate and your pet. I can say for certain that this is quite a bit overboard. I mean somewhere under all that is your lovely dark brown house right?"

"I am uncertain if it still exists under all this. I do suspect that this was spurred by both my mothers and my lovely ladies. Most likely both sets feeding and encouraging one another in this endeavor," the gryphon shook his great eagle-like head as he surveyed his massive two story home.

The house had more than thirty five rooms on each floor, so the job of decorating such a monstrous home was enormous. This must have been what had kept the minds of his loved ones from his absence and dangerous activities. Perhaps it was also an attempt have a celebration waiting for him that holiday season. He had never spoken much of what faith he followed or what holidays he truly observed. Raust had simply kept a habit of observing the holidays of those around him to help them feel comfortable and enjoy their days of family and friends.

"Well, we have some great times to get to. All we need to do is cross your over decorated yard," Diaz spoke as though he were assessing a suicide mission.

Raust reached up and opened the white painted gate with a skilled talon at the latch, "Just get moving, fluffy butt, I'd prefer to get past this and put myself behind some one lean and female."

"I can second that quite enthusiastic, hyup," the fox placed a hand on the white fence and vaulted his legs over to land in the damp grass of the yard, "If we survive this short journey first."

The gryphon padded his way down the stone path toward his home, "Hey now, it's not quite that bad. My girls did a great job, even if they went a bit over board."

"Aye, I admit to exaggeration in the name of fun my friend. If any of these displays stood alone they would be an amazing and wonderful sight," Diaz grinned as he and his commander stepped up the steps onto the large porch and into the entry way.

Raust had a short enclosure around his front door, creating a perfect murder hole for any would be invaders to be trapped in. Every aspect of the ground floor was created with defense and privacy in mind, including the lack of windows. Raust let his friend move on ahead to open the heavy ironwood door.

The door opened suddenly and Diaz found himself embraced by a lovely silver vixen in a similar black uniform, "Hello sweetheart, I'm so glad you made it home!"

"Oh you know me, not even the Bohrauk could keep me from returning to you," the scout commander replied as he wrapped his arms around the female's slim waist.

She let her gray-blue eyes hold the blue eyes of her mate before the gryphon winced and grasped his cheek, "What's wrong with you, feather duster?"

"I think I just got a cavity by watching you two," Raust groaned with a foreclaw on his cheek.

Trixie slapped the gryphon on the beak , "You don't have teeth, smart ass. Get inside, your kitty and your wolf have been dying to see you and I can't wait to get away with my handsome red fox."

"Go ahead and take your leave Trixie, I can handle Emiria and Sasha," the gryphon gave a soft chuckle, "There is no doubt that you have earned it."

The vixen smiled and pulled away from her mate for a moment to give her employer and friend a kiss on the cheek; standing on the tips of her toes to reach even with his help, "Thank you Raust, you be careful with your ladies. I know you're worn out and most likely hurt at least a little, please don't hurt yourself to try and sate them."

"Trixie, they both love me very much and I love them. I will do what I can for them, but Emiria and Sasha wont let me hurt myself just so they can enjoy my body," Raust replied with a gentle nuzzle to her cheek.

The vixen slipped away from her dear friend and took to her mate's arm as they started to back away, "Good, you have fun and take care of yourself. And I mean what I said, if you hurt yourself, your mothers will let me know."

The huge broadwinged gryphon just chuckled to himself as he watched the two foxes leave together. He knew Trixie meant well for him, she did hold a real love in her heart for him after all. It was a strange sort of love that he shared in return, placing him somewhere in the middle of father, brother, and deeply trusted friend. He knew he would always have some one he could trust so long as she lived. His reflections would have to wait until later though, he had a tigress and a wolf girl wanting his attention somewhere in their home. The point of how much they wanted his attention and just how was riven the moment the door closed. Two sets of soft hands caressed and cupped his furry testicles as each one received a gentle lick and a soft kiss.

Raust rumbled with a deep purr, "Hello my lovely kitty, and my sweet Sasha."

"Mmm, hello big birdy," Emiria the slim white tigress purred softly as she nuzzled her cheek against his hind leg, "We are most pleased that you were victorious in your battle."

Sasha, the equally slim wolfess slipped under the gryphon to look up at him, "We're glad you weren't hurt master."

"So am I Sasha love, so am I," the gryphon couldn't help but smile at the lovely gray furred wolf as she lay nude beneath him, "But you know damned well I make a poor master at best. I don't know the first thing about being one, perhaps a different sort of relationship should be explored?"

Sasha giggled and leaned up to kiss the large hooked beak, "It doesn't matter if you are good at it, master, you have a mate already so I will be your pet. In the end it really doesn't matter how it works or what it's called, I just want to be your Sasha."

"You know she's right, birdy love," Emiria purred as she rubbed against him to move up to his fore quarters. Her soft subtle breasts pressing his feathers down against his firm toned muscles.

She was not very tall for an anthro at all, being only around five feet and two inches in height, which made her look ridiculously small next to the massive form of the huge feral formed gryphon. Her head only reaching up to his shoulder where she nuzzled softly before she gave the gryphon on odd look.

"You are hurt," Emiria announced.

Raust tilted his head to look down at her, "Now what makes you think I'm hurt? "

"I felt you tense a bit, I know your body well enough to tell when you are hiding your hurts. What happened to my big gryphon," the tigress demanded with a step back and a crossing of her arms.

He smiled at her gently, "It was really nothing at all. I just took a bad landing and jarred my shoulder a bit, I'm fine."

"Oh! Master, where does it hurt," Sasha cried as she scrambled to her feet to rub at his shoulder.

Raust gave a snort and began to unbuckle his reinforced leather battle harness, "It was really nothing, I made a short dive and landed a bit wrong, just a bit of a jarring. It really is no worse than a twisted ankle or a bruised knee for you anthro lot."

"Tisk tisk, Sasha I believe we need to fix our broken gryphon. I know what would really help fix his shoulder too," Emiria grinned and purred lovingly to the gryphon as she helped him with the harness.

The wolf perked her ears excitedly and wagged her tail a bit, "Do you mean we are going to use Tropican healing on him?"

"Yes, we are going to use the timeless and most effective soothing methods of Tropico healers. Now come along my birdy, we need somewhere comfortable and soothing for this," the tigress smiled as she shoved the newly freed harness over his back to hit the floor with a rather loud thud.

"What about the children, where are they," the huge gryphon asked as he followed the swaying tail of his nude tigress as she made her way across the large living room with the dark stained furnishings and very odd sofa.

The furnishings were as normal as any anthro or human home, save for the rather wide seat of the sofa. It was more than four times as long as normal to allow a gryphon or even a pair of gryphons to lay at the back while their company could sit before them on the same sofa. There was a matching love seat, both of a black heavy canvas upholstery, to survive talons far better than other thinner materials.

Emiria gave an inviting glance over her shoulder with those lovely ice blue eyes, "They went with their older brother to spend the night and tomorrow with his mate's family. Callista said they had gifts for them that would be given early for her family."

"That does make sense, the royal family is rather busy with traditional appearances and speeches leading into the holiday. It would appear that you ladies have me all to yourselves for the evening," Raust gave a grin to the wolfess as he raised his wing for her to snuggle up against his side while they walked behind the tigress.

Sasha giggled a bit as she pressed against the strong side of her beloved gryphon, "Yay! We'll make sure you have a wonderful time and relax after your long battle. "

"Hmm, yes we will, but we have to fix his hurts first," the tigress purred as she began to sway her tail a bit higher and letting it linger to either side to give the great bird a wondrously tantalizing view of her rump.

Raust could not tear his eyes away from the alluring sight as they passed into the main hallway. The long talons on the gryphon's foreclaws clicked on the stone floor as he walked past many closed doors. His office was the only room without a door and his trophy room right next to it had no knob on the door. Just like the drawers on his desk, the door of his trophy room would only open with his touch. Emiria reached the end of the hall before the great library and turned left to round the corner and stand before the great double doors of the bathing room.

"A hot bath will help your stiff muscles while we fix your shoulder," Emiria grasped the high set brass handle of the bathing room and pulled the heavy oak door open to reveal the black marble tiled room.

The handle placement and the excessive weight of the doors were designed to keep unattended children out of the bathing room and with good reason. The floor was a rough finished black marble to help prevent wet feet and paws from slipping. To the left of the door, about half way through the huge chamber was the glass walled shower chamber with the several shower heads designed to hit several users at once. Raust felt the cool air upon his swelling member as the tip escaped his sheath with the memories and thoughts of what he and his ladies had done in there, particularly their creative use of the balance bars set on the walls. This was not their destination however, Emiria was leading him and Sasha toward what looked like a raised stage of black marble. The steam rising from the surface gave away the true nature of the raised area. It was a rather large bathing pool, with steps leading up and back down into the waters that could be made warmer or cooler by a rub of the smooth finished control crystal at the steps.

Sasha wiggled her way out from under his wing to scamper up the steps and splash happily into the warm water with a giggle, "Yay, I love when we play in here. It's so warm and hugs you all over."

"Yes it does, like a warm wet friend who just wont let you go," Raust chuckled as he watched the water cascade off the slim form of the wolf, bringing out her lines and curves in an even more attractive way.

Emiria smiled broadly as she eyed the growing member of her mate while he watched their pet, "Come love, we will tend both your hurt and your growing need."

"Hmmm.. this does sound like it will be a lovely soak indeed," Raust purred into a soft growl of growing desire and anticipation as he stepped up the stairs and waded into the hot water with the tigress at his side.

The water was as hot as it could be without being uncomfortable to the unprotected parts of his body. Raust settled down into the water as Sasha snuggled up to his chest and kissed at his nares softly, the whole while his feathers resisted the water. It was inevitable that the water resistant oils would weaken and wash away under the heat, he was a raptor not a water foul after all. His feathers all soaked through to his skin and pasted themselves to his body when they left the water, bringing out the true solid definition to his strong warrior's physique as well as revealing over a dozen scars of various shape and size along his flanks. Emiria motioned with her paws on the wet body of her mate for him to sit up again.

"Lay back on the steps love, we can work on you better from there," she smiled and purred deeply as she caressed his head and neck, pressing her small breasts against his cheek.

Raust grinned and began to sit up, giving her nipple a lick before he sat fully upright to reveal his hard member standing free of his sheath, drawing a squeal of delight from Sasha, "Oh! He's so big and hard already! Yummy!"

The wolf reached for the long thick dark pink spire of gryphon lust while he began to lean back. Emiria was quick to stop her with a tight grasp of her wrist.

"Sasha, you know better. I need to get started with him to get our spirits heated and synced, then you can help me keep him nice and hot and ready," she scolded their pet.

Sasha folded her ears back and cringed away from the tantalizing flesh before her, "S-sorry mistress, it is just so beautiful and it has been a bit since I felt him."

"It's okay sweety, you will get your chance soon, this very night, I just need to get started first and heal him," the tigress replied as she slipped gracefully up against the thighs of the great bird and caressed his heavy testicles.

Raust gave a deep purr as he felt Emiria's lips kiss along his sheath slowly while she reached her right hand up to cradle the dark pink spire of gryphonic masculinity. The gryphon was not well endowed per-say, but he was average for a gryphon his size. Not to say there were many his size or that 'average' on that scale was not impressive even for a gryphon. Emiria's hand could not wrap fully around the thick girth of her mate as she gave suckling kisses along the under side of his engorged member. After every kiss and suckle the tigress gave a rasping lick of her slightly rough feline tongue against his warm flesh as she inched her way up toward the softly pointed tip of his member. Sasha cooed as she watched closely and intently while Emiria kissed and nuzzled the hard spire just under the bell of it's softly pointed head, lingering for a long moment as she showed her deep joy and appreciation that portion of her mate.

Raust looked down his belly at the lovely sight of his mate rubbing her cheek against his member and gasped as she made a sudden twist of her position and took the head into her mouth to suckle nice and hard against it. She pulled her mouth from his member with a pop of suction before she smiled up at him and stood to straddle his belly. The lovely feline rocked her hips seductively to rub her warm moist sex against the bottom of his hard flesh in a teasing dance as she inched up along his belly. Her hands caressed over his chest through his feathers, the fingers of her left hand tracing over the largest scar on his body. He felt a twinge of disappointment as her sex left his member to continue along his belly and chest. It took two of Emiria's fingers to cover the huge scar line leading from the center of his chest and up over his right shoulder to stop somewhere on his back.

Her ice blue eyes met and held his deep amber eyes in a loving gaze, "You give so much of yourself for others, it is time for you to take and receive my gifts now."

Emiria wrapped her legs around the back of his neck for balance and laid back against his chest and belly. The tigress drew her legs up and pressed her feet against the strong forelimbs of her gryphon mate to push herself down his belly where her hands lifted his warm member and set it on her own face. She pulled her legs back up toward herself and pressed her feet against his flanks only to keep herself spread in offering to him. Raust gazed upon the warm moist folds of her needy sex with a ready desire before he grasped her hips to hold her against him while he leaned his head and neck down to nuzzle over those pleading lips. The tigress moaned softly when his tongue slipped in a teasing stroke over her increasingly sensitive folds, her lips wrapping around the soft pointed head of his solid member. Her warm tongue rasped gently against the sensitive head of his rigid lance while she gave a hard suckling to the sensitive flesh held captive in her mouth.

Raust groaned softly as he nuzzled the hooked tip of his heard beak between the lovely folds of his feline to part her lips and expose the inner folds to his scrubbing swirling tongue. He nuzzled his beak against the sensitive nub of her clitoris to further stimulate her while his tongue eagerly lapped at the trickle of her feminine nectars that had began to escape her sex. The gryphon growled softly in pleasure as Emiria began to sway and swirl her head about to move her slick wet lips against the head of his hard member. His tail slowly lashed back and forth as he gently pressed up with his hips to slide a bit more of his hard member into her warm suckling mouth. The tigress moaned softly against his thick member as she writhed against his tongue with pure ecstasy

Emiria pulled her lips from his spire with a pop of the suction and one last lick before she sat up and looked back at the wolf, "We are in sync now, Sasha, take over at his lovely shaft and keep him well stimulated while I work."

Sasha lunged and seized his member in her paws and mouth as quickly and eagerly as a starving wolf would have snatched up a piece meat. The tigress giggled at her eager advance, watching her draw his member into her mouth with the firm suction of her lips. When her muzzle had taken as much of his spire as she could, a much longer and more dextrous tongue than any wolf should have snaked from her lips to wrap about the lower portions of his hard member. It was the only physical sign that she was not a wolf, but a wolf and giraffe hybrid. The gryphon groaned deeply at the wonderful feel of that slick wet grip of her tongue and the tantalizingly warm wet pull of her suckling muzzle. Sasha moaned with pure joy at the taste of her master's member in her mouth while she bobbed her head eagerly along that long thick shaft. Emiria smiled and purred at her mate as she stepped off of him and stood next to his head to tap his beak gently. Raust took the signal for what it was and laid his head back to open his beak nice and wide for her while Sasha continued to pump her muzzle happily along his hard member with lewd slick suckling sounds filling the air.

Emiria purred and grinned over her shoulder as she turned to face Sasha and straddled the gryphon's gaping beak. The tigress bent over and swayed her hips to wiggle and display her lovely toned rear and sex for her beloved mate before she sat directly on his beak like a saddle. Her warm dripping wet sex as fully displayed and accessible to his eager tongue as he grasped her hips with his foreclaws to begin teasing the tip of that warm wet muscle over her hot wet folds, tracing and flickering over that lovely crease. Raust groaned deeply in pleasure, even as he growled with desire for the lovely feel and taste of the tigress against his tongue. Sasha moaned softly with her own growing desires while her head bobbed eagerly along that thick girth, the tip of her tongue beginning to tease and explore the warm veiny surface of her beloved master's masculine flesh. He blushed softly as he felt himself leaking a bit of precum into his pet's mouth, even though it seemed to excite her even more. Emiria panted and moaned a bit more heavily than Sasha as his tongue found and attacked her clitoris with teasing probes and grasping scrubs to stimulate her as much as he could. the lovely Tigress spotted the slim sexy hips of the wolf rolling and rocking as her body began to want and need that hard member form her mouth deep inside of her. As she let her magic flow through the body of her mate to sooth and heal the minor damage to his shoulder, Emiria reached up to slide two fingers on either side of Sasha's weeping sex before she slipped them to the last knuckle inside of her warm passage.

Sasha moaned out sharply at the sudden invasion into her wet, hungry sex as she rocked her hips against the wonderfully guilty hand to help work the fingers into her needy body. All three of them moaned and groaned heavily with growing lust and pleasure as tongue, finger and muzzled worked away at each other's sex and member. Emiria began to pump her hand rapidly against Sasha? wet passage as she moaned deeply to the feel of the gryphon's tongue beginning to prove and enter her own tight wet passage. The wolf moaned deeply as she sucked even harder against his member, sending vibrations through out he sensitive shaft to the rhythm of the tigress' fingers.

The warmth in Raust's shoulder faded as Emiria stood herself up over his beak and slipped her fingers from Sasha? sex to lick and suck them clean of her nectars, "Enough Sasha, I am finished healing him and I am ready to enjoy my mate now."

Sasha whimpered as she obediently slid her muzzle from the gryphon's hard member, leaving a glistening coating of her saliva behind, "Yes mistress, I will behave for you."

The tigress smiled as she stepped over the gryphon's head to walk back down his body and caress his hard throbbing member, simply coveting the hard needy spire of her mate's desires. She let go of the dark pink object of her own desires and stepped on his flank to haul herself up and over his belly and that lovely shaft that awaited her attentions. Sasha slipped up and gently grasped the hard member to lift it up to meet Emiria's sex so she could wiggle and slide her way down onto the wonderfully thick and hard flesh. Sasha watched with yearning as the hard flesh parted and stretched the tirgess' sex so very wide around him as it swallowed his shaft quite readily. The invading phallus was designed by nature for a female much larger than the small slim tigress, but it was no threat to her by the graces of the guardian spirit of Tropico, even on another world, her body readjusted it's self to take the gryphon without injury. There was a moment of resistance as she reached the internal barrier of her cervix, but some firm pressure and the help of her mate's strong foreclaws and she soon felt the slight pop of his shaft penetrating her fully.

Emiria gave a sighing moan as she settled with the entire length of the huge gryphons masculine lance within her passage and even her warm womb. She shifted her footing and her hands grip on his chest feathers to crouch against the hard member buried deep inside of her, pressing back with her legs to lift herself off him a bit to leave only a quarter of him in her tight passage. The gryphon thrust her back onto his spire with a push of his strong foreclaws, falling into a synced timing with his mate as they both began to thrust sex and member together in a wondrous union of lewd scents and sloshing sounds. Emiria moaned out in pleasure, quickly growing into sobs of ecstasy as the rhythm grew faster and her ride of her gryphon grew much rougher. Raust's foreclaws gripped tighter as he nearly threw her down on his member for every thrusting press, his talons biting into her skin a bit. He was not concerned with the small pricks in her skin, he knew she loved a little rough handling and a touch of pain in their love making. He growled and groaned deeply with pleasure as Sasha whimpered with envy and moved her muzzle in to lick with her extra long tongue at the glistening shaft and the stretched lips around it. The wolf's hand was firmly between her legs as she dug feverishly at her own sex to try and sate the raging inferno that was out of control between her thighs.

Emiria's sobs of pleasure turned into loud cries as her passion and peak began to rise higher and higher with every hard thrust she endured and enjoyed. Time had escaped them all as the heat and passion of hard sex had taken them fully, but a great deal of it had indeed passed them by under the string stamina of both lovers. The gryphon's testicles and tail base were completely soaked with the nectars that had escaped his tigress during their coupling. She gasped as she felt the first intrusion of the swelling base of the gryphon's member as his knot was beginning to form and stretch her wonderfully pummeled sex even wider on every thrust she made back onto him. The tigress gripped his chest feathers nearly tight enough to pull at his skin and stress their shafts as each drive back came more slowly as it took greater effort to force herself onto that swelling knot. She finally howled with her orgasmic release as she collapsed on his chest and belly with a rush of her feminine cum flooding her mate's member. A hot wet surge within her womb signaled his explosive release deep inside of her as her sex pressed against his knot while she had not the strength to throw herself back onto it to tie.

"Please push me on it love, please, I want it tied," Emiria begged as she writhed in near paralysis from her deep orgasm.

Raust growled deeply and pressed his mate down onto his knot, drawing a moaning sob of pleasure from her as his knot was forced into her sex to lodge within her and lock their bodies in that deep passionate embrace while his member poured his heavy deposit of hot dormant cum into her womb quite directly. Sasha whimpered with her partial pleasure, her fingers simply not giving her enough with the sight she had witnessed. The wolf leaned in and lapped lovingly at the tightly stretched sex of her mistress and the warm twitching testicles of her master while he seeded his mate. The process was a bit lengthy as he was a large bird with a large deposit to leave within the sleek feline who finally relaxed and purred contently while licking and nuzzling the gryphon's chest. His knot finally deflated enough for her to push him out of her sex naturally with a sticky strand of cum still attaching his member to her sex. Sasha was quick to dart in to lick the tigress' sex free of that cum and lap it up all the way back to suckling the head of the gryphon's member clean.

Emiria grinned as she slipped off of Raust's belly, "Mmm, alright birdy, she's all yours now. Show her how you own her and what she is for."

Sasha gasped as Raust lunged for her and grasped her wrists to roll over with her and pin her down to the steps. The wolf gasped and breathed heavily as the huge broadwinged gryphon stood over her with his member still nice and hard, fully exposed in the long thick glory that had battered the sex of the tigress before her. Her breaths were fast and hard, but not in fear, she knew he would never actually harm her in any way. Her rapid breathing was rather in anticipation of giving herself over to the heavily aroused gryphon. Emiria gave a wicked little giggle as she leaned over Sasha and pulled her legs up to pin them beneath her arms. This exposed her sex in an open and partially stretched manner while her mistress reached out to grasp the hard member hovering near her rather hot wet folds and pull it to point down with the tip pressed against Sasha's entrance.

She only spoke one command before she pulled her hand free to concentrate on holding the wolf's legs back, "Get her, love."

There was no restraint in his hard advance, just a powerful, reckless thrust that plowed against her cervix nearly instantly. He did not stop there either, it only slowed the gryphon for a moment before he forced himself through. Had she not been from the same world and island as her mistress, the wolf would have likely been fatally wounded by the advance. Instead her body adjusted to her savage lover and allowed her to give the sharp cry of pleasure that accompanied the brutal penetration. Water splashed every where as the powerful body of the gryphon gave no quarter to the smaller slim form of the wolf. The heavy scents of arousal that were already in the air from the joining of the two mates was mixed with those of the master taking his pet for his own needed savage release of pleasure. It was nearly pungent in the air as Sasha's sex flexed rapidly around the too thick girth of her master. lewd cries and howls of pleasure and surrender drowned out the slick sloshing of the wet abused sex receiving the wild reckless thrusts. Emiria purred deeply while she watched the lovely sight of her mate's thick glistening member diving to the fuzzy tip of his sheath into their lovely pet as she settle her own sex against the wolf's muzzle. Sasha pressed her lips and nose against the tigress' sex nice and firmly to breath in her scent of freshly mated female. Her tongue slipped up into her mistress' warm passage to lap and dig out some of the cum her master had left within the tigress.

Raust growled a deep rumbling growl of feral pleasure, giving every ounce of strength his powerful form could offer in his thrusts into the prone and captive wolf. Every advance pressed the hips of that gray furred body up with a bounce despite the weight holding her down. The gryphon's heavy testicles swayed and bounced against Sasha? rump with each deep thrust, only helping to push him further along toward his building release. Emiria moaned out deeply as that wondrous tongue dived deep into her depths to fish out the creamy dormant seed her mate had left within her. Sasha cried out with deep passionate moans of pure pleasure while she devoured the cum from her mistress and took her master so deep within herself. It was little wonder and even less surprise when her body tensed up and convulsed with the deep shocks of her powerful orgasm. The wolf cummed hard all over the shaft and balls of her master while he ruthlessly pounded his member into her cumming body. Her climax helped to push the gryphon along even further and forced his knot to begin to swell once again. The vice like grip of her convulsing sex helped to summon that swelling quite quickly and caused the tie to occur without warning. Raust tried to draw back for another thrust when it happened and lifted her rump off the steps with his member forcing them both to gasp with a slightly painful tug. Heavy surges of hot wet cum pulsed into Sasha's womb, filling her with a warm panting bliss. Emiria purred and lifted herself from Sasha's muzzle to settle beside her mate and caress his chest with a loving hand.

"Mmmm, did my birdy enjoy his little pet," the tigress purred with a loving smile.

Raust growled softly with the tail ends of his orgasm still tingling in his body while he continued to cum deep inside the wolf, "Hmm.. of course I did, Sasha never ceases to please her master. I enjoyed my kitty every bit as much too. You girls sure do treat this old bird to some amazing play time."

"My master deserves the best we can give him, he does so much for everyone," Sasha replied firmly while her panting started to slow with her recovery.

Raust was about to say something when there was a knock at the doors before an anthro rabbit's light brown furred head poked in, "Mistress, mi lord? Forgive my intrusion but I cannot rest until I find out what it is you wish me to do while the children are away."

"Come on in and talk Nancy, you have seen this before and it's so much easier to discuss the matter when you are not hiding behind the door," Raust replied with a smile as Sasha giggled and waved at her from beneath him.

The nanny bit her lip for a moment and stepped into the bathing room, her body draped with a light blue nightgown, "Yes mi lord I just wanted to know what my duties were while the children were away for their holiday with the royal family. I simply do not feel right collecting pay for doing nothing."

"You have the holiday off silly, you can go wherever and do what ever you want," Emiria replied with a gentle smile while her arms stayed wrapped tightly around the flank of her gryphon.

Raust smiled at their lapine nanny as his knot deflated within Sasha and slowly began to slip from the wolf's sex, "What would you like for the holiday anyhow, Nancy? There is still time to get you home to be with family and friends, or we can even go visit the shops before they close for the weekend and pick you something nice for yourself. You've more than earned such a token of appreciation with all the hard work you do in helping us raise the children, especially since you are helping raise them to culture that is not your own."

Sasha slipped off of her master's softening member and held it up in her hands to lick at the nectars and cum along the shaft and head as though it were a large peppermint stick. Nancy blushed deeply at the sight and turned a bit, causing the lighting on the glossy silk nightgown to accent her large breasts quite nicely for just a moment. The gryphon eyed her for a moment as thoughts he had never had about her began to cross his freshly aroused mind. He could not help but wonder just what her body looked like under that nightgown, bare and nude on display. The occasional cling of her clothing and the lovely large firm breasts suggested a beautifully curvy form. Raust could feel a bit of warmth returning to his belly once again with such thoughts.

Nancy looked down for a moment as she summoned the courage to make her next bold statement, "My family has already gone to their meeting place by now, and I really have no need of material things. There is one thing I do not have readily available that I could really use, and a specific one in particular has had my fancy for a bit now. But it is something only the mistress can give me."

"I think I know what you want," Emiria purred with a knowing smile as she followed the eyes of the rabbit as they kept quietly running along the thick half hard member of her own mate, "But I think it would be best if you simply asked so it can be known."

Nancy shifted her feet nervously, "I ,ah, would like to play with Lord Shieldra if you are willing to share him, mistress."

"Mmm, I do not mind in the least if you let my big bird stuff you silly. I cannot say for certain that he will, he has his own attractions and desires. Perhaps you should join us in this nice hot relaxing bath so he can see what you have for his half of your gift. If he likes what he sees, I am certain there will be no hesitation to let you enjoy what he has to offer, or you may even entice him into giving you what you want with a little touch and stimulation," Emiria suggested, feeling the returning arousal of her mate even as she pretended it was not there.

Nancy Smiled shyly and blushed while she reached behind her neck to untie the silk cords that held her nightgown in place. Smooth glossy silk slipped down her shoulders as she held her arms over her breasts to catch the falling material and protect her virtue for a brief moment. The lapine gave a seductive smile as she stared directly into the eyes of the gryphon and lowered the the top of the gown to slowly reveal her large firm breasts. Her fur on her chest and belly proved to be light tan in color and ringed in a heart shape over the top of her breasts, putting them quite prominently on display. The D cups stoop proud with their hard erect nipples while the nightgown sank further down the rabbit's torso to reveal a tummy that was not quite as lean and flat as that of the slim tigress and wolf, but by no means over weight either. Nancy turned and bent over a bit as she slid the smooth silk down over her Voluptuous hips to reveal her lovely firm round rump with the signature lapine tail waving it's invitation. The falling silk revealed her warm sex and showed how moist she was already, the very thoughts of sampling the gryphon that the other ladies enjoyed so much had worked her up quite a bit.

Raust eyed the beautiful display of the firm round rump that so wonderfully displayed that pink puffy sex against the lighter tan fur outlined by the light brown much like a target, "Mmm.. it may not take much convincing at all.. we've had a touchable girl like this in our home this entire time and I never knew about it?"

"Mmm.. well she has never spoken up or looked at you in any way, we had no idea," Emiria replied with an amused grin while she stroked over the gryphon's hard member with a tender paw.

Nancy blushed deeply as she turned around and stared directly at the dark pink flesh beneath the hand of the tigress. Her shapely hips swayed as she padded her way slowly up the steps to wade into the water. Emiria grinned with a purr as she slipped her hand underneath the gryphon's member to stroke along the bottom and hold it up a bit more for the shy rabbit.

Nancy eyed the hard shaft before her as she knelt down right in front of the gryphon and rested her hand on his thick girth, "May I?"

"Hmm, go right ahead little lady," Raust replied with a rumbling purr deep in his chest.

Nancy smiled and cooed softly to his member as she began to stroke tenderly over the hard flesh with caressing passes of each hand in turn, almost as if she were lashing a small animal with caressing pets. Emiria slipped her hand away and backed off a bit with Sasha who obediently nuzzled and licked at the tigress' sex while she watched her mate and their nanny. Nancy leaned her head down to kiss the head of the gryphon's hard member while her hands finally wrapped around the hard flesh and pumped slowly along the thick offering of flesh. Raust purred deeply for her, stroking her long velvety ears tenderly as he watched her caress and play with his masculine spire. The rabbit raised herself up a bit to wrap her large breasts around the gryphon's member and press them tightly together. She stroked her breasts up and down along his hard shaft with a heavy panting, her lips wrapping around the head and top portion of his member to suckle and stroke with her movements. The gryphon groaned softly with pleasure while his member was worked between those warm firm breasts and suckled in that hot wet mouth. The stimulation and anticipation was driving the great bird crazy with a lusty need, but he held out to enjoy the feel of the rabbits breasts stroking along his shaft while she sucked the head of his member.

Raust finally couldn't take it anymore and pulled his hard shaft from her mouth and away from her breasts. Huge foreclaws grasped Nancy and turned her around, where she bent herself over on instinct and in offering to the large male she had enticed into taking her for his pleasure. The gryphon grasped her hips and stared down at her lovely round rump perfectly spread and displaying her warm needy sex, her short tail resembling a guide into the channel of her rump down to her wondrously beautiful crease. Raust could not help but think that this was the specific reason the powers that be created the anthro lapine race on multiple worlds. He was quick to bring the head of his member to her warm puffy lips and press that eager shaft into her warm rather wet passage, the head of his member parting her outer and inner folds with ease as they gripped him tightly. Nancy cried out with shocked pleasure at the feel of that thick shaft sinking deep into her sex until it met her cervix. The gryphon hesitated a moment as her body adjusted it's self to take his member that was clearly meant for a larger bodied female. Without warning, Raust pressed hard against that inner barrier until he forced his way through with a bit of a pop to come to rest in the third womb of the day. The rabbit cried out sharply as her arms and legs began to fail her, only the grip of his foreclaws held her rump and hips up. She had never been with a male this much larger than herself before and she simply was not prepared for the feel of that thick gryphon member. It was so wonderful, how deep and wide it spread her body about it's hard length; the sheer pleasure of it was simply overwhelming the poor nanny as she tried her best to rock back onto her new-found temporary lover.

Raust growled deeply with pleasure as he pulled back slowly to the sound of a growling groan from Nancy, only to thrust back in nice and hard, rocking her body with the shock of the sensation and the impact of his advance. All the while he stared down at the slick coating of her nectars along his hard shaft and her lips stretched tightly around his girth as he watched himself slide out and pounded himself back into his new partner. The rabbit cried sharply with each deep, hard thrust that rocked her body and caused her breasts to swing forward with a bounce.

Raust growled and leaned forward on one foreclaw while the other held his quarry by the hip for his thrusts, "Mmmm.. you like it little bunny?"

"Ooooh, by the gods, yes! Hauhgn," Nancy cried her reply at the top of her lungs as her hips rolled and thrashed back into the advances of that hard member into her wet weeping folds.

The gryphon groaned deeply while he pumped that thick girth into the rabbit's sex to spread more of her nectars down his shaft and over his sheath and testicles, "Rrugh.. seems to be a bit better than you thought, you want it soft little bunny or you want me to give you more of myself?"

"Oh, please my lord, please give me more. Give me everything you can please, make me your play thing. I want every bit of it, " the nanny begged between her cries of passionate pleasure, her arms wrapping around the powerful forelimb next to her head to brace herself into the relentless advances of the gryphon's member.

"Very well, here it comes you needy little rabbit," Raust placed his other foreclaw on the other side of her to get a proper mounting position lined up so he could drive his hard member more freely into his much smaller partner.

Nancy lost all ability to speak as the thrusts came in much stronger and faster with the more natural position for the feral gryphon. Her whole body quaked and quivered as her tight depths were simply battered by that thick hard member. The nanny's cries of pleasure took on a much less coherent tone as she groaned and growled out like an animal in the throws of her intense coupling. It felt like an eternity before the last bits of each thrust into her hot leaking folds began to feel as though he were getting wider. Nancy just couldn't hold out any longer, her release came hard and paralyzed her with a tensing of every muscle in her body as the most intense orgasm she had ever imagined wracked her form. The tensing of her sex locked the gryphon's knot within her and tipped him right over the edge just after her, causing his shaft to simply explode with hot dormant cum directly into her womb. The rabbit slumped beneath her gryphon lover and forced him to settle down over her back as her weight tugged on his member lodged deep inside of her.

"I think she got more than she bargained for," Emiria giggled as she watched Nancy pant heavily beneath her own mate, "But oh what a show you put on beloved! It was almost as fun as being in her place."

Sasha licked her lips and smiled, "Master is indeed fun to watch."

"Well, I have had just a bit of practice on the anthro gals with you two around. How are you holding up down there Nancy," Raust chuckled with a soft caressing stroke to the nanny's velvety ears.

Nancy simply hummed in a pleasure muddled state, "Mmm.. the miss is a lucky woman, a stud like this is worth keeping for a good long time."

"Why do you think I sank my claws in so tightly? Mind you there is so much more to him to love, but that was certainly the tribute that initially caught my attention," the tigress smiled and slipped back up to press under her mate's wing.

Nancy found her strength once again and pressed back against the knot in her warm sex, "Mmm, that feels so warm and wonderful. How is my lord feeling? Are you still feeling strong?"

"Hmm.. starting to wear down, but I'm still strong enough to handle myself and maybe another," Raust replied with a deep purring rumble.

Nancy blushed a bit before she asked, "Would you be willing to receive a gift of my body my lord?"

"Didn't you just give me your body in a mutual gift," Raust replied with a counter question of his own, his knot still firmly lodged within the lapine sex.

The rabbit shook her head gently, "No Lord Shieldra, this was a gift for me from you and the mistress that you happened to enjoy giving. I have heard Sasha and our mistress speak of something you enjoy quite a bit and rarely ever indulge in. I would like to give it to you with my own body."

"You mean, you want to let me, in," the gryphon asked with a tilt of his head as his knot slowly began to deflate, "You already have first hand knowledge of how much larger my body is than yours, are you certain you want to do this?"

Nancy nodded gently and reached up to stroke the gryphon's neck softly, "I am accustomed to it more so than I am in my warm cunny, there is no more tempting a rump than that of a bunny after all."

"Mmmm, this is a great opportunity , love. Sweet warm bunny rump, ripe for the taking, offered almost eagerly. I think you should do it, she looks like she would like it. You could also get your anal fix before Sasha or myself would like to have it," Emiria urged her mate to take the offer.

The rabbit looked up at him with inviting and pleading eyes, "When your knot releases, my tailhole is yours to enter. Please take me for your pleasures this night my lord."

Raust felt like a gryphlet on the holiday's morning, waiting to play with his new present. She was indeed right that there was no more tempting a rump than that of a bunny, especially to him. There was something especially beautiful about an anthro rabbit's offered rump that just drove the gryphon warrior quite wild. Yet with all his fame and those who sought to find their favor in his nest or simply beneath his belly, the mighty merc lord had never had an anthro rabbit grace his member before. It was suddenly the most amazing sensation in his life when his knot finally deflated enough to release him from the nanny's sex. The gryphon slowly let his warm shaft slide from the sighing form of the rabbit, letting her nectars and his own cum leak from her sex onto his hard, eager member to act as a lubricant. He was quick to sit up and caress her beautifully curvy rump with his foreclaws as she repositioned herself to raise her rump in the air and spread her legs so that the steps carried most of her weight this time. The new position parted her rump to expose her warm eager tailhole, winking at the great bird with it's tight puckered flesh and waving with that short tail at the top of her rump.

Raust was so aroused by the sight, he felt a twinge of fear that his member might burst with the intensity of his erection He wasted no time in guiding his aching member to her warm tight anus to press the slick head against the tight orifice in a gentle pattern of presses that grew increasingly firm on every advance until he started sinking into her lewd display. Nancy grunted with every small thrust as the gryphon began to stretch her for his member to take pleasure of her most taboo passage. She sighed as her body suddenly relaxed with her anus letting him in fully all at once. The gryphon pressed himself in fully to let the fuzzy tip of his sheath press against the tight ring of her tailhole stretched around his girth and his testicles rest against her wet sex. Raust slowly pulled his warm member back just an inch only to press it back into the rabbit's tailhole and summon a soft moan from her. He continued in a slow pattern of thrusts that increased in the length of his withdraw until he came to the full length of a real thrust. The gryphon held himself to a slow and gentle pace once he reached the full thrusting length, to let his lapine partner get used to his large presence in her tight tailhole.

Nancy groaned deeply with each advance as she began to press back against the slow thrusts, "Please my lord, I am ready for you now."

Raust gave a bit of a growl as he leaned forward to place a foreclaw on the ground with his other holding her by the shoulder as an added brace. His hips began to rock slowly at first, but the rhythm quickly climbed to a good hard pace. Every rock of those strong hips was a thrust of his hard member, diving deep into the rabbit's offered tailhole. Nancy stood her ground and even pressed back against every one of those hard thrusts with a deep groaning grunt as her puckered star became a tight ring around that wondrously thick girth. The gryphon growled deeply with pleasure as he rocked his whole body against the sexy rump of the voluptuous rabbit beneath him with the remaining ounces of strength he possessed. He panted heavily with the efforts of taking her tailhole so hard, but it was not audible over her cries. As eager as the gryphon was, his body was showing signs of fatigue as the wet spats of his testicles bouncing against her wet sex was growing ever slower with each passing moment. Nancy herself was still quite strong in her thrusts backward onto his hard shaft, even wiggling her hips a bit for him as she threw herself against the invading member. Her grunting cries were so different in pitch and tone that the gryphon was afraid she was not enjoying the anal tryst at all, until her sex suddenly covered his testicles in a rush of both their cum.

Nancy threw her head back for a long and quite loud howl of orgasmic release as Raust continued to press her so very hard against his foreclaw with the force of his thrusts. The powerful orgasm of his lover seemed to spur the gryphon on and re-stoke his fires. The force of his thrusts picked back up and his member raced faster and faster into the tight tailhole of the cumming rabbit. He showed no mercy for her sensitive orgasmic state as he strived to find his own release within her bowels. Both Emiria and Sasha were quick to pounce on the gryphon's testicles to lap at the mixed male and female cum upon them even as they slapped against the wet sex of their tropican nanny. The groans of pleasure that issued forth from the gryphon grew into heavy growls of pleasure as he grew every closer to his own release, certainly the last of the sexual stimulus the weary warrior could muster the strength to endure. The thick bulbous knot began to swell and form at the base of his member, but this time the gryphon pulled back a bit to keep it out of her already tight tailhole and spare her that possible discomfort. While it was true that he couldn't really hurt or damage her with sexual activity, it was true that not every sexual act was pleasant to every tropican girl and he simply did not want to risk ruining her enjoyment. His knot did slam up against her tight ring of flesh with every hard thrust as he gave her ever bit of himself that he could right up until he pressed his member as deep as he could without knotting her to begin filling her bowels with his hot dormant seed.

Raust growled and nearly roared with his strong orgasm as he hold the rabbit tight, "Mmm.. fuck...such a nice tight tailhole you have. I would have to say bunny butt is better on the inside, if this was anything to measure by."

Nancy blushed deeply as she lay her chest and head flat on the steps to groan deeply with the heavy surges of cum entering her bowels until the gryphon removed his still cumming member to let it spurt against her slightly gaping tailhole. The blush only deepened when he lay his member against her warm, cum slicked tailhole and pressed her rump around his shaft like he did her breasts and stroked himself between her cheeks. That hard cum covered spire of gryphon flesh was still flinging strands of hot dormant cum across the back and hips of his lapine partner while he treated her to that stroking finish. Emiria and Sasha giggled at the sight and began to lick the creamy treat from the rabbit's back, the wolf eventually wrapping her lips around the tip of his member to drink from her master.

"Mmmm.. I, huff, hope my lord is pleased with his gift," Nancy panted as her orgasmic paralysis began to fade.

Raust grinned down at her and reached a foreclaw up to stroke her ears tenderly, "Indeed I am, you have quite the divine little rump there, dear care taker of my children."

"Yes indeed you have pleased my beloved, and shared in our private celebration of the holiday and each other. I think a gift is in order from myself for such a lovely addition to the evening. Since you enjoy giving of your rump and my gryphon, I think I will allow you to sate that desire of his so we do not feel the need to sate his favorite hunger. Anytime you want or need a break, simply let Sasha or I know and we'll give you enough time to play with or bird," Emiria purred softly as she rubbed her cheek against Nancy's, "I do believe he has marked you into this strange family anyhow."

Sasha had to pull her lips from the softening member as her giggle was too much to hold back as the rabbit blushed and looked back at the gryphon, "I, I appreciate and adore such a gift, if my lord is willing to give it as well."

"Do you really have to ask if I am willing to give my part of such a gift," Raust chuckled his reply with a stroke over her gorgeous, shapely rump.

Sasha nearly doubled over with her hysterical giggles, "Happy holidays master! We got you a bunny rump to mount!"

"I am glad to be your bunny gift, but did you really mean to mark me into the family," Nancy asked with the darkest bush she had all evening.

The gryphon smiled, "I didn't have to, you were already part of our family by virtue of your bond with the girls. Speaking of the girls, we should get washed up and get some rest. We have to pick them up in the morning for our gift exchanges with them."

"I shall clean the bathing pool once we are finished washing, my lord. I did help contribute to the mess," Nancy offered.

Raust shook his head, "There is no need hun. The bathing pool is designed with an arcane cleaning and filtering system to keep the waters nice and freshly cleaned. You might have noticed that the cum that hit the water is already out sight, the current took it to the far end and into the system to be cleansed away."

"Oh! That is a fantastic way of keeping it cleaned," the rabbit smiled at the news of her new task having already been done.

The gryphon smiled as he held his tigress close for a loving nuzzle, "Nancy, once we are cleaned up and dried, we would be delighted if you were to join us for the nights rest."

"I think I would like that, it certainly would be the best way to close such an evening," the rabbit smiled gently as she found the strength to sit up.

Raust smiled and pulled Sasha and Nancy to him to hold all three females close to his strong body in a warm embrace, "Yes it would be perfect."

All three ladies pressed against the strong form of the gryphon to share in a new warmth that had been kindled between them all in the tropican twist on all the winter holidays the gryphon had come accustomed to celebrating. Raust was so very pleased, after the beginning of the holiday, he needed such a close and warm homecoming that he would remember as the finest until his final days.