Punishment comes in many forms.

Story by Chasey_Drikal on SoFurry

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#2 of The live of a slave

((It's been a while since I posted something on here so I finally forced myself onto the computer, about February. Nothing came until about the 10th, when I was away from my computer and in Nashville. XD I had no paper or nothing so I hope I don't suddenly change this later.))

The cool night's breeze was comforting to her body as she laid there on the ground. Chains still holding her down and the ropes still tightly around her wrists, Chasey lays there dreaming. As she rested, the wind blew more softly against her fur, rippling it a little. It dulled the pain, almost deadening it to a point where she no longer could feel what he had exactly done to her. An odd thing was, even that to be fading as she woke up. Sitting up a little, she looked around. It was different from when she last remembered. The chains, they seemed to have disappeared from her body, the ropes, gone. The cuts on her wrists from struggling were no longer there either. A scent caught her eye, the scent of jasmines and roses. Opening her eyes a little more, she had seen roses, jasmines dancing across a field. Confusion swept over her as she looked over this rolling field of grass and flowers.

"Wasn't I with that crazy panther? God, the last thing I remember is being raped and passing out. He... He filled me with cum. Oh that bastard better not have gotten me pregnant!" Standing up almost immediately, she peered down to her own body. Amazingly, it was dressed. She was wearing the exact same clothing that she wore when she was kidnapped. Now the confusion was growing even more in her mind. Stroking the clothing, feeling its soft texture and the way it waved around, a small smile emerged. "I guess it's for the better. Whether I am dreaming, I somehow escaped, or he released me, I am far away from him. A happy place with wonderful flowers to rest in and relax until the day is gone."

Her happiness was growing as she soon danced across her field. Yes, she claimed it as her own now. No one else was allowed to enter it, only her footprints were allowed to tread here. Yet, something felt a little different. A small voice or whisper was emerging through the distance. There was no body to follow, just a whispering voice, telling her to wake up. But she didn't want to wake up, to leave the place where she was at now. Not her happiness, the one thing she had right then and there. Eventually her will failed, and her field of flowers, rolling grass and the smells disappeared into blackness. Yes, blackness replaced her happy land.

"Ah, so you finally wake up now eh? It's about damn time you stupid slut. I've been calling you for about a half hour!" Claws bearing, teeth snarling, Crimson stared down to his new whore, slave, whatever you wanted to call her and looked like he was about to snap. It sent shivers down her spine, making her squirm around a little. The squirming set him off and his larger panther paw slapped across her face. The claws scratched at her, leaving small cuts across her face. They were deep enough to draw a small amount of blood, and it quickly ran down her face. More pain rose through her body, knowing the added pain of her torn pussy would eventually drive her mind insane.

"Can't you just leave me alone?! What did I ever do to you? Nothing, I didn't do a damn thing to you at all." Raising her voice, Chasey tried to fight for freedom once more. A look was given to her, Crimson was telling her to shut up with body language. She continued to fight, once again struggling to become free. "Why must you be such an ass? Were you born that way or did you just evolve into some psycho fuck?" The last sentence seemed to be his last straw. Another, more powerful strike was given to Chasey, leaving deeper gashes in her face that swelled slightly and bled instantly. Her tears now flowed much stronger, stinging the fresh wounds Crimson had laid upon her.

"You want me to be some psycho fuck? I can be one if you want?" Glaring down to her, he grinned wickedly at the tears he seen. "If you wanted this then why are you crying little whore? Stop your fucking whimpering and I might consider being nicer." Staring down, he watched her more closely. Still Chasey cried, the tears flowing more steadily and stinging at her new bleeding wounds. Unable to take it much longer, Crimson turned around and stormed away from her. As he passed where he was before, he picked up a small pack by the fire. A clanking could have been heard easily, even with Chasey crying as hard as she was.

As he disappeared, Chasey dried her tears, sniffling a little. Turning slightly, she seen but a mere little corner of him, wondering what exactly he was doing. Part of his shoulder and his nose was all she seen from where he was. He had snuck around a bush, surprisingly quiet. She didn't hear a noise when he had wandered away from her, at least not from his feet or any other part of him. Sitting there, unable to move much, she watched at what he was doing. There was not much sound coming from him. Hours passed it seemed as she watched him closely. An occasional flask appeared into her sight but other than that all she could hear was some clanking, shaking slightly and something boiling.

Eventually he turned around and stared back to her. Crimson knew she was watching the entire time. In fact he was counting on her watching him. There was hope that her curiosity would grow too great and hoped she would ask what he was doing. After a minute, it flowed past her lips just as he predicted. Chasey sat up as best as she could and slowly the words flowed out just like music. "What... are you doing over there? A... Are you making some kind of food or a potion?" To his surprise, she had guessed right. He was indeed making a potion, one that speeds time up for certain aspects depending on what was placed into the potion.

"You had the second part right. I am making a potion for it usually calms things down. This one will heal the fresh cuts I had given you. It will also heal that bleeding slut cunt of yours." A part he had left out was his goal. He wanted to torture her for her sudden outburst. The potion was to speed up pregnancy to a matter of mere minutes, and if it's lots, to a mere hour before birth. Smiling softly, he moved closer to her, finally revealing a clear flask. Inside of the flask was an orange liquid that smelt slightly like baking bread. Standing tall, Crimson looked over to her and smiled softly. "Will you drink it if I offer it to you?"

There was a slight pause in between. Uncertainty was in the air as Chasey stared to the orange liquid. "How do I know it just won't kill me off? Maybe you're trying to poison me. I don't think I would drink it. In fact I know I wouldn't drink it. You raped me for your pleasure; maybe you will just kill me off to please a need or some bullshit inside of your body." A slight sneer emerged on her face as she rubbed what she just said at him once more. Crimson released low sigh only to dig in his pocket and pulling out a golden ring. The ring looked large enough to hold her mouth open, but small enough to only fit the flask neck in. Taking a few steps forwards, he clenched tightly onto both the ring and the flask. A few steps were all it took before he was standing before her, looking down into her eyes.

"Always have to do it the hard way don't we? Well, I had given the opportunity to not force it down your throat. Now we are going to do it my way!" A swift kick was suddenly given from Crimson; his accuracy hit exactly where she wanted. His foot slammed right into her crotch, causing her to gasp out in pain. The instant her mouth opened, he grasped onto her maw and forced it wider until he could place the gold ring into her mouth. Struggling, Chasey tried to bite, snarling and growling out heavily. Yet with Crimson's strength being stronger than her own, she soon lost and the golden ring was in her mouth, holding her jaws open wide. Chuckling softly, he looked down to her and smiled a little more. Tipping her head back, Crimson stared down to her and held the potion up.

Placing the tip of the flask to her mouth, he carefully poured it into her mouth. Since she was unable to move her head, she was unable to let it drain out, or even spit it at him. One thing he didn't really count on was her choking on it. Chasey coughed as it went down her throat, swallowing it slightly as she gagged on it, trying to breathe at the same time. Soon the entire potion was swallowed and more tears in her eyes as she gasped near the end, trying to get air into her lungs. "See, that wasn't so bad now, was it?" Releasing her maw, Crimson pulled back slightly, only to walk around her and untie her wrists. There was a little blood on the ropes from her struggles, and the collar left bruises as well. He even unclipped her leash, only leaving her legs chained down to the ground.

Collapsing forwards and catching herself, Chasey coughed and tried to spit up as much as she possibly could. The ring on her mouth made it impossible for her to talk so she merely growled at him. When she had enough energy, she yanked the ring out of her mouth. "You... son of a... bitch..." As she still struggled to catch her breath, she went unaware of the cuts, scrapes, bruises, any wound heal. Small laughter came from Crimson as she cursed him under her breath, and smiled when she finally caught at what was happening to her wounds. Soon she too was smiling, but hers was much larger than Crimson's. There was a part he was waiting for, and soon it began to happen.

Her stomach began to swell slightly, steadily getting larger. She felt discomfort and placed a hand on her stomach. Eyes going wide, she immediately looked down and screamed. "What is happening to me?!" Sitting on her knees, she watched helplessly as her stomach swelled with growing offspring. Even her breast grew tender and swelling to the point where they ached. Her nipples became puffy and dripped milk. Ears lowering, she covered her face and shook her head. The growth eventually stopped, though she looked like she was about to burst with a litter of 8 or more. "Oh god what happened to me...?"

His smile was finally larger than hers before her stomach swelled. Bending down slowly, he chuckled softly and placed a hand on her stomach, He laughed a little more as he watched her naval suddenly poke out and slowly licked at her leaking and swelling breasts. "Nothing much happened my little slut. Just your pregnancy was sped up. Oh don't blame the potion; you were already pregnant before I forced it down your throat." Slowly he stood up a little more and rubbed her tight stomach. "Mom.... More little slaves to train and sell." Slowly a wicked idea flowed into his mind.

"Please... tell me this isn't permanent.... Tell me I won't be pregnant forever...." Her worried look slowly rose up and she stared to him. Tears flowed down her cheeks as she pulled her hands away, slowly touching the ball that was now her stomach. She opened her eyes wide as she felt movement within. Collapsing to the ground, she sat there; hand on her taunt flesh and feeling the puptins struggle to move within her crowded womb.

Pulling away, Crimson turned around and stared over his shoulder at her. "Oh, you being pregnant won't be permanent but the potion is. Whenever you get pregnant it will grow that fast." Taking a step, he twisted himself around and stared down to her. "I made you a breeder with that potion. Always in heat now, always going to have quick pregnancies, and, mmm... multiple litters." Slowly he began to pace around her, eyeing her new pregnant form. She continued to stare down to her stomach. Soft whimpers came from her as soon her breasts stopped swelling. She looked huge, looking and feeling like she was about to burst wide open.

"What if I-"

"Pop? Don't worry, you can't. The potion also made your stomach more stretchable. You could probably hold a fully grown drake within your womb and you still couldn't 'pop'. Though you probably be in great pain," grinning heavily as he stared to her. "Remember that question I asked you? Whether you like your new life as a slut? Get used to it, your going to be bred every hour now on the hour until I say you can have a rest." With that, Crimson turned away from her and walked off with a quite satisfied look on his face. Chasey was left in the dark, swelling with her first torturous pregnancy, left to think and cry out and even scream,

((Again, please please please leave comments. This time I also made it so people could vote. Now Vote, Comment, anything. I want to hear and see how well I am doing on improving my stories!))