How the Fuck did i Get Here Ch 1: Chicken?

Story by Roxan on SoFurry

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#1 of How The Fuck Did I get Here?

Disclaimer: adult content, gay adult content, first story i've writen.....

Disclaimer: adult content, gay adult content, first story i've writen...that about covers it. So enjoy and let me know what you think. constructive criticism and proof-reading are appreciated and comment or cum if you want me to continue.

You ever just wake up and know something is wrong? Like when you're in that half sleep state between dreaming and reality. Before you open your eyes and before you even remember that you have other sense. It's like floating alone in space and suddenly having an urgent voice screaming for you to wake up, that there is something desperately wrong. And as the voice's panic spreads to you, your senses slowly kick in and piece by piece you realize what that shapeless voice was screaming about.

I was having that feeling now, struggling to open my eyes, struggling to remember what was wrong, where I was, struggling to feel anything at all. The first feeling to return to me was cold; a shiver ran along my whole body, head to clawed foot, and hands to bushy tail. The cold breeze that ran over my body let me know I was completely naked, generally not a good thing. My body shivered as my mind swam to the surface. I still couldn't open my eyes but I could flex my fingers which let me know they were behind my back and being pressed against an uneven stone surface. That revelation caused an ache in my left shoulder blade, where the uneven stone was poking into my back, much liking looking at a scrape and finding blood. I rolled over to relieve the pain in my back and was greeted by a metallic gingle. My heart sank and that voice of panic was replaced by a hand of cold fear. My wrists were handcuffed behind my back, funny I hadn't noticed that sooner. There was also a collar around my neck with a chain attached, I could hear it drag along the floor as I hunched into a fetal position. _Oh god, where was I? _

I still couldn't open my eyes, or maybe I just didn't want to; I tried to remember how I got here, and just where here was. I thought back, I remembered being at a club, loud music, bright light, a sea of bodies and the ever present smell of body odor, and a white leopard... the rest was fog. I tried to concentrate on the leopard and remember who he was and why he stuck out amongst the sea of furs, but all I could see was his face. He was a snow leopard with teeth even whiter than his fur and a constant grin playing across his face; but what really attracted me to him were his eyes, they were a bright blue that seemed to glow under the black light of the club and they had been staring directly at me. Like he had known me. But I had never met him before in my life, and yet...


There was the sound of a metal door closing followed by the sound of a door right in front of me opening. I opened my eyes and had to squint immediately as the door opened and a flood of light entered the otherwise pitch black cell. I had to shut my eyes again and open them slowly to focus on the figure standing in the doorway. A foot of light was visible between the top of the dark blur standing in the door frame and the top of the doorframe so I put it at between five ten and six feet tall. I saw movement, a sleek feline tail waving slowly back and forth, but other than that it just stood there. The dark blur began to take form, revealing a slim toned physique and snowy white fur. I tilted my head, which still felt foggy and heavy, upward to look at the figures face, a face that was grinning back at me, a face with eyes the color of the azure sky on the day after a blizzard, a face I knew. And as I stared into those unbelievably blue eyes, it all came back to me.

2 days earlier

"Dude weigh me out another dub"

"You gonna pay for it?" I asked as I turned in my chair to face the cheetah that was leaning over me.

"Pay for it?" he said as more of a statement than a question, adding his best 'why whatever do you mean officer?' face for emphasis. "It's our stuff; we already paid for it remember?" He plopped himself down on the bed next to my desk and picked up the bong that was sitting on my nightstand.

"Ya, we shelled out three hundred dollars to buy an ounce of this stuff so we could make money selling it to others. Remember?" I was starting to think I had picked a bad partner to go into the drug trading business with. True we had just started, and having this much pot on hand made it hard not to want to just smoke all the time, but still I wasn't going to just smoke my hundred fifty dollars worth to my face. I was going to turn a profit, as long as my partner didn't smoke the entire inventory before I had a chance. "And besides we agreed when we started that we were going to buy from ourselves and run this business like a corporation".

"Oh don't start with that corporation stuff again, one quarter of business law and you think your some kind of corporate Lion or something. Ur a twenty one year old fox who's going into his last year of college, USC I might add. Now it's time to pull that stick out ur ass and have a little fun." The Cheetah, Vince was off of the bed now and standing right in front of me. "Wait a tick I forgot you like having things up your ass maybe I should rephrase that to 'put a bigger stick up ur ass and have a little fun' haha". Vince laughed and put the bong between his legs with the margarita base of the stem-less 2.5' triple disc perc under his butt and the mouth piece right in front of my face. "How about if I hold it like this? Now will you pack a bowl?"

I gave Vince a half smile half frown and pushed the bong out of my face. I had come out to being bisexual about 3 months ago. I had told Vince one night at a party after waaaaay too much tequila, thank you José Cuervo, and my mom about a month after that, at thanksgiving. It was major relief but it still put me in an awkward position, because now half the people I know know and half don't. And short of putting it on facebook I can't see a way to let everyone know without having a lot of very awkward conversations. I'm especially not looking forward to having one with my best friend back home, who is admittedly a little homophobic.

"Fuck you" was the only reply I could muster as I swung around in my chair and reached for the acrylic jar stashed under my desk. "Fork over ten bucks and we can get bombed off this delicious ATF (Alaskan Thunder Fuck)". Vince was still holding my bong between his legs as he dug into his wallet and pulled out a ten. He rolled it up and stuck it into the end of the bong so that it was sticking out slightly.

"Come and get it big boy" Vince said mock seductively while giving little thrusts with the bong in my direction. I couldn't help but smile as I reached my paw up to take the bill out of the end of the long glass tube. Vince slapped my hand away and gave me a wag of his finger, *tisk *tisk "Work for it bitch". He gave a grin a mile wide, as he waved his big glass piece in front of my muzzle, arms folded behind his head in mock relaxation.

"Wow and supposedly ur the straight one" I said playfully. Vince was a frat boy, he had joined Sigma Phi his first year and developed almost perfectly into the stereotypical frat guy, loud, confident, and with a gayer sense of humor than any actual gay guy I've ever met. Then he discovered weed and mellowed into somebody who was tolerable in most situations. It was only in times like these that his frat guy sense of humor stuck out. "Alright ill play along. No hands?" Vince's grin widened as he shook his head no, still waving the tip of the bong from side to side in front of my muzzle.

"Common Foxy Make that Money! Aaaaaoooow!" Vince yelled

I'm normally a mellow guy and to be honest, I'm still not completely comfortable with the whole "Bi" thing yet. But something about Vince just makes me say 'Awww to Hell with it'. I got down on my knees and took hold of his big glass dick. I looked up at him and smiled as I licked my lips seductively. If he wanted to play gay chicken, that was fine with me. I tilted the bong skyward and stuck my tongue down low, licking from the base of the bong to the tip before closing my mouth around the whole thing.

It felt kind of awkward holding the two inch wide glass cylinder in my mouth. I had to stretch my jaw just to fit it in, but to my amazement Vince let out a genuine moan. I looked up to catch his eye just as the smell of musk hit me right in the face. That brought my attention down to the bulge in his pants, just above the bottom of the bong that I was currently sucking on.

To say I was surprised would be an understatement, not to say I hadn't fantasized, but I never thought Vince would actually be into this. I decided to see how far he would go, and besides, I never lose at chicken.

I had the sudden vision of Vince completely naked. Black spots on golden fur covering a toned runner's body. Six pack abs leading down to two and a half foot penis, the end of which was already in my mouth. I shivered from the mental picture and felt my own dick start to harden as I pushed my head down and took more of that glass dong into my mouth. I took as much into my mouth as I could before I had to cough and then slowly pulled my head back. I dragged my tongue along the bottom of the bong until it reached the end, and then I used it to grab the ten dollar bill that was still rolled up in the end of it before fully removing the bong from my lips.

I looked up and smiled with the ten dollar bill between my teeth. I grabbed my bong with my left paw and Vince's crotch with my right. It only took a light squeeze of my right for his legs to shoot apart and my bong to be released. I stood up, bong in hand, and looked into Vince's lust filled eyes... and brought my knee up, slamming into his nuts. His lust struck eyes went wide and his hands went down to grab his throbbing orbs as he tumbled straight down. He couldn't even scream in pain, just gave a pain filled gasp and a 'why me?' expression and he was down for the count. I knelt down next to him as he tucked into a fetal position and put my muzzle to his ear before whispering "I'll pack you that bowl now".

Two hours later and we were stoned off our asses watching Bolt for the 17th time. Vince was sitting with an ice pack between his legs and we were both staring at the dwindling bag a Mary Jane.

"You're a shitty pot dealer you know that right" Vince remarked casually. "You spent three hundred dollars and you've made how much of it back?"

"I don't know, let me check." I got up and pulled a raggedy blue bank bag out of my desk drawer before returning to the couch to count our money. Vince laughed and I looked up in time to see Bolt jump off a moving truck with Mittens reluctantly in tow. I turned back to the stack of bills in my hand and began sifting through the bills, mostly tens and twenties.

What is this red liquid coming from my paw?

"Lets see we got 10, 20, 40, 50, 60......"

_ That blood genius_

"120, 140,145,165,170...

Do I need it?

Vince busted up laughing even after seeing the movie 16 times before.

"210, 230, 250, 270... 270"

Yes! And if you want to keep it inside your body where it belongs you need to stop jumping off of trucks DOING 80 ON THE INTERSTATE!!

"So were at 270? How much weed do we have left?" Vince asked without taking his eyes off the TV. The bag of ice crinkled as he adjusted his position.

"We got about an eighth left, sell it for 50 and we should end up with 320..." I replied, starting to count the money again just to check my math.

"So after all that we only made a lousy ten bucks each? I repeat, you're a shitty pot dealer"

"Well if someone hadn't smoked all of our inventory we would have made more money." I replied giving him a half hearted kick in the leg."

"Oww what's with all the hostility today. First you knee me in the nuts then you kick me while I'm already crippled? You should be nicer to me... and pack another bowl."

I wasn't falling for his poor me routine at all and just to prove it I wacked him with one of the couch pillows before replying. "The Kick was for smoking all of our profits, and you know what the knee was for."

Vince gave a stoner laugh and let his head sag back against the couch. "And the pillow?" he asked.

"That was just a love slap", I said as I let my own head fall back and stared at the ceiling.


"Said the guy that got a boner off of making me suck a ten dollar bill out of my own bong while he held it between his legs like it was his penis", I said with all the sarcasm I could muster.

"Ur just pissed because I won the game of chicken for once." Vince said, and his hands moved to re- adjust the ice pack on his crotch.

"You won? How do you figure" I turned my head in his direction and cocked my eyebrow.

"I got a boner, you freaked out and kneed me in the nuts, I call that chicken on your part."

"I call that funny as hell," I laughed at my own joke and rolled my eyes back to the ceiling. It was one of those popcorn stucco ceilings and as high as I was, I felt like I was falling into the ceiling. Like each dot was a mountain peak rushing towards me, and I was no longer on the couch but falling through the air towards those distant peaks. "Besides I could beat you at Gay chicken any day of the week", I added offhandedly.

"Challenge". vince said, removing the ice pack and tossing it onto the coffee table.

I looked back to Vince and he was staring me dead on. His eyes had a clear intensity that should have been impossible given how much weed we had just smoked. It was almost as if... nah, it must just be the weed talking. I turned my body on the couch so that I was facing Vince directly with my elbow propping my head up on the back of the couch. He still had that intense look in his eyes and I was starting to think that he might be looking for more than a game.

No, he's just trying to psyche you out. I thought to myself. Well two can play at that game. I reached out my left hand and chuckled while I caressed his cheek. "You're so cute when you're horney, and you know I can't resist a man with spots". I traced my fingers down the black lines under his eyes and across his lips. His eyes were still locked on mine as my hand fell from his lips and rubbed across his toned chest and lower to his sculpted stomach. I slid my hand down and then up under his t-shirt and ran my fingers tenderly through his soft white belly fur, feeling the hard muscle underneath. Vince didn't have a visible six pack but his abs were tight and I felt his muscles harden beneath my touch. He let out a shiver and began to breathe a little harder.

I kept my eyes locked on his as I slid my fingers back down over his belly, taking time to trace a circle around his belly button before moving farther down towards his waistline. His pants were held tight against his golden fur. He purred quietly when I rubbed my hand along his belly and then readjusted himself on the couch to allow enough slack for my hand to pass. With the way now open I drove my fingers down into his pants. My eyes widened as my hand was greeted by Vince's already rock hard cock. I looked deeper into Vince's eyes and I suddenly realized that the intensity that I had thought to be a challenge, like you might see in an athlete squaring off against an opponent, was really lust, pure and burning lust. The realization stunned me. That one look threatened to dramatically shift the dynamic of our entire friendship, not to mention the game we were already playing,_Fuck I just lost..._and yet, it promised something so much greater.

My moment of hesitation ended, I decided not to think and just to go for it, never mind that Vince was supposedly straight and that I'm kind of shy, I was going for it. I pushed my hand that final inch and took hold of his throbbing feline shaft, giving it a hard squeeze. Vince let out a loud moan and bucked his hips against my hand, thrusting and then settling himself into a more reclined position on the sofa. I took that as my queue and still holding onto his pulsing shaft, I straddled his waist and leaned in close over his body. I used my hand to brush his shaggy golden hair away from his face and locked eyes with him for just a moment before leaning in to kiss him.

Our lips met and it was like nothing I had ever felt before, my heart raced and I felt my own foxhood start to harden, just barely peeking out from its furry hiding place. I ground my hips into Vince's groin and squeezed his massive tool for a second time, this time stroking it up and down slowly as I squeezed. His lips parted in a gasp and I slid my tongue into his mouth, exploring every inch.

Vince responded in kind, his hands groped my ass, squeezing and rubbing my cheeks while his lips sucked on my tongue. He released my tongue and bit my lip tenderly. Sliding his hands up my sides and taking my shirt with them.

I gave a long and deep moan, I don't know if it was his hands on my ass or his teeth on my lip, but I was now rock hard and my full seven inch length was pressing against my tight jeans, just begging to be let out. I was so focused on the tightness in my pants that I hardly noticed Vince pulling off my shirt and I gave no resistance when he tugged it over my head and threw it across the room. As soon as it was clear we locked lips again, I brought my hands up to either side of his face and held him pressed against the couch while our tongues wrestled from mouth to mouth.

After several minutes I pulled away, my heart racing from making out with my best friend. I could see the need in his eyes and feel his solid member rubbing against my butt through his pants. I slid off his lap and onto the floor rubbing as much of my body against his as I could. I had dreamed about this, about taking Vince into my mouth, about him bending me over this very couch and riding me like the bitch that I would never admit I wanted to be. And now, to have it all so close, to be kneeling between his legs while he looked down at me with a look of lust and expectation, I knew just what to do.

My hands when to his zipper and slowly zipped it down, Vince purred with lust and undid his button, watching his boxers tent immediately as his nine inch beast was freed from its denim cage. He lifted himself an inch off the couch and I slid his jeans and boxers over his knees and onto the floor giving me a clear view of his bright red cheetah cock, standing tall and proud against his white belly fur. I watched it twitch in the open air before grabbing it firmly by the base and pulling it towards my mouth.

I had never given a blow job before, and the anticipation was killing me. I could barely contain myself from just diving onto it, but I had waited too long for this, I wanted to savor it.

I popped his head into my muzzle and sucked on it like a lollypop, teasing it with quick flicks of my tongue. I sucked harder and began to pull more of him into my mouth, switching my tongue to a swirling motion. My right hand stroked up and down his thick shaft, my thumb just barely touching my middle finger, he was so BIG!, while my left massaged his balls, twirling them between my fingers. I pulled his length into my mouth until I felt his tip pass the back of my tongue, the sensation made me gag involuntarily but I tried to push farther, I wanted to touch my nose to that soft white belly fur. I pushed down another half inch and my throat began to spasm. I pulled back, coughing and trying not to puke, but I was stopped by a firm hand on my head.

"Don't stop"

I lifted my gaze to see Vince holding my head down on his shaft, his eyes burning with lust. He began to apply pressure and I couldn't resist. My head lowered back down, taking in his massive shaft uncomfortably deep, past where I had gagged, his firm grip pressing my head down farther and farther on his endless shaft. It felt so good to be manhandled like this, completely giving in to whatever Vince wanted to do to me. Like a bitch in heat his cock became my whole world.

He stopped and held my head about three inches above his base.

"Suck on it bitch."

The command set me on fire. I knew I had a slight submissive streak, but I never knew that being ordered to suck a dick could make me so horny; I nearly came in my pants. I shuddered and locked my lips around his shaft and began to suck, bobbing up and down with each suck for added affect.

Vince rolled his head back and moaned loudly. His hands pressed harder against my temples, holding my head still. His hips began to thrust, skull fucking me with his last three inches.

I coughed and tried to pull away but his paws held me tight and his claws dug into my skin the more I struggled. After a few thrusts I stopped struggling, I was no longer gagging and with a little effort I could suppress my need to cough every time his thick shaft pushed against the back of my throat. I stood up off my knees and readjusted my angle, tail arched high in the air to allow vince unrestricted use of my muzzle.

I could taste precum dripping from his cock every time he ran it over my tongue. His thrusts were slow and deliberate, giving my virgine throat time to adjust, but letting me know he was in control. His paws on my temples moved my head back and forth forcing my whole body to sway in time with his thrusts and giving his cock a range of motion from the tip of my tongue deep into my throat.

Vince quickened his pace. Each thrust pushing deeper into my muzzle until his pelvis bumped against my nose. He held me there, balls deep on his cock, my nose digging into his soft white pubic hair and he gave me his second command. "Take ur pants off," he half said half moaned, "You don't get to come up for air until you're completely naked."

My whole body shivered, the combination of command, threat, and knowing that I would obey made my foxhood throb almost painfully and I quickly undid my jeans and pushed them and my boxers to the floor. My seven inch member dangled between my legs, rock solid and bouncing from excitement at my current situation.

"Very good," Vince teased, "you follow orders so well that when this is over I may turn you into my own personal sex slave. Would you like that?" My body shivered again, bringing a rumble of pleasure to my cock filled throat. It was humiliating, being dominated by someone I had always considered an equal and being reduced to the status of sex slave to be used for his pleasure and fucked at leisure. It was humiliating, and so dam hot!

I was starting to run low on air but Vince held me firm, he seemed to be seriously waiting for an answer. His eyes still burned with that intense lust and beneath his stare I was reduced to a mere sex toy. I gave a feeble nod with his shaft still lodged through my muzzle and into my throat, and his face widened into an evil grin. "Good" he said, before easing his grip on my head and pulling his entire nine inches out of my muzzle.

I gasped for breath and coughed violently to clear my now open airway. The taste of precum was thick on my tongue and each time I coughed I seemed to come up with more. When my coughing quieted I looked up at vince, he was no longer smiling, in its place was a look of dark mischief.

"Neel." He ordered.

"Yes Master", I replied. I don't know where the words came from but they felt so right. I knelt down, knees together, cock standing at attention, eyes locked on my master. Vince was my master, and I was his slave, ready and eager to do anything he wanted.

"That's what I like to see" Vince said as he stood up. He was so close to me that his ball sac rested on my snout, flooding my nostrils with the scent of his musk. I breathed it in deeply and a stream of pre cum started to run down my sorely unattended member. "Well, looks like you are enjoying yourself" Vince said, staring down at my trickling member. "Perhaps enjoying yourself too much. I cant have slave going off before master now can I?" Vince asked. "NO" he answered his own question, slapping me in the face with his dick to emphasize the point. The slap made my cheeks glow with embarrassment and my pre flow faster with excitement.

"Spread your knees" he commanded. I did. "Now touch your penis to the floor", I did. His foot came forward and pressed down on my prostrated organ. I moaned into his thighs burying my face between his legs as he slowly pressed down on my penis, smashing it into the carpet floor. "Now open wide and let's see what you've learned today".

I opened my mouth to say 'yes master' and was immediately rewarded with all nine inches of Vince's saliva and cum soaked member. This time there was no hesitation, no stopping half way, just a hard deep skull fuck, right past my now nonexistent gag reflex. He withdrew his member about half way before thrusting in again hilting himself fully with every thrust. He quickly found his stride, long smooth thrusts in and out. My body held in place by a hand on my head and a foot on my cock.

My penis throbbed painfully, begging for release yet trapped between his foot and the floor. In desperation I gave a thrust with my hips and pushed my foxhood farther beneath my master's paw. The rough abrasion of the shag carpet against my tender head made me shiver and thrust harder. I worked my member beneath my master's foot while he worked his larger member between my lips. I tried to match his pace but I could barely move from the position I was in

Vince's thrusts became more frantic, his moans more insistent, I knew he couldn't hold out much longer. Soon he would give one last epic thrust and with a roar he would unleash an explosion of feline seed into my mouth. I knew that his cock would erupt with that warm gooey mess that would coat my tongue and threaten to spill out of my mouth before I could even swallow. And I wanted it. I wanted it more than I had ever wanted anything before. I grabbed his hips and bobbed my head furiously on his throbbing cock, sucking desperately to make him cum. My hands worked his enormous balls, rubbing them, milking them, urging them to release that glorious feline seed. Urging my master to cum with every fiber of my being!

Vince's hands tightened on my head and halted my bobbing, taking control as his orgasm neared. He grabbed my jaws, forcing them apart before making one last thrust into my sorely abused throat. His balls were pressed against my tongue and I felt them tighten as his control gave out.

"GaaAAHH!" was his only verbal warning before his cock exploded in my mouth, strong spurts of cheetah cum filling my mouth, dripping down my throat and out of mouth. Vince shut my mouth around his dick and held it tight, his cock pumping more cum into my mouth by the second.

"Swallow it" he commanded.

I had a sudden mental image of what I looked like at that moment, kneeling in front of my best friend, completely naked, giving him a blowjob, his cock filling my mouth with semen, and me about to eagerly drink it down. I suddenly felt so dirty. I didn't want to play anymore. My ears lowered and my eyes fell to the ground in shame as his semen washed over my tongue and filled my mouth. I shook my head, unable to swallow even as my cheeks puffed out with his cum.

"Oh no, slaves don't get to get embarrassed," Vince's voice took on a very dominant tone "slaves obey". Still holding my muzzle shut securely, he plugged my nose cutting off my air supply. "You don't get to breathe until you swallow every last drop".

This time his ultimatum brough fear and panic instead of lust. I tried to struggle but it was no use. His hands held me tight, and his foot pressed down hard when I tried to stand up. I whimpered and pleaded with my eyes, begging him not to make me do it, but he just stared down at me with a look of both command and anticipation. He wasn't going to give in, and I was starting to run out of breath. I had no choice.

His cum was spilling out around his shaft when I took my first gulp, nearly choking in the process. I swallowed again and again licking his cock clean and swallowing one last time before he released his grip.

I gasped for breath and coughed violently to clear my throat, falling to the floor between his legs. I laid there gasping for breath, trying to comprehend what I had just done, how I had gotten from watching bolt to here. I felt more than saw vince turn back to the couch and grab his pants. I hear him fumble with them for a second before the telltale sound of a zipper zipping.

I was still staring at the floor, panting, my cock still hard and unsatisfied and my mind buzzing between lust and shame, when I heard the front door open. I glanced over to see Vince with his backpack on standing in the doorway, mercifully the halway to the dorm was empty and no one saw me lying in plain view of the door.

"Gotta get to class, fuck ya later slave. Oh and by the way, looks like I win again". Then the door slammed shut and Vince was gone.

I pushed myself slowly up to my knees, my feelings of shame washed away in an instant, leaving only the memory of what had just happened on my mind, the tast of Vince's hot cum in my mouth, and my own hand to stroke my throbbing member. It only took a few strokes to send me over the edge, splattering fox cum over my hand and adding to the small puddle of cheetah cum that had leaked from my mouth. I came harder and longer than I ever had before and when I was done I collapsed into a pool of my own jizz.

I laid there, head facing the door completely spent and unable to move. My belly felt warm as cum slowly soaked into my belly fur. i felt like a used whore who got fucked then stiffed but was to thouroughly satisfied to care. My eyes closed and consciousness began to fade. Vince would be home in a few hours and i could only hope that he would fulfill his promise. I may have lost the game of chicken, but i couldn't argue with the consolation prize.

To be Continued...