Chapter 3 – Desperation

Story by The_Formless on SoFurry

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#3 of One or Two Necessary Sacrifices

**Note from the author

Damn, almost three months since I uploaded the last chapter.

I have the usual excuses, but I won't bore anyone with them.

Anyway, I've finally started maping out the rest of the story,

or at least the next few chapters. There will be a couple of

new major characters joining the story soon. It should make for

some interesting, um, combinations.

Finally, I'm going to start experimenting with "flavor text" at

the beginning of the chapters. This may clarify or explain a

little something about Wuph and Naali's world (still haven't

figured out its name yet), stuff I think should be mentioned but

won't really go with the main story. I'll keep it short.

On with the show!


-Leyliss Berries-

The name is an archaic Dragonish word synonymous with aphrodisiac. They are golfball-sized, clustered berries with a distinctive flavor somewhere between licorice and bitter-sweet citrus. The flavor and color vary between the dozen or so varieties. Mountain dragons have carefully cultivated the Leyliss shrub for at least as long as they have had written records. Officially it is grown as a supplemental food, but that is not its only use.

Many males won't eat them for food. Most females, on the other hand, do enjoy the flavor and will sometimes use the extract for things like candy flavoring or even perfume. When consumed raw Leyliss's flavor collects in certain body fluids, most notably semen, which is the only reason most males eat them.

Chapter 3 - Desperation

Five months later...

"So there it is. I shouldn't even be telling you this. But I had to tell someone or I was going to explode."

Hynaalis gawked at Wulphym from the far side of the bedmat. She had been concerned that his mind was not on their mating that evening. She thought he might be sick, or worse not interested in her anymore. She had forced him to tell her what was bothering him. Now she was sorry that she did.

"So the mountain clans sent out dragonesses to find and seduce men related to the Sorcerer? That's how we survived the curse?"

"Basically, yes."

Naali flopped onto her back, the thought of mating chased out of her mind by the thought of having to mate with one of those short, filthy...

"Dark Maw! They don't expect me to--?"

"No, they stopped sending out "Seedcatchers" four and a half hundred years ago because they didn't need to anymore. Pups started being born regularly to dragon-dragon couples. They stopped keeping track of the descendants soon after. The Elders assumed that they had the curse beat."

Naali shook her head in disbelief. "They learned nothing from how they got into this mess in the first place? I thought Elders were supposed to be wise?"

"Not only that, but the 'Shame of the Mountain Clans' is a secret to all of the dragon clans everywhere. Through adoptions, secrecy and lies upon lies, the whole thing was kept a secret from almost everyone. Including most of those actually in the Mountain Clans."

Naali scratched her crests. A secret curse? Breeding with humans? And who was the genius who came up with the term "Seedcatchers?"

"If it worked so well, brother, why are so many couples having trouble? And more importantly, why can't I have pups?"

"The Healers can't do anything?"

There was a flicker of emotion across her features, too brief to tell what it was. However, a dragon's crests seldom lie. Hers were flattened against her head and drooping a bit to the sides. Obviously it wasn't good news and Wuphym decided not to pry.

"Well, the Alchemists and the Seers think the problem was originally with the males. That's why getting male descendants fixed things. Temporarily anyway. The problem now is mostly with the females so they don't think getting more males will help this time. So--"

"So they are going to start collecting females this time? Is that the real reason they've been doing all these tests on the males? I feel really sorry for the males they choose. And their mates."

Wuph looked very sheepish. Naali's eyes widened with sudden understanding.

"So that's the Elders' solution? Sending you off to hump some fat, hairy, greasy ape because they're to stupid to think of anything else! All fine and good as long as it's not them."

She hurled a pillow which smacked harmlessly against the wall. Wuph grabbed her by the shoulders. She hissed at him, but was silenced when he pressed his mouth against hers. She struggled for a few moments, but the anger was soon calmed she returned his embrace kiss. Their tongues sought out each other, pushing and coiling around the other. They parted with a wet smacking sound.

It was futile to try to stay angry around Wuph. He hated to see upset females, he felt driven to help them...which usually led to mating and that was why he was always in trouble. But recently he had been focusing much of his attention on Hynaalis. Everything she did to try to shift his attention made him more determined. He was learning about her and that was worrying her.

"The Elders can make me do many things, but leave you is not one of them."

"I don't want to have to share you with..."

Wuph licked his lover gently on the cheek.

"Would you stay with me after I've been with some nasty human?"

He planted a kiss on the end of her nose, then on her cheek, then he started down her neck. The heat of arousal was growing in her, muddling her thoughts with images of intertwined bodies. Purring with approval, she arched her long neck to give him better access. A shock of pleasure shot through her spine. The intensity of it made her shriek.

"What, what did I do? Are you alright?" Wuph stopped out of concern. She had never made a sound like that before. Did he hurt her somehow?

She was not hurt. On the contrary she was tingling inside and out just at the memory of what she just felt. It was...nice, very nice.

"Do that again," she purred.

Momentarily confused, Wuph wracked his brain to try and remember what exactly it was he was doing before she yelled. Her neck, he was licking her neck. He began eagerly mouthing the small ridges that ran down her spine. He searched slowly up and down her neck.

"Oh, oh...mhh." This was so nice. He was trailing his teeth up and down her neck, getting closer and closer to...She tensed and slapped the bedmat with her tail. "Th, there! Not there!"

Up until that moment, things had been very casual between the two, because she loved him more than she was willing to admit. Naali had treated her brother very cooly in public, never showing any public affection. Wuph assumed that she was still unwilling to admit publicly that she was mating with her brother. Their couplings were always scheduled well in advance, and usually happened only every other week. She was careful to keep careful control of the whole situation, often demanding to be in control during the actual act. It was starting to truly frustrate Wuph how she insisted on always being the one in charge.

When he pressed his teeth into the nape of her neck, she lost that control. She quivered in his grasp, barely moving and whimpered softly. The change was so drastic that for a moment Wuph though she might have passed out. Testing to see if this was true, he gently rubbed her breast with his palm and waited for a response. Either she would warm to it or bite his hand.

For a second or two, nothing happened. Then she arched into his hand, grinding her flesh against his scales. She started to make strange sounds, a kind of chirping. Her eyes were half open and unfocused. She worked toward him until she was kneeling directly over one of his legs. Her sex pressed against his thigh. Soon she was dragging up and down his leg, making it slick with her juices.

Wuph was almost afraid to move. What had possessed his mate? It wasn't at all like her to lose control like this. Was she channeling some sort of sex-crazed spirit? The merest touches drove her further into her frenzy. Her breathing came in gasps and she was grinding so hard against his leg that the friction was making heat.

Naali was feeling a kind of pleasure that was like a powerful drug. It was as if her inhibitions were a lamp that had been turned down so low it no longer gave off light. Being in charge didn't matter, nothing mattered. It didn't even bother her the her mate was her brother. Her mate, he was so close his scent filled her nostrils. His strong hands, his soft eyes, the tasted of his scales...

She screamed in pleasure an intense climax rippled through her belly. Lightning spread through her body. The scream weakened and trailed off as her lungs emptied of air. She slipped from her lovers hold and crumpled onto the mat; tail, crests and wings twitched slightly.

Jaw agape, Wuph could only stare dumbly at what he had just seen. Nothing that he had ever experienced, heard of or read about mating explained anything he had just witnessed. He looked at his thigh. It was glistening and dripping with her fluid. What happened? Was this really because he bit her?

"Hold a moment...the back of the neck, near the shoulders," he mumbled to himself, "Could it be the same spot as...?"

He scurried to her side to where he had left two ovals of toothmarks on her silver scales. He grabbed the skin between his thumb and forefinger and tugged.

Naali stirred. "What are you doiiiiiiieeeeeeeee!" She squealed then became still again.

Wuph had been wrong, he had heard of this. Dragon pups were born strong and quick, but not smart or obedient. So they were also born with pressure points on their neck that made them calm, quiet and malleable. This spot typically became totally numb and unusable at around nine years, but some never lost the sensitivity. Very rarely the spot became something else, a powerful erogenous zone.

"You still have your Whelp-Spot, sister. How did I miss that for so long?"

Naali whimpered piteously. He knew now, too. Now she was at the mercy of her stupid brother.

"Not only that," he rumbled in her ear, "but it's more powerful than normal. I've heard about increased drive, but I barely had to do anything. You got all hot and needy. I've never seen you like that before. I could have a lot of fun with you."

Naali closed her eyes and waited. She had been so careful. She was so sure that her brother was too goofy and simple-minded to figure it out. It was so idiotic of her to let down her guard. Now she would just have to wait it out, let him do whatever he wanted. Just like the others.

He kissed her once on the head, between her crests. Then he let her go.

She could have only been more surprised if there had been some sort of explosion. She turned, wide eyed, to face Wuph who was wearing his typical half-grin.

"I know I'm not serious about much. I'm a stubborn, irresponsible hedonist and, lets face it, a bit dumb. But I'm not that dumb. How awful would a male have to be to abuse a gift like this?"

There was a hot rush of embarrassment and shame in Naali's veins. She couldn't bear to look him in the eyes.

"Yjo, Ktani, Thoris, Pell...all of them," she barely whispered.

It was Wuph's turn to be shocked. Her tiny, hurt voice explained a great deal. So much about his sister became clear. He lifted her off the floor.

"I know you don't believe me, lover, but I really do love you. I care too much to use you like that. May the Ancient Ones burn off my wings if I'm lying."

Naali abruptly pulled away from him. She stared intensely at him. Or more specifically, at his wings.

" expect me to be burned, don't you?" he was genuinely hurt, "After all this you still don't believe me? What is it Hynaalis, what do I have to do to prove myself? Track down and kill your ex-lovers? Get your name branded onto my tail? What?"

She opened her mouth to speak. Then quickly shut it again. He was right. Somehow he was right and she was wrong. She made him follow a schedule, teased him mercilessly and still called him "just her silly brother" in public. And tonight he had the chance to take revenge for all of it. Two months of waiting and insults...and he didn't.

"Wuphym, I...I'm sorry. You don't deserve the way I've been treating you. I was wrong about you. It's just that I've been...betrayed so many times...I didn't think you, of all dragons would be--"

"Why don't we swear that, from now on, we stop believing what the Elders say?"

Wuph's crests rose and his lips split into a wide smile. He took her head in his hands and placed a gentle kiss on her nose. She smiled too, she just could stay upset around him.

"Now don't go all mushy and emotional alright?"

Naali fanned out her crests and narrowed her eyes. "What do you mean 'mushy and emotional'? Are you making fun of me now? I ought to bite you."

"Ah, there now, that's more like Hynaalis." He ran his fingers through the still wet slick on his leg. Scooped some up and brought it to his nose, savoring his mate's intimate perfume before licking it slowly off his claws. "Now then, back to our schedule."

The two lovers laid down on the bedmat. Naali felt drained after the night's events but her mate showed his usual single-mindedness. She sighed as Wuph mouthed her breasts in turn. Teasing the scales with his teeth and circling the hardening nipples with his tongue. He lavished attention on Naali's impressive mammaries. She gently but insistently pushed his head downward.

Gripping his lover's knees he slowly peeled her damp, sticky thighs apart. He advanced on her now exposed femaleness. Her scent was much, much stronger at the source. He pressed his muzzle tip against her, sniffing her and rubbing against her scales. She arched just a bit at the contact. One of her wings moved so that she could hook a wingtip behind his head and hold him in place.

"You have--the most beautiful--markings down here," he purred. All the while he left kisses all around her still tender slit. "There are these--ovals--inside your thighs. And this--almost looks like a star--right--above--your--"

"OOOOoooooooohhhhhh," she approved as he brushed a particularly sensitive spot.

He began lapping eagerly, dragging his purple tongue over her silver scales. Slowly her folds were teased apart reveling the glistening pink flesh within. Her other wing curled around his head as he worked deeper into her folds.

"You are getting much better," she moaned.

As he licked away her juices, he could feel the warmth of her opening increasing. Careful attention was paid to the sensitive bumps at the top of her slit.

Hands slid under her rear, lifting her tail-end off of the ground. Her legs cradled in his wing-elbows and her tail curled underneath her for support. Wuph used his thumb claws to open her, releasing even more of her intoxicating scent. He admired her lovely silver and pink flower for a second or two before sliding his tongue into her. He push in as far as he could before slipping out again, sliding up over her bumps, then down and in again.

Naali was soon panting heavily. Her eyes closed and she pawed at her breasts. So much progress. Her mate had been so clumsy the first time. It made her wonder how good he would get if got more frequent practice?

Her breaths became more rapid. Sensing she was getting close to climax, he began attacking her more sensitive areas without pause. Rubbing his mouth against her outside as his tongue snaked inside.

"Yessssss, yes, mmmhhhh, aaaaaahhhhhhhh!"

She quivered in his grasp. Her insides pulsed around his tongue. His mouth continued to grind into her as she spilled clear, slick fluid into his waiting mouth. This orgasm was not as powerful but, thanks to Wuph's continuing efforts, it lasted much longer. She ground her crotch into his mouth, pinched her nipples and frantically tried to hold onto it for as long as possible.

Hynaalis was floating on the warm waves. For the first time in years she felt truly comfortable and safe. And warm...and sleepy...

He never ceased to be amazed at how utterly graceless Naali was when she slept. Limbs splayed, wings tangled, mouth gaping and snoring on top of it all.

A very disappointed Wuph knelt by his mate and grumbled. His mouth was cramping a bit, but that was nothing compared to the raging, painful erection that his unconscious mate was going to do nothing about. It pointed like an accusing finger at his sleeping mate who refused to wake.