Josh's Change

Story by STR4800 on SoFurry

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Im new at writing, please remember this. This is my first story. :3


Chapter One

It was late in the night and Josh had stayed up all night thinking about Chelsea. Josh was a navy blue wolf, about 5'11, muscular, 17 years old, and athletic. The girl he liked, Chelsea, was a grey wolf, about 5'5", quiet, small, 16 years old, and very shy. Josh was determined that someday he would get her.

The Next Day At School, Monday, 11th grade, 1st hour...

Josh walked into his 1st hour class (English) half asleep since he didn't sleep the night before. He had not stopped thinking about Chelsea. He could not get her out of his head. He looked forward to his 3rd hour class with her, since it was Monday and he had not seen her since Friday, and since they didn't have school the day after (Tuesday). 1st hour dragged on and when it was time for 2nd hour, Josh was asleep at his desk. Woken by the bell, Josh rushed to his 3rd hour (World History).

When he got there, he quickly sat down and saw Chelsea enter the room. Josh caught a glimpse of her and his mind went blank. All he could think about was this beautiful gray wolf. He thought about her all hour, making him miss his homework assignment. 4th and 5th hour rolled by and it was time for lunch. Josh sat with his best friend (James) at a table with some of his other friends. James was a red fox who was 5'7, skinny, and average sized.

As the day of school ended, Josh went home and sat down to watch some TV. He felt he was obsessing over Chelsea. He smiled and laughed while watching some comedy channel.


James had noticed at the school the strange behavior of Josh. James, who had never told anyone before, was bi. He knew if it got out, then he would be made fun of and beat up a lot. James secretly had a crush on Josh, his best friend. Seeing Josh love Chelsea killed him on the inside.

Now that James started day-dreaming about him and Josh, he instantly felt hard. He looked down to find he was fully erect at the thought of Josh. He immediately started stroking himself while he still had the picture of Josh in his mind. He thought about rubbing up his blue fur and seeing them naked together. James blew his load after that thought.


James called Josh to see if he wanted to hang out that night. Josh asked his parents and they said he could, so Josh came over to James' house. James was now determined to get something out of Josh that night, and when Josh arrived, he was overjoyed.

Before Josh could knock on the door, James opened it to let him in. They sat down on the couch and watched some TV. Then, they played some video games, Josh and James' favorite thing to do. After a few hours, and since they had no school the next day, they sat down and relaxed on the couch. Josh, since he had not slept the night before, dosed off and fell asleep. James stayed up and studied Josh all over, admiring his figure. James ran his paw down Josh's muzzle lightly, and then put his arm around him and fell asleep too.

In The Middle Of The Night...

Josh awakens to find James' arms wrapped around him cuddling close. Strangely, Josh has no urge to pull away and only sits there, baffled. James moves a little in his sleep, and Josh stares at him. Josh has always told himself he was straight, but in this position he actually starts to enjoy it, and cuddles closer with his arm now around James. For the first time in 4 days, he thought about someone other than Chelsea. He then falls back asleep.

Just as Josh falls back asleep, James awakens to find Josh's arm around him and they were a lot closer then when he fell asleep. He concludes that Josh probably just moved in his sleep. He is astonished and excited. He embraces the moment for a minute, pulls a blanket over the two of them, and falls back asleep too.


I understand this chapter is rather short. I accept any comments or opinions. I am really new at writing so try and take it somewhat easy on me please. First story I've written and making more chapters now. If you have ANY ideas at all (Keep them reasonable) please tell me. Thanks everyone. :3