A Thief's Trials: The Naga's Venom

Story by Kalan on SoFurry

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#8 of A Thief's Trials

Whew..done with this chapter. Now to plan and plot with the commissioner about the next one up. A little change of pace in this one. I'd planned on wrapping it all up with the Naga in one chapter, but my fingers got carried away from me a bit.

_When the world was new and young a great evil came across the land. It came in the form of greed and war, in the shape of a god who had long whispered evil into the ears of those who would listen. Khisha was a god of wicked tricks and dark intents. It was he who whispered softly into the thieves' ears that it would be better to have all then to have part. He would plant the dagger beside a man that slept near one with riches and watch the dark crimson blood flow down onto the gleaming golden coins. He had decided it was time to amass wealth for himself, and he had found the means to do it with a simple village.

At first the gods did not notice what one of their number was causing. Khisha dwelt within a land of strange people who lived in small close knit villages. Their worshippers did not number more than a handful so that their cries for help were lost in the tidal wave of the normal world's turning. He took upon himself the shape of a great black carrion bird and would hover above a village and watch them. At night he would pick out a target that was strong and powerful and whisper softly into his ear. Dreams of riches and how he could be leader, no king, of all the surrounding land if he could only conquer his neighbors and take what was theirs' for his own.

It would only take a few days to whisper each night into other villager's ears until finally they were stirred up into taking up arms and marching into the forest. They pillaged their neighbors and took their cattle, gold, silver and crops for their own. It was only when the dust had settled did Khisha call forth the wolves to slip out of the darkness and slaughter those he had roused into war like fury. The gold and riches now kept to one city while the wolves dined upon the rich red meat of the cattle as their reward. Yet still, he was not happy with these riches. He wanted more than the paltry trinkets of two small places. And his wolves hungered for more flesh as they haunted the edges of the jungle.

And so it was. He would roam farther out and whisper of the riches in a certain place that had been abandoned from some great war. He whispered that their village would prosper there and be the most wealthy and admired. Along the way he would go to the thieves and cause them to strike and pick out the strongest of the train of people until they had gathered at the blood soaked earth of Khisha's city. As the years passed his riches grew until piles were settled inside a temple he had built for himself. It rose up in mountains and even without his whispered words others heard of the wealth to be had here. Thieves denned in his home and would start to add to the riches as they raided, it was only when they tried to remove what was the gods that they found themselves facing the sharpened fangs of a wolf or the screams of a great black bird.

The wealth grew and the wolves that patrolled the forest became sleek and fat with the rich human flesh and cattle. Khisha taught them to let those who had riches safely into his city where they would delight in what they found. He learned to savor and draw out the kill as they settled in what they wished to be their home. Night after night the wolves would howl and pick one or two off while they huddled in broken down homes. Khisha bathed in the fearful prayers to him that he would bring an end to their plight and have mercy. And he did show them mercy, at the fangs of his wolves. Nearly a hundred years passed and finally man learned to stay away from the accursed place.

Khisha did not allow this to pass. He roamed the world to steal the gold from others. Instead of his wolves he used other thieves to kill those that had wealth and lured them into the jungle towards his home. He would trick them into forgetting that a Cursed City dwelled there until it was too late. The ground and gold were soaked in the blood and ghosts of the past. The souls that were slain here lingered in pain and fear. Prisoners of the dark god Khisha. So it might have continued had it not been for Khisha's brother Mrawli and a single banded cobra.

Mrawli was a god of the rivers and waters. He cared for the shores and for the people that offered him sacrifices and prayers for safe passage and bountiful rains. He noticed that his river was running red with blood and a pack of massive heavy bodied wolves came down often to bath the blood of their kill from them. It was not the blood of the cow or the deer or even the birds. But the blood of man. He asked a cobra who lingered near the rocks to see where the wolves went, for he could not leave his river.

The Cobra named Huulon agreed and passed into the forest to follow the footsteps of the pack of wolves. He found the Cursed City with the decaying bodies of men killed just inside of it. The cattle and horses were also killed. A few chunks of choice meat and the livers pulled from the bodies. The rest left to waste and spoil in the sun as if it were tainted meat. Even as he watched one of the large wolves heaved up and snapped his jaws to chase away a vulture that tried to land on a carcass. Their greed seemed on in part with their masters. None were allowed even their leavings.

So to he found Khisha stretched out upon his gold and sunning his tattered feathers in the daylight. Gorged on the fear of the dead men and the wealth he had amassed for himself. The cobra flared his hood with anger at the sight. He turned and slithered into the forest away from the place of death, but one of the wolves had seen him. They came in a great pack to harry his retreat, they snapped upon his tail and he was forced to retreat beneath a boulder to protect himself. It was there that his teeth struck out and his venom claimed Khisha's chosen wolves' lives. Yet it was not without a price to himself.

Huulon found his way to the water's edge and called for the god Mrawli to come and help him. His blood tinged the water until he felt the god's gentle hands lifting him up from the water. The cobra's body was torn and shredded where wolves had snatched at him. Great chunks of meat gone from him. He gasped out his story of what Khisha had done and what he had seen sure he was about to die. The water god listened gravely and gathered him to his chest as he sank within the water to travel to the city of the gods.

Huulon awoken to find the world cracking with thunder and rage as the gods battled. Mrawli had summoned his kinfolk to confront his dark brother for his sins against the world. The water god himself sent heavy rains to wash away the blood and death that had formed along the city. When it was over Khisha was bound inside of a pearl for he was a god and could not die. The water god came to him and picked up his injured form and said to the cobra.

'I would reward you with all that I could offer, but instead, brave Huulon, I must ask another boon from you. I will heal you if you will serve us.' Mrowli held the form close and carried him out of the Palace of the gods as the snake nodded his head.

'I will serve, Master. Give me only the means and life and they will be yours until the very end.'

Huulon was taken to a place of rich grasses and a river that ran beside. Nearby a great golden she-goat stood and drank from the water and grazed placidly. It was one of the gods' beasts, her sweet milk had the power to return life to even the most gravely injured. So to it granted immortality. It was here the cobra was asked to suckle from her udders and as he pulled down the rich thick cream he felt life being restored to his body. The milk of the gods though is not something that will leave you the same. No it changed the courageous beast until Mrawli was forced to set him in the grass.

The cobra grew larger and larger, his form twisted as the scales turned into a rainbow of colors until they seemed to be made of pearl. His hood spread wider then a man's open arms and his head broadened. Life and well being filled him as he coiled himself up and spread his jaws in his joy. Yet his burden was given to him by his beloved water god. The pearl that held Khisha, the dark god, was placed against his forehead and a ridge of scales and flesh formed to wrap around tightly to make it a part of his very body. The pearl now gleamed in the middle of his head with just a glimmer of it visible to the outside world.

I call you Naga, Huulon, cobra no longer. You are powerful and healthy again. Yet you cannot return to your former life. The burden I place upon you is to guard always my brother, Khisha, to keep him from escaping or being set free from his prison. So to you must guard the Cursed City. Too long has death and greed thrived there, if man were to live there he would be consumed by the same madness of my brother. A cobra. A long lonely job for you, my faithful Huulon, but I will ease your loneliness."

And so Mrowli did his best as Huulon made his home in the cold gold and jewel filled city. Each year people came to the edge of the city and celebrated the death of the dark god. They brought honey laced milk in great bowl's for Huulon to drink from and left flowers behind in thanks. Maiden's came and offered themselves to him and so a people began in the forest with dark copper eyes and serpentine features. He was content with his reward. He still guards the prison of Khisha, fearing the day that the being might escape one more."_

Tenja shut the book with a slight frown on her head and rubbed her eyes. It had been a solid week since she had been forced to give birth to the seeds. A week in which she had recovered and found herself eating more then she normally did. Slowly the pain of what had happened to her dimmed until she could face it without wincing. She just had a sense of humiliation that never seemed to leave her. At night she had memories in the form of dreams of the White Stag. Strange flickers that made her wake up in a cold sweat and look around the darkened room.

Today had started differently. She'd woken up to both a heavy breakfast and a slender book on the table next the chair. A marker rested in it and out of boredom she'd started to read the story of Khisha the dark god. By the time she finished her breakfast was long gone and she felt vaguely annoyed. Was Illthar trying to distract her with fairy tales? If so it wasn't going to work. She tossed the book on the end table and leaned back with a sigh. Each day brought more fear, more dread. According to the Mage she had two more Trial's left until she was free.

"I see you found the book I left you." The voice was soft but unmistakable and she jerked herself up from her chair.


Illthar watched the girl finish the book with almost impatience. He'd grown more restless the last few days as the Salamander had stood firm on his insistence that she be allowed to recover first. Today marked the one week point, one week since he'd had to help free the eggs from. One week since she had spent two days in an exhausted sleep and he'd had to change her back and heal her wounds. When the book was placed down he stepped forward and spoke to watch her stare at him with dread and fear in her eyes. That look alone made something in him break. To have a young woman stare at him with such eyes... He shook his head away from those thoughts.

"That is your next trial. You must fetch the Naga's venom." He watched her give a start. "Oh he is very real I assure you, whether he is a creation of the gods or of a mage I don't know. He does however guard a city of wealth and was worshipped by nearby villagers."

"And how am I to accomplish this?" Her back stiffened and he sighed a little.

"Not as horribly as you might think. The Naga loves milk, goat milk in particular can be used to sooth him. Most especially he enjoys fresh goat milk, which you will provide. Once he is asleep and satiated from it you will revert to a human and obtain some of his venom for me." He held up a finger as she opened her mouth to protest. "I will warn you, Tenja, he is a guardian of that city. Do not attempt to steal or take anything back with you. He will kill you if he sees you as a human and trying to steal from the wealth. It is his function."

"I wouldn't steal from it." She tossed her hair back and stood up. Her personality seemed to harden with her resolve and she narrowed her eyes. "Then let us be done with it. This Trial and then the next and I'm free of you and your sick games."

"So be it. Good luck, Tenja.. Be safe." Illthar raised his hands and squeezed his fingers down to his palm as he drew on his power. Not for the first time, he felt a strange drain run through him as he tried to take hold of what was once so plentiful.

As the Mage watched her startled eyes and form vanish he dropped himself down into the high backed chair. A wave of weariness rushed through him. Some of it he could account to age, but the rest simply due to the fact it was harder to work magic. Everyone was growing more weary as of late. Two more changes, two more animals. He looked down into the fire and saw a pair of weary blue eyes stare up at him. Rufus was stretched out on the log with his head on his forepaws looking as tired as the Mage felt. Just two more.


The pressure around Tenja gave out in a rush of heat that wrapped around her body and sucked the air out of her lungs. The humidity was like a fist that hit her in the chest as her eyes took in the lush sights of the jungle that surrounded her. The vines and trees jutted up from between what looked like roughly carved pieces of stone. That was all she could take in when the magic claimed her far more roughly then it had before. Her stomach tensed and she muffled a cry as she fell down onto her knees against the jungle floor. The pain felt as if her muscles were being drawn taut over her body and her eyes opened up wider.

The first thing she felt change were her ears, the rounded human ears grew and flopped over until they brushed against her cheeks. The skin grew thinner and fuzz started to coat over them. Once she noticed that change others started to appear as her lips spread outwards and thinned down. Just beneath her nose the lips split and she felt the fur covering them as they grew more mobile and extended. Her nose flattened down as it pressed outwards and she flared her nostrils slightly, bringing a hand up to touch the rich tan fur that started to move its way up her body.

Her fingers started to grow thicker, the nails darkening as they grew up along her knuckles and she hunched over as the change rushed along her legs. Her feet changed as four cloven hooves appeared with a pair of dew-claws balancing out just behind them. The fur covered them and turned thick and bristled all the way upwards towards her body. Pressure behind her and she felt a short triangle shaped tail form at the base of her spine. It flickered back and forth against the bare skin of her back. The changes started to grow faster as her body melted and reformed, bones grated against each other to force themselves into a shape that was distinctly not human.

The greatest change was her breasts. The modest weight of them shifted downwards and started shift against her stomach. They grew as they dropped down. Her weight adjusted to four legs as her neck started to elongate and she heard a distinct baa-ing sound spill out of her lips. Her eyes though were locked at the sight of her breasts growing massively. They were weighted down as they pulled back all the way between her hind legs and quadrupled in size. The teats grew thicker and heavier as the breasts became true udders to her horror.

The teats came down to about her knees, the heavy weight started to fill out and she became aware of feeling swollen. The skin felt so hot and sensitive as the changes spread over her back. Patches of white and brown moved over her as she turned into a goat, a large goat. Easily the size of the human she had been. She took a step forward and to her horror her udder swayed and she had to swing out her legs in a strange waddling movement to adjust to the feel of the heavy sack. Her ears brushed against the side of her furred cheeks before she let out a strangled little bleat.


Huulon rested himself on the remains of what had been the statue of a deity once upon a time. His scales had crushed it down and his coils had pulverized it until it was a pile of loosely packed rocks that formed a bed with which to sun his long coiled form. His eyes were slightly unfocused as he concentrated on drawing on the sun's rays so he could spend the afternoon hunting. It had been so long since wolves had ventured here, his prey of choice when he could find them. He started to mull after stretching his territory out larger when he heard a bleating cry that made him pause.

It came again, a high bitched baa-ing sound that he hadn't heard in far too many years. From the pitch of it, it was a large goat as well. He lifted his head and extended a dark reddish-black tongue to taste the air finding only the scent of his own musk and very dimly a more enticing scent. Goat. Female if he was to be any judge of it. A shiver rolled down his scales as he uncoiled himself and remembered the days of plenty when he had lapped up the honey sweetened milk the humans brought for him. The way it rolled down his throat and made his scales gleam afterwards as if he were polished with it.

The bleat came again before it was cut short and he stirred himself slowly. The rocks clattered under him as he began to slip from his bed and move downwards towards the jungle floor towards that sound. It would be a lost chance and pity if the little goat were eaten in his territory, not when he could slake himself with it if it were female. If it were male, he would let it pass. He never forgot the god's gift to him and the new life he had suckled from that divine beast. Even the memory of that milk made him move faster through the underbrush. His belly formed furrows in the moist soil as he closed in on the noise and scent of the goat.

When his head just pushed free from the bushes he was pleased to see a rather large female goat, her tail twitching behind her and her head turned towards one side. She moved awkwardly and his tongue licked at the air for the reason why. Her udder was full and swaying with her milk, the teats stood out. The doe was large enough that it gave him a slight pause. Unnaturally so. Perhaps she was a new breed or perhaps his beloved water god has sent her as a present. A reminder that his sacrifice was not forgotten and he would still be rewarded.

He pushed his way out of the bushes slowly, his body coiling in a circle with the goat standing in the middle. The little animal turned around the bleated out a frightened noise as her strange slit eyes followed his movements. She pranced back on her hooves and he hissed out a soft noise towards her scenting her fear. Not a gift from his god, but a gift none the less. She did not smell completely of goat. Before she could try to run into the bush to escape him he closed his coils down around her and flared his great hood open as his head loomed up and over her.


Tenja startled the moment she heard the bushes move around her. Some trick of the way the jungle was laid out made her unable to pin point the sound. Yet she heard the river to her left so her head went in that direction instinctively. She took one step back when suddenly the bushes behind her parted and the largest cobra she had ever seen spilled out of them. For a moment all she could think of was the fact she was going to die. She was in a goat's body with a massive predator moving around her with his coils as large as her midsection in some places.

Her next thought was simply surprise. The animal was strangely beautiful. A small snake was almost a dismissible thing, but done in large scale it was strangely lovely. The scales overlapped each other almost seamlessly so that the beast was smooth and sleek looking. She couldn't quite tell what color he was truly. His scales seemed to reflect the deep green of the forest, but a movement caught the sky blue of the sky. She quailed and found herself staring into a deep copper-gold eye that regarded her as his head rose up and the hood flared open wide on either side of his head. Between his metallic eyes gleamed a sliver of pearl coloration and she swallowed. The pearl was far larger then a human fist and wedged firmly between two folds of skin.

The thick coils of the naga's body twisted itself around and pulled against her form before she found the strength of will to move. She bleated out and tried to leap over one of the scaled sides only to feel him move his hooded head down to push his chin against her back to keep her in place. The weight made her legs splay and she cried out again in fear as she felt the long slippery tongue slide down along her side and stroke against her coarse fur. She bucked her haunches all the way until the tail coiled itself around her upper chest and constricted downwards and pulled forward to get the hooves away from his face.

She trembled and held still as the tail pulled and wrapped more firmly under her chest and stomach. The movement jostled her sore and swollen udder so that she tried to suck her stomach upwards to get away from the movement. Each touch rubbed over the tender flesh as an added torture, the scales moved the opposite way and she felt the prick and pinch of the edges as the cobra lowered his head down. His tongue flickered up and brushed against the swollen flesh and stroked over it lightly enough it wasn't an added torment. It was almost strangely soothing as the tongue rubbed back and forth. It ran against the base of her udder and tried to stroke downwards towards the teats, her belly starting to relax itself despite her fear.


Huulon tasted the soft flesh under his tongue and savored it. It was slightly musky but feminine and yielding against his tongue. The udder pushed inwards as he massaged and swirled the slippery appendage down and then upwards again. He tried to coax the milk to flow down into the twin ducts of her teat with his gentle movements. The female remained stiff and fearful in his coils despite his gentle movements. He nuzzled up against them until she let out a muffled high pitched cry and shifted his tail around her chest. The next push down graced him with a drop that beaded up right against the reddened nipple and he felt a surge of pleasure at the sight.

His tongue tip moved out and brushed against the milk and drew it into his mouth. Not so sweet as what the humans brought him, but rich and creamy none the less. He moved his tongue out again and stroked upon the teat before he tried to crane his head and found the angle too low. He slid more of his tail forward and started to use the more powerful middle body to push up against her chest. The slender legs scrambled in the air as he pulled her upwards and raised her entire body. He used another coil to twist around her to hold her still. His blunt muzzle nuzzled up and nudged the dribbling teat.

The naga spread his maw and curled his tongue out so that it looped around and around the nipple all the way up to the fleshy expanse of the base. The slippery hold tightened as he slid it into his hard lipped muzzle and used his tongue to pull around it. The muscles of it massaged and rolled the teat downwards so that he forced the pressure of the milk to build against the sensitive tip. The sudden burst of milk flowed into his maw and rolled down his throat. That was all it took to release the creamy flow and rolled his tongue again to force another slow trickle from her.


Tenja's eyes bulged and her legs stood out stiffly while he was held in the air above the Naga. Somewhere in her mind she had believed he would just suckle from her teat like a foal, instead his body wrapped around her's and completely ensnared her. The first massage of the tongue caused a sensation so close to pain that she burst out a cry of fear. The pressure and tender udder was being squeezed and contracted by the slippery appendage. The height of the pressure mingled that painful sensation into pleasure a moment before a burst of relief trembled through her body. She could feel the milk being expressed from her and into the animals mouth as his tongue moved its way up again.

Horrified, she realized it felt good, the pressure that the spiraled tongue caused burst through her body. What followed was the relief when she felt the milk jet from her and against her better judgment she relaxed in the coils. Her head turned to watch the throat ripple as it swallowed her milk and only greedily pushed up for more. Its lips were hard, but from what she saw he used his tongue in place of his lips and his mouth just engulfed part of her udder. Even from here she saw the fangs that dimpled against her flesh though carefully the points never touched her.

She fell into an almost trance like state, her world was fixed with the heat of that overfilled udder that was being worked. Movements from the tongue shifted higher until she could feel the soft flesh jiggling slightly when it was pushed harder and the naga seemed more determined. Each burst of pressure that came from her mingled with what she knew as a human and when her nipples had been teased. In her mind it registered as pleasure and perhaps because of that she could feel her self responding to it. Her tail started to wag rapidly of its own accord against the small of her back, the rapid motions made her sway slightly.

So focused was the changed human, that she failed to realize that the naga was responding to her own arousal. His tail shifted her to what she thought was a better height for his tongue to probe and bring the teat deeper into his mouth. But something brushed her side when he moved her and her head moved up. Lost in that state of placid calmness that seemed to affect many goats when being milked, she didn't react at first to the sight that met her eyes. The thick vent along the underside of the tail had parted and a twin pair of shafts was pushing rapidly into the light. Each one glistened in the light and by the time they started to rub against her hip she realized his intention. She bleated out and tried to pull herself away only to feel the fangs sink into that soft udder.


She smelled of milk and femininity. Not of his species or even the lovely human's he was once brought, but still. He could scent her interest in him once he had coaxed her into relaxing for him and why should he not enjoy it? Huulon had spent enough time alone to desire release and here it was in the form of a sweet milked goat. Memories of other times and the young lithe women of the village filled him and he started to push his shafts out of his vent. They rubbed and jostled against each other before the thickened glans' pushed their way out into the light. She would be large enough, far larger than the goats he recalled of the humans.

The naga felt her struggle and bleat as if she realized his intention and her back arch upwards. It threatened to pull the milk rich teat from his maw and he drew his jaws together. He had long ago lost the venom of his original form, he had no need to stun his prey or poison it. He was large enough to kill it with his fangs. He forced his venom up and out of his hollow tipped fangs to pump into the small goat. It would calm her and keep her still for him, force her body to respond to him as it had the women he had been brought. How they had come to beg for his bite and the sinking of his fangs when they tasted his effect upon them!

The milk was flavored with his venom for a heartbeat. The watery flow rushed along his tongue before he released her udder to ensure she retained most of it. The goat bleated and struggled in his grasp as he pushed his way further from his vent. The twin shafts were ridged sharply along the base while the tips were thickened and growing broader as he watched her start to relax. Her muscles tensed and fell loose in his grasp as the venom rushed through her body. His hold never faltered from her, it would not do to lose her so soon. Not when he could provide so much pleasure for him.

He moved his head down to the neglected teat, setting that heavy plush udder to swaying against his touch. His scaled muzzle rubbed against the teat before he began to twine his tongue upwards along it. At the same time he raised her hips higher and saw a trickle of wetness start to slide down along the back of the udder. His tongue stroked against it and he tasted a honey as sweet as anything the bees could make. Her arousal tinged his senses and he breathed out his pleasure before tightening his tongue down harder than he had before. The flesh bulged as it tried to escape his hold and a forceful rush of succulent milk ran down his throat.


Tenja had had many things happen in the time since she had been caught by the Mage, but for the first time she felt a sudden flush of raw desire and need. Her body clenched down as she waited for the venom rush through her veins and claim her life. Instead it forced her to relax them and her entire body went limp inside of his coils. Her ears pounded with her heart beat and she felt her body growing slicker and enflaming. It grew sensitive and hot, flushed through with the desire that she had only ever felt as a human. A trickle of wetness spilled past her folds and she felt them run along the back of her udder towards the beast.

Her thin split lips opened and she let out a wild bleating call as the tongue clenched down around her milk sack. It pulled and forced the milk out in a rush that now wasn't imagined or perceived pleasure, but as pleasurable as a lovers touch. Her inner walls clenched down in reaction as her breathing sped up as well as her heart beat. Her loins were afire and the naga seemed all too happy to ensure she received what she wanted. The ribbed twin shafts pushed their way out of the vent to rub against her haunch and then the tail coiled itself over her back itself. She felt them rubbing downwards and she knew she should be afraid. Part of her was terrified. Was he going to try and cram both of them inside of her?!

The moment one tip slid down to find the soft triangle of her sex and brushed against it her fears were forced away. She managed to let out a groan of pleasure as it traced against them and its twin rubbed up against the delicate ring of her pucker. The tongue tightened and rolled upwards along her udder before pulling down releasing another burst of milk from her udder and an equally poignant rush of pleasure. She couldn't think! She only wanted and she found herself bleating out in an almost desperate sounding call as her tail curled itself up and over her back to almost lay flat against her haunches.

The wet thick drops of precum rolled down along her pucker and dribbled its way against her sex before the beast suddenly tightened its scaled body around her. She felt the tips push demandingly against her passages. One pushed against her folds and forced them in as it pried her open, while its twin wedged itself into her anal ring. She bleated out a sound not of pain but of pleasure and humiliatingly felt herself raising her hips up as if in silent offering to the creature. The first inches pushed their way in and the feel of them rubbing the thin barrier of flesh between each dark purple girth made her entire body shudder. Her eyes flared open wide as she clenched down around the tips and pulled them. An orgasm rocking through her body as her jaws spread open in a wild high pitched sound.


Huulon was not disappointed in the little doe in his grasp. The moment his tips started to slide in she rewarded him with another sweet rush of her honey to slip its way free around him. The taste of it tainted with his own pre as he suckled with his tongue and mingled it with the thick rich cream that rolled down his throat and warmed his body. His hood spread wider open as he gave his first true thrust inside of her. He used his body's thicker coils to pull her back as his tail moved forward and pried her body open past its spasms. The very tightness made a tremor past through his form while her bleats changed their fearful tone.

He forced and wedged a slow inch at a time within her form. The walls strained around him and he struggled to gain even another inch inside of her as the walls contracted. The very girth of him forced out the wetness from her body until he let his tongue wriggle it's way free of the partially drained udder. His head pulled back and he gaped his jaws in a hiss before he thrust again and forced anther few inches into both passages. His shafts throbbed and drooled out copious amounts of precum inside of her. They washed inside of her slick channel and through her anal passage to force it's way deeper. The taste of her milk was strong on his tongue and jaws, a memory of a golden meadow and life flooding him once more.

The great naga gave into his urge and his entire body twisted and wrapped around her. The goat flailed her legs as they were forced against her body and her entire form entwined with him. His head rubbed near her own and he flicked his tongue out to taste and run over her muzzle. His coils forced her into a constrictors hold that would have meant death to any other creature. It allowed him to thrust forward harder until the steady penetration yawned the flesh open until he had reached the mid point. He could feel the throbbing twin shafts separated only by the thin barrier of skin inside of her body before he started to pull his way backwards again.


Somewhere in Tenja's mind she experienced fear, horror and revulsion. She couldn't do anything to save herself. Her body didn't want to be saved. It swallowed and suckled around the twin girths inside of her almost greedily as the aphrodisiac of the naga's venom rushed through her. The burning heat it had caused could only be slaked by his touch. She found herself trapped and her body squeezed tight by the coils. Her sore and swollen udder shoved tight against belly scales as the tail forced another thrust and the twin thicknesses drove their way deeper and deeper. Stretched so far that she could feel intimately the ridges that found their way inside of her.

Thick gooey strands of precum drooled outwards from his tip. She could feel it mingling with her own sex and lubricating her aching tailhole. When he pulled back she bleated out only to find his tongue dragging against her lips and muzzle. The beast's eyes so close that he could watch as her back tried to arch and her eyes went unfocused with pleasure as he rubbed inside of her. Was his venom meant to impregnate her? What was he doing to her? This was worse than being taken against her will! This was dirty and wrong, filthy and disgusting! Yet it felt better than anything she could possibly imagine.

Another thrust rocked through her body and she felt herself filled further, the two cocks rubbed between the barrier between the two passages and pulled against it. Her legs struggled to spread further as the lower tip forced itself up against her cervix before it started to pull back. The naga thrust with his entire body, not just his tail. When he pulled back his scales relaxed and he let her muscles do most of the work before he would tighten himself around her. Only then did she feel the inches being slammed inside of her so the breath was taken from her lungs and she let out a ragged cry of pleasure. When next he drew out she couldn't stop the spasms that rocked through her. Her walls closed down and started to pulse and suckle around him as the changed girl felt the rush of pounding pleasure roll through her body in waves.


Huulon felt the wetness of her compressed teats against his scales as the milk bathed over them. The warmth seemed to seep under each scale and warm his entire body. He drove his tail in deeper and pulled the goat back so that he felt his lower shaft bow in the cervix before pulling out. He started to thrust faster and felt his body pulsing with desire for the strange little goat that had found her way into his jungle. The moment she erupted around him he felt the walls suddenly clamp down tightly and his tips spread open to reward her with a rush of his pre that splattered deep into her bowels and against her cervix.

The thrusts rolled through him as he twisted his body, his form luxuriating in the feel the tightness that clung around him. Each time he tried to pull back it was like she was suckling around him and trying to draw him back in. He let his tip push and jar her cervix each time he thrust into her leaving several inches remaining outside of her. Her wetness spread downwards along the curve of her haunches and coated around the very base of him. The sweet scent of her as arousing to him as his venom had been to her.

The small hooves pushed against his coils as she tried to push back against him and he rewarded her with a harder thrust that made the little animal bleat out and clamp down. Ever so slowly he drove himself in and forced his lower shaft to bow as he tried to wedge his too thick shaft into her cervix. The slender opening parting slightly until it just wrapped around him before he was dragging back again. His thrusts grew faster and more demanding as his coils rippled around his prize and his head reared backwards as he started to swell larger inside of the tight confines of her body. The muscles that ran just along his stomach muscles clenched themselves tighter.


Tenja's body clenched down harder around the beasts cocks. They started to plunge into her in a more brutal pace. Her entire body held in bondage by his coils, it was all she could to jerk her head back when the jaws came past her muzzle and lifted higher. Her mind flashed with fear he would eat her, but her body ran ahead with her. Her silken inner walls were pulled and stroked by the ribbing on his cocks. Her pucker strained impossibly wide as the pair worked at teasing the flesh between them and pulling upon them. She could feel each pulse, each twitch they made inside of her and only fueled her own pleasure in the carnal act.

She rode the venom's high until her eyes started to fog and her mind shut down that panicked voice inside of her. She tried to force her hips up higher, to feel more, to let more slam inside of her. Her own wetness gleamed against her inner thighs and marked the furless curve of her udder. It was the udder that spiked her final pleasure. The teats were being scraped against the scales, the milk heavy sack compressed against the body that held her locked in place. Milk started to be forced from her swollen almost hot feeling flesh until her teats were scrubbed over the scales again and the beast thrust deep into her.

The tip almost pierced her cervix entirely, just enough of the thickened tip wedged itself in that as he started to swell her muscles locked him in place. His tail curled oddly and it wasn't until she felt the pressure inside of her anal ring that she realized he was driving the second cock entirely inside of her. The force drove the breath from her and she bleated out a cry of pleasure. Her body gave a spasm as her walls clenched down so hard she could intimately feel each ridge being dug into her soft yielding flesh. Her humiliation and fear fled her under her the pulsing rush of her pleasure. Her walls pulsed and clutched, they suckled and massaged around the massive naga's cocks as they started to grow heavier inside of her.

The first shudder that rocked through the beast was felt around her. The barest moment to brace herself before the tips opened wider and hot thick gouts of cum rushed out of him. Her body was flooded under the serpentine seed as the gooey splatters hit inside of her. Not just her already slick sex, but beneath her tail and pushed ever deeper inside of her. It was pressured in strands that penetrated against her cervix and washed in deep. Each new spill was preceded by a twitch of both shafts that sent a jolt through her as they pulled and rubbed against each other. All she could do was tremble through it, her body alive with nerves raw and sensitive from her pleasure as the naga hissed at the air above her.


Huulon gave a final thrust of his tail and buried his cocks as far as they could go inside of the goat. Only one sank in until the scales at his base rubbed just beneath her tail. His released rushed through him until he gaped his jaws and hissed out. His inner testicles tightened and forced out hot spills of his sperm laced semen into her body and forced it deep into his trapped prey. Each new spill rolled out of him and into her body as she seemed to try and pull all that he had out of him and into her. Her own slickness oozed out around him while he lashed his tongue into the air and let his coils loosen slightly.

He held his pose while he continued to drool out his release inside of her, years of pent up frustration released into this small four legged frame. The milk ran down his scales and trickled towards the ground as he lowered his head slightly and watched the goat blink her yellow eyes at him in a daze. That sweet thick cream scented the air with memories of other days, better days. He pushed his tail and felt some of his thick seed being forced out of her body to run downwards and join the collecting slickness from his taking of her.

Only when her clenching walls had pulled out the last thick globs of cum from his body did he pull his tail backwards. A wet slick noise as he pulled his cocks out of her passages and the tips popped free lewdly and glistened in the light. He dropped his tail down and regarded the trapped creature with something akin to affection. Perhaps she was a gift from Mrawli after all, a reminder that he was still known and loved by the one he served. He coiled himself up in a circle around her body and kept her held in his grasp still. Her udder still full enough to promise him a more leisurely drink when he awoke and perhaps enjoy her all over again. To let her out of his sight would be to court predators finding his treasure after all.


Tenja felt the cocks pull from her, the suction of her own body made it hard so that when they slipped out she let out a muffled bleat. Thick strands of semen clung to her stretched passages and connected her to his cocks for a moment before the tail dropped away and they broke off to splatter her hind legs. As the beast curled around her and she felt her walls forcing some of the cum from her body she felt a wave of fear and then of utter humiliation. She had been raped and abused, she had been forced into situations, but this was the first she had felt true pleasure in any joining. The beast had mated her and some small part of her craved more.

That part of her wanted to bleat and nose him into taking her again. She wanted to feel his cocks plunging into her body and ravaging her until she was aching and satiated. She strangled that part with a force of will as the beast seemed to curl up to nap. Yet she still felt a surge of disappointment that he was finished. Somehow she knew that some part of her would crave him again, would perhaps always crave the pleasure the scaled body offered her. She swallowed roughly against the feelings and forced them away. She thanked whatever being there was that no one had seen her wantonly cumming around the twin shafts and pushing herself back to be impaled upon them.

As the sun beat down upon her and the scent of snake and goat mingled with sex she turned her head to look around. The snake would sleep and she would need to gather his venom. She couldn't change what happened, she could only hope to bury it. She could only hope that one day she would forget forever what his coils could do to her. The very thought of that she would have to gather venom made her tremble. What use would the mage have to turn anyone he wanted into some inflamed creature of passion and lust? She could only wait and hope the beast would fall asleep. And do her best to lie to herself that she wasn't also praying her would stay awake to take her again. What was happening to her? Was it the venom....or was she truly coming to enjoy beastial attentions? With these uneasy thoughts she watched the sun and it's slow passage across the sky.

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