Gym Buddies: Part Three

Story by SpeakingWolf on SoFurry

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#3 of Gym Buddies

Gym Buddies: Part Three

Okay, Luke was right about one thing. I was a perv. I must've spent a good hour and a half thinking about Al, hard as a rock in my bed. I'd been twisting and moaning; frustrated that we hadn't done more than kiss each other earlier. It had now become too much for Luke, who was sleeping in the bed across from me. At least, he was trying to sleep. He threw the duvet off his body and got up.

"I'm taking a shower," he yelled at me as quietly as he could, "I'll give you about half an hour, three-quarters maximum; and then I expect to be able to sleep in my own bed!" He stormed out of the room and closed the door. Had he not wanted to wake the rest of the household, I figured he'd have slammed it shut.

I didn't feel so bad about this. The shower was his favourite place to... do what I'd been thinking about doing all night. He was probably thinking about those girls that passed him earlier. Come to think of it, he had his tail wrapped around his crotch when he left, so it seemed quite likely that he was trying to conceal something. Also, I think he was still pissed that I left him without any information on the ride home. Tough shit! It wasn't any of his business.

I slid my paw beneath the mattress to take out the issue of 'Doggy Style!' I bought three days ago. The cover had a picture of a biker wolf chaining down a nearly naked Labrador and the tagline read "RAINE GIVES HIS DOG A BONE!" I rifled through the pages - past the main story of the poorly punned 'Wild Dogs' (which was hot nevertheless) and looked for something similar to Al. Nothing came close. The one photograph of a dark brown coyote that looked even remotely like him wasn't shot very well. Instead of reaching the height of an orgasm, which the caption insisted he was doing, it looked like he was about to vomit. Putting the magazine back in my bed, I patted my solid member through my boxers.

Before doing anything, I waited until I heard the water running, which didn't take long. Luke was either eager to get off, eager to sleep, or both. Either way, I had the room to myself, so I closed my eyes, and imagined the coyote was lying on top of me. My coyote, this time. Al's warm breath listed brilliantly over my face.

"Hi, Al," I said, dreamily. Running my fingers through the fur on my hips, I gave a loud murrowl. "I wonder what's on your mind tonight," I smiled, pulling out my claws and letting them slightly dig into my skin. The feeling made me bite my lips and whimper. "I'll bet I can guess," I said, tugging at the boxers he'd been licking earlier, sliding them down my hips. I twisted my wrist so that I could imitate his paw playing with the sheath wrapped around the base of my red cock. The gentle stroking was perfect against me, so I spent a few minutes teasing my length. I didn't want to use the full strength of my paw - this was pleasurable enough for now. During this time, I heaved out slight breaths of ecstasy, which turned slowly into silent moans.

'You like that, don't you?' my mind played the part of Al, using a voice that soothed me to no end.

"Mm, you bet I do," I murred. Squeezing at the base of my shaft, I let out a gasp that might have been heard by Luke. My tail tensed along with the rest of my body.

'Shut the fuck up - you don't want someone walking in on us, do you?'

I considered the question. "No, not really."

'Then shut your whiny mouth!'

"Yes, Master," I whimpered through my teeth. It was a strange sensation. I'd masturbated before, of course, but I'd never actually thought of anyone so intently. And having a conversation with my would-be lover made me lose myself. It was almost as if my arm wasn't being controlled by me anymore - like Al really was pawing at me, slowly squeezing pre out of me. I moaned pleasurably.

_'Call me that again,'_Al's voice purred in my mind.

"M-Master?" As I said the word, my paw clenched tightly around my length, and my hips sprung forward into the air as I yipped.

'Good boy...'

I bit my lip as another moan escaped me. I was so close to coming yet again - why had Luke given me half an hour? I was ready to burst and he can't have been gone ten minutes. I calmed down, moving my paw to my face and inhaling my musk.

'You like that? You like how you smell?'

I nodded.

'You want me to fuck you?'

"Yes!" My voice had started getting louder as my paw ran down my chest to find my crotch once again.

_'Then beg me for it,' _the voice demanded.

"Fuck me," I whimpered.

'You can beg louder than that,'_Al went on, _'I said beg me!'

My paw reached my cock and grasped it hard; I threw my head back and yelled "FUCK ME!" at the top of my voice. I moaned loudly as I rubbed hard at the red shaft, which was now dripping with pre. The paw seemed to stop of its own accord, and the voice returned to my head.

'I can't hear you begging,' Al whispered. I obeyed my mind's orders and started again.

"Fuck me, fuck me, fuck me," I repeated through a bit lip, slowly increasing the speed of my voice and my paw. My lip was now sore with the teeth digging into it, but it didn't stop me from biting - the pain only added to the sensations I was feeling. When I was close to climaxing, my body jerked and I gave a loud whimper.

Three loud raps struck the door, which made me jump and suddenly stop. My cock pulsed heavily. Had I not been interrupted, I'd have been sprayed with my warm seed.

"Hey, Dan! Keep it down, will you?" Luke hissed at me through the door. "I could hear you all the way from the shower! You're gonna wake up mum and dad!"

"S-sorry," I shouted through heaved breaths. Truth be told, though, I didn't much care. I was still hard, dripping with pre and waiting to come. I gently rubbed my ballooning knot at the base of my cock. 'Soon,' I thought, moaning a little.

"Are you finished yet? I want my bed back," he groaned.

"J-just another five minutes," I said.

"That's fine. I need to clean up the bathroom anyway." I grimaced at the thought of this. Luke had some pretty disgusting habits, and coming on the bathroom walls had to be one of his favourites. Once his footsteps had left my earshot, the voice returned to my head.

'I haven't finished with you, Dan!'

"You better not have, Al," I said, whispering slightly more now. My paw started moving again, and I tickled the slit of my member with the fur of my index finger. I gasped and let out another murrowl, which was surely as loud as before. I didn't care though. Not now - I was too close. "Al, I-I think, I'm gonna..."

_'Say my name, Dan,'_the voice said. Just before I released myself, I formed a tight O shape with my finger and thumb and put it around the bottom of my knot, forming a tie.

"Oh, Al... FFFUCK!" My back arched as I came, shooting hot ropes of come onto my body. The first hit the roof of my open mouth as I forced my seed out with as much power as I could.

The second landed on my chest with slightly less force, but there was certainly enough for me to feel the impact. A third, fourth and fifth pooled into my stomach fur, and a pitiful dribble served as the sixth.

I slid my tongue along the come in my mouth and tasted my own juices. I'd never done it before, and instantly wondered why I hadn't. It took a moment to get used to the flavour, but the thought that I was swallowing my own come was enough to keep me hard. The doorknob creaked as it turned, and I instantly pretended to be asleep, throwing the cover over me. When it opened, Luke took a step in and covered his nose.

"Oh, fucking Hell, Dan," he shouted in a hushed voice, "it stinks in here!" He picked up his duvet and the two pillows from his bed. "I'll be on the couch!" When the door closed, I opened my eyes and took a tentative sniff of the air. The room stank of come - my come. I ran my paws through the sticky fluid on my chest, put them to my muzzle and licked my fingers clean.

As I did, I wondered how Al tasted. The voice returned to my head.

'You like the taste of me?' It was even more arousing pretending that it was someone else's come that I was drinking.

"Yes, Al! Give me more!" The light thud against the door was obviously a pillow that Luke had thrown into the door. I went on to lick my fur, murring as I cleaned up the mess that I'd made.

'That's it... clean it up, you filthy little slut...'

"Yes, Master," I whispered, not wanting to aggravate the husky in the next room any further.

The final drops of come that matted my fur were now being swapped for my saliva as I suckled hungrily. My knot had now calmed down, though the rest of my cock was ready for round two. I gave it a gentle, almost comforting rub before turning in for the night, pulling my boxers over my hips. I licked my lips, still able to taste myself and smiled.

It all happened too fast, in my opinion. I'd love to have gone for hours and hours with Al. It didn't take me long to realise that I wouldn't have to wait long. The gym was going to be closed for the entire night, and I was going to be locked inside with my coyote.

Tomorrow, I'd have Al's paw guiding me through my first time.