Snakeskin - Horticulturalist Dream

Story by Serathin on SoFurry

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#9 of Snakeskin

Snakeskin - Horticulturalist Dream

Hansen sat back in his chair as he and the other senior members of the Order looked through the various files in front of them. Each one had a picture of a junior member, most of them 'warriors' that were handpicked from the college incoming freshmen class each year. He sighed as they quickly realized they with Spring Break in full swing the only ones that could come back were the local students and the few that stayed in the dorms during vacation. The rest they had called couldn't make it, either they were too far away to get there to make a difference or because they didn't have any means of getting there until the break was over. Those they had gathered were in the other room where they engaged each other into dividing themselves into equal groups.

"We're going to have to make do with what we have unfortunately." Albert said as he tossed down the pencil on the table. "Let's take a quick break and get something to eat, and when we come back we can disperse what Magus we have into the groups. If this demonic contamination is early then one per group will be all it takes to effectively protect the rest of them. In either case, I really need a smoke, so lets take fifteen."

They all agreed and got up, some of them stretched their legs as Hansen and Albert were the first to leave the Order's Sanctuary into the library above. "It's certainly a different process when you're on the planning end of this thing." Albert said as they went out into the open night air and he lit up a cigarette. The sun was just about to rise over the horizon, which meant the two men had been at it the entire day and night and about to cross over into the next day. "We have to put our hopes into these men and women that were no more then children a few years ago. Now we're going to send them into the horrors that we faced when we were young men."

"Yes, it is quite a different point of view we now have." Hansen muttered back. His friend knew that he was a thousand miles away at the moment, and just sighed as he continued to smoke. He knew it had to be hard on him, where he had to rely on someone else to confront something he had hardly survived himself and that took his friend from him. It had only been thirty years, but he still remembered the event like it was yesterday.

"Father!" Both men heard suddenly, and they turned to see a man as he ran towards them. Hansen's mood considerably brightened at the sight, though at the same time there was also concern and worry as he ran up and the two hugged tight.

"What in the world are you doing here Abel?" Hansen replied once they had finished their initial greetings.

"I was actually in the area on lecture tour when I got your phone call." Abel replied. "Your tone of voice, it sounded like you had just seen a ghost. I've spent time and time again looking for you, but you're phone is off and no one around has seen you. You've even cancelled your meetings for the next week when I talked to the administrator. What's wrong?"

"Oh... it is a bit of a story..." Hansen said as he looked down. He looked over at Albert, who just gave him a reassuring nod and walked back inside, before he continued. "But... perhaps now is as good a time as any to tell you. Abel, there's something that I need to show you..."

Twenty minutes and an empty pizza box later, Abel shook his head as he looked back up at his father. "This whole thing is incredible... you, mom, and your best friend fought a demon that tried to take over the entire world?" Able finally said. "I would have thought you were crazy if you hadn't introduced me to the rest of the Order, not to mention that fun little clubhouse you have under the library."

"Yes, well, your mother, God rest her soul, wanted to keep you out of that sort of life..." Hansen sighed. "Didn't want you to get any bright ideas about joining the Order after what happened to our friend. We both cared about him deeply, and I think if she had lost you she would have never forgave herself. We fight demons here, not the kind that you see in those Exorcist movies, but real demons that attempt to cross over into our realm. This college is built on a weak point in our reality, and like other points in the world there are Orders like ours to protect them."

"So you're the Dean and a member of a demon-fighting organization, no wonder you always seemed so busy." Abel replied with a small smile. "Well, as long as I'm here and you're in a bit of a crisis I suppose I will just have to stay and help out any way I can." Hansen tried to protest, but Abel wouldn't hear anything of it. Instead he got up and called out for Albert to come into the room, which a few minutes later he did so.

"Well well, following in your father's footsteps I see." Albert commented after Abel finished telling him of his wish to join. "Who am I to deny membership to those who want to help? Especially since we're so shorthanded at the moment. Talk to Ralph, he can get you set up quickly."

Abel smiled and nodded to both of them, then quickly left Albert and Hansen. "I wish you hadn't done that." Hansen grumbled as he finished the last of his glass of tonic. "I was in the middle of trying to convince him not to come along. His mother would be rolling in her grave right now..."

"I know Lily would want to follow in the footsteps of his father." Albert replied.

As Albert left the room Hansen once more sat down in the chair. He hoped his friend was wrong when it came to his proclamation, though history had a funny way of repeating itself sometimes. Deep in his soul he knew before this week was out things would get quite ugly, he just wished that his son wasn't here to witness what would soon unfold...


Hiroki yawned as he balanced the cup of coffee in one hand and the greenhouse key in the other as he tried to unlock the door. Finally, after several attempts he made it, the heavy glass door opened with a loud groan as he quickly walked in and closed the door behind him. The early morning light had just begun to stream through the glass walls onto the tables of plants he had researched for his Master's thesis, which dominated one of the corners of the greenhouse. They were his pride and joy, fruit tree hybrids that would make mini fruit trees that people could grow in their houses. If it worked then it would not only mean he would get his degree but also possibly something he could market outside of the college.

"Hello my little beauties, are we ready for another fun round of testing?" He said as he began his daily soil checks. As he got to one of the plants on the end, he realized that not only was it not one of the apple plants he had started out with, but this particular plant had already produced a strange purplish red fruit that hug from one of its branches. It looked a little like a papaya, and as he investigated it further there was a sweet scent that caused his mouth to water slightly. "You're not in my testing group, where did you come from?"

As he turned the plant around he noticed a small tag that dangled from the opposite side of the pot which identified the plant as 'lizard fruit' and that it had come from 'a special friend for a special occasion'. Part of him wondered if Samson had already been in today and left it for him, he was the only other graduate student with an experiment in the greenhouse, to which he chuckled slightly. The longer he thought about it the more he knew that had to be it, he was the only one that knew he liked exotic fruit.

"I wonder what the occasion is..." he mused to himself as he gently plucked the fruit off the small tree. It wasn't either of their birthdays, and neither of their experiments were close to finished yet. Perhaps something he had forgotten about? Either way it had to be something, he knew the guy long enough that he didn't just give something like this on a whim.

When he brought up the fruit to smell it, getting a full blast of the sweet, almost intoxicating odor, he suddenly felt his pants tent as he became aroused. It was slightly embarrassing, luckily he was the only one around to see it as he quickly ducked into one of the fully enclosed storage areas and closed the door behind him. He undid his pants and slowly pulled down the lip, his member quickly sprang out into the open air at full attention as he let it out of it's tight confines. It surprised him that he had such a reaction to the thing he still held in his hand, his breathing heavy as he could feel the tingle of arousal continue to course through his body.

Part of him thought that this could be some sort of joke, that Samson had given him a fruit laced with Viagra or something, but for the most part he could care less as he pulled his pants down further and nearly ripped off his shirt. There would be no one here to catch him if he had a little fun, his fogged mind thought as he finished undressing himself. When he had completely disrobed he took another deep inhale of the fruit, his other hand darted to his cock, which dribbled a bit of pre as he began to stroke. Without another thought he bit down into the pulpy flesh, a small amount of tangy juice dribbled down his chin as he continued to eat the fruit while he pleasured himself. It was an experience unlike anything he had ever experienced, and as he swallowed the last of it he shuddered as he shot a thick wad of cum onto his exposed chest.

As the force of the orgasm passed he calmed down and realized just what he had done, the juice from the fruit still wetted his mouth and chin as he had several ropes of his own seed on his dark skin. A quick listen told him that he had been correct that there was no one inside the greenhouse still. It brought him a sigh of relief, had he been caught in such a compromising position he would have been the victim of great ridicule, if not actions taken against him by the University for such a action.

As he reached down to grab a rag and wipe himself off, he suddenly realized that his member had not gone soft after his fun. In fact it was still hard as a rock, and as he put a hand around he noticed it was also quite warm to the touch. At first he panicked, perhaps he had picked up some sort of infection from the greenhouse, but as he continued to examine he saw his pride had also become quite a bit bigger and thicker then before. It wiggled slightly in the air as he watched it, and then almost dropped to his knees when he saw and felt a number of tendrils pulse and stretch out his cock even more.

If Hiroki could have he would have screamed at such an alien sensation, but his mouth was frozen in shock as the tips of them pushed painlessly through the tip and coated the outside of his groin and inner thighs. They looked like small vines; and as he watched he could feel several more push out of his backside and twisted around themselves until they formed a tail-like appendage that extended behind him. He would have been terrified, but as the vines wrapped around the flesh of his groin and connected with the ones that crawled over his buttcheeks and under his legs he felt a wave of euphoria wash over his body.

"Oh... god..." he managed to gasp as his legs buckled, the flesh underneath pulsed and shifted as the vines spread down past his knees and up over his chest. They quickly formed a very muscular framework around his lanky body, and as the vines formed the mold his body swelled out to fill it. He tried to move his arms to pull them off, but as the vines overtook them too he found they started to move on his own accord. Everywhere they touched he seemed to have lost control, until he couldn't even wiggle his fingers and toes as they grew out into a set of qicked talons.

There was a moment of tense silence as the vines covered his body almost completely, the 'tail' behind him lazily moved about behind him as his body almost seemed to test itself. He could feel something dig into his hardened flesh, a very pleasurable sensation as he vaguely wondered why they stopped at his head. Suddenly, as though to answer it, he felt something push up his throat. He couldn't stop it, couldn't even move his hands as his throat bulged out obscenely. It pushed its way out of his mouth, a thick, reddish-purple vine with a large purple bulb on the end of it. Finally the bulb opened, the petals peeled backwards into a rounded cone as red tendrils whipped around on the inside. It writhed in the air like a snake, then darted in and latched onto his face. He couldn't let out anything but a muffled groan as it covered his face completely, which felt like it was suctioned outwards into the muzzle-like shape of the plant as the vines pushed into his ears and connected with the ones down his neck.

As the last of his skin was covered the flower on his face split, the new yellow eyes looked around and smiled...


Samson whistled to himself as he walked towards the greenhouse, the sun completely over the horizon as he got to the door. The inside was strangely dark, as though something had obstructed the glass itself. For a second he wondered what could have possibly done such a thing, there wasn't any light deprivation experiments scheduled for spring break. It worried him slightly, if there was an experiment and he didn't have a chance to move his samples then his entire sample set would be ruined. If his samples were ruined, then his graduate thesis would be shot and he wouldn't graduate. The thought worried him enough that he ran the rest of the way to the door.

"Hiroki!" He shouted as he struggled to open the door, only to find it stuck in place. The only other person that would be in there would be his Asian colleague, and usually he was still there by the time Samson checked on his experiments that concerned nutrient deficiencies in woody stemmed plants. It wasn't as though the door was locked, but rather that something was tied around it to prevent the thing from opening. "Hiroki, if this is some kind of joke it's not funny! My window to run my sample times is almost out!"

Suddenly the door gave way, Samson nearly tumbled backwards as the resistance vanished. As soon as he got the door open he went inside, he breathed a sigh of relief as he immediately looked down at his watch and saw he was right on time. When he looked back up, his relief turned to shock as he looked around him. "What in the..."

The reason the windows had been so dark was that they were covered in large, thick vines that sprouted up from the ground. They grew up the glass so tightly wound together it was like a thick wall of wood. Those same vines grew over everything, to the point where the tables, chairs, everything was covered in wood. There were flowers periodically, Samson could identify them as the same flowers that were in the greenhouse before. He balked at the sight, every single sample in the entire greenhouse had been overtaken and integrated into the mass of plant life that dominated the building.

"What do you think of my new nest?" Samson suddenly heard behind him, which caused him to spin around. The college student nearly tripped over a mass of vines as he saw a creature approach him, nearly indistinguishable from the plant life around it. As it came into the light he saw it was some sort of lizard creature, covered in vines with scales that looked like polished wood. It's head, however, was a reddish purple and looked like it had the texture of flower petals as it smiled at him. As he continued to back away he couldn't help but look down, the naked lizard man's vine-covered cock jutted out obscenely at him as it dripped a clear fluid from it's tip. "I was going to cover the whole thing, but my babies need their sun."

"No way... it can't be..." The freaked out student started to ramble as he tried to get back to the door, only to find the vines had slammed the door shut and covered it once more. The plant creature continued to approach him, undaunted as he finally was pushed into a corner. "Please... don't do this... don't!" The thing jumped at him, and then he plunged deep into darkness.

When Samson came to his senses once more he found himself miraculously all the way back in his dorm room, his head still in a fog as he started to move around once more. As he got back his faculties fully his breath suddenly caught in his throat, but as he looked around he saw no vines and no sign of the nightmarish creature that had assaulted him. At first he thought that it may have all been a dream, but as he hopped off the bed he knew that something was certainly not right with him. He quickly lifted up his shirt to find his belly was slightly distended with something that gave it a rounded bulge. He wasn't thin, but he knew for certain that the half-sphere in the middle of his stomach wasn't right.

"I think... I need... help..." he muttered as he stumbled out of his room. He put on his clothing as fast as he could and walked out into the dorm hallway. His first thought was to call a doctor, but he quickly dismissed the idea as he was pretty sure they'd lock him in the loony bin. Instead he had several friends in the dorm that were in the medical field, he would talk to them first and maybe they could figure out what the hell was in him. The first was on his floor, he banged hard on the door and heard a voice on the inside say it was open.

"I think something terrible has happened to me." Samson said as he opened the door and walked inside. "I thought it might been a dream, but I have this... thing inside me. It was a liza... ah... ah..." He could feel the blood drain from his face as a similar lizardman to the one in his nightmare walked around the corner, his vines wrapped tightly around his body as he sauntered in and leaned seductively against the wall, one hand wrapped around his massive tool between his legs.

Samson didn't hesitate, before the creature could do anything he turned tail and ran out the room, slamming the door behind him as he started to hyperventilate. "This... this isn't possible..." was all he could say as he darted down the hallway to the stairwell. His thoughts started to race as fast as his heart, thinking that it had to be some sort of messed up dream, a symptom of working on his thesis too hard. Dream or not, he had to find someone who could help him, he swore he could feel the thing in his stomach move slightly as he got down to the next floor and pounded on the door of the dorm's Resident Assistant.

As soon as his fist hit the door, however, it swung open and hit the opposite wall with a loud bang. Inside his worst fears were realized; his mouth was agape with horror as he saw one of the creatures on the couch with another student, vines from his body wrapped around their naked body as he pounded into his backside. The victim didn't seem to mind at all, pleasured grunts and groans escaped his vine filled mouth as two vines were in his ears while two more vines were wrapped around his testicles and fully erect member, all three of them pulsed gently as one of the lower vines had pushed its way into the still human penis. In the back of his mind Samson knew there was no more hope for the unfortunate ensnared soul, he could only watch as the human's skin begin to darken and gain a grainy look as several snake-like lumps twisted around under his skin.

Samson did not stick around to see the results, instead he slammed the door shut and began to run again. He didn't know where, he feared what he would find if he visited any other of his friends. With little direction or purpose he ran outside, trying to get away from the things he had just witnessed. The lump in his stomach moved slightly again, and as he stopped next to a small, muddy grove of trees he finally realized he should seek medical attention for whatever was inside of him. Unfortunately he didn't have his cell phone on him, he would have to run back into the infested dorm in order to get it...

The thought of return hardly had time to get to his legs as a vine suddenly broke from the slightly muddy ground and wrapped around his ankle. Before he could react three more did the same and bound him, then pulled him to all fours. His hands sank into the ground slightly as it started to become even muddier, it almost went up to his elbows before it finally stopped dragging him down. He struggled to break free, but the mud had him suctioned in place and only served to tire him out as two more vines quickly tore apart his clothing. Soon he was stark naked, the cool breeze caused his skin to shiver as his feet joined the same fate as his hands.

"Well it's about time you came here." He suddenly heard a voice say as the creature who was once Hiroki stepped out from behind one of the trees. "I was beginning to think you had gotten so caught up in the fun going on in your dorm I would have to wait until nightfall."

Samson tried to open his mouth and say something, whether it be curses or questions he wasn't sure, but strangely enough all he could do was stare at the lizardman as he walked right in front of him. There was a sense of calm that grew in him, even as he sunk a little further into the ground the sight of the sexy creature in front of him seemed to make him grow more and more relaxed. He could feel the tension release everywhere except in his groin, his maleness bobbed stiffly in the air as he just watched the creature and the vines that moved around lazily...

The creature smiled as he watched his new servant's eyes glaze over slightly, his mouth a bit agape as he lost his will to him. "You did very well dispersing my seeds into our dorm." He explained as he took a clawed hand and gently ran it down the captured human's thigh, which caused his body to shiver. "If we're lucky they will convert the entire dorm before the light is out."

"Seeds?" Samson replied, regaining a bit of lucidity at hearing him. "The two creatures I saw were created by me?"

"Yes they were." Hiroki replied with a fiendish smile. "As well as the fourteen others you had carried inside of you. You were my perfect little pollinator, one whiff of you and I'm sure the guys ran to you like bees to honey. But enough of that, you have one seed left, I say we plant it now."

There was a sharp tug from the mud and Samson almost fell face first as the surface of the mud enveloped his arms almost up to the shoulder, his face only a few inches away from the much. His legs received the same force, and he almost cried out at the electric tingles of pleasure he got as his member was driven down into it. It was the most amazing feeling ever, and it was only compounded as Hiroki's tapered cock was pushed inside his mouth. He could feel a mass of tendrils sprout out from it, which continued down his throat as his mouth began to suck on it of it's own accord. More vines pushed their way out of the lizard creature's groin and wrapped around his head, which pushed him forward until the whole of its member was lodged into throat.

In the midst of it the poor human almost didn't realize as several tiny vines within the mud had latched onto the head of his cock, the mud itself slurped around it as he tried to drive his hips down. As his legs were completely enveloped a thick tentacle of mud rose up and teased around his backside before it pushed into him as well, had the vines not been around his head he would have thrashed his head around in ecstasy as it quickly enveloped his prostrate. His stomach started to push out as more and more of the mud pushed into him, he could just feel the seed in his body begin to sprout as it met with the mud as well as the flood of sweet, sticky pre that ran down his throat. Vines and mud began to branch throughout his entire body, his skin started to look slick and brown as his chest, arms, and legs bloated out into a more muscular form.

Finally the thick, muddy tentacle in his backside enveloped him as his entire lower body sank down beneath the mud, not that Samson cared as his focus was on nothing but the sweet bliss from the smooth, tasty piece of oddly-textured flesh in his mouth. Even as he lost feeling in the rest of his body, and the mud started to ooze out past his lips he kept going, which caused Hiroki to claw into the ground as he humped wildly into it. With a small roar he came into what was now merely a hole the ground, his sticky, clear seed absorbed by the mud as he shuddered with orgasmic bliss, both from the climax and his successful conversion.

Hiroki smiled as he got up and wiped the excess mud from his scales, the ground beneath him writhed between his toes as the small roots in his feet communicated with the servant beneath him. Soon he would be ready to resurface, and when that happened they could continue Master Renzyl's plan. Until then, as he looked over at the nearby dorm with the very lewd sounds that emenated from it, he could have a little fun with his new converts while he watched and waited...