A Fox and a Dragon's Love

Story by Inotamira Orani on SoFurry

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This is a little different from what I usually write but it's still good. It was a request so I did it.


In a usually peaceful town there live a decent looking male fox named Sabi who at the moment didn't know what to do with his life as he was both broke and poor. "GAAAAAH...what am I going to do...I'm going to end up living in the streets at this rate" said Sabi walking along trying to figure something out. "No jobs...running out of money....I just don't know what I'm going to do.

As Sabi was walking he ended up walking right into a post and falling over. "OUCCHH THE FUCKING HUR..." said Sabi noticing a poster on the post and Grabbed it reading it thoroughly three times the he ran home cackling "MY PROBLEMS ARE OVER" shouted Sabi as he rushed through the town bumping people every now and then.

The poster he grabbed had read "wanted for destruction of property and the deaths of countless other Khahak Blackmoon Reward: 7,000,000,000". The second Sabi got home he grabbed a backpack and started stuffing it with everything he'd thought he needed. The reason he thought he'd be able to pull it off is because he knew Khahak and also knew where he lived where as others didn't.

When he finished packing his backpack he headed out the door and rushed through the forest to a mountain. Sabi looked up and spotted Khahak's cave entrance within seconds. Sabi didn't really know Khahak he'd just meet him before and had followed him home once.

It wasn't a very high climb but it was still enough that Sabi needed to take a break when he got up to the cave entrance. He was going to have to be extra careful now that he started sweating a bit and that would increase his smell making it easier for the dragon to smell him if he didn't hear him first. Sabi crept into the cave and started to head in a downward direction.

When Sabi got to what he was sure was the main hall he had to stop and sniff around for a little bit. After he spotted the entrance that had the strongest scent coming from it and headed down the pathway. As he was walking down he heard murring and blushed as a dirty thought crossed his mind then he shook his head to clear it and continued on.

He reached the end of the tunnels and there was an opening to the left. Sabi peeked into the entrance and almost panicked. Khahak had been jacking him self off. Sabi had always been gayer then his other friends but this was almost too much for him.

Sabi peeked back in and watched Khahak jack him self off and started to harden. He unzipped him self and started to jack off watching Khahak. He stayed as quiet as he could while doing this so Khahak wouldn't hear him.

Khahak had heard something earlier and stopped trying to jack himself off and looked at his door but didn't see any thing. He continued and started to groan very loudly as his cock erupted and he soiled the floor and slightly him self but cleaned it up quickly with a towel then headed for the door. Sabi himself had just finished jacking off when he noticed the dragon heading for the door and started to panic.

Khahak walk out the door to go get something to eat when he stopped at the door and noticed Sabi. He had also noticed what he had been doing and blushed heavily. "Where...where you watching me...and...jacking off as well?!" said Khahak trying not to lose it.

Sabi at this point had completely forgotten why he was there. "I...I'm sorry...it's just...I was watching you and I...I got a little horny...and....I thought you where hot" said Sabi not really thinking about what he was saying. Khahak looked down at the fox and just blushed silently...then he suddenly realized he was fantasizing about him and shrugged.

"You take it?" asked Khahak almost non-chalantly. Sabi's jaw dropped at what he heard.

"Ye...yes" he said realizing he was becoming hard again but tried to cover it but failed miserably. At this Khahak motioned for him to come in and Sabi followed.

"You realize you have trespassed in a dragon's lair and usually this would most certainly mean death" said Khahak looking at him and smirking.

"Please don't kill me" Sabi begged dropping to his knees.

"Alright but you owe me...and I think I know how you can repay me" said Khahak rubbing along his sheath causing his member to instantly erect.

Sabi blushed heavily and his pre started to leak out of him almost endlessly. Sabi walked over having left his gear and his pants at the door he grabbed the dragons cock and shoved it deeply into him mouth. He started to bob his head up and down caressing his huge cock with his tongue moaning just a little bit as Khahak murred placing his hand on his head.

Sabi then started to deep throat it taking the entire member inside his mouth and getting sweet hot dragon cum down his throat as Khahak let out a roar of pleasure. "Mmm you taste wonderful" Sabi said licking his muzzle clean.

Khahak then looked at Sabi and motioned for him to turn around. Sabi almost instantly had turned around and bent over waiting excitedly to feel a huge dragon inside him. Khahak rubbed his cock against his hole causing Sabi to moan in pleasure.

"Uhh...Khahak...I want you inside me" said Sabi causing Khahak's member to leak pre about as endlessly as Sabi's. Khahak pushed himself inside Sabi's tight warm anal depths and as he pushed deeper Sabi moaned louder and louder.

"OH GOD KHAHAK" Sabi shouted as Khahak started to pump Sabi's ass faster and faster grunting as he did. As he pumped Sabi's ass he grabbed Sabi's member and started to jack Sabi off.

Sabi's ass started to pulsate and Sabi started to ejaculate all over the floor. "Oh...kha...UHHHHHH" Sabi shouted in ecstasy. Soon after Khahak roared very loudly in pleasure shaking the room as he filled Sabi's insides with hot strings of dragon cum.

"Oh....you fuck me so good....can I stay here with you" Sabi asked as they laid down in exhaustion cuddling with each other.

"Sure as long as you're prepared to pay for being in here" Khahak said in a very suggestive voice.

"Any day and every day" Sabi said starting to grow attached to Khahak but then remembered why he came. "But wait I came here to capture you for the reward money because I'm so broke" said Sabi in a slightly sad voice.

"Well if your gonna live with me then I don't think money will be a problem will it?" said Khahak as Sabi grabbed his pants and put them back on.

"Oh Khahak you'd really let me live off of you" asked Sabi in an almost ecstatic voice.

"Just as long as you're willing to pay for it" Answered Khahak smiling devilishly and sat back down on his bed and laid down. "Little tired after that payment" Said Khahak and started laughing a little then calmed down as he noticed Sabi running towards him.

"Oh THANK YOU KHAHAK" said Sabi as he ran over and jumped on top of Khahak hugging him and then kissing him deeply. Khahak returned the kiss and hugged him back also beginning to become attached to him.

"You know I normally try not to make it a habit to find mates in guys but I think I'll make an exception with you" said Khahak looking up at him and taping him on the nose winking.

"Oh Khahak I LOVE YOU" said Sabi kissing him again. "You know when I was a kid I never even thought of having a dragon lover but I swear it's the best thing that's happened to me" Sabi said laying on top of the dragon.

"We'll my lovely foxy lover life is not exactly what we expect it you never know what cards fate might deal you. Some times it's a good card sometimes it's a bad one...I think this is one of the good ones" Khahak said smiling while he sat there holding his new love slowly getting drowsy.

"What do you think will happen tomorrow....I mean won't there be people after you" Sabi asked hoping he'd be able to live his life at least some what peacefully with him. Khahak looked at him and nodded.

"Yes I think I will have to leave here tomorrow" said Khahak trying to stay awake now. Sabi started to wonder what he did to get him in so much trouble with the law.

"So what is it you did to cause those deaths and damage.....I mean what did you do" Sabi asked starting to get drowsy him self. Khahak looked at him the laid his head down and sighed heavily.

"We'll basically what I did was something for the order...you know the order of dragons...they told me that a building was being used to raise dragon slayers and I was assigned to destroy it. I succeeded as you can clearly see but then the order told me that I'd be outcast from the normal world from now on because they couldn't do anything to help me" answered Khahak looking slightly agitated but his drowsiness started to become apparent in his eyes.

"Well you're innocent to me...and I love you...and your tired lets get some sleep" Sabi said yawning and kissing Khahak's chest lovingly.

"I love you to little foxy" Khahak said blushing and they both slowly dozed off to sleep holding each other.

In the morning they both got up Khahak pack there stuff while Sabi already having his stuff packed in his back pack attempted to make both of them breakfast doing a pretty good job and thus started there adventures.


Now as to weather or not I continue this story or not is completely up to you guys but there are some things that I'm going to explain to you Khahak is a friend of mine from Furcadia and he had given me permission to use his name and the person who requested it had nothing to do with what the story pertained except for the fact that it was a gay one. Also you'll notice that since I have done gay I can do gay scenes a lot better than I can do straight ones....not my fault all the women who find me attractive live across the state that just happens to be my luck.

And seriously guys if you have any requests I'm not afraid to write about them I can make things up if I don't know but usually instead of being way off it'll be a semi-educated guess that gets it at least decently close so if you have any suggestions as to what I should write please feel free to approach me with an idea.