Songs Of the Night Pt. 2: Pain

Story by GothWulfe on SoFurry

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#3 of Songs Of The Night

Copywrite-Gothwulfe /07

My second installment in the "Songs of the Night" series. Something just a bit different...if there is a song that you would like me to use, feel free to send me a message or look me up in the chat and let me know, as Im more then happy to take requests, just like any good D.J. So sit back and let me take you on a little trip with the help of Three Days Grace.....special thanks to all that commented on my last story...hope this one doesn't make you cry *winks*

Songs of the Night Pt. 2: Pain

**_"Pain, without love,

Pain, I can't get enough,

Pain, I like it rough

'Cause I'd rather feel pain than nothing at all."_**

_ ** ** _The wolf's golden eyes scanned the club as the music blared. He was hunting, though he really didn't know for what yet. There was an aching inside him, a hole that needed filled....though by what he wasn't sure. Since coming home early from his trip and walking in on his mate and, of all things, a FEMALE, he just hadn't felt anything. He had stood there watching the little vixen writhing under his mate as he pounded his thick cock into her and felt himself grow cold. He hadn't even said anything, simply picked his suitcase back up and walked out silently. It was like his heart had been ripped from him and he had just been existing. So, here he was, looking for something...anything...that would make him feel again.

Rick was hunting that night as well, though unlike the wolf, he knew exactly what he hunted. He moved easily through the crowded club, dark eyes watching. His gaze slid down the body of a slim otter dancing with his friends, and he felt a twitch in his groin.

"Easy, boy..." The stallion chuckled, patting his crotch. "Soon enough..."

He teased himself by watching the otter for a few more moments before moving on through the throng. Sitting at the end of the bar, he simply watched, his practiced eye dismissing those who were too happy and those who were obviously too UN-happy. Neither of those were amusing, not any longer. He also discounted out of hand those that were quite obviously with someone. After all, no point in having to fight a crowd. Finally, just as he was about to give up for the night, his eyes caught sight of the wolf at the other end of the bar. The wolf sat there almost expressionless, his eyes flat as he watched the laughing and dancing throng on the dance floor, one snowy paw tapping on the bar-top in time with the music, the other holding his drink.

"Hey, Josh!" He called, waving over the shirtless raccoon behind the bar. "What's his deal?" he asked, gesturing at the wolf.

"Him? Hell if I know, Hun. He's been here the last four nights. Never says anything to anyone, just sits there staring and drinking straight vodka. Tips well though. If you ask me, I think there's a story there. Right up your alley...." he snickered as he turned and poured another drink for a customer.

"Might be at that..." Rick muttered to himself as he picked up his drink and made his way to the wolf. Putting on his most charming smile, he sat down on the empty stool next to him.

**_"You're sick of feeling down

You're not the only one

I'll take you by the hand

And I'll show you a world that you can understand

This life is filled with hurt

When happiness doesn't work

Trust me and take my hand

When the lights go out you will understand"_** "Hiya...I'm Rick, You are...?" he held out his large hand.

The wolf stared at it for a moment, before placing his own smaller paw in the massive grip. "Alexi." he muttered, looking over the large stallion with dead eyes.

"Nice to meet ya. Just so you're coming home with me tonight." He smiled, ordering them both another drink.

The wolf blinked, unsure that he had heard the stallion correctly. Who was this stallion to say something like that to him?? Did he look like the rest of the part-boys here? His golden gaze traveled over the stallion briefly, decide ding that he wasn't all that bad looking, if a bit over muscled. He didn't feel any interest though. Not that that surprised him though, he'd been numb for a week now. He downed his drink quickly, picking up the new one with a mumbled "Thanks" before gulping it down in one long swallow as well. He wobbled gently on his barstool as he smiled faintly at the stallion.

Rick stared as the wolf downed both drinks in under a minute. He had never seen anyone drink vodka straight that quickly before. Though he was pleased to see the obviously tipsy wolf smile at him as he set the second glass down. He leaned over slightly and rested his paw on the wolf's knee, chuckling quietly. Just as quickly he pulled it back as the wolf's eyes grew hard once more and he snarled. It took him a second to realize that the snowy wolf was looking over his shoulder at the door of the club. Following the wolf's gaze he saw a tall black wolf walking in with a petite little vixen.

"If I'm going with you, then let's go." The snowy wolf growled, standing. He swayed for a moment before Rick put a steadying paw on his back. They made their way through the crowd towards the door, walking past the couple. He stopped for a moment in front of the stunned black wolf and stared at him.

"Have fun with your little slut there..." he snarled. "Oh...and since it is my apartment, I suggest that if you want any of your things in one piece, you are gone before I get back there in the morning. Come on, Rick...let's go."

The confused stallion followed the wolf out of the club, guiding him to the car. They drove through the night, headed back to Rick's place. On the way there, he learned what the scene in the bar was about, along with the fact that the wolf was a lot drunker then he had appeared. It was at that point that he almost changed his mind about what he had planned. It was only when the wolf looked up at him with flat eyes and said, "I just can't feel anything anymore....can you help me?" that his resolve firmed. He just nodded as his hoof pressed the gas, speeding the car through the darkness as the wolf took a flask out of his pocket and took a long drink.

They drove out of the city to Rick's farm, pulling up in front of the barn. The wolf almost fell out of the car as the door opened, saved from hitting the ground because Rick caught him as he opened the door. He slipped one thick arm around the slim waist to keep him upright as he walked him into the barn. The wolf looked around, a bemused expression on his face as he looked around at the feral horses in their stalls, trying to focus on what was happening.

Rick wasted no time, pushing him back against the center-post of the barn and kissing him deeply. He licked over the sharp fangs with his broad tongue as his paws moved to the bemused wolf's wrists, wrapping around them. As he savored the taste of the vodka on the wolf's tongue, he brought his arms up over his head and quickly snapped a pair of manacles fastened by a long chain to the post around the slim wrists. The wolf's eyes flew open in surprise as the stallion stepped back and looked at him, chuckling.

"What the hell are you doing?" the wolf slurred, pulling against the chains holding him to the post.

"You wanted to feel something again...I'm going to help you with that." Rick smiled as he threw back the canvas covering on the workbench next to him, revealing a riding crop, an assortment of dildos and a coiled whip.

_ ** ** _

_**"Anger and agony

Are better than misery

Trust me I've got a plan

When the lights go off you will understand"**_

_ ** ** _The stallion caressed along the length of the riding crop slowly before picking it up and tucking it under his belt. He smiled at the struggling wolf as he picked up a ball-gag and moved back to him. As the wolf started to protest, he jammed the hard leather ball deep into his muzzle, fastening it behind his head.

"Oh no, my pretty talking. From here on out, your lovely mouth is only going to be used for one thing." He chuckled wickedly, as he pulled the riding crop from his belt.

Drawing his arm back, he brought the stiff leather down quickly on the wolf's flank, leaving a scarlet stripe shining through the white fur just below the hem of his shorts. The wolf yelped around the gag, his body jerking against the chains that bound him. The stallion's strong paw grabbed him by the arm and spun him around, the paw holding the crop pressing his cheek cruelly into the rough wood as the other moved down his back. From behind him he heard a soft "click" a moment before he felt cold metal against his hip. Panicking, he looked down just in time to see the flashing blade of a pocketknife cut away the concealing material from his body, exposing his tight rump to the stallion's lustful gaze. The paw around his neck loosened its grip, as with a quick jerk, his shirt was ripped from him as well, leaving his sleek form naked and quivering.

The stallion leaned in close and whispered almost lovingly into the twitching ear, "If you move, this will go a lot worse for you."

Rick stepped back and admired the wolf's body for a moment. The wolf was almost a full foot shorter then his own seven foot frame, and slightly built, just a hint of definition visible under the well-groomed white fur. His eyes traveled lower taking in the curve of the slim hip, the fluffy tail, the well-muscled rump. His cock twitched in his jeans and he unconsciously reached down and stroked along its thick length.

"Might as well get comfortable, myself..." he muttered as he quickly undressed. His long cock, as thick as a beer can swung heavy between his thighs, having already escaped his sheath to lay over his grapefruit-sized balls. His muscles gleamed in the dim light as he ran his palm over his chestnut body, giving his cock a slow rub as he watched the little wolf shiver before him.

Stepping closer to the wolf, his arm rose again, the crop whistling down onto the upturned rump over and over until the creamy cheeks were criss-crossed with scarlet stripes. At each stroke the wolf would whimper and jerk, his body writhing. Satisfied with his handiwork, Rick moved back to the work bench, picking up one of the dildos. He slowly greased it up with lube from a small tub on the bench then moved back to the wolf. Grabbing his tail roughly, he yanked it up, exposing the tiny pucker underneath. Rubbing the tip of it against the little rosebud for a moment, the slammed it in with a vicious thrust, laughing as the wolf screamed around the thick rubber ball in his muzzle.

"You better get used to it, my pretty...." he chuckled, "That one is only half the size of my cock...and it's going in there soon enough." He smiled as the wolf's head hung down, tears of pain glittering down his muzzle. His tail, however, stayed up, right where Rick had put it, he noted to his satisfaction as he picked up the whip from the workbench.

The leather of the whip slithered across the floor of the barn before whistling through the air to crack against the wolf's back. A howl of agony came from his throat, working its way around the gag as time after time the whip struck, leaving crimson stripes along his back that slowly dripped blood into his ivory fur. His head hung down, his golden eyes on the floor as with each stroke of the whip his body would pull against the chain.

Panic had long since been replaced with acceptance. He didn't care what happened any more. At least if it came to the worst, then it would all be over. His body grew numb as the whipping continued and his mind entered a place of calmness. Everything seemed so clear now. In a moment of clarity he suddenly realized that for the past few months he had been pushing his mate away because of his work and studies. It wasn't his fault that he had cheated on him....he had been driven to it by being ignored and taken for granted. With each strike of the lash he felt his heart grow a bit lighter as his guilt was driven from him, and his body begin to flame, not with pain, but with desire. As the stallion continued whipping him his sheath thickened, his thick cock rising to throb against his taut belly, the pre beginning to drip down its length. His whimpers turned into a low mrrr of passion as his tail hole clenched at the thick rubber cock inside him and his tail began to wag slowly, almost playfully dodging the whip as it was brought down on his unresisting body again and again.

Rick smiled to himself as he saw the wolf's reaction. Dropping the whip to the floor, he stepped close, unfastening the gag with one paw as the other slowly pulled the fake cock from the grasping tail hole.

"I don't think we need this anymore, do we?" He whispered into the soft ear, licking it lightly as the tossed the toy and gag behind him. His hard horsecock slipped between the wolf's thighs, nuzzling his soft sack as he slowly kissed his way down the panting wolfs neck.

"" the wolf moaned softly "I...I'll be a good boy...." he whimpered softly, his ravaged body pressing back against the muscular stallion.

_**"I know

That you're wounded

You know

That I'm here to save you

You know

I'm always here for you

I know

That you'll thank me later"**_

_ ** ** _

"That's all I was waiting to hear..." Rick whickered softly as he pulled back, the tip of his steely cock pressing against Alexi's tail hole. His paw went around the wolf's hip, finding his swollen sack and taking it in his palm. As his hips bucked forwards, he pulled hard at the velvet covered orbs, hiding the pain of his entrance in the new pain that flooded the wolf's body suddenly. The ivory rump pushed back against him, sinking his massive horse-cock even deeper into the quivering channel as he pulled back to escape the sudden pain in his heavy balls. A yelp followed by a low mrr come from his chest as he drove himself back on the towering shaft.

His tail hole was on fire, the flames of desire licking across his body as the stallion filled him. The massive shaft drove deep within him, stretching him in ways that none of his previous lovers had ever done. He felt his face flush as the sensation of the huge shaft driving into him made his cock drip even more, the glistening pre running down his cock and soaking the fur on his aching balls.

"Fuck me, Ricky..." he whimpered, his body opening to the stallions invading cock as he pressed back against it, not stopping until he felt the swollen balls of the stallion press tight against his taut rump.

The stallion snorted. Never before had he had someone go from quivering slave-toy to fire-hot fuck-boy so quickly. The wolf's tail hole devoured his massive cock, almost sucking at its length as he pistoned deep with him, the hot pucker milking his length on each stroke, as if greedy for his hot horsecum. He slammed his tight ass back against the stallion over and over again as he mrrred and whimpered, the pain in his body forgotten as his passion overwhelmed him. He felt his heart swell within his chest as he cried out.

"Ricky....I love you.....!" He screamed as his climax burned through him, his tail hole clamping tight around the thrusting shaft, dragging the stallion over the edge as well. The wolf's thick seed shot from his cock in a creamy barrage, spattering against the rough wood of the post before him as his tail hole was filled to overflowing with scalding stud-cum. It oozed around the massive member lodged deep inside him as he collapsed against the post panting and sobbing.

Slowly, gasping from his own orgasm, the stallion reached up and gently unfastened the manacles around the wolf's wrists. His strong arms went around the heaving chest and he held him close, tenderly, careful of the cuts and welts on his back as he kissed his neck softly.

As the wolf collapsed in his strong arms, the night finally taking its toll, the stallion slipped his deflating member from the abused tail hole. He picked up the unconscious wolf and gently carried him to the car, kissing him softly in his sleep, before driving him back to the bar.

Rick sighed softly as he put the naked wolf in his car, placing the remnants of his clothing on the passenger seat next to him. His large paw caressed the soft cheek for a moment, before he hit the "lock" button and closed the door, turning away and clopping quietly into the club. He handed the raccoon the wolf's car keys wrapped in a twenty.

"Make sure he get's home ok, alright Josh?" He said as he turned away and walked back into the night.

The raccoon watched him leave, a wistful look on his face. Rick had helped him get over a bad brake-up years ago, and he had hoped that they wolf would be the one that might finally get him to start really feeling again. He could tell by the look on the stallions face that there was something...but it just wasn't enough. He sighed to himself and turned back to the customers, pouring another drink. After all...there was always tomorrow.

_**"Pain, without love

Pain, can't get enough

Pain, I like rough

'Cause I'd rather feel pain than nothing at all

Rather feel pain..."**_