The Gift (Part 2)

Story by Tokky on SoFurry

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Part 1 can be found here

Christmas has bin and gone but the gifts are still coming. An unfortunate hyena finds himself recieving a gift with verry stinky and disgusting concequences.

Otis entered his apartment feeling sooo drained. Slamming the door behind him he dropped his backpack on the floor and flopped down onto the sofa. However before he could relax the front door buzzer went. Reluctantly the hyena picked up the intercom to find it was a delivery man calling to drop off a parcel. Angrily, the hyena let him in.

Otis was a 20 year old hyena. He had a slender body and long blue hair. He wore a black tank top with a blue biohazard logo printed on the front which was permanently tucked into a pair of white boxers. The hyena also wore green camouflage pants which were sagged below his ass to fully show off his boxers and tucked into a pair of black army boots.

Otis opened the door to find a muscular delivery man dressed in a typical delivery man uniform and a brown baseball cap pulled over his eyes with a large brown square box beside him. "Package for Otis Hemlock?" he said holding out a clipboard.

The hyena signed for the package and the deliveryman dragged it inside, giving catching a glimpse of Otises boxer clad behind.

"I think you need a new belt mate!" The delivery man said with a funny look as he left the room.

Otis merely scowled at the wolf and slammed the door in his face. "Prick! I'll wear what i want, how i want!"

Otis opened the box to find inside another box; this one was red and covered in pictures of different coloured party balloons with red ribbon tied in a bow at the top holding the lid on. Attached to the ribbon was a red card. Otis opened the card to find it read nothing more than "Greetings from W.F."

The hyena shrugged "D'know anyone with those initials, but what the hell; aint everyday someone sends you a random gift." Otis pulled open the ribbon and the boxes sides fell away to reveal....a toilet?

The hyena was confused. Sitting in his living room was a full size white bathroom toilet with a black seat and lid. Behind the toilet were a series of tanks and pipes connected up to the unit, with a metal box attached to them. "Well...this is certainly different ".

Otis walked over to the toilet opened the lid and nearly puked at the sight inside. In the base of the bowl was the foulest, stinky and vomit inducing sewage water imaginable, with all kinds of crap and other disgusting things floating in it.


And with that the hyena stormed towards the door after the delivery man. However just as he turned his back a hatch on the metal box on the back of the toilet opened and out shot a robotic arm, which promptly raced after the hyena and in one swift move yanked him off the ground by his underwear. Otis was taken completely by surprise, he yelped with pain as he felt his boxers pulled up well past his head and his booted feet dangling a short distance off the ground. As with Thomas another robotic spray nozzle tentacle emerged from the box and sprayed Otises boxers with a mysterious liquid before retracting back into the unit.

*Beep!* "STAGE 1 COMPLETE!" The computerised voice announced. "COMMENCING STAGE 2!" *Beep!"

Two more tentacles with hands emerged from the compartment and moved over to the dangling hyena, grabbing his wrists firmly and pulling his hands behind his back, before a mechanism in the hands clicked, locking them both together and detaching from the tentacles, restraining the hyenas hands behind his back.

Otis thrashed and kicked in agony in the hope his boxers would rip but to no avail. Just as he was about to scream another hand popped out of the metal box and turned on the CD player, cranking the volume up to the max. Otis had been fortunate enough to have awesome neighbours who didn't mind him playing his music loud during daylight hours; what was normally a blessing had now turned into a curse as now no one could hear his cries of pain, and no one would think to check on him as to them this was the norm.

Just barely audible under loud heavy metal tunes dominating the room the computer spoke again. *Beep!* STAGE 2 COMPLETE! COMMENCING STAGE 3! *Beep*"

The metallic arm turned Otis around so he was facing the toilet. Another robotic arm and two robotic pipe nozzles emerged from the metal box and approached the dangling hyena. The second robotic arm grabbed the front of Otises boxers and created a small opening where the first pipe entered. The second pipe crept around Otises neck and positioned itself in the opening created by the hanging wedgie. At once both pipes filled Otises boxers with the most foul smelling and sludgy manure imaginable. The hyena nearly gagged from the smell as the foul manure was poured into his underwear, running into his trousers, down his legs and finally into his boots. Eventually the pipes retracted and the front hand gave the hyenas boxers a short yank upwards, giving him a sharp messy melvin before releasing him and retracting back into the metal box. The remaining robotic arm bounced the hyena vigorously, presumably to make sure the manure got into every last nook and cranny. Eventually the bouncing ceased and Otis was left hanging in a painful, stinky mess.

*Beep!* STAGE 3 COMPLETE! COMMENCING STAGE 4!" As the robotic arm carried Otis towards the toilet the hyena knew what was coming next. He thrashed and kicked even harder in one last desperate attempt to break free from his smelly prison and escape his disgusting fate. As Otis was lowered to the ground four more robotic arms emerged and grabbed his shoulders and his ankles, bending his knees and forcing him to kneel in front of the bowl. Another robotic hand emerged and grabbed the hyena tightly by his blue hair, forcing his head close to the bowl so he could fully see and smell his fate.

The smell finally became too much for Otis to bear and he vomited straight into the toilet, adding his lunch to the many pieces of crap already floating. When Otis was finished puking the robotic arm sharply yanked his boxers up even higher. Otis screamed from the pain and in almost a split second the other hand forced his head straight into the toilet, causing him to get a mouth full of vomit, sewage and other crap. The toilet flushed itself, drawing more sewage water from the tank behind the toilet into the bowl. The hand pulled the hyena out of the toilet to let him catch his breath. This was the worst experience Otis had ever endured; spitting the sewage out he coughed and spluttered. The toilet let Otis catch his breath before slamming his head back into the toilet and repeating the whole process.

After several swirlies the hands released his head, shoulders and boots but not his boxers; the hyena was once again hoisted off the ground into a messy hanging wedgie. The remaining robotic hands then unlaced his boots with lightening speed and pulled them off to reveal his trouser cuffs tucked into his tattered, smelly, dirty and now manure covered socks. One thing about Otis was that he usually wore the same pair of underwear and socks for months at a time. Another pair of robotic hands then slipped his socks off and rolled them into balls. The main arm then sharply bounced the hyena again causing him to yelp with pain. Ceasing their moment, the robotic hands shoved both pairs of socks into Otises open mouth before clamping it shut. Like the two hands behind the hyenas back it locked into place before detaching from the arm. The hand was strong enough to hold the hyenas mouth shut, and small enough to allow the other hands to slip the hyenas smelly boot over his mouth, re-lace it and gaffa tape it into place, similar to the way they muzzled Thomas.

*Beep!* "PROGRAM PAUSED!" *Beep!*

The hyena was left dangling by his manure filled boxers, forced to taste his dirty socks and inhale the stink of his boot. Who knows how long he'll be hanging there for.

The Gift

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Mongrels: Nelsons Wedgie Torture

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